Bananas, the benefits and harms of which cause a lot of controversy, are the fruits of perennial grass, so it’s better to call them berries. According to many nutritionists, most of the beneficial substances from exotic plants in the human body are not absorbed. Is this really so, and why are there bananas?
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Useful properties of bananas for the human body
Banana has interesting properties. It is caloric (96 kcal per 100 g), but has a low glycemic index. This is possible due to the high content of plant fibers that are not digested in the human body.
In addition to healthy fiber, 100 g of banana contains the following substances:
- sugar - 22%;
- proteins - 1.3%;
- fats - 0.4%;
- water - 75%;
- essential oil;
- B vitamins;
- carotene;
- vitamin C, E;
- salts of potassium, magnesium and iron;
- Apple acid;
- dopamine;
- catecholamine;
- serotonin.
When eating bananas comes a feeling of joy, thanks to serotonin and substances that stimulate the production of this hormone. In addition to joy, a person receives vitamins and minerals necessary for health.
The benefits of bananas for men
To know what the benefits of bananas are, should men who want to quit smoking. Vitamins and biologically active substances contained in the fruits help smooth out the negative effects of nicotine on the body, and quickly wean from cigarettes.
The use of bananas will benefit athletes, and those who are engaged in intense physical or mental labor.Fruits normalize the metabolism in the body, strengthen the immune system, help the normal functioning of the heart, improve mood.
Why bananas are good for women
For women, bananas are beneficial, especially on days associated with the monthly cycles. Eating fruits helps nerve unloading, helps to restore strength, provides the necessary energy.
Banana is useful for pregnant women due to its high potassium content. This element contributes to the normal functioning of the heart, helps maintain water-salt balance in the body. After eating the fruit, the pressure decreases, the likelihood of developing edema decreases.
For children
Bananas can be eaten by children from 9 months after the introduction of vegetable complementary foods. Eating fruits normalizes the intestines, eliminates colic.
Fruit helps schoolchildren to strengthen immunity, increase their working capacity. Eating 1 banana during the break, the child will be less tired, more attentive.
What diseases does it help?
Banana is a dietary product, the use of which is recommended for many diseases:
- Diarrhea and indigestion. The fruits contain protease inhibitors that kill pathogenic bacteria.
- Stomach ulcer. A special enzyme, which is part of the fruit, stimulates the production of mucus in the intestines, this speeds up the healing process.
- High blood pressure. Potassium salts normalize the water-salt balance, help eliminate excess fluid, improve heart function, and contribute to a slight decrease in pressure.
- Constipation A large amount of natural fiber, which is contained in the fruits, normalizes stool, helps to cope with chronic constipation.
- Depression. It contains biologically active substances that are responsible for the production of the “hormone of happiness” - serotonin.
This is not a complete list of diseases in which the use of bananas is indicated.
Dried, dried, green bananas: benefits and harms
Green bananas are useful in the high content of plant fiber necessary for the body, but in large quantities they are undesirable. They contain a lot of insoluble starch, which is not absorbed in the stomach, and can cause fermentation. Fruits bought in green ripen at home at room temperature. To speed up ripening, you can put the green fruit in a paper bag along with a ripe apple, and close it tightly.
Dried bananas are useful, like many dried fruits. They contain potassium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C. A large amount of carbohydrates makes the product high-calorie, so it should be eaten in moderation, not more than 100 g per day.
Sun-dried bananas differ from dried bananas in a high moisture content; they remain resilient and elastic. The benefits of dried bananas can be equated with fresh fruits. They dry at a temperature of no more than 40 ° C, and are stored in the refrigerator. You can make dried bananas at home using an electric dryer. The product contains a lot of calories (about 360 kcal per 100 g), the damage will be noticeable with excessive use - extra pounds and increased blood sugar.
What are banana chips good for?
The banana chips are delicious, made from fresh fruits. The benefit of a product depends on the way it is cooked. Chips cooked in the process of drying or curing are healthier than fried ones. They contain vitamins, mineral salts, natural carbohydrates and vegetable proteins.
Fried chips are less useful, most of the valuable substances for the body are destroyed by frying. To make fried crisps crisp, they are dipped in sugar syrup. This increases the calorie content of the product, making it dangerous for consumption. You can’t eat chips to those who are overweight, allergic, diabetes and other diseases.
Beauty Application
From homemade banana pulp make face masks that perfectly moisturize and soften the skin. The pulp is ground with the addition of honey, lemon juice, sour cream, olive oil, egg yolk or used in pure form.Apply fruit masks for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. Such procedures are useful to everyone who is not allergic to the fruit. Banana masks have a slight tightening effect, help remove irritation, dryness and inflammation of the skin.
Banana pulp is also good for hair. She moisturizes the dried-up ringlets, returns them shine and health. To prepare the product, the ripe fruits are whipped in a mixer, applied to the hair, and wrapped in a towel with your head for 20 minutes. Then wash the curls with warm water with shampoo. If desired, olive oil, honey or egg yolk can be added to the pulp of bananas.
The benefits and harms of banana peels
The banana peel is edible in stewed or baked form (we are talking about bananas that grow in nature and are not sold on store shelves), this is a very useful product for the body.
It contains:
- dietary fiber, the concentration of which is close to bran;
- vitamins of groups A, B;
- antioxidants;
- a large amount of potassium;
- tryptophan, which promotes the production of serotonin in the body.
Most fiber is found in green banana peels. Its use cleanses the intestines of toxins, carcinogens, toxic substances.
The beneficial properties of banana peels spoil the processing of chemicals for long-term storage. Therefore, there is a peel of bananas purchased at the store, doctors do not recommend.
Healthy Banana Recipes
Pick bananas with a peel without dark spots and signs of spoilage, store at room temperature, without a bag. For long-term storage, freeze, peeling. Useful and delicious desserts, such as banana fritters, can be made from bananas.
Banana fritters
Only ripe bananas with a dark peel and white undamaged pulp are suitable for cooking.
- banana - 1 pc.;
- eggs - 2 pcs.;
- lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l .;
- vegetable oil - 50 g.
- Beat the banana pulp in a blender with eggs and lemon juice (juice is added so that the pulp does not darken). The mass should be magnificent.
- Heat the pan over medium heat.
- Pour 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil.
- Spread banana dough for 1 tbsp. l., and cover the pan with a lid. This will give the pancakes airiness.
- When the dough is set, the lid is opened, another 1 tbsp. Is poured onto each pancake. l test.
- Close the pan with a lid, and prepare the pancakes further, then turn it over.
- Fry for 2 minutes.
- Remove from heat.
Such boats are tasty not only hot, but also cold. They serve coffee, tea or cocoa.
Banana and Kefir Ice Cream
Banana ice cream is good for kids. It has no preservatives, only natural and fresh products.
- banana - 1 pc.;
- kefir 2.5% - 300 ml;
- honey - 3 tbsp. l .;
- red berries - 200 g;
- corn starch - 1 tbsp. l
- The banana is broken into pieces, stacked in a blender bowl.
- Kefir and honey are added.
- Beat products.
- Pour into a plastic food container.
- Put in the freezer for 1.5 hours.
- They prepare berry sauce for ice cream from cherries, raspberries, strawberries or currants.
- To do this, beat 200 g of frozen berries with 1 tbsp. l corn starch in a blender, and put the resulting mass on a slow fire (time 15 minutes).
- When the sauce has cooled, add 1 tbsp. l honey.
- After 1.5 hours, ice cream is removed from the refrigerator, and again whipped in a blender. Then it is poured into the same container and put in the freezer again. So repeat 2 times.
Homemade ice cream is healthy, but it melts quickly. You need to eat it immediately, taking it out of the freezer, and pouring it with berry sauce.
For long-term transportation, bananas are treated with phenols. The concentration of chemicals in the banana peel is especially high. Phenols are poisonous, even a small concentration in the food product can cause cancer.
Contraindications to the use of banana:
- contribute to blood thickening, it is undesirable to use with coronary heart disease, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
- people with diabetes need to limit the number of bananas; there is a lot of sugar in the fruits;
- allergic to latex, mango and avocado, bananas also cause an allergic reaction.
Fresh bananas are undesirable to eat with meat, fish and cereals, this can cause fermentation in the intestines, but they go well with other fruits, berries or herbs.