Insects, parasites and other bloodsuckers have always coexisted next to humans. Despite the fact that in the modern world there are many chemicals for pest control, the question “Why do fleas appear in the house, where and how to get rid of them?” Remains relevant.
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Causes of fleas in the house
Flea is a blood-sucking insect and belongs to the order of arthropods. The length of her body is only 1-5 mm, but there are some rare species that reach 1 cm. Fleas do not have wings, but there are strong and long limbs, thanks to which they move. Some individuals can make long jumps to a considerable height.
If the environment is conducive, then the flea lives on average from several months to 2-3 years, and can go without food for a long time. The color of the insect varies from yellow to black, depending on its type and habitat.
For most people, the appearance of fleas in a home is associated with dirt, lack of cleaning or pets. But it happens that there is no pet, the house is clean, but parasites are still present and it is not possible to get rid of them for a long time.
The main reasons for the appearance of fleas in apartments:
- insect migration from neighbors;
- from public corridors and porches;
- from pets;
- dust (for example, after repair);
- living in lower floors or basements;
- unsanitary conditions and lack of hygiene;
- from clothes and shoes of people;
- from rodents (rat fleas).
How to get fleas
Not only is living next to fleas unpleasant, it can also be dangerous. Arthropods feed on the blood of people and animals, and their bite causes pain, irritation, itching and redness of the skin. In addition, they can be carriers of infectious diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, typhoid, plague, malaria and other infections.
There are many varieties of these parasites, but in living rooms you can often find earthen, grass and fleas from animal hair.
Penetrating into the home, they settle in their favorite places:
- in carpets, bedspreads, linen drawers, upholstered furniture;
- in the bed;
- in places of rest for pets;
- under skirting boards, window sills and wallpaper;
- in other secluded places, grooves and crevices.
Fleas multiply rapidly, therefore, upon detection of their presence in the house, one must immediately take measures to eliminate them. Different types of this vile are derived by different methods.
Read also:how to get rid of earthen fleas
Cat and dog fleas
If a pet suddenly began to itch and behave uneasily, then, most likely fleas wound up in his coat. They can be easily detected by examining the areas behind the ears and belly of the animal. It is there that they most often lay their larvae, and if, for example, a dog is lowered into the water, fleas will actively jump on the head of the pet.
Fleas living on cats and dogs are very similar to each other and slightly differ in their internal structure. They prefer to live in animal hair, but often bite people. The bites of dog and cat fleas are most dangerous, as they could get on the hair from rodents or other infected animals. If you do not deal with the elimination of fleas in a pet, then the parasites can multiply so much that make life unbearable.
It is interesting: how to get rid of fleas in the house
There are several ways to get rid of insects in cats and dogs:
- special detergents and shampoos for animals;
- drops on the coat;
- collars (usually as a preventative measure);
- sprays and aerosols.
The greatest effect can be observed from sprays and aerosols. When using them, it is necessary to take into account the fact that animals often lick wool, and the products contain toxic substances that can cause poisoning. Therefore, before choosing a method for eliminating fleas from animal hair, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.
Bed and linen fleas
Most often, fleas do not constantly live in underwear. They are forced to move around in search of food, but they can lay eggs in their linen. It’s unpleasant when fleas start up in bed. It is in this place that they are most comfortable, because in a dream a person often does not feel bites and bloodsuckers can safely eat and breed.
If, after sleep, red itchy bites appeared on the body, mainly on the legs, and small black spots or dots on the bedding, then this indicates the appearance of fleas.
Then immediately you need to take the following measures:
- wash linen drawers and cabinets with laundry soap or vinegar;
- vacuum upholstered furniture;
- wash all the laundry in hot water;
- thoroughly iron things;
- take out blankets, pillows, mattresses for a while in the cold or warm them well in the sun.
Herbal and earthen fleas
Earthen fleas can enter predominantly during the warm season through windows and doors. This usually happens in private homes or in ground floor apartments. Warm air temperature, lack of ventilation and light, high humidity and dampness, dirt and dust contribute to their rapid reproduction. Herbal fleas are most often brought to the home by pets on their wool. In this case, it is necessary to simultaneously process the pet in order to exclude the further spread of parasites.
Herbal and earthen fleas bite painfully and bother people and animals. But they are easier to remove than insects of other species.It is enough to eliminate the factors that contribute to their reproduction and disinfect.
How to get rid of parasites
When parasites appear in the house, you can get rid of them on your own, or you can resort to the help of specialists. Sometimes it happens that independent actions do not lead to the desired result.
Professional pest control
Calling a special service is costly, but the result of disinfestation will remain for a long time. Previously, a specialist will conduct a site inspection to assess the situation. After deciding on the processing method, the time is set for which the room needs to be prepared.
Professional pest control is carried out by three methods:
- hot fog;
- cold fog;
- small drop spraying.
The operating principle of cold and hot fog treatment is identical. The surfaces are irrigated with a working solution by means of a generator. When sprayed, small particles of liquid fly apart like fog, and the death of insects and their larvae occurs almost instantly.
The difference between the cold and hot processing method is the temperature of the composition. Hot mist irrigation is considered the most effective, but its use can adversely affect furniture, wallpaper and interior items.
The small-drop processing method is the most budgetary. Disinfecting liquid is sprayed using a mechanical or electric sprayer.
Flea Aerosols
You can independently get rid of fleas in the apartment with the help of purchased aerosols. Using the container is quite simple, but the product is toxic and must be sprayed carefully. If you follow all the instructions, then in a short time you can quickly and safely get rid of parasites that climbed into the house.
The sequence of actions for getting rid of fleas using an aerosol is as follows:
- close windows and doors;
- move the furniture away from the walls and open access to corners and baseboards;
- spray the product on the floor, walls, furniture, corners and all habitats of the parasites;
- leave for a few hours;
- ventilate the room and clean.
If it is possible to be in any other place, then it is advisable not to wash the floor for 2-3 days, so that all the larvae die and fleas do not reappear.
The most famous household sprayers are "Dichlorvos", "Raptor", "Raid". These tools are affordable and easy to use, but when working with them, do not forget about personal protective equipment. It is advisable to wear gloves and glasses, and protect the respiratory system with a mask or gauze bandage.
Solutions against parasites
In hardware stores, in addition to aerosols, special parasite products can be purchased. They are diluted with water and designed for mopping and spraying surfaces.
New generation chemicals are safe for humans and animals and are virtually odorless. Permethrin, pyrethrum, fipronil, which are part of well-known flea solutions such as Tsifoks, Tetriks, Get, Zona, and the Executioner, are most effective in combating vagal infections. The drug "Cucaracha" is popular, but it has a strong odor, you need to handle it carefully, observing all safety measures.
Folk remedies for removing fleas
With the help of folk remedies, you can completely get rid of pests. Of course, in the presence of a large number of parasites, it will be difficult to completely eliminate fleas. Folk remedies are preferably used in the fight against bloodsuckers not separately, but in combination with chemicals or as a prophylaxis. But with prolonged and regular use, even the struggle with folk remedies can bring fleas out of the house.
Most popular remedies:
- Mix 200 g of salt and soda, process carpets, furniture, fleecy surfaces, then vacuum up.
- Spread citrus peels in the corners of rooms, cabinets, spread on the table, window sills and furniture.
- A great remedy for fleas in the house is a mixture of garlic and yeast. Grind the ingredients and sprinkle them on the surface, leave for a day, and then vacuum.
- Pour fresh spruce needles onto fleecy surfaces, leave for a while and remove.
- You can use bunches of calamus, peppermint, wormwood. Arrange the plants around the house, not forgetting about cabinets, drawers and carpets.
- You can prepare a safe composition of eucalyptus, wormwood and tansy in equal parts. Brew plants with boiled water and let it brew for several hours. Treat the surface with the resulting liquid, and for convenience, you can pour the composition into the spray bottle and irrigate the flea accumulation sites.
- Essential oils of lavender, mint and eucalyptus are also very effective in combating parasites. They can fumigate the room or drip on the surface to spread the smell.
Important! All these methods will be useless if you do not conduct regular cleaning and do not maintain cleanliness in the home.
Preparing a room for disinfection
To preserve furniture and not damage interior items during disinfection, you need to prepare for the procedure.
It is advisable to follow these recommendations:
- vacuum the carpets well;
- carry out wet cleaning;
- to clean sofas, armchairs and other upholstered furniture with detergent;
- to wash and clean bed linen;
- hide food in the refrigerator or in tightly closed cabinets;
- cover the film with flowers and home appliances;
- temporarily remove pets and birds from the premises;
- boil or discard all pet supplies.
After cleaning, it is better to throw away the dust bag from the vacuum cleaner, as larvae and flea eggs can remain in it.
Removing fleas in the basement
In the basement and basement rooms of private houses, you can try to get rid of fleas on your own using the same methods as in living rooms. For the destruction of arthropods in the basements of apartment buildings, it is better to resort to the help of specialists.
For this purpose, professional services often use dusting powders that are sprayed with special equipment. This is guaranteed to save bloodsuckers for a long time.
Recommendations after processing is completed
After processing, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment within 1-2 hours. Soap the door handles, countertops, window sills, tables. Within 10 days after professional disinfestation, it is not advisable to wash floors and walls.
If flea bites could not be avoided, then you should wipe the site of redness with a solution of soda in water to relieve irritation. You can grease the bite with greens or a special cream.