Monitoring changes in basal body temperature (BTT) is used by women as the simplest and most informative method for assessing women's health. It is especially widespread among women planning a pregnancy. Correct and regular measurement allows you to set the day of ovulation, which greatly increases the likelihood of conception.
Material Content:
- 1 We will decide on normal BTT indicators before menstruation
- 2 Temperature standards a week before menstruation
- 3 Temperature standards 3 days before critical days
- 4 Atypical temperature indicators - what does it mean?
- 5 Basal temperature before menstruation 38 ° C
- 6 How to measure?
- 7 Basal temperature scheduling
We will decide on normal BTT indicators before menstruation
The values of basal temperature throughout the menstrual cycle are different.
Its fluctuations are caused by a change in the concentration level of certain hormones in various phases:
- Menstrual phase. It originates from the first day of bloody discharge, on average, lasts up to five to seven days. It is characterized by a low level of basic female hormones.
- Follicular phase. It is counted from the first day of menstrual flow, lasts about twelve days. At this stage, follicles grow, and one or more of them stand out in size and contain a mature egg. This growth is provided by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). In addition, the level of estrogen increases, it is under its influence that the egg ripens. The peak in hormone production occurs on the day before ovulation.
- Ovulatory phase. It starts around the middle of the cycle and lasts about three days. A sharp increase in estrogen levels contributes to the jump in luteinizing hormone (LH) - a precursor to ovulation, while the level of FSH decreases.A mature egg comes out of the follicle, and the follicle itself becomes the growth site of the corpus luteum - the temporary gland that produces progesterone.
- Luteal phase. Its duration averages sixteen days. It is characterized by an increase in the level of progesterone - a hormone that supports pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur in this cycle, then by the end of the phase the activity of the corpus luteum fades, the level of hormones decreases and menstruation begins - the beginning of a new cycle.
As a rule, BT has a tendency to decrease in the follicular phase and increase values after ovulation. Temperature 37-37.2 ° С. is the norm for the luteal phase, and if pregnancy has occurred, then high values remain until the postpartum period.
If pregnancy has occurred, and BTT values are low, this indicates a lack of progesterone hormone and a possible threat of spontaneous abortion.
In the absence of pregnancy, the temperature will gradually decrease, and by the beginning of a new menstrual cycle will be 36.6-36.7 ° C.
Temperature standards a week before menstruation
A week before menstruation, the average BT indicators are in the range of 37-37.5 ° С. In this case, sometimes, it is possible to fix a short-term insignificant decrease in the indicator by 0.3 ° C. Such a decrease may indicate the implantation of a fetal egg into the uterine wall. Implantation temperature dropping may be accompanied by minor spotting.
Temperature standards 3 days before critical days
In the absence of pregnancy, the level of BT will gradually decrease, and by the first day of the next menstruation it will be 36.6 ° C. If pregnancy has occurred, then normal, 3 days before menstruation, its indicators will be in the range of 37-37.5 ° С. There are situations when the temperature level drops, and pregnancy nevertheless has come. Such indicators are characteristic of a state of threatened miscarriage and require immediate medical attention.
Atypical temperature indicators - what does it mean?
When measuring BT, some indicators may differ from the normal values up or down.
Analysis of the constructed temperature graphs allows you to establish possible pathological conditions, for example:
- The level of BT in the luteal phase of the cycle decreased, and during menstrual flow a new cycle was established at around 37 ° C. This suggests a possible development of endometritis.
- High BT fluctuations throughout the cycle, the graph has many peaks and dips. This picture indicates estrogen deficiency.
- A monotonic curve that does not contain in the middle of the transition from low to high indicators may indicate the absence of ovulation. In this case, BT in the luteal phase does not reach the level of 37 ° C.
- The lack of transition from low BT to high indicators, a mild increase in temperature in the luteal phase, may indicate estrogen-progesterone deficiency.
It is interesting:basal temperature
Basal temperature before menstruation 38 ° C
An increase in BT in the luteal phase to 38 ° C is not the norm. When high temperatures do not decrease for a long time, this may indicate inflammatory processes in the organs of the female reproductive system. If they are registered for several cycles, you should seek advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist.
How to measure?
It is necessary to measure BT on the mucous areas of the body, as this gives the most accurate result.
Temperature can be measured:
- Under the tongue. This method of measurement has a large error and does not always correspond to reality.
- Into the vagina. A more accurate method, but also has an error.
- Rectally. The most reliable testimony is given precisely by this method of measurement.
When measuring BT, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules and recommendations:
- Measurements are taken every day at the same time. The result will not be reliable if some readings are taken in the morning and others in the evening. The most optimal period for measurement is 6-7 hours in the morning.
- It is best to take a measurement immediately after waking up. Do not make unnecessary movements, so you should prepare a thermometer and a notebook with a pen in advance to record the result.
- Measure the temperature while lying down.
- Use the same thermometer. The safest and easiest to use is an electronic measuring device, which is characterized by high accuracy and speed of measurement.
- It is necessary to note actions unusual for the usual state. For example, stress, medication, illness.
- Simultaneously with the temperature readings, the nature of the discharge should be recorded.
Subject to the above measurement rules, BT indicators will most accurately reflect the changes occurring in the woman’s body, which will allow timely recognition and not to miss the beginning of the development of many pathological conditions.
Basal temperature scheduling
Based on regular measurements of BT indicators, you can build a graph. The ordinate axis of which is the BT value, the abscissa axis is the day of the cycle.
On the graph, dots mark all temperature indicators, starting from the first day of the cycle. Then, you need to connect all the points in a serial line. Ideally, if you draw an imaginary line in the middle, you should get a two-phase graph, the left side of which has lower indicators than the right.
In this case, according to the state of the curve, the average level of temperature in a certain period of the menstrual cycle, as well as the duration of the phases, we can draw conclusions about:
- Hormonal insufficiency. Low or excessively high average temperatures can indicate a deficiency of estrogen, progesterone, excessive production of prolactin. Hormonal disorders can also be indicated by a decrease or increase in the duration of certain phases of the menstrual cycle.
- Upcoming ovulation. A decrease, and then a sharp jump in temperature, indicates ovulation and favorable days for conception.
- The onset of pregnancy. In this case, in the second phase, the temperature will have elevated values.
- The presence of inflammatory processes in the uterus or appendages. Such conditions are characterized by high BT indices in the first half of the cycle.
- Lack of ovulation. The absence of ovulation is indicated by the BT schedule, in which there are slight rises and drops in the temperature curve throughout the menstrual cycle.
It is worth remembering that the schedule for one menstrual cycle is not informative. For a more accurate picture, it is necessary to build at least three graphs based on BT indices of three consecutive menstrual cycles.
Moreover, violations identified on the basis of the schedule are not a specific diagnosis. If any deviations are found, you should contact a specialist for advice.