Recently, the fruits of avocados began to appear more often in domestic stores. Finally, the Russian housewives "tasted" this delicious healthy fruit. It is very actively used not only for preparing delicious dishes, but also for high-quality skin care at home.
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The composition of the avocado and its beneficial properties
The avocado has a unique composition. This explains the wide list of its useful properties. The composition of the fetus includes a huge amount of all kinds of substances indispensable for the body. These are vitamins (most of group B), and macrocells (including calcium, phosphorus and potassium), and trace elements (for example, fluorine and iron), and even saturated fatty acids.
Among the main beneficial properties of avocados, its beneficial effect on the work of the heart and the state of the vessels is primarily distinguished.
In addition, regular consumption of fruits allows you to:
- improve the condition of the entire digestive system;
- restore normal thyroid function;
- improve memory;
- lower blood cholesterol;
- improve the condition of the body with gastritis and diabetes;
- deal with constipation without medication.
It is especially important to add avocados to your daily menu if a person has recently suffered a serious infectious disease.
Fruits will help the body recover faster and strengthen it. If you enjoy them all the time, you will be able to increase your own performance and improve your mood. As a result, constant drowsiness and irritability will go away.
Calorie, BJU fruit
Everyone who adds the fruit in question to their menu needs to know that the calorie content of avocados is quite high. It is immediately 160 kcal per 100 g of product.
If you deal with the BFU of the fetus, it will be possible to find out that there are a lot of avocados and fats in one hundred grams of the product, 14.7 grams of them are produced. But proteins and carbohydrates are about 2 grams each. Most in the composition of the fruit is water. There is also dietary fiber in it - it is they that are so important for the normal functioning of the digestive tract.
Alligator slimming pear
If we talk about the benefits and harms of avocado fruits for women, then first of all you need to remember about the use of fruits for weight loss.
- When you first get acquainted with the discussed product, losing weight is usually alarmed by the high content of fat in it. In fact, monounsaturated fatty acids from the fetus reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the body, which contributes to weight loss.
- There are avocados and carnitine. He is responsible for the breakdown of fats and significantly speeds up this process.
- The insulin from the composition of the fetus “makes reserves” of energy released after processing the lunch. If this substance is not enough in the body, a person may begin to develop obesity or even diabetes.
- Fiber, which is found in large quantities in the fruits under discussion, is also indispensable for weight loss. It allows you to quickly feel full and not to feel hunger for a long time.
Interestingly, today there is even an avocado diet - a special nutrition system for fast weight loss. Nutritionists recommend sticking to it no longer than three days, as this is still a mono-diet, which includes a minimum of products. If you "sit" on it for too long, the body simply will not have enough nutrients and calories for normal healthy functioning.
With strict adherence to the diet in just three days it will be possible to lose, on average, 2 - 2.5 kg.
To do this, you need:
- For breakfast, eat 80-100 g of fat-free cottage cheese with half an avocado daily.
- For lunch - a salad from the second half of the fruit with fresh cucumber, one boiled egg, a bunch of fresh green onions and dill (any citrus juice is used for dressing).
- Dinner repeats breakfast, but you can supplement this meal with 80 - 100 grams of boiled lean meat.
Every day for three days the recommended menu is the same.
The use of fruit in cosmetology
Very active fruit is used by the fair sex to care for their skin. For this purpose, both avocado oil and its pulp are used.
Face masks
Interestingly, the discussed fruits practically do not cause allergic reactions. That is why their pulp and oil can be chosen to care for their face and body of a woman at any age and with any type of skin. Fats from the fetus perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin, even the driest and most sensitive. Vitamin A, in turn, promotes the formation of new cells.
Cosmetologists use fetal oil as a base. All sorts of creams, masks, and nutritional mixtures are prepared on its basis.
By the way, such oil is also very useful for hair. It is suitable for regular hair care.
Pure oil can also be used. It is applied to the skin of the face instead of the usual cream. The full course is 12 to 14 days. At this time, oil is applied to the face twice a day. Then you can use the care product already 2 to 3 times a week at night.
Try an anti-wrinkle avocado mask. It is advisable to use such an agent against signs of skin aging at least 2 to 3 times a week.
- ripe avocado - half;
- little olive - 1 tsp;
- instant yeast - half a teaspoon.
- Puree the half of the seedless fruit. You should get a thick homogeneous mass.
- Pour oil into the avocado.
- Pour in instant yeast.
- Mix everything and let the mixture brew for 12 to 14 minutes.
- Apply the mask to the washed face.
After a quarter of an hour, wash off the mask thoroughly using a soft swab.
You can also prepare a softening mixture. It will take a little longer to prepare such a mask, since the mass will have to be warmed up in a water bath.
- avocado oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
- natural bee honey - 1 tbsp. l
- Mix all the ingredients in a small saucepan.
- In a water bath, bring the mass to a boil.
- Cool the mixture slightly.
- Apply to well-cleansed skin.
After 17 - 20 minutes, you need to wash and not go outside until the face is completely dry.
There is also a mask option for very dry skin on sour cream. The dairy product should be taken medium fat.
- potato - half;
- sour cream - 1 tsp;
- avocado - half;
- water - depending on the density;
- any base oil (vegetable) - 1 tsp. oils.
- Boil and mashed potatoes.
- Do the same with avocados.
- Connect all the components.
- Apply the mixture after treating the skin with a tonic. In this case, the mass should be warm.
After 17 to 20 minutes, rinse off with a damp swab.
Any of these masks can be used without prior consultation with a cosmetologist. They are effective and safe.
Homemade bone scrub
Most often, housewives throw an avocado seed. But this is a big mistake. The hardest part of the fetus can also be used. So, on the basis of the bone it will be possible to make an effective and at the same time budget scrub.
To create such a skin cleanser, you will need:
- Cut the avocado into two parts and remove the bone from it.
- Carefully remove the smallest remains of pulp from it and allow the bone to dry thoroughly.
- Next, you need to divide the bone into four parts and send it to the blender bowl. Hard pieces need to be turned into small crumbs.
The resulting free-flowing ingredient can be added to regular foam for washing. But even better is to independently prepare the basis for the scrub. For example, from vegetable oil or sour cream with chopped parsley.
It is forbidden to clean the area around the eyes with the help of the discussed tool. This place is very sensitive tender skin, which is easy to hurt.
If the crushed stone changes color (oxidizes and turns orange) - no big deal! You can continue to add crumbs to cosmetics.
Traditional medicine recipes
Avocado is used even in traditional medicine. For example, as a natural antibiotic for various pustular diseases. In no case should you make avocados the only medicine used to combat an existing ailment. Fruits can only complement the complex treatment prescribed by the doctor.
The pulp of the fruit quickly heals burns. To do this, it is turned into slurry.
To use the fruit does not harm a person, you need to choose the right avocado. It should be ripe, but without traces of starting rot, and even more so without mold.
Interestingly, in folk medicine, not only fruits are used, but also leaves and avocado bark. The latter becomes an excellent tool against parasites, young leaflets are used as an expectorant, and ground seeds of the plant cope well with different types of pain (including toothache).
Even if you just add the pulp of avocado to your regular diet, you can strengthen your immune system and speed up the process of recovery after a long illness. You need to eat fresh fruits.
Use of the fetus in cooking
Often on the web you can find disputes on the topic of fruit or avocado vegetable. There are arguments for both versions. In fact, the avocado has a fruit “pedigree”, which confirms the presence of a large bone and its “birth” on a tree.
In addition to cosmetology and traditional medicine, avocados are actively used in cooking. This fruit has a very pleasant, delicate, as if oily taste.It makes a variety of dishes even tastier.
There are no special recommendations on how to eat an avocado. You can do this as convenient for every gourmet.
- It is best to use the pulp of the fetus as a less high-calorie substitute for butter. It can be spread on vegetables, toasts, bread rolls.
- Avocado perfectly complements warm and cold salads, added to rolls.
- Tasty to cook with slices of the fruit scrambled eggs and scrambled eggs.
Before cutting avocados, you need to peel the fruit from a dense skin and remove the hard bone.
Contraindications and harm to avocados
Avocados can harm the human body only in rare cases. For example, when he is allergic to some components of the fetus. To make sure there is no allergic reaction, you need to start acquaintance with such a fruit with a minimum portion - try a slice with a teaspoon.
Gourmets who suffer from obesity will have to reduce the use of avocados. It is better to feast on its gentle oily flesh no more than 1 time per week. All other nutritionists are allowed to eat half an avocado per day.
If for the first time a person tries an unripe avocado, then his impression of this product can be spoiled for a long time. And for culinary experiments, and for personal care, and for medical purposes, very soft fruits should be chosen. Such fruits are especially easy to peel - the skin is removed from them in one motion, even without the use of special tools.