For beavers, for certain, the majority only knows that these are rather large rodents living in freshwater, gnawing trees and building huts. But people who are versed in folk medicine and hunter-hunters know: a beaver is a very valuable animal not only with fur, but also with a special substance with healing properties: a beaver stream. What diseases is the use of a beaver stream effective?

The healing properties of the beaver stream - castoreum

Evolution has little impact on beavers. This is evidenced by the fossilized remains of an animal that lived on earth more than 30 million years ago. Unless the size of modern beavers is more modest, not more than a meter, while the ancestors of the rodent reached about three meters. The population of animals by the beginning of the last century has greatly decreased. And not only because of the valuable fur - beautiful and durable. And it’s not at all because of the meat: it is suitable for food, but the taste cannot be called excellent, and the risk of salmonellosis when eating beaver is very high. The thing is that humanity has learned about castoreum - a special substance produced by the intracretory glands of beavers.

Castoreum, or colloquially, a beaver stream is made by paired glandular organs located in the preanal area of ​​the animal. Squeamish people mistakenly believe that this is a conversation about urine, but the stream is, rather, a hormone. The unique substance is used by animals to mark the territorial boundaries, while it is produced regardless of what gender the beaver belongs to - both females and males secrete it.There are legends about the benefits of the jet, claiming, for example, that even Tsar Ivan the Terrible saved musk from a serious wound, and Peter the Great was cured of a terrible hangover, and Alexander Pushkin was healed by a beaver stream for joint pain. The reliability of these facts is difficult to verify, but such rumors attach significance to the beaver drug.

At first, the beaver stream was valued so highly that one gram of musk was worth more than an adult cow. The animals were mercilessly exterminated by cutting out the glands.

Outwardly, the “trophy” resembles a pair of thin leather pouches, two parts of which are connected by a leathery flagellum. The bags contain musk - a brown, sandy substance with the smell of musk and tar. Together with the bag, the musk was dried and sold. Today, the castoreum business is no more humane, and the assurances of manufacturers that the animals are bred on farms where the stream is artificially extracted into special tanks is nothing more than a myth. It is impossible to get a stream, leaving the beaver alive.

Musk beaver is not recognized as an effective medicine by traditional medicine. Folk healers extol the castoreum almost like a panacea for all ailments. However, it is worthwhile to be aware that deadly diseases should be treated only under the guidance of a specialist, and the beaver stream here can be used no more as an adjuvant!

What is the use of a beaver jet?

Natural medicine is applicable for:

  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • radiation treatment;
  • oncology;
  • epilepsy;
  • hepatitis of any type;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • tuberculosis
  • weak immunity in order to strengthen it.

Proved and the benefits to the body of many working people. Regular consumption of musk allows you not to feel tired, get enough sleep, spending 3-5 hours a day sleeping, and maintain immunity at a high level.

Beaver stream: what diseases does it cure?

Often castoreum is used as a sedative. Dosage in this case is of great importance. In small doses, a calming effect is indeed noticeable. In large volumes - tonic. A beaver stream is used to treat a number of diseases, including those specific to women and men.

Application for women

Women's health is pretty fragile. It is especially vulnerable in the reproductive and post-reproductive periods. A number of diseases of the genitourinary system recede during treatment with beaver musk.

First of all, it is:

  • cystitis;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • inflammatory processes in the appendages and ovaries;
  • thrush;
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • oncological problems.

In oncology, it is recommended to use castoreum together with bear bile, preparing alcohol tinctures from them. It is better to take funds separately, but daily. According to unofficial data, such therapy is very effective in cancer of the first stage. Unfortunately, in the further stages of the progression of the disease, medical care is indispensable. But in this case, the adoption of castoreum is advisable: the drug inhibits the growth of metastases, not allowing cancer to develop, protecting healthy cells.

People's advice:almond

Benefits for men

Musk beaver is a natural aphrodisiac that enhances libido and sexual attractiveness for the opposite sex.

The fact that beaver musk is the best among natural analogues of Viagra is not known by many, but this is really so. In the right dosage, the remedy is quite capable of pushing men, desperate in their male power, to intimate exploits. In addition, the beaver stream allows you to maintain the health of the prostate gland and the genitourinary system, eliminates urological disorders: impotence, discomfort during urination, prostatitis, and so on.

Popular recipes using a beaver stream

If you had the opportunity to purchase a beaver stream from a person who hunts it with prey, it is certainly worth using the case. From the purchased raw materials, it is quite simple to prepare a medicine with your own hands. In addition, there is no doubt about the naturalness of the drug. Pharmaceutical products in capsules do not inspire confidence, since it is not known for certain what exactly is part of dietary supplements.


The most universal form of a beaver jet-medicine is tincture of a beaver stream. In this form, the tool is used both externally and internally. In this case, the dosage is also easy to observe. To prepare the tincture, beaver musk powder is poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 4. For infusion, use dark glassware with a tight lid. The ideal place is a dark and non-hot room. Readiness can be checked by color: tincture acquires a uniform amber hue. This usually takes no more than two weeks.

Candles for gynecological problems

It is most convenient to use a beaver stream to eliminate problems in the gynecological part in the form of candles. You can cook them yourself. Animal fat is ideal as a basis - badger, bear or just pork. A little fat is melted on low heat, castoreum powder is added at the rate of: for one candle - from the match head of the product.

Next, the fat needs to be frozen and cut into a candle shape. Anatomically more correct candles are obtained from the usual 1-2 gram medical disposable syringe. For this, the upper part of the syringe with the hole for the needle is cut off. Fill the syringe with fat. By installing the full syringes vertically, they are placed in the refrigerator. When the product hardens, it will take the form of a cylinder, which is very convenient when introduced into the vagina.

Instead of fat, it is permissible to use pharmacy vaginal suppositories with sea buckthorn. They melt easily and solidify just as easily.


How to cook a beaver stream in powder? Raw materials must be crushed using, for example, a blender.


By mixing a small amount of castoreum powder with petroleum jelly or animal fat, but, not freezing, the resulting product is used for joint pain, injuries, skin diseases.

Instructions for use and dosage

It is most convenient for medicinal purposes to use the alcohol infusion of castoreum. It is drunk before main meals up to three times during the day. The dosage of the drug is selected strictly individually, the calculation is made depending on the degree of complication of the current disease. On average, taking a teaspoon of undiluted infusion twice a day to treat ailments is enough. As a preventive medicine - take a tincture of one teaspoon, diluting it with water to 15 degrees, once a day.

External use is used for pain in the joints, sprains, swelling, cuts, long unhealed, non-suppurating wounds. To do this, compresses are made: a gauze napkin is moistened with tincture, applied to a sore spot and fixed with a bandage. It is convenient to carry out the procedure at night.

Suppositories with a beaver stream are used vaginally in inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. Perhaps rectal use for hemorrhoids. Dosage - one candle per day at night. The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days.

Beaver musk powder is used for up to 2 months 1-2 times a day in a volume not exceeding the size of the sulfuric head of a match, washed down with a large amount of liquid, it is better to drink coffee, as the drink well interrupts the unpleasant aftertaste of the medicine.


For all its usefulness, the beaver stream is not indicated for use by everyone.

You can not take the tool:

  • internally - for children under 16 years old (externally - up to 7 years);
  • pregnant women and while breastfeeding;
  • persons with adrenal gland disease;
  • with hormonal disorders;
  • during the course of sexually transmitted diseases.

You should not risk using a remedy of dubious origin. You can get a real beaver stream from hunter-hunters, and, as a rule, its cost cannot be low.

Be sure to consult with a specialist before starting a beaver jet! Self-medication can be dangerous to your health and can cause irreparable harm!