Insects are our uninvited neighbors, and their appearance in the house cannot be called a pleasant event. Especially when it comes to fleas. How to get rid of fleas in an apartment, and where do they even come from?

Where do fleas come from in an apartment?

Flea flea is different, because there are several known species that can be found in apartments. Ways of penetration of parasites into houses are numerous and largely depend on what kind of bloodsuckers settled in the dwelling. There are representatives of the flea family that live on animals. Accordingly, the source of the spread of insects are pets. These bloodsuckers are adapted to life at a certain temperature of the host body, feed on one type of blood. But when conditions unfavorable for habitation come, and the necessary animal is not nearby, bloodsuckers begin to be content with other warm-blooded animals, including people.

The most common types of ectoparasites encountered by pet owners are:

  • feline fleas (Ctenocephalides felis);
  • dog fleas (Ctenocephalides canis);
  • rat fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis).

Even those animals that are especially cared for, fleas can appear. Is a pet on the street only on a leash? Parasites jump into the wool from the grass, are easily transmitted from other animals that your pet encountered only in passing. Yes, and we ourselves are able to introduce parasites into the house on shoes and clothes. Cat fleas are quite capable of living on dogs and vice versa.The most dangerous of these species are rat fleas. They are the carriers of deadly diseases, including plague.

Parasites are not constantly in the warm coat of the animal, preferring to lay eggs in the litter, crevices of the floor and walls, under furniture upholstery, and so on. Feeling hunger, the flea jumps on the first warm-blooded creature that has come across, and very often a person becomes it. The parasite cannot live permanently on the human body - there is nowhere to hide, and blood is not suitable for reproducing offspring. However, once having drunk, a flea can infect a person with a serious illness, and an allergy to a bite here is the safest ailment.

In addition to animal fleas, other species are also found in houses: earthen and human fleas. The influx of the first is observed in the offseason, when it is damp. From the basements, insects rise into apartments, very annoying the inhabitants of the first floors. They can live in furniture, carpets, clothes, in bed. Their bites are extremely unpleasant. That is why it is necessary to get rid of parasites immediately after detection.

How to withdraw

Depending on where the bloodsuckers are localized, they also select a way to deal with them. So, how do you remove parasites?

Read also:where are the fleas in the house from and how to get rid

Flea from animals

If the insects attacked the pet, you should choose a good and reliable remedy for fleas.

There are a lot of them, they are diverse in the form of release:

  • Sprays
  • drops at the withers:
  • shampoos;
  • collars.

Depending on the age of the “shaggy patient”, a remedy is also chosen.

Anti-ectoparasitic drops are very economical and easy to use. Not only adult bloodsuckers die, but also their larvae. The active substance of the drugs is most often permethrin or phenotrin, which has a neuroparalytic effect on fleas. Drops are carefully applied to the pet with a pipette on the withers. The number of drops is calculated based on the weight of the animal.

Read also: how to get rid of fleas in the house

The most recommended ones on the market are drops:

  • Hartz;
  • Stronghold;
  • Leopard.

You should carefully study the instructions! Many drops are not suitable for small puppies and kittens!

Sprays for cats and dogs are designed mainly for adult animals. The product is simply sprayed onto the pet’s hair; rinsing is not required. Handle the head with care: spray can not be sprayed into the eyes, nose and mouth of the animal. The most trusted customers are manufacturers such as: Beaphar, Hartz, Front Line.

Shampoos allow you to solve two problems at once: treat the pet from fleas and wash the hair at the same time. You can buy shampoos both domestic and foreign production. They are effective for the prevention of ectoparasites. For the purpose of prevention, use anti-flea collars.

When the animal is cured of fleas, it is necessary to disinfect the room where it lives, the litter, the cage, and also treat the remaining pets. The litter should always be kept clean, you can use flea-repelling plants - pine needles or tansy branches, wormwood.

Earth fleas

Aerosols and sprays, folk methods, as well as professional disinsection can be used against earth fleas. However, the problem will not be completely resolved until the insects are destroyed in the breeding centers (basements, entrances). Earth fleas in the apartment again and again will appear, if you leave them the opportunity to quietly multiply.

Bed or linen parasites

You can get rid of fleas that have chosen bedding and clothes if you strictly follow the algorithm:

  • treat the mattress, disinfect the bed frame and the linen closet (chest of drawers, cabinets);
  • wash textiles and clothing at a high temperature with the use of good products (whiteness is suitable for white items, Sarma-type powders for the rest of the laundry);
  • After drying, things should be ironed carefully, paying particular attention to the seams.

For processing furniture, mattresses, sprays like Dichlorvos, Kombat or Raptor are suitable.

Methods of struggle

Whatever flea remedy you choose in the apartment, you must follow the instructions for use very clearly, since insecticides are much more dangerous to the health of people and pets than the parasites themselves!

Professional pest control

Professional disinfestation should be resorted to if there are a lot of fleas or if the treatment area is large. Professionals need to be entrusted with the processing of basements and attics, storage and industrial premises. In living rooms, this method is also relevant, as it allows you to quickly and permanently get rid of bloodsuckers.

Such processing is carried out by pest control companies and Sanitary and epidemiological stations. Specialists go to the site, evaluate the scope of work, conclude an agreement with the client. Premises are exempt from people and animals. Processing itself takes a few minutes. After a certain period of time, the room is ventilated - and it is ready for the return of the inhabitants.

If necessary, removal of furniture, dismantling of wall and floor coverings may be required. Sometimes these services are offered by the service employees themselves.

It is interesting:earthen fleas

Flea Aerosols

Using aerosols from ectoparasites is not difficult. Processing can be done on their own.

In this case:

  • free the room from people and animals;
  • clean food;
  • provide yourself with personal protective equipment: respirator, gloves;
  • carry out spraying, following the instructions in the instructions for the drugs.

What aerosols can I use? First of all, this is the usual Dichlorvos, Flea Raptor, Combat and others.

Aerosols for pest control are not suitable for flea persecution in animals! Such experimentation can cost a pet a life!

Solutions against parasites

Concentrated emulsions have a high effect in the fight against bloodsucking parasites. It is enough to dissolve the contents of one ampoule in the right amount of water and use the resulting solution to disinfect the premises, treat animals.

Among these drugs, the most sought after by customers:

  • Butox;
  • Delcid;
  • Cucaracha;
  • Neostamozan;
  • Tsifoks.

It is worth noting that the preparations are toxic to fish, so when processing the premises, the aquarium (if any) must be removed from the room.

Folk remedies for the removal of fleas

Available folk remedies help fight the influx of fleas.


Sprigs of plants can be scattered in the basement or underground (if available), as well as in the corners of the room, under furniture and carpets. With a strong wormwood broth, it is worth washing the floors from time to time - this is a good prophylactic for ectoparasites. Tansy has similar properties.

Tar soap.

By wet cleaning using this detergent, you can get rid of fleas. There is another option for the use of soap: rubbing it on a grater, lay out on cloth bags in places of mass accumulation of parasites.


A strong aqueous solution of a disinfectant treats floors, furniture, and litter of pets. Domestos is an alternative to ordinary White.


Well suited as an insect repellent. By adding the product to the water for washing floors, you can protect yourself from fleas from the basement for several days.

Essential oils.

Aromatherapy with oils of eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, cloves do not like fleas. By adding oil to the water for wet cleaning, you can quickly drive the fleas out of the house.

Alternative methods of combating blood-sucking insects are suitable for those apartments where there are small children - when used correctly, they are many times safer than chemicals.

Preparing a room for disinfection

Before you start processing a room from fleas, you should remove pets from it and prevent the presence of children.If the treatment is done with chemicals, you need to worry in advance about personal protective equipment - a respirator and gloves.

Furniture must be moved away from the walls, if necessary - removed. Remove carpets from walls and floors. They are processed with special care, you can use the services of dry cleaning.

It is important to protect food from possible exposure to chemicals: pack it and put it in the refrigerator or remove it from the room.

Before disinsection, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning, since for a certain time after disinsection in the house it will be impossible to wash floors and furniture.

Recommendations after processing is completed

The problem of how to get fleas is especially relevant for pet owners.

After disinfestation is performed, it is important to follow the preventive rules against the re-emergence of insects:

  • periodically treat pet parasites;
  • limit free range animals;
  • monitor cleanliness in the house, paying special attention to animal litter, door mats, floors;
  • air the rooms daily;
  • cracks in the floor, window frames should be hermetically sealed to eliminate the risk of fleas from the basements and from the street.

Despite the fact that the flea has gained fame, thanks to the famous story of Nikolai Leskov, and even a monument to the parasite has been erected in the city of Tula, few people seem to be attractive together with tiny vampires. Getting rid of fleas is not as difficult as it might seem. It is much more difficult to prevent a repeated invasion of insects, but this can also be dealt with by observing basic hygiene rules.