Alzheimer's disease refers to the type of dementia (dementia) that often occurs in older people. However, the first stage of the disease occurs before 50 years. This disorder refers to degenerative diseases that are accompanied by the progression of symptoms over time.
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What is Alzheimer's disease in simple words
Omitting medical terms and etymology, we can say that Alzheimer's disease is a manifestation of senile dementia. The violation was identified by German specialist Alois Alzheimer. This pathological disorder that affects brain cells belongs to incurable pathologies.
Alzheimer begins to progress with the destruction of nerve cells that transmit impulses, which subsequently leads to a gradual loss of memory and capacity. A patient with this disease eventually loses the skills of self-care and adequate communication.
Is it inherited
In the course of many years of studies, a hereditary predisposition to Alzheimer's disease was identified. Thus, it can be reliably stated that the violation is not directly inherited, however, the risk of development is significantly higher in those people whose loved ones suffered from this disorder. Disorders in some chromosomes lead to disease progression.
And now it’s also known that often “by inheritance” is transmitted a late variety of the disease, which is characterized by the appearance of the first symptoms after 55 years and later. However, the possibility of an early form of the disease, which is due to genetic disorders, is not ruled out. Hereditary predisposition is not the main cause of pathology, but significantly increases the risk of its development.
People who are in the hereditary risk group, experts recommend that preventive measures be taken. These are actions that are directly related to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as well as intellectual activity - brain activity leads to the creation of a greater number of neural connections, as a result of which there is a redistribution of functions to other areas.
This kind of exercise significantly reduces the risk of developing senile dementia.
The causes of the disease
Until now, the pathogenesis of this disease remains a major unresolved issue in medical practice. Now the most acceptable cause of Alzheimer's disease is the formation of amyloid or senile plaques on the vascular walls.
It is this pathological process that leads to the destruction of neural connections and disorders of the conduction of nerve impulses.
The formation of such clusters is noted first in the parts of the brain that are responsible for memory and learning, but then apply to everyone else.
Other theories stand out:
- Acetylcholine deficiency.
- Damage caused by deposition of amyloid beta.
- The emergence of neurofibrillary tangles.
But also a rather significant place in the study of the mechanisms and causes of this disease is genetic determinism. Modifications in individual chromosomes may be the reason for the development of the disease.
Stages of Dementia
The disease, which is characterized by rapid death of brain cells, is divided into four clinical stages.
The initial stage, called pre-dementia, is detected extremely rarely, since the first manifestations are attributed to age-related changes. Patients at this stage of the disease, as a rule, do not pay attention to forgetfulness, distraction and isolation.
The next stage is characterized by a more pronounced severity of symptoms. At this stage, a diagnosis is often made. The symptoms are accompanied by an apathetic state, motor impairment and problems with performing simple actions. And also there are minor difficulties with speech.
Then comes the stage of moderate dementia, which is accompanied by dementia, disorders in spatial orientation, expressed problems with speech and difficulties with building logical connections.
In severe dementia, the last stage of the development of the disease, there is a complete loss of self-care, urinary incontinence. Patients are not able to move independently, consume food and fluid, often fall into an apathetic state. There is complete physical exhaustion, loss of body weight.
The lethal outcome at the final stage is caused by pathological complications: pneumonia, necrotic process and other diseases.
Symptoms and signs of the disease
For this violation, individual development is characteristic of each person. The problem with identifying the disease remains the same for everyone, since the first manifestations proceed unnoticed, and they are often mistaken for age-related changes.
In the early stages, patients tend to lose short-term memory, however, they will remember the events of many years ago. Over time, there is a loss of long-term memory, which is typical not only for older people, but also for patients suffering from this disease.
With the progression of the disease, it becomes increasingly difficult for a person to remember incoming information, to remember basic and familiar things (names of relatives, personal address) - patients practically lose their ability to self-service. Disturbances in coordination and distraction are alarming signs that will entail other disorders.
And also other expressed symptoms are common:
- Unreasonable anxiety.
- Depression and apathy.
- Loss of recognition of familiar faces.
- Violation of speech, orientation in space.
- Increased aggression and irritability.
- Problems with abstract thinking, auditory perception and motor skills.
As progression, most of the symptoms and signs of Alzheimer's disease becomes pronounced, they can no longer be attributed to natural age-related changes. Cognitive impairment develops to dyslexia and dysgraphia, when the patient loses writing and reading skills. Subsequently, it becomes extremely difficult for the patient to perform everyday tasks (dress, wash).
At the last stage, complete apathy, loss of speech skill, and physical exhaustion are noted. Any of these signs indicate pathological disorders in the brain that will only progress.
How is the diagnosis
Diagnosis of Alzheimer's type dementia occurs with some difficulties. The task of specialists is to collect an anamnesis and conduct a full examination. At the initial stage, only neuropsychological tests can reliably identify the cause.
Further examination is aimed at eliminating diseases similar in manifestations, and includes:
- examination of the thyroid gland;
- CT scan of the brain;
- cerebrospinal fluid examination;
- electrocardiogram;
- general blood analysis.
Now patients can be offered modern diagnostic methods - positron emission tomography. But this method has some contraindications.
Disease treatment
To date, there is no specific treatment for Alzheimer's disease, however, methods and methods have been developed that reduce the severity of manifestations and also slow the progression of the disorder.
Symptomatic treatment improves the quality of life of a patient with such a disorder. Often, medications are prescribed that are designed to improve blood circulation in the brain, reduce mental stress in the later stages.
To correct cognitive impairment, agents from the group of cholinesterase inhibitors are used. In the case when the disease is accompanied by apathy, antidepressants are prescribed.
Life expectancy with Alzheimer's
It was found that this violation significantly reduces life expectancy. The average is seven years after the disease has been identified.
And also a high mortality rate is observed due to falls, injuries and other accidents. But often a fatal outcome occurs due to the transition of the disease to an irreversible stage and cross-disorders (pneumonia, dehydration).
Is there prevention
Numerous studies have proven that the human brain is plastic, so it is possible to replace some of the affected areas with other brain cells. But for self-compensation it is necessary to create special conditions, namely to increase the number of neural connections through intellectual pursuits and various hobbies.
It has also been found that there is a relationship between Alzheimer's disease and IQ levels. With a sufficiently high rate of intelligence, the risk of neurodegenerative disorders is significantly reduced.
Some pathological disorders affecting the cardiovascular system lead to a more severe course of Alzheimer's disease, and also increase the risk of its occurrence.Therefore, preventive measures include maintaining a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits.
Physical and mental exercises remain an equally important component. Since the mechanisms of the onset of the disease are still not established for certain, in old age, more attention should be paid to your health and regular examinations should be carried out.