Varieties of modern dog breeds are literally striking in their diversity. Even the most demanding person can find a pet according to their taste, character and wallet. The title of one of the most amazing dog breeds rightfully belongs to the magnificent and charming Bedlington Terrier.

Description and characteristics of the breed

Bedlington terrier (bedlington terrier) - a small dog, characterized by numerous positive qualities of character.

Description of the Bedlington Terrier breed allows you to get the most accurate information about the characteristics of these animals:

  1. The dog’s body is very muscular with a deep chest and flat ribs. The back bends in the lumbar region and resembles an arch in shape. Characteristically, the length of the body of the dog is greater than its height.
  2. Terrier hair is dense and thick. In this case, adults are covered with a combination of soft and hard hair. Truly hard hairs are almost never found, only in combination with soft ones. Bedlington wool tends to curl, especially on the face and head. The hairline of exhibition samples should not exceed 1 inch.
  3. Color can be yellowish-red, sand, blue. A two-color combination is allowed when yellowish spots are located on the chest, legs, under the tail and around the eyes of the animal.

The Bedlington Terrier is a smart and confident dog with excellent hunting instincts.

It is safe to say about these dogs that they are almost never nervous or sad. On the hunt, these creatures become brave and energetic.

Bedlington Terrier Origin

The birthplace of these charming creatures is England. Bedlington Terriers were created for hunting badgers and rats. These dogs appeared around 1870 through the crossing of the dandy-dinmont terrier, whippet and otterhound.

This miniature dog had impressive hunting skills, but not only. So, the English gypsies used small terriers for dog fights and even accustomed them to pickpocketing.

Subsequent breeding work has made the form of doggies updated and more dynamic. The first breed club was created in 1873. Bedlington is common in Europe, Canada, Russia, America and Australia.

Modern Bedlington is a sheep-like dog, miniature and neatly trimmed.

Dog's purpose

The Bedlington Terrier is designed for hunting, which is why it is distinguished by its impressive sense of smell, passion for movement and practically inexhaustible stamina. Although the instinct of the hunter is inherent in modern representatives of the breed, these terriers are no longer used as widely as they used to persecute the beast. Instead, charming creatures became loyal companions of people, full members of the family, and exhibitors of dog shows.

Puppy selection criteria

Choosing a puppy of Bedlington Terrier, you should consider several basic recommendations:

  1. The first step is to find an authoritative nursery breeding animals of this breed. Here you can see if the dog has any genetic pathologies.
  2. In order to get an idea of ​​the puppy’s temperament and his working qualities, you should carefully consider one of the baby’s parents or his immediate family. It will also be worthwhile to pay attention to the brothers and sisters of a potential pet.
  3. Healthy puppies are active, sociable, fearless and curious babies, always ready to make contact with people.
  4. Little Bedlington must have an excellent appetite.
  5. The puppy's eyes, neck and ears should be perfectly clean.
  6. The belly of the crumbs should not be swollen, otherwise you can suspect that they have helminthiasis.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you buy a Bedlington Terrier puppy with you.

Keeping and caring for a dog

The combination of hard and soft hair on the coat of the Bedlington Terrier, as well as the tendency of their hair to curl, involves careful care for the hairs. However, the dog does not molt very much. The owner should brush the dog every day using special brushes. Once every 2 months, you should groom the terriers, entrusting this matter to professionals or by conducting the procedure yourself with a special dog grooming machine. When mowing the Bedlington Terrier, it should be remembered that the coat on the legs should remain slightly longer than the cover on the body.

Terrier teeth should be brushed three times a week, in order to remove tartar - daily. As necessary, you need to carefully trim the overgrown claws, as well as monitor the cleanliness of the ears and eyes.

Bedlington Terrier is a dog not intended for living in the air. It is best to keep them within the home. However, these creatures are very mobile and active, and therefore it is necessary to take regular walks with them in the fresh air.

Possible health problems

As a rule, Bedlingtons are in good health, but, like all representatives of various breeds, are prone to certain diseases.

The most characteristic diseases typical of these terriers are:

  1. Copper toxicosis. Hereditary pathology, which is characterized by the accumulation of copper in the body.
  2. Dislocation of the joints (in particular the patella). May be congenital or acquired as a result of trauma.This pathology can be almost asymptomatic and in some cases requires surgical intervention.
  3. Renal hypoplasia May occur as a result of abnormal development of filtering organs. Dogs prone to this ailment experience intense thirst and frequent urination.
  4. Retinal dysplasia. It is considered a congenital malady diagnosed at an early age. Most often does not affect the dog’s ability to see.

To prevent all of these diseases, Bedlington Terriers should be periodically brought to a veterinarian for a thorough examination.

Pet Feeding Rules

Bedlington terriers can be fed with both ready-made feed and natural food. At the same time, low-fat meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey) should be included in the natural diet, which should be previously grinded (can be mixed with boiled cereals). Terrier menus can be varied with dairy products, vegetables, and occasionally fish.

As for dry food, the daily norm of such goodies per day for the Bedlington Terrier is 1-1.5 cups (divided into 2 meals).

Advice! The amount of food eaten depends on the age and size of the dog, as well as the level of its activity. Checking the pet’s overweight is quite simple - just put your hands on his back and gently feel his ribs. If they are clearly felt when touched - the weight of the dog is normal, if not - the dog should be limited in food.

How to train and educate

The Bedlington Terrier compares favorably with many other representatives of various breeds with a strong nervous system and a high degree of learning. The nature of the dog allows the owner to fashion almost anything out of it. It is these qualities that make the Bedlington dogs accessible to a wide range of people.

Raising small “sheep” is simple even for people without experience with a dog. These dogs intuitively determine the boundaries of relations and implicitly accept the rules proposed by the owner.

In order to quickly learn commands to the dog, it is better to use game tactics and give up pressure. In such cases, the four-legged pet will wait for classes and get the maximum pleasure from training, and not just mechanically carry out the owner's commands.

Advice! Despite all its natural softness, the Bedlingtons are real terriers. Given the possible innate stubbornness, these dogs cannot be forgiven of innocent tricks, pranks and leprosy. The dog should clearly know its place, but they should not be rudely suppressed. In communication with these doggies, relative rigidity is suitable, but not cruelty at all.

However, it should be taken into account that among the representatives of this breed there are also not quite typical terriers. Such animals are characterized by softness, sensitivity and even some melancholy. In relation to them, stiffness can only harm the dog and lead to loss of confidence of the owner. Such pets must be taken with perseverance, without showing rudeness or cruelty.

In the process of education, novice owners should take into account the following methods of interaction with the student:

  1. The first must always enter the door of the owners.
  2. The dog must jump onto the sofa only after the permission of the owner.
  3. A puppy treats itself only after all people have eaten.

These rules will help the dog to understand that she is a full member of the family, but at the same time she is slightly lower than the others in the hierarchical system.

Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of Bedlington Terrier dogs include:

  • hard work and activity;
  • sociability, sociability;
  • high intelligence.

It is interesting! The Bedlington Terrier is one of the most intelligent dogs in the world.

Has a breed and disadvantages:

  • the need for constant care (for wool and in terms of education);
  • late maturation of doggies;
  • susceptibility to a number of diseases.

The unusual appearance of the Bedlington Terrier, combined with a gentle disposition and excellent hunting qualities, makes these doggies the favorites of many families. These animals are ideal even for those owners who are completely inexperienced in the matters of raising four-legged friends.