The female body is a complex and unpredictable system. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the symptoms that indicate pathological processes. These include white vaginal discharge. What is considered the norm, and in which cases you need to sound the alarm? Let's consider in more detail.

Causes of White Vaginal Discharge

For the first time, such a phenomenon is observed during puberty (in 10-12 years). This is a sign of hormonal adjustment and preparation of the body for further transformations. The color and structure of the discharge may vary. With the establishment of the menstrual cycle, their appearance changes. Physiologically, mucus is designed to protect the walls of the vagina from infections.

Subsequently, white liquid discharge accompanies the onset of the menstrual cycle, while having a uniform structure. During ovulation, color and quantity change - the mucus becomes more abundant, with a beige tint. At the end of the cycle, it acquires a creamy consistency.

During pregnancy, as well as during sexual arousal and after sexual intercourse, discharge increases. But at the same time they do not have an unpleasant odor and are not accompanied by discomfort in the vaginal area (itching, burning).

White mucus, thicker in appearance, should alert. This is a clear sign of the pathological process in the genitals.

What diseases indicate

The appearance of white curdled discharge may indicate the presence of candidiasis (thrush). This symptom is combined with swelling of the genital organs, burning and severe itching in the vagina. And also an ailment is signaled by the sour smell of mucus.

Abundant leucorrhoea in women may indicate trichomoniasis.Only in this case they acquire a yellow or gray tint and become like foam.

White mucus with yellowish inclusions is excreted in large quantities in bacterial vaginosis. An unpleasant “fishy” smell is added here.

Sometimes a similar symptom indicates a disease of the uterus or cervix. To exclude this probability, the specialist performs a colposcopic examination (examination of the vagina with a microscope), and also prescribes an analysis for cytology.

Slight white discharge is also possible with mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis or chlamydia. In this case, they are not the main symptom, since they are not so pronounced.

The appearance of a small amount of mucus may be an allergic reaction to a specific component in soap or shower gel.

Often this is simply the result of improper personal hygiene. As soon as a woman begins to properly care for her body, unpleasant symptoms disappear by themselves.

Due to such a variety of reasons, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to make an accurate diagnosis and fix the problem.


Severe itching in the vagina and white discharge signal the presence of vaginal candidiasis. Unpleasant sensations are caused by yeast, the reproduction of which leads to pathology. Among the main risk factors that cause the disease are:

  • antibiotics
  • hormonal drugs;
  • uncomfortable synthetic underwear;
  • daily pads;
  • birth control pills;
  • weakened immunity;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes.

Thrush is also a fairly common occurrence during pregnancy.

Diagnosis and treatment of ailment

If you experience suspicious symptoms, you must undergo a medical examination to determine exactly what the problem is. Signs of candidiasis often coincide with the manifestations of other infectious diseases of the genital tract or inflammatory processes of the reproductive system. To compile a complete clinical picture, a bacteriological study (culture) or a smear study under a microscope is used. The sooner a diagnosis is established, the more effective the treatment will be.

During the diagnosis, a specific type of pathogen is detected. This helps in choosing a treatment regimen. A particular type of fungus may be immune to antifungal medications. Therefore, an additional study on the sensitivity to these drugs can be prescribed.

Frequent periods of exacerbation of the disease are sufficient grounds for additional diagnostic procedures. The doctor can make an immunogram in order to select drugs individually, as well as prescribe an extended culture for fungi.

The therapeutic regimen is based on the severity of the disease. The course of treatment is better for both partners.

If the disease proceeds in a mild form, then the use of tablets or topical suppositories is sufficient. Before the introduction of the drug, the vagina should be cleaned of secretions. In this case, its action will be most effective. Men are usually prescribed antifungal creams or ointments. When this therapy is ineffective, means for internal use are connected. Only an observing physician can determine and prescribe a course of treatment.

If the cause of the disease is reduced immunity, a specialist can prescribe immunomodulators or vitamins. To achieve a quick result, it is important to create an environment unfavorable for fungi to reproduce. This will help proper nutrition with the inclusion of berries, fruits and vegetables. But sweet and fatty is better to avoid. Fermented milk products that have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora are also useful.

During periods of exacerbation, some rules should be followed:

  • wash only with boiled water of moderate temperature;
  • carry out hygiene procedures twice a day;
  • do not use antibacterial agents;
  • avoid regular soap, which dries the mucous membrane;
  • wear underwear made of natural material;
  • discard daily pads.

In any case, a universal remedy for all types of pathogenic pathogens does not exist. The specific drug and the rest of the treatment regimen is determined after a full examination by the attending physician. And changes in the course of treatment can only be made by an observing specialist.

During pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, slight discharge is possible, which are considered the norm. This is the secretion of the uterus and vagina. The appearance of copious viscous mucus of white color is the result of progesterone activity. It is this hormone that is responsible for the full development and protection of the embryo. Later, estrogen enters into action, after which the secretions acquire a more fluid consistency. A mucous plug forms on the cervix at this time for added protection.

If the mucous mass from milky white or transparent becomes yellowish, gray, with an unpleasant odor and a curdled structure, then an infection or irritation has appeared. A common ailment among pregnant women is thrush. Here, itching, burning and pain during urination are added to the unpleasant discharge.

In the later stages, the discharge increases. The appearance of a clear fluid may indicate the beginning of the birth process. If there are blood streaks in the mucus, a cork has occured, foreshadowing an early birth.

When white discharge can be considered normal

A healthy woman may experience periodic discharge. They are white or transparent mucus with a faint, slightly sour smell. Before menstruation, the amount of vaginal secretion increases slightly, and the consistency becomes thicker. At the same time, any unpleasant sensations are completely absent against the background of abundant white discharge.

Before sexual intercourse and immediately after it, the discharge also becomes more abundant. In the first case, they perform the function of lubrication, and in the second, male sperm is added to the female secret.

During pregnancy, a certain amount of mucus is formed in the early stages as a natural result of hormonal changes and in the latter as a harbinger of near delivery.


To avoid the delicate problems associated with diseases of the intimate area, it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene. In addition to regular water procedures, the choice of gentle means for washing and wearing cotton clothes, you should be careful in choosing sexual partners. Another guarantor of maintaining women's health will be the use of protective equipment during sexual intercourse.

Transparent, white, odorless, thick discharge is part of the norm and a natural result of the body. However, with any change in their appearance and the appearance of discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor. Quick action can help avoid further problems.