Bhakti-yoga is a unique yogic practice aimed not at the person himself, but at the service of the Supreme Person. The essence of the direction is to discover love for God and to know oneself through devotion and worship. This is a fairly easy and accessible for study direction of yoga, which is a purely spiritual practice.
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What is bhakti yoga?
Each religion has its own rules and preferences for expressing love for God or the Higher powers. As a rule, all of them are based on the submission and tacit fulfillment of the will of higher forces. Bhakti-yoga is a unique direction, because it teaches unconditional love of God and knowledge of oneself in service through this bright feeling. Moreover, the concept of love in this practice has nothing to do with blind worship and dependence.
A yogi bhakti practicing this direction learns God and the world around him through ordinary human love, which, as his spiritual potential increases, is transformed into pure and bright energy.
The main feature of this yoga is that it is simple and understandable to everyone. Unlike difficult spiritual practices, such a direction is easily mastered by Europeans, because the concept of pure and immaculate love exists in any religion.
The essence and purpose of practice
The very concept of “bhakti” is the philosophy of Hinduism. It describes the relationship between a person devoted to God and higher powers in various forms. The basis of practice is a discipline that erases the boundaries between one's own "I" and the human world.
Bhakti can be interpreted as an appeal to God without requests, desires and prayers, but only with love and purity in the heart.This is what this yoga practice teaches.
The goal of the practice is to reveal one’s love for God through meditation, mantra and the service of a higher purpose.
To better understand the philosophy of bhakti, a mentor is needed. It will help the student understand and accept the essence of this direction in yoga, which is simple and complex at the same time: God is the cause and effect of all things, and each person is a small particle of His essence. Having cast aside the illusion of the real world, having ceased to “feed” his ego and awakened in himself true love for God, a person will be able to know happiness in service.
Technique and methodology for beginners
Having understood the question and understood what bhakti-yoga is, one should study the philosophy of Hinduism in detail, and only then proceed to practice. It is important here to find a spiritual master, a devoted follower of Krsna.
To take the spiritual path, it is necessary to overcome the attraction of the material world. This is done through meditation, purification of consciousness and mantras, which contribute to enlightenment and open the way to love and service.
Interesting! Bhakti yoga means serving Krishna, but, according to the philosopher Swami Vivekananda, absolutely anyone can discover the highest love, because God is one, just people give Him different names.
Bhakti Yoga means serving God in the temple, so joining the Krsna consciousness Society is the best choice. Since the temple is far from being in all regions, you can use the home programs of the servant of Krishna's path - audio and video lessons, printed materials, etc.
In addition, you must adhere to the principles of the minister. These include:
- strict vegetarian food, which consists exclusively of vegetables and fruits;
- a complete rejection of alcohol, drugs, nicotine;
- drinking only pure water and juices, no tea and coffee;
- prohibition of extramarital sex.
A servant of Krishna must maintain the purity of his soul and body, therefore it is important to monitor his speech, to give people pure love and goodness, not to resort to lies and foul language.
9 Steps of Indian Philosophy of Service and Devotion to God
Supreme love is not immediately accessible to man. It is necessary to come to her through overcoming the attractions of the material world and nine stages of service. The practice of bhakti yoga is based on nine steps that will help bring a minister to awareness and love.
- The first of these is listening to the scriptures with like-minded people or alone.
- The second is to glorify and chant God (mantra).
- At the third stage, the minister expects a remembrance of God, which consists in long meditations. During this practice, all human thoughts are focused exclusively on God.
- At the fourth stage, one has to master the personal service of God.
- The fifth step involves the worship and veneration of a statue depicting a form of God.
- The next step is prayer.
- The seventh step is again service, but already aimed at satisfying the orders of God.
- At the eighth stage, the minister will have to establish a friendship with God.
- The final step is the sacrifice of all ourselves to God: our thoughts, feelings, desires and personal aspirations.
To achieve the highest love, it is not necessary to go through all nine steps. A person can choose only one or several, and with hard work come to the highest spiritual enlightenment.
Methods for achieving light and pure love
Enlightenment is achieved through service, but a person has the right to choose a relationship with God.
The following varieties of bhakti are distinguished:
- neutral relationship;
- God is master, man is servant;
- friendships and love;
- love of God as a son;
- love for God as a partner.
Thus, bhakti yoga leaves a person with the right to choose.No matter what kind of relationship with God is practiced at an early stage, as the spiritual potential is revealed, the minister discards his “I” and gradually learns the highest divine love.
Music for Bhakti Yoga Meditation
Achieving this goal carries out through meditation. During the process, a person goes through one of the nine stages or consecutively masters them one after another. At this time, the rosary can be used for better concentration, bhakti music also helps to tune. Like-minded people and a spiritual mentor will always help you choose the necessary musical accompaniment, which will create positive vibrations and help awaken elevated feelings in a beginner.
Bhakti yoga not only allows you to reveal your spiritual potential, find happiness in service, but also teaches the highest love, which changes the very essence of man.