Gemini and Virgo, the compatibility of which is the subject of doubt among many astrologers, enter into relationships infrequently. Nevertheless, among such unions there are quite successful couples. The compatibility and features of the interaction of these signs are described in detail in our article.

Characteristics of the zodiac signs

Having studied the character characteristics of Gemini and Virgo, you can see that, despite serious differences in temperament, they have some common features that make their union possible.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Gemini belongs to the element of Air. People born under this sign are characterized by incredible responsiveness and the desire to take care of their neighbor. They like to learn something new and have many hobbies. Absorbing interesting information, Gemini willingly share their knowledge with others. They are excellent interlocutors and can attract almost any person.

Many representatives of this sign are quite carefree. They often change their views on the same situation. Gemini is a storehouse of valuable advice. By analyzing certain cases and actions, they perfectly help loved ones solve life difficulties.

Sometimes, completely forgetting the sense of tact, Gemini enthusiastically and intrusively invade the personal affairs of others, which can provoke a conflict with them. But a quarrel with representatives of this zodiac sign does not last, as a rule, for long. The twins give up quickly and go to the world.

People born under the sign of Gemini have a double attitude to finance.By nature, they are thrifty and economical, as a rule, earn good money and often deny themselves anything. But, following the fashion, Gemini can "break" and buy a lot of completely unnecessary items. Therefore, it is absolutely normal that they can become rich and impoverished more than once in their lives.

Gemini fall in love quite often, but really get attached mainly to those people who are light and unstable, like themselves.

Representatives of this sign love to organize various events, whether it be a working meeting or a fun holiday with friends. They actively participate in public life and follow fashion. Gemini makes good leaders, sales and advertising workers.

Virgo (08/23 - 09/23)

Virgo belong to the elements of the Earth. These are comprehensively developed, pragmatic and wise people. By nature, Virgo are neat and pedantic. The perfect order reigns in their home, each thing is assigned its place.

People born under this sign are anxious about their health and when the slightest malfunction occurs with him, they do not postpone a visit to the hospital. They are quite prudent, so in their house you can find medicines for all diseases, as well as certain items that are rarely used, but sometimes they may just be necessary.

Virgos can earn and save money. They do not waste them in vain and even with a modest life they manage to accumulate a pretty decent amount.

Representatives of this sign are important stability and confidence in the future. Being invincible conservatives, they are hard-pressed to undergo drastic changes in their lives. However, even a minor unforeseen event that violates their usual daily routine can upset them.

People born under this sign, as a rule, do not allow feelings to drown out the voice of reason, in love relationships they may differ in a certain coolness. In principle, they rarely fall in love, and they try to choose influential and wealthy people with their spouses.

The virgins are great friends. They value the faithful and devoted people, because they themselves are such. At the call of a friend who is upset at something, representatives of this sign will rush to him, help, console, encourage.

Most Virgos are distinguished by high intellectual and creative abilities. Representatives of this sign love to learn something new and often have many hobbies. From Virgins, mathematicians, musicians, writers, and financial workers are often obtained.

Gemini male and Virgo female: compatibility

Coquettish by nature, the Virgo woman, even with a modest appearance, is able to charm almost any man. Amorous Gemini will not be an exception. This union in some cases can be quite successful.

In a love relationship

The compatibility of the zodiac signs in love is above average. Perhaps this relationship can not be called passionate, but the girl and guy will be quite interesting together. They have a lot of topics for conversation, and given that Virgo and Gemini can have many common hobbies, they can easily come up with an interesting plan for hanging out. They also have something to learn from each other: Gemini will help Virgo easier to relate to life, and the girl will teach her frivolous chosen one of judgment.


Virgo woman and Gemini man can create a fairly strong marriage. Gemini, growing up, become more pragmatic, therefore, together with their spouse, they can calmly and without unnecessary emotions discuss certain issues relating to their life together. The reason for scandals in the family is mostly one. Remembering how the Virgo woman loves stability, the Gemini man will nevertheless constantly upset the spouse with his extravagant ideas, because he craves fresh impressions and hates routine. Representatives of these characters can adequately raise joint offspring by growing smart, adapted to the life of people.

In friendship

In friendship, the Gemini man and the Virgo woman, despite the difference in temperaments, are ideally suited to each other. They have many common interests and hobbies, they enjoy and have fun together. In addition, each of them at the first call is ready to rush to help a loved one. Gemini gives Virgo unforgettable emotions, which she sometimes lacks, and Virgo helps Gemini to understand their life and find a way out when it seems that it is not there.

How compatible are Gemini women and Virgo men

Free and sensual Gemini women rarely connect life with the pragmatic and stable Virgo men. Nevertheless, depending on the type of relationship and the desire of both parties to work on themselves, their union can become quite successful. Their compatibility in friendship, marriage, and love relationships is discussed below.

In a love relationship

Relations of this couple will develop rather slowly. It is possible that they will come to love through friendship. In general, Gemini and Virgo will be pleased with each other. Representatives of these signs have many common interests, both of them are smart and erudite, so they won’t be bored together. Perhaps the woman will not get passion, because Virgo rarely demonstrate their true feelings. Windy Gemini will compensate for this by communication with other men, causing jealousy in the chosen one.


The marriage of a Gemini woman and a Virgo man will become quite happy if it is built on love. Of the girls born under the sign of Gemini, good housewives are rarely obtained, so the spouse will need to turn a blind eye to her carelessness. However, the Virgo man, who will certainly become a great husband, can take on most of the household duties. He is reliable, does not scandal over trifles, and even if the wife instructed him something, the spouse will do everything in good faith. Seeing the virtues of the Virgo man, the Gemini woman can eventually improve and become a good wife, who will be happy to take care of her spouse.

In friendship

The friendship of a Virgo man and a Gemini woman can be called ideal. Everything is here: interesting conversations, long walks, pleasant pastime, mutual assistance, support and understanding. They can be friends for a long time, and then, having realized how good they are together, start dating.

Positive and negative sides of the union

The positive aspects of the union of Gemini and Virgo include the following:

  • Gemini emotionally “invigorates” Virgo, giving her new sensations and feelings;
  • representatives of these zodiac signs are witty intellectuals who literally understand each other perfectly;
  • despite a certain coldness in the relationship, Virgo and Gemini constantly admire the virtues of each other;
  • a sensible and practical Virgo helps frivolous and disorderly Gemini to organize life and teaches them to think before making a decision;
  • Virgo and Gemini in a marriage gradually begin to perceive each other as they are, not trying to re-educate the chosen one.

Also, these relationships have their drawbacks:

  • The twins quite often irritate Virgo, violating the stability that the latter could achieve for quite some time;
  • the representatives of these signs are rather harsh in their statements, therefore, a harmless verbal skirmish can develop into a grandiose scandal with mutual insults and recalling of all sins;
  • the difference in temperaments in the absence of high feelings will not make such a relationship long and happy;
  • in a love relationship, Virgo are quite critical and picky about a partner, which can annoy the light, windy and not always decisive Gemini.

Despite all the difficulties described in this compatibility horoscope, in the presence of mutual tender feelings, Gemini and Virgo can get a very successful union. Having worked a little on their character, representatives of these signs can easily achieve harmony in relationships.