Marsh rosemary, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have long been well studied by folk healers, are often called the "remedy for a hundred diseases." The plant is a low shrub with beautiful white flowers and a recognizable smell. Most often, the grass is used for coughing, but this is not the only indication for use. What heals rosemary, and how to prepare medicine - more on this.
Material Content:
Therapeutic and beneficial properties
The plant under discussion has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties, due to which it has been widely used in folk medicine.
The leaves and shoots contain:
- micro and macro elements;
- vitamins (including vitamin C);
- tannins;
- glycosides;
- essential oil;
- volatile;
- bioflavonoids.
The composition includes zinc, copper, magnesium and iron in large quantities. A high concentration of zinc causes the use in the treatment of diseases of the male genitourinary system.
Of particular value is the Ledum oil. This is a substance with a complex composition, which has a specific smell. The oil has antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial activity.
The oil contains ice. This substance is a strong poison.
Tannins have anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, stimulate the production of mucus and facilitate the discharge of sputum in diseases of the respiratory system.
Phytoncides have antiviral activity and are a natural antibiotic. Ledum also has a mild analgesic and antispasmodic effect.
Indications for use
Useful properties of Ledum are quite wide and varied.
Applying in various branches of medicine, it is prescribed for the treatment of:
- coughing
- bronchial asthma;
- obstructive bronchitis;
- pneumonia;
- pulmonary tuberculosis;
- rheumatism;
- arthritis;
- intestinal dysbiosis;
- pyoderma;
- hypertension
- inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
As a preventive measure, shoots of wild rosemary are used in the cold season. The tool strengthens the immune system, protects against viruses and bacteria.
When coughing, the plant accelerates the secretion and elimination of sputum, contributing to a speedy recovery. When tuberculosis is used to relieve symptoms.
Medicines based on fruits (shoots) and leaves are used for inflammation of the intestine and dysbiosis, including those that appeared during long-term antibiotic therapy.
With rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis, an external agent is used. Lotions, applications and rubbing from grass relieve joint pain and relieve inflammation. The tool accelerates the restoration of the skin, therefore, externally can be used for dermatological diseases.
Decoctions and infusion of ledum positively affect blood flow and heart function. This plant is advisable for use in hypertension. It is important to remember that rosemary does not reduce blood pressure quickly, so it can not be used to stop a hypertensive crisis.
Methods for the preparation of medicinal products based on ledum
In folk medicine, a plant is used in the form of:
- infusion;
- decoction;
- oils;
- alcohol tinctures.
In this case, the infusion is prepared differently for internal and external use. In the first case, you need 1 tea. spoon of dried grass pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist in warmth, wrapped in a towel. After half an hour, the infusion is filtered and taken orally. For external use, with diseases of the skin and joints, other proportions are used - 2 table. tablespoons of a plant in a glass of boiling water.
To prepare the broth you will need 10 g of crushed raw materials and 200 ml of water. Ledum is poured with boiling water, languishes in a water bath for half an hour.
Oil for external use is prepared according to the following recipe. 3 tablespoons of raw materials or 20 g of rosemary are poured into 100 ml of pre-warmed vegetable oil. To do this, you can use olive oil, sea buckthorn or sunflower. In case of violation of the integrity of the skin, sea buckthorn oil is recommended, as it accelerates regeneration.
Alcohol tincture is used for joint diseases. It is used externally for rubbing or lotions. To prepare the tincture, it is necessary to take 5 parts of alcohol for 1 part of rosemary, place in a glass bottle, close the lid and insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. After a day, the product must be shaken.
Use for the treatment of diseases: recipes
Indications for the use of a decoction:
- angina pectoris;
- pulmonary tuberculosis;
- cough;
- bronchitis;
- intestinal inflammation.
The broth is taken three times a day after a meal. The recommended dosage is 1 tablespoon. You can cook the broth in a water bath. Another recipe for preparing a decoction: pour a teaspoon of a plant with a glass of water and cook until boiling. Then let the medicine boil for exactly one minute and remove from heat. Cover the broth, wrap with a towel for half an hour, and then strain and take according to the specified scheme.
Ledum infusion, prepared from a teaspoon of the plant and 200 ml of boiling water, is taken for coughing, asthma and problems with the intestines. Infusion should be taken at 50 ml per day, dividing the daily dosage into 3-4 doses.
Cold infusion is prepared as follows. Pour a tablespoon or 5 g of raw materials with 500 ml of cold water, cover tightly and leave overnight. Then the medicine is filtered and taken in the throat 4 times a day.
Indications for use of cold infusion:
- whooping cough;
- asthma;
- gout;
- rheumatism;
- tuberculosis;
- cystitis;
- prostatitis;
- severe shortness of breath.
The tool also has a calming and diuretic effect, therefore it is used as part of the complex therapy of hypertension.
Tincture and oil are used for rubbing and compresses for radiculitis, arthritis, gout, rheumatism. The tool is rubbed into the affected area for several minutes. Frequency of use - twice a day. Oil is used for rhinitis, 1 drop daily.
Ledum broth can wipe wounds, abrasions, bruises. It eliminates pain, prevents wound infection, accelerates skin recovery. To treat acne, boils, carbuncles, alcohol tincture is used. It is applied pointwise with a cotton swab. The infusion can be used as a lotion for problem skin, but not more than twice a week, since the plant is poisonous.
The use of marsh rosemary must be agreed with the doctor. It is important to remember that the plant is very poisonous, therefore it is impossible to exceed the recommended dosages.
Ledum is used more for symptomatic treatment, and not as an independent remedy. The duration of therapy in each case is determined individually. With tuberculosis, such treatment does not cancel antibiotic therapy.
Pharmaceutical preparations with Ledum
Ledum is sold in every pharmacy at an affordable price. It is packaged in packages of 50, 75 and 100 g of dried leaves, stems and shoots of the plant.
Ledum preparations:
- Ledin;
- Ledum-GF;
- Ledum marsh Hyland’s;
- Lori alcohol;
- Phytopril.
Ledin - It is an antitussive drug in tablets. The raw material for the tablets is sesquiterpene alcohol, which is isolated from the shoots of marsh rosemary. The drug is prescribed for dry and productive cough.
Ledum GF - This is an ointment that is prescribed for pain in the joints against a background of arthritis. It is also used to reduce itching and discomfort after insect bites. The tool refers to homeopathic remedies.
Another homeopathic remedy is Lori alcohol. Its composition is combined; it is made on the basis of ice, which is contained in wild rosemary oil, with the addition of belladonna. It is used only externally for joint pain, rheumatism, radiculitis.
Ledum marsh American firm Hyland’s - This is homeopathy in tablets. Each tablet contains an extract of this plant.
It is necessary to refuse treatment with Ledum marsh in the following cases:
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- childhood;
- hepatitis;
- glomerulonephritis;
- arterial hypotension.
Children under 14 years of age are not prescribed herbs. In special cases, it is possible to use Ledum in pediatric practice, but strictly under the supervision of a physician.
Like any other remedy, marsh rosemary is not used for individual intolerance.
Overdose and side effects
Ledum is marsh - a poisonous plant. Overdose and too long use can lead to dangerous side effects. In severe cases of overdose, damage to the central nervous system is noted. This can lead to paralysis of the lower extremities, bronchospasm and paralysis of the heart muscle.
Side effects from Ledum:
- nausea with vomiting;
- irritability;
- dizziness;
- lowering blood pressure;
- headache;
- drowsiness.
If side effects occur, the drug must be discontinued and consult a doctor for symptomatic treatment.
Despite the impressive list of indications, marsh rosemary is a dangerous plant. In this regard, it is recommended to carry out treatment only after consultation with a specialist.