In the spring, with the onset of heat, when buds form on the trees, the time comes to collect birch sap. It is a colorless liquid with a sweetish taste and characteristic woody notes. This unique drink has a number of healing properties and has long been widely used in the treatment of various diseases. We learn more about the benefits and harms of birch sap for the human body.
Material Content:
Composition and calorie content of birch sap
In birch sap, or birch sap, as people call it, the content of useful substances is very high, namely:
- vitamins B and C;
- important trace elements and metals;
- fructose;
- organic acids;
- antioxidants;
- ethers;
- tannins.
“Birch tears” do not contain fat, 0.1% are proteins, and the rest is carbohydrates. In 100 g of product, they are present in a volume of 5.5 to 5.8 g. At the same time, the calorie content of natural juice is only 8 - 10 kcal, and for canned drinks with sugar this indicator rises to 22 - 30 kcal per 100 g.
Benefits for the human body
The beneficial properties of birch sap are as follows:
- increased immune defense;
- normalization of digestive processes;
- improved blood circulation;
- strengthening the heart muscle and vascular walls;
- metabolic stimulation;
- normalization of blood pressure indicators;
- fight against edema;
- beneficial effects on the condition of the kidneys, liver, bile and genitourinary system;
- destruction of cancer cells;
- elimination of "bad" cholesterol;
- removal of edema;
- regenerative effect.
In addition, it is possible to single out separately the beneficial effect that natural birch sap has on the body of women, men and children.
What is the use of natural birch juice for women
“Birch tears” will help improve the condition of the skin, hair follicles and nails, are indispensable for normalizing weight. In addition, the drink allows you to cope with the pain accompanying menstruation, and facilitates well-being during menopause.
For women during pregnancy, birchwort will help to cope with the following problems:
- severe toxicosis;
- imbalance in blood pressure;
- edema.
And after the birth of the baby, during feeding, taking birch bark will improve lactation.
Attention! Since the juice can cause allergies, while breastfeeding it is recommended to introduce it into the diet gradually, in small doses, and observe the reaction of the baby.
Useful properties of the drink for men
For a man’s body, “birch tears” will bring considerable benefits.
Just one glass of juice in the morning will achieve the following positive results:
- eliminate stress and fatigue;
- to strengthen the muscles;
- improve potency.
In addition, birch bark helps to cope with insomnia and cheer up, and also supports immunity in conditions of lack of vitamins.
Benefits for the baby's body
The child's immunity is weaker than that of an adult, and therefore babies are more likely to suffer from viral and infectious diseases. Birch sap helps to counter this problem, increasing the body's defenses. And he saturates the cells with substances and trace elements necessary for healthy growth and development. You can give a healing remedy to the smallest, under the age of 12 months.
Important! First, a birch drink is given to children a little, mixing with water in a ratio of 1: 1. In the absence of negative reactions, you can increase the daily volume of the drink to 70 - 110 ml and give it undiluted.
What diseases use birch sap
Birch berry is effective in the prevention and treatment of the following conditions:
- digestive diseases;
- genitourinary disorders;
- respiratory diseases;
- imbalances in glucose in the body;
- anemia
- spring beriberi;
- colds and infectious diseases;
- intoxication;
- problems of the musculoskeletal system;
- obesity.
In addition to the internal reception, birch bark is used externally. It helps to cope with skin diseases and other cosmetic problems, improves hair condition and delays aging.
Application in traditional medicine
The beneficial qualities of birch sap for women, men and children were known to our distant ancestors. He has not lost popularity among traditional healers today.
Under different conditions, it must be applied as follows:
- Reduced immunity. It is necessary to take in equal shares “birch tears” and milk, pour a pinch of potato starch and drink daily for 4 to 6 weeks, and then take a monthly break.
- Digestive disorders. For gastrointestinal diseases, it is required to drink 55 - 70 ml of juice once or dividing the volume into several doses.
- High blood pressure. In such conditions, you will need to drink 80 - 110 ml of the drug twice a day for 3 to 5 weeks in a row, and then make an interval of 10 days. The active components present in the birch sap have a diuretic effect, strengthen the heart muscle and vascular walls.
- Respiratory diseases. In conditions such as bronchitis, pneumonia or tuberculosis, the juice should be drunk twice a day for 70 - 110 ml. You can also apply it externally at high temperature, diluting with water. In this solution, gauze is abundantly moistened and axillary zones, elbow and knee bends, forehead and inguinal areas are wiped.
- Disorders in the genitourinary system.In such cases, it is recommended to drink 120-150 ml of the drug on an empty stomach for 2.5 to 3 months. This will restore the functions of the organs, and in the presence of oxalate and uric acid stones - remove them from the body. Caution must be exercised when the formations are very large, then such treatment can lead to severe colic.
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In the treatment of such problems, you need to drink birch bark half a cup half an hour before eating.
- Anemia and vitamin deficiency. Conditions caused by a lack of trace elements are treated with a mixture of “birch tears” with squeezed apple, carrot or beetroot. This drink should be consumed three times a day before meals, 55 to 70 ml.
- Tumors and neoplasms. In this situation, a remedy prepared from the following components will help: equally birch bark and carrot juice, a pinch of yarrow, St. John's wort and hemlock. Herbs will need to be brewed, cooled and filtered, then pour the liquid components and drink the therapeutic drink on an empty stomach in the morning and at bedtime, 20-30 ml. You can increase the effectiveness of therapy if you drink milk with milk.
- Dermatological disorders. In the presence of skin diseases, compresses and lotions with birch bark help. In addition, you will need to use it inside, 80-110 ml per day.
Attention! Natural remedies can not only provide a positive effect, but also harm. For this reason, before use, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications, and during the treatment process, observe the recommended regimen and dosage.
Use in cosmetology
Birch sap will help improve the condition of hair and skin.
Based on it, you can do the following tools:
- Anti-wrinkle mask. To do this, birch "nectar" is mixed with pre-soaked chopped oatmeal and a small amount of sea buckthorn oil. The composition is applied to the face for half an hour, then washed off with warm water.
- Remedy for acne and acne. You will need to mix the juice with cream and honey and apply to the affected area for a quarter of an hour.
- A mask to improve the condition of the skin of any type. You need to grind the cottage cheese with a small amount of honey and a raw egg, and then introduce the birch bark and apply the composition on the face for half an hour.
- Composition for eliminating dandruff and preventing hair loss. Combine the drink with rye flour and apply 1 - 1.5 hours before washing.
- Hair shine. Pour a little burdock oil to the birch tree and apply on the scalp for half an hour. After this, you will need to thoroughly rinse your hair using a suitable shampoo.
Tip. To obtain a lasting effect, you should combine the external use of “birch tears” with the internal reception. Together with cosmetic procedures, it is enough to drink even a little juice daily to achieve an improvement in appearance.
Contraindications and possible harm
There are not many cases where birch "nectar" is contraindicated.
These include the following conditions:
- ulcers in the stomach and intestines;
- the presence of large kidney stones;
- allergy to birch pollen.
And also the benefits of birch bark will be very doubtful if you collect it from trees growing near roads or large industrial enterprises. In addition, it is important to know that it is allowed to store the extracted drink no more than 3 days, and if you need to stock up on a healing remedy for a long time, it should be preserved in sterilized banks.
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Applying the "birch tears" correctly, you can not be afraid that the drink will harm. Juice will help not only support the body and eliminate the lack of vitamins, but also cope with serious health problems.