Non-injection facial mesotherapy is a safe, effective rejuvenation procedure, which consists in the introduction of specially designed “cocktails” using cryo, magneto, laser and ionotherapy devices.
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What is non-injection mesotherapy
Mesotherapy is the treatment of the middle layers of the skin. Needleless mesotherapy is a therapeutic effect on the middle layers without the use of injections. The method is gaining popularity among customers who need a quick noticeable result and they do not have time for a long recovery period.
In addition to the visually noticeable effect of the procedure, its important advantage is painlessness: manipulation does not require piercing the skin (or any other effect that violates its integrity) and is not accompanied by such possible consequences as a hematoma, papule or infection of the puncture site. Non-invasive mesotherapy is an effective way of rejuvenation, which has become known relatively recently. Let us consider in more detail the features of the procedure.
For non-injection face mesotherapy, several types of devices are used, as well as special cocktails, the composition of which the cosmetologist selects individually, taking into account the patient’s skin condition, or uses ready-made ampoule preparations.
Cocktails for non-invasive face mesotherapy
For mesotherapy without skin punctures, not monocomponent, but complex means for rejuvenation are used.They include hyaluronic acid, collagen, amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, antioxidants, ceramides and homeopathic remedies. A restorative cocktail can also be supplemented with other ingredients with anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, or moisturizing effects.
A cosmetologist can use a specially created ready-made drug for the procedure, or choose the composition yourself. Both ready-made and cooked mixtures have their advantages and disadvantages. The cocktails created by manufacturers are balanced and universal in use, but if the patient is an allergic person and an atypical reaction of the immune system to any constituent substance is detected, then the drug should not be used.
Individually selected components eliminate the allergy-causing ingredient, but the effects of the components cannot always be predicted (sometimes some substances suppress the actions of others) and the procedure may not be effective.
The main components of anti-aging cocktails:
- Hyaluronic acid. Non-injection mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid restores skin elasticity, improves tone, stimulates the cell nutrition process.
- Vitamin C promotes alignment and tightening of the dermis, fights with a rash, acne.
- X-ADN gel in combination with hyaluronic acid eliminates the effects of aging and negative external influences.
- Glutathione - a peptide that performs the function of detoxification, cell repair.
- Glycolic acid. The drug promotes the production of natural collagen and elastin, increases skin elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, and fights against defects such as age spots.
In addition to these components, many others are used that enhance the effect of basic substances.
The selection of components for an individual cocktail should be carried out by a specialist in order to avoid neutralizing the action of one substance by another. At home, it is recommended to use special drugs in ampoules. They are balanced and eliminate the possibility of ineffective combination of ingredients.
Cocktails for needleless mesotherapy of the face are conditionally divided into 2 groups:
- Therapeutic - are used to combat skin diseases (acne, rosacea) and scars. They may include antibiotics and drugs that improve blood flow in the capillaries. The ingredients act locally, without affecting the functioning of the body as a whole.
- Anti-aging - are used to eliminate age-related changes on the skin of the face (sagging, sagging, wrinkles and folds). The basis of such preparations are components that increase the elasticity of the fibers - hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen.
Cocktails are the basis of needleless mesotherapy, but the hardware component of the procedure is not unimportant.
Mesotherapy devices
The hardware part of the cosmetic procedure can be carried out in various ways, namely using:
- cryogenic apparatus (exposure to cold);
- a laser;
- magnetic apparatus;
- ionic exposure;
- ultrasound equipment.
Consider the most popular methods:
- Needleless oxygen Mesotherapy allows you to get into the cells not only substances from the cocktail, but also oxygen. It is based on the introduction of active substances by the method of oxygen injection (pressure is carried out using a special device).
- Hydromesotherapy - An innovative electrophoresis-based procedure that allows therapeutic components to go deeper into the dermis.
- Cryomesotherapy - the effect of cold and electric waves on the epidermis, due to which not only the permeability of cells increases, but also the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, as well as a lifting effect.
- Electroporation - the ingredients of a restorative or therapeutic cocktail fall into the skin under the influence of electromagnetic radiation.Impulses open pores on the surface of the skin, and also increase the permeability of the cell membrane up to 400 times. Such a specific effect allows even large molecules (for example, hyaluronic acid) to penetrate into the cells.
- Laser therapy - beneficial substances penetrate the skin under the action of a laser beam. The procedure is absolutely painless and helps to increase the effectiveness of the cocktail.
The use of devices for non-injection mesotherapy allows you to get a noticeable result by exposing the beneficial components to the deeper layers of the skin without injuring it.
Needleless face mesotherapy is a non-invasive analogue of the injection method, which helps to overcome age-related changes and manifestations of dermatological diseases without pain and a long recovery period.
Pros of non-injection mesotherapy
Non-injection mesotherapy is popular not only because of its effectiveness, but also for a number of other reasons.
The benefits of a cosmetology procedure include:
- painlessness;
- convenience of holding;
- lack of a long and painful rehabilitation period;
- wide range of use;
- the possibility of use in adolescence (from 12 years);
- sterility, no damage to the skin is required, therefore there is no risk of pathogenic bacteria entering the bloodstream;
- can be used if there are contraindications for subcutaneous injections.
The analogue of injection mesotherapy is so popular due to the lack of a long recovery period: there is no severe swelling, hematomas, there is no risk of an inflammatory process at the puncture site.
Cons of non-injection mesotherapy
Non-invasive mesotherapy has a few flaws. These include the high cost of the procedure and low efficiency with severe aging of the skin of the face. The price of a course of procedures pays off with a noticeable result. In case of rejuvenation of patients with deep aging processes, it is better to choose a more radical method of skin restoration, and use needleless mesotherapy between courses to maintain the result.
Indications for the use of rejuvenation techniques
Non-injection therapy refers to anti-aging procedures - manipulations that can reduce age-related defects on the skin of the face.
In addition to the fight against saggy skin and wrinkles, the following problems can be considered indications for the procedure:
- acne
- hyperpigmentation;
- stretch marks;
- visually noticeable pores;
- scarring;
- rosacea;
- excessively active work of the sebaceous glands;
- bruises and bags under the eyes;
- dry skin;
- peeling;
- double chin;
- unhealthy complexion;
- hilly surface;
- loss of elasticity.
Depending on the skin imperfections recorded by the cosmetologist, a cocktail of therapeutic components is individually selected.
Who should not do this. Contraindications
Considering that the procedure does not require violation of the integrity of the skin and the use of drugs with a large number of contraindications, there are few prohibitions on the use of non-injection mesotherapy.
Cosmetic manipulation is contraindicated:
- during pregnancy and lactation;
- in the presence of foci of inflammation on the skin;
- in the presence of mechanical damage;
- in the presence of infections in the acute period;
- with psoriasis and eczema;
- with skin hypersensitivity;
- in the presence of metal implants in the exposure location;
- with allergies to cocktail components;
- during hyperthermia;
- with diagnosed CNS pathologies;
- with oncological diseases;
- with the existence of a pacemaker;
- in the presence of threads supporting the facial contour;
- persons suffering from cholelithiasis (the procedure is prohibited due to the choleretic effect of the cocktails used).
Non-invasive face mesotherapy is considered a popular procedure due to safety, painlessness, a small number of contraindications and side effects.For a successful result of anti-aging manipulation, you need to take into account all the recommendations and prohibitions, as well as choose a qualified specialist for the session.
How is the procedure
Needleless face mesotherapy (1 session) takes approximately 20-30 minutes. A pre-prepared cocktail of active substances is applied to the cleansed skin of the face. Then the surface is treated with a special apparatus, which increases the permeability of the cell membrane by 400 times. Due to this feature, beneficial substances from the skin surface penetrate inward, where they remain at a depth of 1-2 mm. Further used by the layers of the dermis as needed.
To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to apply a course consisting of 4-6 sessions (1 session in 10 days). Such a number of procedures is optimal for long-term rejuvenation and protection of the skin - the effect will remain for about 1 year.
Stages of needleless mesotherapy:
- Skin cleansing procedure.
- Peeling (elimination of the upper, stratum corneum using enzymatic, acidic preparations or ultrasound).
- Application of the drug for mesotherapy on the surface of the face.
- Hardware Impact.
- Mask application. The composition is selected based on the characteristics of the patient’s skin, it can be a nourishing, firming or moisturizing mask.
Sometimes all the described manipulations are preceded by cryomassage, which helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and activate blood circulation.
If it is not possible to receive treatment with a course, then a one-time procedure is used to remove puffiness and reduce bags under the eyes. This technique allows you to quickly get the result, which is important if the patient immediately needs to improve their appearance.
Rehabilitation period
After the procedure, you must adhere to the advice of a cosmetologist. This will help to recover in short lines and get the desired result.
Recommendations for the rehabilitation period:
- avoid insolation;
- do not use drugs;
- do not abuse alcohol;
- Do not visit the pool, bathhouse, sauna;
- limit physical activity;
- Do not use makeup.
Recommendations in the recovery period limit those actions that contribute to the rapid removal of cocktail components from skin cells and generally negatively affect the layers of the dermis.
Before and after
You can evaluate the result from the first session almost immediately, after 2 hours of recovery after the procedure. The effect is most noticeable in areas where there was a network of fine wrinkles and manifestations of dry skin (itching, peeling).
In order for the face surface to recover as much as possible, it is necessary to conduct 4-6 sessions of needleless mesotherapy (1 session in 10 days). In complex cases, the course may consist of 10 procedures.
Non-invasive face mesotherapy can be used as an auxiliary manipulation between the use of cardinal rejuvenation techniques. To maintain the result, it is necessary to conduct sessions 1 time in 6 months. With this effect, the layers of the dermis will promptly replenish the amount of elastane and collagen, be saturated with vitamins, amino acids and maintain elasticity and freshness.
Possible complications
The procedure is not traumatic, but sometimes such complications may arise:
- redness of the skin (the effect lasts several hours);
- skin infection (occurs when the layer is injured, which sometimes occurs during the procedure at home);
- erythematous rash - an allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
- itching, one of the manifestations of allergies, or the reaction of hypersensitive skin to exposure.
To minimize the risk of complications, it is recommended to do an allergy test on the components of the cocktail, trust a qualified specialist, and also follow all the recommendations for the recovery period.
Non-injection facial mesotherapy is an effective innovative method that allows you to overcome age-related changes, manifestations of dermatological pathologies, visually noticeable scars. The procedure is painless and does not require long-term specific skin care during recovery. A course of 4-6 sessions will not only help remove fine wrinkles, but also make less visible deep folds in the nasolabial triangle or on the forehead. The combination of mesotherapy with cryomassage will enhance the lifting effect, allow you to tighten the skin, restore the oval of the face.
The cosmetic method has practically no contraindications, the risks of complications are minimal. That is why mesotherapy without injections is so popular among people who monitor their appearance and health.