Homeless bread: benefits and harms

The theme “Benefits and harms of yeast-free bread” remains popular for more than one generation. The disadvantage and advantage is its structure.

Due to its density and rigidity, it perfectly affects the gastrointestinal tract and promotes the work of intestinal muscles.

The main positive point is the lack of yeast, and as a result, intestinal microflora is not harmed.

As for the shortcomings, the specific taste can be considered the most significant. People are accustomed to lush and fragrant yeast bread, its counterpart without yeast has a dense structure and therefore will be almost half as much. In terms of taste, yeast-free pastries are specific, but no less tasty than ordinary bread.

A simple recipe for cooking in a bread machine

To bake yeast-free bread in a bread machine is not a difficult or lengthy task. The main thing is to adhere to the recipe, and the machine itself will do everything.

To prepare a yeast-free dough you will need:

  • flour 2-2.5 cups;
  • kefir 0.8-1.0 cups;
  • salt, sugar and soda one teaspoon each.

All components are laid in a breadmaker and in a special mode, the dough is kneaded first, and then the baking itself.

Lenten yeast-free bread in the oven.

Some housewives do not have the ability or desire to purchase modern appliances in the kitchen, and bake bread in the oven. However, he does not lose his unique taste and benefit.

The composition of the components for the preparation of lean, yeast-free bread:

  • water 1 cup;
  • flour 2 cups;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. First step: leaven is done.A small amount of flour (30-40 g) and boiled water (1/4 cup) are mixed in a container and covered with a dense cloth. For a day, the mixture is placed in a warm place to get the yeast.
  2. The second step: after a day, a small amount of flour (50 grams) neatly intervenes in the sourdough, and is again removed for 24 hours in the heat.
  3. The third step: kneading the dough. Sourdough is mixed with the remnants of flour and warm water, sugar and salt are added. Knead the dough until smooth.
  4. The fourth step: rest dough. After kneading, the dough should rest for 2-3 hours.
  5. Fifth step: baking. The dough is laid out in a special form and baked in the oven.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Another modern device to facilitate the cooking process is a multicooker. It is capable of performing the same functions of baking as a bread machine, with the exception of the first stage - kneading dough. That is why to prepare a yeast-free dough, you must go through all the necessary steps as in the case of the oven, only the final stage, changes a little - we cook the bread in a slow cooker. This will not affect the taste, but the preparation will become much more comfortable and easier. At the same time, the product will not dry out and will not be baked, because a modern kitchen appliance allows you to control the baking time.

Rye yeast bread


Can be considered as an example of making rye bread. After all, he will need a special type of flour - rye. First, yeast-free yeast is prepared, only rye flour and preferably coarse flour is used. 1 liter of water is added to the sourdough, 1 liter of salt, salt to taste and 800 grams of flour. All knead until a homogeneous mass of viscous consistency. Next, the cooked dough should “breathe” a couple of hours and only after that bake in any appliance - oven, slow cooker, oven, bread machine. For additional taste and fullness, you can add sesame, sunflower or flax seeds to the dough.

Monastery Recipe

The monastic bread smells appetizing and is easy to prepare. The only caveat - the preparation of the test itself lasts 4 hours.

A special sourdough is also used.

  • water 800 ml;
  • whole grain flour 300 gr;
  • rye flour 700 gr;
  • salt 1 dessert spoon without top;
  • leaven;
  • seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, pre-peeled), raisins - a small handful.

Dissolve salt in warm water. If there is a wooden spoon - put 2 tablespoons, if tablespoons are used, then 4. It is very important that the water is a little warm. If the seeds were roasted, they must be cooled in advance.

Hands stir these products until smooth. After you can add flour. Before use, it must be sieved. This will not work with whole grains, and rye can be easily sieved in order to be saturated with air. Gently knead, crushing the lumps. At first it may seem that there is too much flour, but with prolonged kneading, the dough is well saturated. It is recommended to leave for a third of an hour under a towel - to insist.

We spread the dough on a board sprinkled with flour. It turns out heavy, thick. When, when kneading, it ceases to stick to the hands, you can form a gingerbread man, roll a little in flour, slightly beat off with your hands, tossing up. Sometimes the dough is beaten on the table, but there is a risk to cover everything with flour.

Put the finished ball in a bowl, cover with a towel, leave for 10 hours. You can put everything in the oven, not including it. During this time, the dough rises. Next, we lay it out in forms and go bake at 180 degrees per hour. After cooling, we get out of the forms, cover with a damp cloth.

Important! Whole grain flour will be most beneficial.

On kefir

Lush and tender dough is prepared on kefir:

  • flour;
  • kefir 1 cup;
  • salt 1.5 tsp;
  • sugar 1 tbsp. l .;
  • any oil 50 gr;
  • ½ tbsp l yeast
  • egg.

Pour kefir into the container for the dough. In a microwave or in a water bath, slightly heat the oil (margarine). Add to kefir, there we send dry yeast, sugar and salt.Knead all products until smooth. Pour the flour a little, in small portions, until you manage to form a small ball, and leave to rise for an hour and a half.

Lubricate the baking sheet or the mold with oil, and in a separate container beat the egg for lubrication. Pour a little lean oil on the working surface, put the dough out and roll a thick sausage. Divide it into 8 particles, turn it into a small cake and put it on a baking sheet. At the moment they will be small, but in the oven they will rise.

Lubricate with egg mass and go bake. Small breads are baked quickly - in just 7-10 minutes.

Traditional Irish Soda Yeast-Free Bread

An interesting recipe is Irish, without unhealthy yeast and from whole grain flour.

  • whole grain and wheat flour - 250 g each;
  • curdled milk 420 gr;
  • half a glass of raisins;
  • 2 tea lies. salts;
  • 1 tea lies. soda.

Mix all the dry ingredients, pour in the yogurt and gently mix the dough so that all the components are combined, but in no case knead it.

Sprinkle flour on the table, lay out the dough and give it the desired shape. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour, place the product. Carefully make cuts on the ball and sprinkle with whole grain flour for decoration. Put in the oven at 200 degrees and bake for 45 minutes.

Sourdough bread made from water and whole wheat flour

Sourdough yeast-free bread is called “Useful” because it is prepared on live sourdough and with the addition of whole grain flour.

For sourdough:

  • 2 tbsp. l wheat starter;
  • 150 gr of white flour;
  • 150 g of filtered water.

For the test:

  • 350 g whole grain flour;
  • 300 g of wheat yeast;
  • 150 g of water;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salts;
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil.

In the container we combine the starter and water, pour salt and sugar, mix.

Pour flour to the workpiece and knead for a minute. Leave under the towel to rest for 10 minutes.

Add oil and continue to knead. The dough should turn out soft, elastic, not stick to your hands. Tighten the container with foil and leave to fit for 3 hours.

After the set time, we spread the dough on a work surface sprinkled with flour. Divide into 8 parts and form koloboks. Lubricate the mold with oil and fold the product. Again we tighten the film and leave for an hour or two. We put in the oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees, and then lower the temperature to 180. The bread is ready.

On a note. Water is used either slightly warm or at room temperature. Otherwise, neither yeast nor sourdough will work.

Bread on the table is present at any housewife, depending on tastes and possibilities, it can be bought or freshly baked, with and without yeast, wheat or rye. But one thing will always be the same - this wonderful and delicious pastry will never leave its pedestal in cooking.

  • Svetlana

    For some reason you have yeast in your recipe for yeast-free bread on kefir ...