Badger cough fat is recommended for adults and small patients as an addition to the main treatment plan. This natural medicine speeds up the healing process and increases the effectiveness of drug therapy. A huge list of useful substances from its composition strengthens the immune system.
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The healing properties of badger cough fat
The benefits of the discussed fat from coughing are explained by the peculiarities of wintering animals. They eat roots, medicinal herbs, berries, nuts for three seasons.
As a result, a large amount of nutrients accumulate in their subcutaneous fat layer, which allows them to survive a long winter in a dream without harm to the body:
- macro- and microelements;
- fatty acids (e.g. omega 3);
- a whole complex of various vitamins.
Vitamins from the composition of the product allow the body to better resist infections, accelerate the process of renewal and healing of tissues, normalize the functioning of the nervous system and metabolic processes.
Linoleic and linolenic acids from the composition of the drug stop the development of inflammatory processes. This is especially true in the treatment of cough in children.
The fatty acid complex effectively fights tubercle bacillus. Badger fat is actively used in the treatment of asthma (bronchial) and smoker's cough. It reduces the viscosity of sputum, thereby preventing the formation of stagnant purulent processes in the bronchi and lungs. And retinol from the composition of a natural medicine stops the transition of the disease into a chronic form.
How to take from coughing adults, children?
Before using such a medicine, each patient must figure out how to take badger fat from coughing for adults correctly. The intake regimen is universal for almost all ailments.
So that the nutrients from the composition of the product are instantly absorbed, it is recommended to take it on an empty stomach. In asthma or bronchitis, fat is mixed with warm milk or a small amount of natural bee honey. Such delicious supplements will also prevent the occurrence of a gag reflex. If you can’t take the medicine on an empty stomach, you need to do this 2-3 hours after a light lunch.
Fat is consumed in a full tablespoon three times a day. The full course of treatment is 2 weeks without a break.
As soon as signs of improvement appear, you can halve the dose. You can drink the medicine with herbal decoction.
If you decide to give badger cough fat to children, you need to think in advance how to mask the unpleasant bright taste of the product. For example, make chocolate paste from it. To do this, use 6 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa, 80 g of fatty butter, 90 g of dark dark chocolate and badger fat.
- In a stewpan, melt the chocolate with fat.
- Butter and cocoa are added to the mass.
- The mixture mixes well and warms up a couple of minutes.
The finished product, the child can spread on croutons or eat with tea. At one time, the baby 3-6 years old should use no more than 1/3 tsp. fat badger, from 6 to 11 years - half a tsp. You can also mix the product for crumbs with sour berry jam, chopped dried fruits or honey in equal proportions. Taking the resulting medicine is repeated three times a day.
Can I use during pregnancy
It is allowed to take badger fat as a cough medicine and for women in an “interesting position”. This is one of the few means that you can safely choose pregnant girls, without fear of harming the baby. The main thing is to eat fat correctly.
The amount of badger fat that is allowed to be eaten per day by expectant mothers depends on their weight:
- less than 59 kg - 1 dessert. a spoon three times a day;
- less than 90 kg - 1 table. a spoon with the same frequency;
- over 90 kg - 2 tables each. tablespoons three times a day.
It is not easy for pregnant women to take this medicine because of their specific taste and smell. Especially during toxicosis.
If desired, you can replace fresh bacon with a pharmacy product in ampoules and take it strictly according to the instructions attached to the package.
Recipes in traditional medicine
To mask the taste and smell of badger fat, you can combine it with additional components. Some of them will also increase the effectiveness of a natural medicine.
Vitamin Blend
Ingredients: 90 g of fat, dates and light pitted raisins. Instead of dates it is allowed to use dried apricots.
- All ingredients are mixed.
- The resulting mass is passed through a meat grinder.
- The finished product is taken by adults for 1 tsp. on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day. For children, its total daily rate is 1 tsp.
The mixture softens cough and strengthens the immune system.
Tincture with cognac
Ingredients: 5 pcs. eggs and lemons, 0.5 l of liquid bee honey and badger fat, a glass of quality cognac.
- Citrus fruits are passed through a meat grinder along with a peel.
- Lemon mass is combined with eggs and sent for 5 days to heat.
- Next, the remaining components are introduced into the mixture.
The resulting tincture is taken exclusively by adult patients, 40 ml before meals 3 times a day. The tool quickly alleviates the condition of the patient with a strong dry cough.
Ancient tibetan recipe
Ingredients: 80 g of liquid honey and badger fat, 40 g of butter, 1 small. spoon of alcohol, 2 g of ground mummy, 2 leaves of aloe, a little cocoa.
- Honey is mixed with fat.
- Aloe juice, crushed mummy, alcohol and cocoa are added to the mixture.
- Lastly, softened oil interferes with the mass.
One tspthe finished composition is bred in a glass of warm cow's milk and taken before bedtime.
The benefits of rubbing and compresses with badger fat
Badger fat can not only be taken orally, but also used externally. Such methods are permitted for patients from two years.
For children, the back, chest and legs (feet) are rubbed with pure warm melted fat for sleep. The procedure is repeated at least 5 times daily. The full course of treatment is 7 days.
Adults can use a mixture of badger fat with additional components for rubbing at night. For example, with mummy extract, propolis, alcohol and essential oils.
If the disease is only at the initial stage and the patient has a high fever, the procedure will have to be abandoned.
Under such conditions, rubbing with fat can increase inflammation and worsen a person’s condition.
With bronchitis, compresses will be the best option for using badger fat. After warm hygienic procedures, the patient is rubbed with melted hot fat. From above, he should put on warm pajamas and wrap himself in a blanket. The procedure is repeated until the patient's condition improves.
How to use for tuberculosis?
Fat badger is considered one of the most effective natural remedies for tuberculosis. Its unique components not only completely destroy the tubercle bacillus, but also accelerate the recovery of the body weakened by the disease.
Doctors note that badger fat is better used as an additional treatment for tuberculosis in parallel with complex drug therapy.
To prepare a medicine from it, you need to take:
- 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of bacon;
- 1 tbsp. l ground aloe leaves;
- 1 tsp high-quality cognac;
- 2 tsp cocoa powder.
All of these ingredients are combined and thoroughly mixed. The resulting remedy is taken for 2 tsp. once a day. Necessarily, on an empty stomach, otherwise the agent will not be absorbed into the blood properly and the desired therapeutic effect will not be achieved.
It is strictly forbidden to use badger fat not only with its individual intolerance, but also with the following ailments:
- with severe diseases of the pancreas, liver and urinary system;
- with exacerbation of chronic ailments of the gallbladder and biliary tract.
With caution, it is necessary to use the drug for patients prone to allergies. As rubbing it can not be chosen for hyperthermia and various serious skin diseases. When breastfeeding, the use of badger fat for treatment is allowed only after prior consultation with a doctor.