Balsam is an exotic flower that has become a symbol of comfort and harmony, which was imported from tropical regions. Representatives of the genus, depending on the species, can be grown both as garden and potted crops. Caring for indoor balsam at home is not difficult, giving the owner a lot of positive emotions from lush and prolonged flowering.
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Varieties and types of flower
About 600 species that grow in the tropics and subtropics of Asia and Africa represent the genus of balsam, including annual and perennial species. However, two types are usually used to decorate window sills:
Balsam Waller.
A popular species in indoor floriculture with large inflorescences that form on branchy shoots covered with opposite leaves on long stalks. Among the varietal variety, which has many different colors, such varieties and series as Duet, Fiesta, miniature representatives of the Novetta series, early flowering varieties of the Symphony series, ampelous flowers of the Futura series and varieties with the greatest variety are especially popular. colors from the "Essent" series.
Balsam of New Guinea.
A perennial hybrid when grown at home, distinguished by a compact crown formed around dense fleshy shoots covered with large leafy plates and year-round lush flowering.The popular series of varieties that can be purchased at the store include the SunPatiens Compact, variegated series SunPatiens Spreading White, Harmony, Divaro.
Indoor balsam: features of growing
Indoor balsam flower, despite varietal variety, has a number of common features that must be considered when growing.
- The need for water is a characteristic feature that served as the emergence of one of the popular names - “Roly wet”.
- Small pot sizes. With significant dimensions, balsam will spend energy on building up the root system and will soon delight in flowers.
- Hassle-free reproduction. The flower easily propagates by cuttings and seed method.
- The susceptibility of the flower to the development of diseases is a feature that requires constant attention from the grower to the leaves of the culture, with the defeat of which the disease spreads rapidly.
Home Care
Among the people, balsam is also known as "Touch" because of the peculiarities of ripened seed bolls to scatter seeds at the slightest touch. Nevertheless, in spite of such a capricious name, even a beginner grower is able to take care of this plant, if he adheres to the basic rules.
Location and lighting
- When choosing a place for an exotic flower, preference is given to eastern and southeastern window sills, where it is possible to provide a large amount of diffused light.
- When placing the plant in between the windows, it will also delight the owner with its brighter, but less prolonged flowering.
- In the summer, balsam will be grateful for its movement to fresh air, where it will be equipped with protection from direct sunlight, wind and rainfall.
Ground and pot requirements
To ensure abundant flowering, it is necessary to choose the right pot, which should correspond to the root system of balsam. When choosing, a small tank with large drainage holes is preferred. Soil this plant prefers light with a loose structure. You can get it by combining leaf and turf soil, humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 2: 1: 1.
Advice! If the pot is too large, then you can plant 2-3 plants that perfectly coexist with each other.
During a period of intensive growth, balsam is ideally suited to room temperature with no sudden changes. With the onset of winter, the optimal temperature regime for a representative of exotic flora decreases to a range from 12 to 16 ° C.
Watering balsam and humidity
Abundant hydration is one of the main agrotechnical requirements for successful cultivation of a plant.
Depending on the season, the frequency of irrigation differs:
- in the summer, the procedure is carried out every two days;
- with the advent of cold weather, the interval between irrigation increases to three days.
When conducting watering, it should be borne in mind that the culture is very moisture-loving. It will not be superfluous to acquire a deep pan where, after watering, a small part of the water will be drained, which the balsam will drink during the night. With a strong need for moisture, the flower will be grateful for systematic spraying during periods when air drought is observed.
Advice! To preserve the decorativeness of the flower, ensuring full development, it is necessary to regularly wipe the leaf plates with a damp sponge, freeing them from dust.
Fertilizer and fertilizer
To ensure lush flowering, balsam during the growing season is organized systematic additional nutrition twice a month:
- in early spring, when building green mass, nitrogen is included in the top dressing;
- Before the formation of buds, the proportion of nitrogen-containing fertilizers is reduced in favor of phosphorus-potash, stimulating the formation of flowers and providing a long flowering time.
If the florist wants to achieve lush flowering, then pinching is a mandatory procedure for all varieties, excluding dwarf ones. After flowering, one should also not forget about pruning withered inflorescences and weakened shoots, which often become a factor contributing to the development of diseases and the settlement of pests.
How to transplant?
The flower needs a transplant every two to three years with the onset of spring heat.
When carrying out the procedure:
- A container of a slightly larger diameter is prepared in comparison with the dimensions of the previous pot.
- Expanded clay drainage is placed at the bottom of the tank.
- The flower is transplanted by transshipment into a new dish, where it is covered with a substrate so that the root neck rises 2 cm above the surface.
Pest and Disease Control
Because of its love of abundant watering, balsam is often affected by a fungal disease such as rot. At its first signs, the affected specimen is examined, the foci of the disease are removed, after which the specimen is transplanted into a new soil mixture.
Among the pests that, in violation of the regulation of maintenance and weakening of the immune system, attack balsam, the following are noted:
- aphid;
- spider mite;
- whitefly.
As measures to combat harmful insects, the plants are treated with an insecticidal preparation according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Propagation of balsam
Reproduction of the tropical representative is carried out in two ways: generative and vegetative.
Seed method
The procedure is performed at the end of winter and at the same time:
- a container for seedlings is prepared and filled with nutritious soil mixture with a loose structure due to the addition of peat;
- the seed is distributed over the surface and slightly crushed by the substrate, after which it is covered with glass to create greenhouse conditions;
- after half a month the first sprouts appear.
The most popular method, in which the following manipulations are performed:
- In spring or summer, cuttings are prepared from apical shoots.
- Places of cuts are treated with an antiseptic in the form of activated or charcoal.
- The chopped parts are placed in a moistened substrate or water with the addition of a growth stimulator (optional) by 1-1.5 cm.
- A container with fits is placed in a shaded area.
- After a two-week period, roots are formed, which are a signal for transplanting new plants into separate containers.
- Two months later, the flower grower may witness the first flowering of a young balsam.
Thus, with a competent approach to the content of balsam at home and the fulfillment of a number of simple requirements, everyone can grow a very effective, abundantly flowering plant that will give positive emotions for a long period of time.