The breed of Beaver Yorkshire Terrier is relatively young, but has already won fans around the world. When looking at the dog's face, it seems that she is smiling, and her magnificent long coat is the main decoration of the breed. About the features of the content of beavers, their education, read the article.
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The history of the origin of the Beaver Yorkshire Terrier
The breed is named after its creators - Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. She was bred in Germany on January 20, 1984, when a white and black puppy was born from two world champions in a nursery in York.
The hosts were in shock, but decided that the color is magnificent, and deserves attention. They opened a tricolor Yorkshire breeding program. In a short time, the breed gained great popularity.
In 1989, the first club was organized and the breed standard was registered. In 2008, biveres appeared in Russia. They were brought from Hungary and Germany. Since that time, successful breeding of the breed began. She gained popularity due to the beautiful color and balanced psyche.
Description and character traits of the breed
The international organization did not recognize the Beaver Yorkshire Terriers, they are registered in their homeland, the breed description was first compiled there and the requirements of the standard were signed.
The weight of an adult dog is usually up to 3 kg, height 15-23 cm. The coat is straight, falls along the body, sometimes to the ground, forming a parting in the middle of the back. The limbs, stomach and chest of the dog are white, golden hues are acceptable only on the face. The body is painted in bluish and white or in black and white. On the forehead of the dog is a long bang, which must be tied.
With their external appearance, biveres are very reminiscent of Yorkshire terriers. Their character is just as lively and good-natured. They get along well with children and other pets, can bark at cats in the yard, if not very well-bred. These are wonderful companion dogs that carry a lot of positive life in the life of the owner. Puppies of the Beaver Yorkshire Terrier resemble small balls of yarn, for which the breed received a prefix to its name "a la pompom".
Features of keeping and caring for a dog
Beavers are indoor dogs, which are kept only in the apartment, on the street in the winter they freeze. There are no special difficulties in grooming, even an inexperienced owner will cope with the dog.
It is better to feed your pet with professional dry food for small breeds. It consists of granules of a special size, they are balanced in nutritional components and well clean dog teeth. A natural diet is only suitable for a competent dog owner. He must correctly calculate the dosage, and give the dog only meat, porridge and vegetables, no sweets and smoked meats.
Beaver teeth are cleaned with toothpaste or special bones and cleaning gels are bought. They bathe dogs once a week, after brushing their ears, cutting their nails. If you teach a puppy from an early age to hygiene procedures, all manipulations are perceived normally, without causing unpleasant emotions.
The dog’s coat does not fade, it is combed daily. Beaver York Haircut can only be done around the ears, buttocks and paw pads. Animals that do not participate in exhibitions are sometimes given short haircuts. A large abundance of white wool requires special care.
Bathing dogs with shampoos with a whitening effect is necessary once every 2 months. From April to November, beavers who walk on the street are treated for fleas and ticks.
Beaver York Activity
A beaver is a holiday dog, it radiates a sea of positive emotions. She is very active and agile, likes to play with her toys and other dogs.
Small dogs in the absence of the owner are best left in a metal paddock installed in the room. This will prevent them from eating something unsuitable for the stomach or gnawing through the electric wire.
To strengthen immunity and good mood in a dog, it is advisable to walk with it daily. In cold weather, you need to wear warm dog clothes.
Breed diseases
Dogs must be vaccinated annually up to 8 years old, and deworming is carried out. Beavers live up to 15 years.
In general, it is a healthy breed. Sometimes there are such problems:
- dislocation of the patella;
- eye irritation;
- tracheal collapse;
- gum disease.
Beavers are prone to inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and early tooth loss, and are difficult to tolerate anesthesia. Careless handling of this small breed of dog can injure the spine or limbs by jumping from a sofa or stool. Beaver mini weighing up to 2 kg require special care.
Parenting and training a pet
Beavers are smart, they learn commands well, but sometimes they are too lazy to repeat them. Dogs do not need tough training. Since childhood, exhibition animals have been taught stance and proper behavior. A pet should also know about good manners - do not bark for no reason, do not pick everything up in the street, understand the commands: “Fu!”, “You can't!”, “Come to me!”.
Beavers, like Yorks, are loving. They will bring a lot of joy to the house. Raising and raising such a miracle is a pleasure.