Therapy of various diseases with natural gifts of nature is by no means a rarity; more and more people are resorting to it. The main criterion for the selection of such drugs is their hypoallergenicity and neutral composition in comparison with drug treatment. So, badger fat - familiar and exotic at the same time - is widely used by alternative medicine in the treatment of many diseases. The medicinal properties and contraindications of badger fat have been thoroughly studied, but how to use it to the maximum benefit?
Material Content:
- 1 Forms of release and composition of funds
- 2 The healing properties of badger fat
- 3 What diseases are used to treat
- 4 Application in traditional medicine recipes
- 5 Badger fat during pregnancy
- 6 Can I use the drug to treat children
- 7 How to properly burn badger fat at home
- 8 Contraindications and side effects
Forms of release and composition of funds
Badger fat is a substance formed as a result of melting of subcutaneous fat in a badger family animal. From the point of view of benefits, the fat of a hibernated animal is recognized as the most suitable - the substances accumulated over the summer make the fat reserves sterile.
The product has strong therapeutic and preventive actions, which are achieved due to the presence of a number of useful ingredients:
- Polyunsaturated acids accelerate metabolic processes.
- Vitamins A and E are natural antioxidants that positively affect regenerative processes.
- Vitamin B enhances immunity, positively affects the functionality of the nervous system and mental abilities.
- Vitamin K improves the blood coagulation process, is necessary for the full functioning of the liver.
Note.The product under discussion is extremely high-calorie - a hundred grams contains 898.2 kcal.
Fat is produced in several forms:
- Capsules of 0.25 g are dispensed in 100 and 120 pcs. packaged. Combines with oil derived from wheat germ.
- Liquid. Available in bottles of 100 and 200 ml.
The healing properties of badger fat
The fat of a well-fed forest animal has multiple properties, namely:
- strengthens the immune defense;
- participates in tissue regeneration;
- establishes the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract;
- has a bactericidal effect;
- protects the skin from damage.
Why badger fat is good for men
Not all men are aware of the undeniable benefits of fat in the badger family.
It consists in several factors:
- Strengthening the walls of blood vessels. It is carried out by polyunsaturated acids.
- The formation of blood cells. The male body, unlike the female, does not produce them monthly.
- Improvement of the reproductive system. Fat helps maintain a stable erection in men aged 45-50, helping to increase blood flow by increasing microcirculation in the genitals. Folic acid makes male cells better, which increases the chances of conceiving a healthy baby.
The prophylactic intake of badger fat by men is to use the drug three times a day for 1 tbsp. l The duration of therapy is 1 month.
Benefits for women
The healing agent and the fair sex did not pass by. Badger fat in capsules helps alleviate the symptoms of hormonal changes, while alleviating the discomfort caused by menopause and PMS. Fat is also relevant in the treatment of infertility.
The badger fat is also popular in cosmetology, as a component of creams and masks that improve the elasticity of the skin, prevent it from fading and eliminate wrinkles.
What diseases are used to treat
The use of badger fat is relevant for the treatment and prevention of such diseases:
- pathology of the respiratory tract - tuberculosis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, etc .;
- skin lesions - eczema, ulcers, cuts, herpes, etc .;
- exhaustion of the body - dystrophy, anorexia;
- pathology of the kidneys or urogenital system, gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis);
- joint pathologies - osteochondrosis, sciatica, arthritis.
Application in traditional medicine recipes
The fat of a black and white forest animal is very popular in folk medicine, in particular, when solving such problems:
- Treatment of pathologies of the respiratory tract. Folk remedies are not used as monotherapy, but they can fully support conservative treatment. With pneumonia or bronchitis, adults need to take a drug of 3 tbsp. l thrice a day. The course of therapy is a month, even if antibiotic intake has been completed. This is followed by a two-week pause, and the reception is resumed to destroy bacteria that may have remained in the lungs.
- As a cough and cold remedy. To relieve cough, adults take 1 tbsp fat. l 2 times a day (but not on an empty stomach!).
- Therapy of psoriasis. It is permissible to carry out only after the approval of a dermatologist. Having received permission to consume fat, 100 g of the product must be mixed in equal doses with nuts and dried fruits and consumed 1 tbsp. Four times a day. l
Badger fat during pregnancy
Often, pregnant women are not allowed to use fat or should be limited. It can be used only if there are no alternative treatments for cough and colds.
This tool helps to renew blood and increase blood flow, which is especially important during pregnancy 2 and 3 trimesters. Often capsules with badger fat are suitable as an alternative to special vitamins for pregnant women, which are distinguished by a high price.
Fat helps eliminate candidiasis and increase overall immunity, which is significantly reduced during the period of gestation. The rich component composition of the product helps to supply the fetus with all the necessary substances.
Can I use the drug to treat children
For babies, the use of pure badger fat is contraindicated. Often it is rubbed with honey, berries, jam. Such procedures are carried out to support children's immunity, weakened by the disease, or to protect the crumbs from viruses. The use of a natural mixture in the presence of various diseases helps a small body to bounce back and endure a difficult period without complications.
Children over 3 years old need to adhere to certain daily doses:
- 3 - 6 years - 1/3 tsp;
- 6 - 12 years old - 0.5 tsp;
- from 12 years old - 1 tsp.
How to properly burn badger fat at home
Badger fat is acceptable to purchase in the pharmacy chain in finished form. The raw product is found in special shops or markets.
Properly prepared raw fat has extremely beneficial properties.
Fresh fat is called raw. It is ground in a meat grinder using several knives until a homogeneous paste is obtained. It differs from melted one in faster oxidation, as a result of which the product becomes rancid.
There are several basic ways to melt badger fat:
- In the oven. For this method, suitable dishes under the lid (non-metallic!). The product is kept in the oven, periodically checking the degree of readiness.
- In a water bath. Raw is processed at a temperature not exceeding 100 ºС. But long heating in a double bowl after 65 ºС promotes the formation of oxides, i.e., the formation of the enzyme lipase, recognized as a catalyst for oxidation processes. In order to prevent this phenomenon, the fat needs to be melted in a container covered with a lid (best of all - pressure)
- In an autoclave (pressure cooker, slow cooker). The capacity of the device is filled into 3⁄4 parts, while boiling water is 1⁄4 part of the total volume, the rest is crushed fat. Cover the vessel and bring the contents to a boil. When the steam begins to intensively exit the valve, the power is reduced and the fat is drowned for another 3 hours. Throughout this time, a thin stream of steam flows through the valve. The temperature inside should be about 110 ºС. After the required time, the tank is turned off and left to cool and drain water and fat from the walls of the vessel. When the vessel has cooled outside, it must be opened. Melted fat will be placed on top, and water with particles dissolved in it will be placed below. With a clean slotted spoon, the greaves are removed from the vessel. The resulting substance is left for another 20 to 30 minutes, waiting for the complete separation of fat and water. The fat should again be scooped out and decanted into clean glass jars.If properly heated, it will be a clear, colorless, odorless liquid.The hermetically sealed jars are filled with fat and sent to a cool, darkened place. The cooling product gradually becomes monophonic, resembling petroleum jelly.
- Open way. Fat is heated in a pan. This method is considered the fastest and easiest in the ratio of time and energy consumption. However, fat, heated above 140 ºС, loses valuable acids from the composition.
Contraindications and side effects
Badger fat is recognized not only by folk, but also by traditional medicine. However, its ill-conceived use can provoke a number of complications. Excessive product dose and violation of the instructions for use can cause diarrhea, vomiting, weakness. Incorrect storage conditions of a natural remedy also often act as the cause of these symptoms.
Animal fat is contraindicated in:
- pancreatitis;
- cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
- violations of the liver and kidneys;
- frequent manifestations of dermatitis;
- individual intolerance.
Kids up to 3 years old are also included in the group of people to whom badger fat is absolutely contraindicated.
The use of this tool by expectant mothers or nursing women is permissible with the permission of the attending physician.
Natural remedies presented to man by Mother Nature herself are often an excellent (and in some cases the only) way to treat manifestations of multiple pathologies. Thus, the notorious badger fat helps to overcome the symptoms of diseases of various organs and systems (respiratory, musculoskeletal, genitourinary, etc.). The correct storage conditions and the optimal dosage of the product will bring the body the maximum benefit in the complete absence of side effects.