It will be useful for any girl to know favorable days for a haircut in each month. Then she can always leave the hairdresser with a smile and get real pleasure from the procedure. On favorable days for haircuts, you can become the owner of the perfect hairstyle without much effort.

Favorable days for cutting hair every month

A special calendar will tell the girl: “Today is a good day for a haircut - go to the nearest hairdresser to restore beauty!” You should definitely listen to his advice in order to have a stylish, beautiful, bright and attractive hairstyle.


In January, the first favorable day for “cleaning the feathers” is the 5th. Prior to this, it is better to categorically refuse from haircuts and stains. It is believed that hairdressing procedures on this permitted day will enhance business success.

Then for three whole days you can do your hair - January 7, 8 and 9. During this period, it is recommended to make short stylish haircuts and dye in bright / red shades.

On January 14 and 15 it is better to limit yourself to cutting the ends. But such a procedure will bring a woman better health and overall well-being.

On January 20 and 21, any haircuts are not only allowed, but also recommended for the fair sex, who want to improve their financial well-being. But it is better to refuse to dye curls, so as not to encounter conflicts in the work team.

January 23, you can do any procedure with hair. January 26 and 28 is better to limit only to a haircut. And January 29 is allowed and painted.If you choose a gold or copper shade, it will bring a fair profit to the fair sex.


Going to the hairdresser in February is recommended no earlier than the 3rd. On this day, cutting the length of the strands will prolong life, and dyeing with any dye that does not differ much from the natural color of the woman’s hair will bring success in work.

An excellent period for a haircut is from February 5 to 8. All these days are good for any experimentation with your hair.

January 12 and 13 do not change the color of your own hair. But you can safely get a haircut. A new hairstyle will make the girl the center of attention at home and in the workplace.

On February 19, 20 and 22, any haircuts will help get rid of the negative. And changing the length of the hair on the 25th will strengthen the girl’s intuition and make her mind sharper.

February 27 and 28 are very favorable days for cutting hair. Such a procedure will “attract” happiness to a person.


Already on March 1, you can safely go for a haircut. Moreover, then the ban on visiting the hairdresser will last until the period from March 9 to 11.

March 14 and 15 it is recommended to radically change the hairstyle. Such changes will bring a person profit and health.

On March 21, 22 and 24, it is best to cut your hair exclusively on your own, for example, shorten your bangs or the total length of hair. You can ask for help in this close friend or relative. Independent guidance of beauty at home on these days will allow a woman to achieve spiritual harmony.

March 27 is a universal day. Any beauty procedures are allowed in it. But on March 29 and 30 it is better only to cut your hair and change the color of your curls exclusively with natural dyes.


Until April 9, you should not decide on any experiments with your hair. And on this day you can "come off" in full, for example, dare to make a bang, about which the girl has long thought or even dramatically shorten the length. Any experiments will be successful and will please the young lady herself.

In general, in April there are few favorable days for a haircut. The next will be only 13, 16 and 17 numbers. You need to try to get to the hairdresser these days. Then a chic hairstyle for the girl is provided.


In a warm sunny May, girls usually begin to sign up for a hairdresser especially actively in order to prepare well for the summer and look their best. In the race for the chair of the best master, they often forget to take into account favorable days for haircuts. The first such in May will be the 4th day. It is believed that cutting hair on this day will significantly extend a person’s life.

Further - to visit the hairdresser is May 6 and 7, May 12 and 13, May 19 and 20, as well as on the 22nd, 25.27 and 28th. In the last spring month, it is recommended to dye your hair exclusively in dark, natural tones and shades. But you can choose any haircuts.


The 2nd of the day is worth not only cutting your hair, but also attending various procedures for hair care. A haircut with hot scissors or all kinds of smoothing curls will have a good effect on the state of hair.

The next favorable June day for going to the hairdresser is the 5th. You can boldly get a haircut and dye. Any such procedures will bring a woman beauty, good luck, prosperity.

June 6 is a neutral day to care for curls. On the one hand, a haircut will contribute to beneficial acquisitions, and on the other, it can lead to a quick gain in excess weight. Therefore, losing weight girls should postpone a visit to the hairdresser until June 11 or 12.

The 17th and 18th are good days for lightening hair. You can safely do any haircuts in them.

The following June favorable days for haircuts are the 20th, 23rd, 25th and 26th. After them, the image change will have to be postponed until July. For example, a haircut on June 27 can cause poor health, and on the 28th, mental discomfort.


July is always a favorable month for changes in appearance. It’s worth starting with a hairstyle.Have you long wanted to get rid of boring length? It's time to do it right on the first day of the hot summer month. Then you can safely experiment from July 3 to 5. These days, all changes will be successful. The main thing is to go to a good master.

On July 10 and 11, after the haircut, the fair sex will receive many compliments from others. But agree to stain these days is not worth it.

It is believed that it is on the 17th and 18th of July in the cutting of the ends that will attract wealth to the visitor. And 20 - will help improve the state of health that worsened the day before.

On July 25 and 26, a haircut will not bring a woman anything bad, but you should not expect positive changes after a hairdressing chair. The last favorable July day for changes in appearance is July 31.


The last summer month is by no means worth starting with a haircut. The result will definitely not please the woman. But on August 2 and 3, you can already start experimenting with your hair. If staining is planned these days, it is worth choosing exclusively natural shades.

The next favorable period for visiting the hairdresser is from August 9 to 11. These days, it is worth putting your hair in order to everyone who is experiencing spiritual discomfort. A new haircut and a charming reflection in the mirror will allow you to acquire the desired inner harmony.

Then you have to take a break with beauty guidance until August 15 and 16. These days, you should not decide on radical changes and significantly shorten your hair. It’s better to just slightly update the hairstyle, adding fresh notes to it, for example, cutting long curls with a “ladder” or changing the shape of the bangs.
At the end of the month, a hair cut is decided on August 21, 23, 24, 29 and 31. Interestingly, a change in hairstyle in the last two days will lead to an improvement in the financial situation.


The psychological state of a woman in September largely depends on the established weather. If the month is sunny and warm, then you still do not need to take measures to prevent depression and a bad mood. But it happens that from the first autumn day rains and cold begin. Then it is worth going to the hairdresser on September 1 and treat yourself to a stylish, beautiful haircut.

Hair experiments will also be successful on September 7 and 8, 13 and 14, September 19 and 21. If in the last two days one of these has decided to dye and choose a golden hue for your curls, then in the near future you can expect a profit.

On September 22 and 27, a haircut will attract happiness and various favorable changes to a person. They can relate to a variety of spheres of life.

The last September days, which should be decided on hairdressing procedures - September 29 and 30. But during this period, it is better to avoid staining and any healing procedures for your hair. Otherwise, their result can be very disappointing.


In October, there were very few favorable days for cutting. The first of them is only the 6th and 7th number. Previously, you should abandon any hairdressing procedures. And especially - from radical changes in the hairstyle.

October 13, 14 or 16 should not change the color of their curls, but you can safely cut them. Such procedures will facilitate successful acquisitions and improve financial standing.

A haircut on October 19 will strengthen female intuition, and will make it easier and faster to find a way out of the difficult situation that developed on the eve. October 21 and 22, you can safely carry out any manipulations with the hair. If you don’t go to the hairdresser these days, then you will have to wait until November.


At the very beginning, it is strongly recommended not to cut your hair, even just trim the tips. Any manipulations with your own curls can lead to depression or even conflicts with others. The best solution would be to just wait a while and admire your long, fluffy hair.

Already November 5th is an auspicious day for a haircut. You can safely dye.A cardinal change in hair color on this day will bring profit.

On the 6th, 11th and 12th numbers, the strands should not be painted. But it’s worth making a bang or a completely new hairstyle for yourself. These are good days for any experiment with your hair.

Haircut November 14 will improve your health and gain longevity. After visiting the hairdresser on November 17, 19 and 20, the girl will leave from there happy and inspired. The result of the master’s labors will definitely pleasantly impress her and charge her with positive.

Having decided on changes in her hairstyle on November 25, 27 and 28, a woman will become the object of attention of everyone around. She will attract admiring glances and receive dozens of compliments.


The first winter month is well suited for changes in appearance. Moreover, the most beloved holiday is approaching - the New Year, in which every girl wants to shine.

You can start preparing for the celebration from the 4th and the 5th. A radical change in the shade of curls is recommended in these numbers. You can also just try a completely new haircut.

On December 11 and 12, shortening the hair length (even by half a centimeter) will contribute to the healing of the body. On the 14th, a haircut will help get rid of negative thoughts.

You can safely sit in the chair of your master also on December 17, 19 and 20. These days, after a hairdresser, a woman will look simply amazing. The last favorable days for a haircut in the winter month under discussion are from December 25 to 29.

What day of the week is it better to cut hair

Favorable days of the week for hair cutting are also known:

  • on Monday, hairdressing procedures can save you from negative emotions and feelings in life;
  • on Tuesday they help to cope with overfatigue, to overcome longing, despondency;
  • on Wednesday, changes in hairstyle promise new pleasant interesting acquaintances;
  • after similar changes on Thursday, the curls begin to grow especially actively under any conditions;
  • Friday's cardinal changes in the hairstyle allow you to generally turn your life for the better.

At the same time, it is better to spend the weekend on vacation, and not on a haircut, for example, spend time with family, friends, soulmate.

The best time for a haircut on the lunar calendar

For hundreds of years, hairdressers have turned to the lunar calendar for help. Of course, the master will not refuse service to incoming clients any day, but his close people are unlikely to be cut on a waning moon. There is a belief that any (even not particularly significant) change in the length of curls during this period will noticeably slow down or even completely stop their growth for a long time.

The condition of the hair is able to change on different lunar days, for example, their density and structure. Therefore, a haircut on certain days will make the hairstyle more beautiful, voluminous, obedient. In addition, a change in hairstyle at such a time has a positive effect on the emotional state of a person.

Some hairdressers are sure that everyone should refuse their services on the full moon. But this is a fallacy. In fact, for some people, changing the length of curls on this day will benefit, for example, those who have a "black streak" in life or seriously ill men, women.

But on important church holidays, you should not go to the hairdresser's chair to anyone. Women these days are not recommended to even braid complex hairstyles and generally devote a lot of time to their hair. It is believed that in this way they will attract diseases and shorten life.

It is not recommended that any manipulation be made on days of any natural eclipses (both solar and lunar). This can negatively affect not only the quality of hair and hairstyles, but also the emotional state of the person himself.

It is very important to avoid visiting the hairdresser on days when the moon falls into the constellations of watermarks - Pisces or Cancer. Astrologers are sure that any changes in hairstyle during such periods threaten to slow down hair growth and their profuse loss.

If we talk a little about the “other world”, then it is necessary to note some days of the lunar cycle, in which you should categorically refuse to cut. It is 9, 15, 25 and 29 days. In the people they are considered "satanic." It is believed that after a haircut on such a day, a person will get a result that will greatly upset him. And the master will not be at fault for this at all. On the indicated days of the lunar cycle, it is worth abandoning any manipulations with hair. This also applies to haircuts, stains, and even hair care procedures.

Of course, you should not go in cycles in favorable periods, special lunar phases and days of the week in which it is recommended to do a haircut. But if there is such an opportunity, it is still worth exploring interesting information on the topic and choosing the most opportune moment for hair style changes.