The natural riches of our planet are very large and, with proper use, can solve many problems with health and appearance. And this applies not only to plants, but also to fruits. Today we’ll talk more about one of them. So, our today's hero is an avocado, the benefits and harms of which for the female body have long been known to nutritionists and cosmetologists.

Chemical composition, calorie avocado

Avocado is the most nutritious fruit of all plant foods.

The fruit is very high-calorie, in comparison with others - 150 Kcal per 100 grams of product. But the properties of avocados are due to the rich composition, which allows you to use it even for those who want to lose weight. The main thing is to know how. But more on that later. In the meantime, about the composition.

  1. Monounsaturated fats, which are especially important for people with dietary restrictions on meat, dairy products and fatty fish.
  2. Minerals, such as sodium with potassium, phosphorus with calcium, magnesium with iron, manganese and others.
  3. The vitamin composition is represented by vitamins: A, C, D, E, PP and group B.
  4. Natural hormones with biologically active elements contribute to the rejuvenation of the body.

Such components give the fruit a large number of beneficial properties for the human body.

Avocado: benefits for a woman's body

Avocados are very useful for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and also to maintain the balance of water and salts in the body.

Avocado is a concentrate of beneficial properties that are especially favorable for the female body.

In addition, the fruit is useful:

  • for blood circulation (used for anemia);
  • to improve the discharge of urine and the digestive system;
  • to eliminate problems with stool in the form of constipation;
  • for the removal of cholesterol and prevention of its appearance in the future;
  • for rejuvenation (restores cells and protects the body from premature aging);
  • to strengthen bones;
  • to work the brain, increase its activity and improve memory;
  • for the nervous system (eliminates nervous tension and improves performance);
  • to strengthen immunity.

Important: phytonutrienes present in the early stages of oncology destroy pathological cells.

Now let's move on to the topic of weight loss, relevant for overweight women or just for those who want to slightly adjust the figure. Avocado fruit can help in this matter.

Useful properties for weight loss

The presence of L-carnitine (a natural vitamin-like amino acid) in the fruits activates the metabolism of fats, helping blood circulate better and participating in the production of energy. Without this substance, you can not lose weight by using any kind of diet.

Avocados - the best ingredient for weight loss.

Despite the presence of fats in the fruit, they are indispensable for all processes in the body, as they lower cholesterol levels. In addition, they make gym workouts more effective, speeding up metabolism and improving blood flow.

Fiber as part of the fruit cleanses the digestive organs from stagnant formations, toxins and uric acid.

What is the use of avocado seed?

Avocado seed has many beneficial properties.
  • The fetal bone is a natural antibacterial agent, thanks to the extract in its composition, which kills some pathogenic fungi and even yellow fever pathogens.
  • It also has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect in the fight against cancerous tumors and free radicals.
  • The Indians treated diarrhea and dysentery with this product.
  • And, finally, another property of the avocado bone - the substances in its composition protect against the appearance of plaques on the walls of arteries.

Avocado oil

The main benefit of avocado oil lies in its positive effect on the appearance of a woman. Especially the product is indicated for very dry and damaged skin.

Avocado oil has all the useful and necessary properties.

This property is relevant for:

  • injuries
  • burns;
  • individual dermatological diseases.

An element in the composition called squalene heals wounds and has a disinfecting effect. It also contributes to the production of sex hormones in the female body.

Important: all the properties of the oil are inherent only to a natural product obtained by cold pressing. During heat treatment, a significant part of vitamins with trace elements is lost.

Chlorophyll gives a green tint to the fetus, which has a positive effect on the metabolism and digestive system. In addition, this pleasantly colored oily liquid effectively fights pains before and during menstruation and also eliminates some of the symptoms of menopause.

The use of fruit in cosmetology

Thanks to the same composition, avocados are successfully used by women to solve many problems with skin and hair. The modern cosmetic industry uses fruit extract and oil in the production of various products. For home recipes, the second version of the product and the ripe fruit pulp are suitable.

Modern cosmetology uses avocados in various products for hair and skin.

Important: if you need fruit for internal use, then choose a fruit of a light shade, and for the outside - a dark one.

The high ability of the oil to penetrate deeply under the skin makes it possible to use it instead of lanolin. If you want to get a beautiful tan, then avocados will come in handy. Moreover, you also protect your skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Face masks

The following recipe is suitable for dry skin. Mash with a fork or other object the internal content of the fruit, adding sour cream or cream to the mixture. Apply on face for 30 minutes, then rinse with plain water without soap.

Based on avocados, you can cook different masks that will not cause any harm.

You can improve the appearance of aging skin by mixing the mashed pulp of half the fruit with a small spoon of honey and half the same volume of apple cider vinegar. On the face, keep the composition for 20 minutes, then remove with warm water.

And here is the recipe for a nutritious mask - mix 1 tsp. seedlings of millet in crushed form with the same amount of avocado pulp. The application is similar to the previous recipe.

Means against fast hair contamination

Combine 170 g of chopped pulp with lemon juice and yolk, adding 10 ml of honey. Make a homogeneous mass of these ingredients. It must be rubbed into the scalp and distributed over the entire length of the hair. The exposure time of the mask will be about half an hour, after which it remains just to wash your hair with warm water.

The composition of the avocado allows you to use a hair product.

There are 2-3 such procedures per week, but your curls will become strong and shiny, get rid of brittleness and split ends.

Making healthy dishes with avocado

Delicious, and most importantly, healthy dishes are made from avocados.

Healthy and tasty salad.

We bring to your attention a few simple recipes:

  1. From 1 fruit, 2 chicken eggs, 2 fresh cucumbers and a small amount of green onions, prepare a salad. It should be divided into halves of the fetus. After peeling and removing the stone, grind into cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut pre-boiled hard-boiled eggs and cucumbers, chop large onions. Combine all the ingredients in one dish and season with your favorite sauce, salt and pepper.
  2. And here is an interesting cold appetizer. Pepper and salt 250 g of cottage cheese to taste, add one avocado fruit (pulp) mashed with a fork and chopped tomato.
  3. An excellent option for a wholesome and tasty breakfast is pasta made from this exotic fruit. Separate the yolks from the proteins in the cooked 2 eggs. Grind the first with a fork and add the flesh of one fruit into them. Cut egg whites and add to the mass. Pour a chopped bunch of dill, mix everything and you can smear bread with such a composition.

Such simple dishes diversify your usual diet by adding useful elements to it.

How to choose a fruit?

When choosing an avocado, certain difficulties may arise due to the impossibility of accurately determining its maturity.

You can choose an avocado by appearance.

To make sure you understand which fruit to buy, use a couple of tips:

  • A fairly solid product when felt and a light green hue of the peel will indicate the immaturity of the fruit. He still needs to lie down for 5 days.
  • Saturated green color with a soft surface - the fruit will be ready in a day.
  • The product, completely ready to use, has a shade close to brown and a very soft surface.

Also pay attention to the stalk - it should be light yellow. A brown hue will indicate the overripe fruit.

Avocado for pregnant

Avocado for pregnant women is also useful, thanks to its amazing composition, it helps the baby develop properly in the womb. And vitamin B9 (folic acid) prevents the appearance of congenital pathologies.

Avocado during pregnancy is good for the health of the expectant mother.
  • In general, the systematic use of fruit protects the cardiovascular system, digestive and immune from the appearance of serious ailments.
  • Avocados are a great way to prevent stretch marks on your stomach, chest, and hips. This is explained by the ability to moisturize the skin, soothe, heal and nourish.To achieve the effect, you just need to regularly apply mashed fruit pulp with olive oil to the problem areas for 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

It is important to eat the fruit necessarily raw. It goes well with other fruits, cream, butter and vegetable oils. Be sure to wash the product thoroughly before use to remove any fertilizer from the skin.

Allergic reactions to avocados are very rare, but still this should be taken into account and check yourself for their absence. And it is better to consult about the possibility of eating fruit with your doctor.

Harmful use of avocados

Avocado is a harmless product for almost everyone, except those who have individual intolerance and are allergic to citrus fruits. The fetus can harm overweight people due to its high calorie content, so they should limit its use.

If you eat a lot of fruits, you can disrupt the digestive system.

But keep in mind that in the seeds and leaves of the avocado are toxins that can harm the human body. Therefore, use even such a harmless product wisely. Health to you and your loved ones!