A necessary step in the preparation of intestinal organs before colonoscopy, ultrasound and abdominal tomography is a slag-free diet. Without it, a diagnostic study will not give the desired result. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the principles of therapeutic nutrition in advance and to cleanse the body of harmful substances as much as possible.

Basic principles of a non-slag diet

This diet is not considered very balanced, so it is prescribed for a short time.

She has important features:

  1. Before colonoscopy, it is important to replenish the body with minerals, vitamins.
  2. Drinking regimen is from one and a half to two liters of fluid per day.
  3. Products that are difficult to digest and contain a lot of fiber are completely excluded from the patient’s diet.
  4. The main menu is broths, lean meats, cereals and soups.
  5. A four-time meal is required in small portions.
  6. The day before the study, the gastrointestinal tract completely switches to liquid nutrition.
  7. Dishes are eaten stewed or boiled.

A non-slag diet before colonoscopy normalizes intestinal motility and improves material metabolism. Usually it is prescribed for a period of three to seven days. Experts advise to adhere to such a diet for the prevention of intestinal diseases. After all, it is slagging that causes many pathologies.

Indications for use before colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is not a very pleasant procedure, which has good reasons for conducting.

It is usually prescribed for the following patient complaints:

  • discharge from the rectal opening;
  • blood fluid or mucus in the stool;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • regular constipation and diarrhea;
  • deviation from the norm of the results of blood tests and feces.

A diet low in fiber is also suitable before rectoscopy.

There are other indications for the purpose of the diet:

  • abdominal surgery;
  • inflammation of the digestive tract;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • diverticulitis.

On the day of the examination, it is advised to refrain from eating and cleanse the intestine with an enema.

List of allowed and prohibited products

The following products are allowed from fruits and vegetables:

  • mashed potatoes;
  • boiled carrots;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes after preservation;
  • beets after blanching;
  • canned fruits.

From cereals, it is better to choose buckwheat, semolina or white rice. It is permissible to eat spaghetti, noodles, pasta of the highest grade.

There are other ingredients that can be used for cooking:

  • cheese;
  • honey;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • cooked diet sausage;
  • vegetable or butter;
  • boiled eggs;
  • white bread cracker;
  • marmalade.

From meat, you should choose boiled beef or veal, chicken breast or turkey fillet. It is recommended to include boiled fish in the menu - pikeperch, pike, cod.

From drinks are allowed:

  • jelly;
  • tea;
  • apricot or apple juices;
  • still drinks.

Fatty meat, smoked meats, marinades, canned food, raw vegetables and root vegetables are completely excluded from the diet. It is forbidden greens, coarse cereals, mushrooms and legumes, any kind of cabbage, garlic, radish. All of them cause an increase in gas formation.

Other products are also prohibited:

  • whole milk;
  • nuts
  • dried fruits;
  • fruits and vegetables in kind;
  • chocolate;
  • berries;
  • fat;
  • ice cream;
  • spice;
  • chips;
  • popcorn;
  • oat bran;
  • confectionery.

Some drinks are not allowed:

  • Citro
  • juices with pulp;
  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • beer;
  • alcoholic cocktails.

Properly combining acceptable products, you can cook many healthy and nutritious dishes.

Diet menu for 3 and 7 days

Below is an approximate menu for 3 days.

DayMorningDayHigh teaEvening
1Semolina, soft-boiled egg, teaVermicelli soup with potatoes, onions and carrots, steam chicken breast, tea with white crackerCheese slice, apple from the ovenBoiled vegetables, compote
2Cottage cheese, green teaRice soup, turkey cutlets in a double boiler, teaYogurtGlass of kefir
3 (day before colonoscopy)YogurtA cup of light broth with a slice of meat pulpKisselTea

The main meals are reflected in the menu for the week.

DayMorningDayHigh teaEvening
1Yogurt, teaChicken fillet, tomatoes in own juicePortion of cottage cheeseSteamed fish slice, apple compote
2Semolina on the water, dry cracker with teaHot dish on chicken stock, mashed tubers, steamed meatballsKisselFried eggs, peach
3Oatmeal, herbal teaPike fish ear, steam patties with pastaYogurt, juiceRyazhenka
4CurdMinced meat soup with boiled potatoesDry cracker teaGlass of kefir
5Boiled eggA piece of boiled vealCanned ApricotsGreen tea
6Semolina porridge, black teaVegetable stew, buckwheat porridge, boiled beetroot salad with olive oil, compoteCurd PuddingChamomile tea
7 (day before examination)Fruit jelly teaVegetable broth with crackerJuice without pulpRyazhenka

Diet before ultrasound of the digestive tract

Examination of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract with the help of ultrasound reveals diseases and characteristic changes in the liver, pancreas, spleen, bladder, and assess their condition. To obtain reliable data, it is necessary to remove intestinal gases. This is achieved by prescribing enterosorbents and a specific diet.

The diet before the ultrasound study provides for the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to limit any fatty foods and foods that contribute to increased gas formation.
  2. The diet is recommended to start at least three days before the procedure.
  3. It is advised to drink more liquid and steam. Blanch and stew are also acceptable.
  4. Drink water in 60 minutes or an hour after a meal.

The following products must be completely removed:

  • alcohol
  • strong coffee;
  • sweets;
  • barley;
  • millet;
  • mushrooms in any form;
  • smoked meats;
  • dairy products;
  • rye bread and buns;
  • legumes;
  • dishes from raw fruits and vegetables.

You must include boiled chicken and turkey, veal, rabbit, beef in the menu. It is acceptable to cook sea and river fish of low-fat varieties.

Pros and cons of this way of eating

Among the advantages of a diet, the following features are worth noting:

  • product availability;
  • low cost;
  • body cleansing due to the removal of toxins and toxins;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • cellulite prevention;
  • It is not a strong stress for the body;
  • contributes to weight loss;
  • excellent preparation for instrumental examination.

The cons include:

  • severe tolerance by patients;
  • the need for repeated colonoscopy in violation of dietary rules;
  • insufficient amount of vitamins.

Judging by the reviews of patients, the result of the examination depends directly on the person himself and the quality of the diagnosis.

Way Out of a Slagless Diet

After the procedure, it is necessary to correctly exit non-slag food. If you do not follow the rules and quickly include harmful products in the menu, there is a risk of constipation. Therefore, it is important to gradually expand your diet and organize the right way out of the diet.

To begin with, cereals, fruits and vegetables are added, after which meat products are introduced. All this time you need to drink plenty of fluids, take probiotics. This is the only way to normalize microflora and improve digestion.


This diet is not suitable for nursing mothers and pregnant women, as well as people who are diagnosed with tuberculosis, patients with cancerous tumors. It is important to remember about possible allergies to foods. They are easy to replace with others.

If the patient feels well and his condition has not worsened, you can start a non-slag diet 10 days before the examination. However, the risk of developing side effects such as weakness, loss of strength and dizziness is great. An unpleasant sensation in the body is a reason for stopping the diet and consulting your doctor.