Natural birch sap has a light woody tint with a little sweetness or sourness, so those who are used to buying this drink in a store are often disappointed. Natural birch juice with raisins will be able to surpass the taste of a product of industrial production. And how to properly prepare various drinks from these two ingredients will be described below.
Material Content:
Classic birch sap with raisins
The combination of raisins and birch nectar is considered a classic. Dried grapes are added when preserving juice, during the preparation of kvass, lemonade and other drinks. But if these two ingredients just “make friends” for some time in a cool place, it will turn out deliciously too. The ratio of birch juice and raisins for a soft drink:
- 3000 ml of birch sap;
- 30 raisins.
Recipe step by step:
- Strain freshly birch sap through several layers of gauze and bring to a boil in an enameled container.
- Throw washed raisins into the juice, turn off the heat, cover and leave to cool completely.
- Pour the cooled liquid into sterile glass bottles with dried fruits, sweat-tightly close and put in a dark, cold place (basement or refrigerator). After 14 days, the drink is absolutely ready to drink.
Optionally, in the classic version of birch juice with raisins, you can add lemon zest (orange) and sugar to taste.
Cooking with wild rose
A decoction of rosehip berries is rich in vitamin C and iron, it helps to cope with seasonal colds and defeat spring vitamin deficiency, but you can multiply the benefits of such a drink by preparing it on birch sap. This will require:
- 3000 ml of birch sap;
- 60 g of granulated sugar;
- 5 g of citric acid;
- 10-15 pcs. dried rosehip berries;
- 10-12 pcs. light raisins.
- Pour juice into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add sugar, citric acid, raisins and rosehip to it. Stir everything to disperse all the crystals.
- On low heat, bring the juice to a boil, boil for 3-4 minutes and turn off the heat.
- If the drink is planned to be consumed immediately, then it is insisted under the lid until it cools. To preserve the benefit of the decoction on birch sap for the whole year, hot liquid is poured into sterile jars, and after cooling, it is stored in a dark and cool place.
An important point: in order to preserve as much as possible all the useful substances contained in the juice and rosehip, you need to heat the drink over low heat and do not boil it for a long time.
With lemon
Birch juice with raisins and lemon can be turned into a very tasty and healthy refreshing lemonade, which will not only refresh, but also enhance immunity. The proportions of the ingredients per serving of the drink will be as follows:
- 2000 ml of birch sap;
- 2 small or 1 large lemon;
- 140 g of granulated sugar;
- raisins to taste.
- Wash the lemons and pour over boiling water, cut into circles and put in a saucepan in which lemonade will be prepared.
- Sprinkle slices of citrus sugar with sugar, knead and leave for 20 minutes so that the juice stands out in sufficient quantity.
- Then pour birch juice into the pan, add a few raisins and put on the stove. On a low heat, heat the drink to a boil, but do not boil.
- Remove lemonade from the heat, let it cool and insist, strain, pour into glasses and serve with ice.
If the lemonade is planned to be stored for some time, then it is better to strain it, otherwise there is a big risk that the drink will start to bitter from lemon peels.
Winter Preservation Recipe
Preserving birch sap is absolutely not a complicated process, you just need to use citric acid (lemon juice) and white crystalline sugar as natural preservatives. But you can add orange to living birch water. With these citrus fruits you get a tasty and aromatic drink.
List of required ingredients:
- 5000 ml of birch sap;
- 180 g of sugar;
- 45 ml of lemon juice or 2.5 g of citric acid;
- 1 large orange and raisins to taste.
- Prepare containers for juice: wash and sterilize jars. Wash the orange thoroughly in hot water with a brush, chop it in circles and arrange in banks. Put the washed raisins there too.
- Filter the birch juice immediately after collection through gauze, boil it, add sugar and lemon juice (citric acid), wait for the boil again, pour into jars and roll it with iron lids.
- Turn the juice cans upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave them to cool completely, then the workpiece can be put into place with the appropriate storage conditions.
In the process of heating the juice, orange or yellow foam may form on its surface, which must be removed with a slotted spoon so that it does not spoil the taste and appearance of the finished drink.
Kvass from birch juice with raisins
There are various technologies for preparing birch kvass: on yeast, with rye bread, with barley, and raisins. The latter option allows you to get a natural light carbonated drink without a pungent odor. To make birch kvass on raisins, you will need:
- 5000 ml of birch sap;
- 250 g of granulated sugar;
- 25 pcs. large dried dark grapes.
How to cook:
- Rinse the raisins in warm (not hot!) Water and dry on a paper towel. Then dissolve sugar in birch sap, add prepared raisins.
- Pour the liquid into a glass container, cover it with gauze folded in several layers, and leave for three days in a warm place for fermentation.
- After the specified time, strain the kvass, pour into glass bottles, throwing a few raisins in each, and remove for a week in the basement or on the refrigerator door.
The maximum shelf life of such a drink is four months, but it is so tasty that few people keep it for so long.
Finally, it should be noted that you need to collect birch sap yourself away from settlements and roads, making a hole in the trunk at a height of at least half a meter from the ground. After collecting, the trunk must be sealed with mud or moss. Freshly picked juice needs to be processed within a day, otherwise it will turn sour.