Cyclomania flower: care, reproduction, transplantation and the problem of yellow leaves
Care and propagation of the cyclomenia flower is not particularly difficult if you know some of the nuances. With proper care, an exotic plant will be strong and strong. Beautiful flowering ...
Kumquat what is this fruit. Useful properties of dried kumquat
Recently, among the usual fruits on the shelves of supermarkets there are unusual fruits. Many of them look so exotic that it is completely unclear how they are ....
Zelenin drops - indications for use, instructions
Drops of zelenin, the indications for use of which conquered patients suffering from many diseases, including cardiovascular, have been known since the last century and remain in demand now. One ...
How to raise hemoglobin at home quickly?
Hemoglobin is a complex protein that is responsible for supplying tissues and organs with oxygen. The level of this substance in the blood is an important indicator of the health of the body. Malnutrition, stress, ...
Dried figs - benefits and harm to the body
Many people are distrustful of exotic fruits and are in no hurry to introduce them into their diet. The same figs growing in the subtropics, in dried ...
Flower Female happiness: how to care for blooming?
The correct name of this flower is spathiphyllum, and it grows in nature in South America, near reservoirs. Therefore, to make the plant feel “at home,” and ...
Dumpling dumplings with potatoes - 7 recipes
Today, dumplings are considered a national Ukrainian dish. It is prepared very simply, and the result will surely please all family members. The main thing is to choose a delicious dough for dumplings with ...
Dumpling for dumplings - 9 recipes
The most difficult part in the process of making dumplings is kneading dough. It depends on how well prepared the dough for dumplings is, whether it will be easy to sculpt them ...
Dough for dumplings with cottage cheese
In Slavic culture, a great place is given to national dishes. The most popular and versatile dishes include dumplings and dumplings. The first dish is a combination of different types ...
8 recipes for classic kharcho with rice
This soup is the pride of Georgia. Properly cooked soup always turns rich and aromatic. If you cook a kharcho according to the classic recipe with rice, you can make it for
Kharcho soup - 8 home-made recipes
The name of this dish is familiar to almost everyone. Rice, beef are added to the soup, seasoned with cilantro and walnut - this is a prerequisite. You can experiment with meat, ...
Charlotte on kefir - 7 recipes
Charlotte on kefir stands out as a light and delicate dessert. Her recipes are easy to prepare, and the ingredients can be found in any kitchen. The taste of simple ...
Canned Bean Soup - 8 recipes with red and white
Canned beans soup is the simplest version of the first course, which is prepared in a matter of minutes. It can be infinitely improved to your liking, for example, by adding ...
How to bake mannik - 10 recipes
Mannik is a traditional Russian pie based on semolina. This is a great dessert, the taste of which you can independently change by varying the amount of ingredients and additives ....
How to cook semolina porridge in milk - 7 recipes
Few of us in childhood did not eat milk porridge for breakfast, carefully prepared by our mother or grandmother. Someone considered this a real punishment and diligently ...
Delicious crispy pastry dough for pasties - 7 recipes
Chebureks with crispy tender crust and juicy fragrant filling will not leave anyone indifferent. The most delicious dish is always prepared by yourself at home. After all, in this ...
Dough for pasties with bubbles - 7 recipes
What could be tastier than juicy crispy pasties on the bubble dough from the popular cheburek? Only a homemade snack prepared by loving caring hands. To get a treat really ...
Couscous - 8 recipes for making couscous
A very tasty and healthy (albeit exotic) side dish is couscous. The recipes for cooking are very different, including with the addition of numerous oriental spices ...
Homemade cookies - 11 simple and delicious recipes
Simple recipes for delicious homemade cookies will help the hostess quickly prepare gastronomic products without any chemistry, harmful dyes and thickeners. Because the ingredients are available in every kitchen ...
12 cookie recipes - simple but tasty
Now you can buy many types of cookies and housewives are less and less preparing this delicacy at home. However, you can make dessert yourself faster than going to the store ....
Bamboo houseplant, home care
Caring for indoor bamboo is a fascinating activity that will inspire any connoisseur of fresh flowers. The bamboo plant tends to be more whimsical indoors, so it ...
Liquid ammonia for plants - application, top dressing
Among the bright bags of seeds and fertilizers that have been purchased since the winter, there is definitely a place for small bottles bought with pharmacy names ammonia, ammonia ....
Waffle Dough - 9 Wafer Dough Recipe Recipes
Homemade waffles are a delicate crispy treat that will win the heart of every sweet tooth. They can become both an independent dessert, and part of a complex dish. Dough...
Omelet as in kindergarten - 6 childhood recipes!
Exactly the same omelet as in kindergarten many cooks dream to cook on their own. Its gentle special taste reminds of that happy cloudless time and ...
How to cook cottage cheese pancakes in a pan
Soft sweet cheesecakes are an ideal breakfast option for the whole family. It is both a tasty and nutritious dish. And to figure out how to cook cottage cheese pancakes from ...
Ginger Tea - 10 Ginger Drink Recipes
Ginger tea is the perfect drink for the cold season. It not only perfectly warms, but also strengthens the immune system, protects against colds and others ...
Pie with apples in a slow cooker - 9 good recipes
Charlotte is one of the easiest options for sweet pastries. Even a novice cook will cope with it. The hostess will be able to simplify the task even more with the help of a multicooker ....
Tomato pizza sauce - 11 recipes
Today we will reveal the secret of how to cook the most delicious tomato pizza sauce - the best dressing for a real Italian treat, one of the most popular in the world ...
Flax seeds for bowel cleansing, recipes
Today, there is a lot of talk about slagging the body, incredible conglomerates of stool, stagnant in the intestines, and toxins that slowly poison each person from the inside. The opinion of doctors on ...
12 activated carbon masks from black dots
Among the many cosmetics, it is so difficult to choose something really worthwhile. The popular and widely publicized is far from always effective. And try products no name firms ...
Sweet potato - what is it? Sweet Potato Sweet Potato Recipes
Today you can often hear such an unusual name "sweet potato". That's just what it means, where it came from and what you can do with it, not everyone knows ....
Why peonies do not bloom, what to do?
Peony is a beautiful and long-lived perennial, with large fragrant flowers. If the grower does not know why peonies do not bloom, what to do in this situation, then ...
Green feces in an adult - reasons
If your stool color suddenly changes, you should not immediately panic - the reason may be absolutely not serious. Anxiety will be appropriate with a constant unusual ...
Maggi Diet - 4 Weekly Daily Menu
A delicious and varied diet with which you can live your whole life exists. It will not only allow for four weeks to restore the harmony of the figure, but also will ...
Gastroscopy of the stomach - how to prepare for the examination of FGDS?
Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS, gastroscopy) is a method for diagnosing pathologies of the upper gastrointestinal tract using a gastroscope. The device is a hollow tube, inside of which is placed a fiber optic ...
Beef goulash with gravy - 3 recipes
Today we will prepare a fragrant and very satisfying Hungarian dish. Let's look at some interesting beef goulash recipes with gravy.
Step by step recipe in sour cream sauce
Nasturtium - planting and care in the open ground, when to plant?
Among amateur gardeners, nasturtium is a very popular flower. Moreover, it not only grows, but also blooms on rather poor soil, but on rich ...
The fight against aphids folk remedies
Aphid is a harmful insect that settles on horticultural, vegetable garden and other crops. Affected plants become depressed, slow down in growth and even die. Fighting ...
Honeysuckle - useful properties and contraindications for the body
Honeysuckle is a small, neat shrub that is famous not only for its beauty, but also for its healing qualities. Its berries, which have a pleasant taste, as well as flowers, ...
Golden root - medicinal properties and contraindications
Golden root - a plant with thick roots surrounded by thin additional rhizomes. It can grow in one place for decades, so it is known to many people as Rhodiola ...
How to marinate champignons - 5 recipes for the winter and for barbecue
Pickled champignons for the winter can be both an excellent snack, an ingredient in a salad, and used in the preparation of complex vegetable dishes. We also offer to get acquainted with ...
Cabbage cutlets - the most delicious recipes
Appetizing hearty cutlets can be prepared not only from meat, but also from minced meat.Especially successful are the cabbage cutlets. The most delicious recipe of them ...
Beef basturma at home
Basturma is a sophisticated delicacy that can be made at home. Basturma came to us from the Ottoman Empire. Initially, it was cooked from beef, but over time they started ...
Intravenous ozone therapy: indications and contraindications
Ozone (O3) is a blue gas, which is an allotropic modification of oxygen. In concentrations exceeding the maximum permissible (0.01 mg ∕ m3), it is toxic, has teratogenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic ...
Lymphatic drainage facial massage
The gentle restoring procedures for the face give, as a rule, a weak unstable result. Therefore, there is an opinion that a noticeable rejuvenation can be achieved only with the help of radical cosmetic ...
Aloe in ampoules - instructions for use in cosmetology and gynecology
Over the centuries, aloe has been recognized as one of the most beneficial to plant health. Correctly made preparations based on it are used in various fields of medicine. One ...
Hydrangea Limelight (panicled): description, planting and care
Hydrangea Limelight is a spectacular decorative and deciduous shrub. Due to its high and durable shoots with large flowers, it has gained high popularity, both among Russian and ...
Daikon: useful properties and contraindications
In Russia, among the adherents of healthy eating, Japanese radish has become popular. Nutritionists recommend finding out the beneficial properties of daikon and contraindications. The root crop is used for weight loss and treatment ...
Foie gras what is it? 4 recipes at home
Fuagra is a rather famous delicacy that can be seen on the tables of the secular elite and celebrities. The dish is distinguished by a sophisticated aftertaste, delicate texture and delicate aroma. Many...
Propagation of violets with a leaf at home
The first indoor senpolia or uzambara violets were grown from seeds of a wild plant in the distant 1892. In modern floriculture, there are about 16,000 varieties of this ...
Sunflower salad with chips - classic recipe
The main advantage of such a treat is not only its bright original taste, but also a festive interesting design. Any table will decorate a sunflower salad with chips. Classical...
Orchid Dendrobium Nobile - home care
You never cease to be surprised that in their homeland - somewhere on the islands of Indonesia, orchids grow like simple weeds. In Russia, they seem to be the standard ...
Orchid bloomed - what to do with the arrow?
Caring for an orchid, a person strives for its longest flowering. In the wild, in a favorable climate, they are able to dissolve buds almost year-round, most domesticated ...
Seaweed Salad - 6 Healthy Recipes
Seaweed salad is an unusually healthy and original dish that will decorate the festive feast and add bright colors to gray everyday life. The salad will fall in love ...
Hemoglobin norm in men by age - table
One of the most important components of the blood is hemoglobin. The norm in men by age (table) is presented below. With a decrease or increase in this component, they begin to develop ...
Figs: benefits and harm to the body
Figs helps fight hypovitaminosis, gives vitality, improves bowel function. With it, they cleanse the body of toxins and increase the secretion of breast milk. Fig tree fruits ...
Butter dough for buns - the most delicious tender, 6 cooking recipes
To make baking successful, you need to make the most delicious pastry for buns. There are several cooking options.
Classic Butter Yeast Recipe
The easiest option. The resulting dough ...
Forshmak (minced meat) from herring - a classic recipe and its variations
The classic herring minced recipe involves the use of apples, onions, boiled eggs, butter and slices of bread soaked in milk. All these ingredients ...
6 recipes for salting
A good recipe for salting salmon must be in stock with every housewife. At home, using quality seasonings and spices, an appetizer always turns out ...
French meat - 7 recipes
Despite its name, it is a dish with Russian roots. For the first time it was prepared for Count Orlov, who lived in Paris. For many years ...
Falafel - 6 home-made recipes
Israel’s national favorite of all is Falafel. Recipes of this treat with various ingredients are available to everyone today. Cooking it at home is pretty ...
Powdery mildew on roses - control measures and treatment
If a white powdery coating appears on flower petals or leaves, then a pathogenic fungus is present. Pathogenic microflora with the same frequency affects various plants, and powdery ...
Horseradish - nine classic winter recipes
Horseradish, horseradish, horlloder, "light", "thistle" - these are all variations on the theme of our popular horseradish and tomato snacks. And although dodgy hostesses adapted ...
Yeast nutrition for plants - 9 recipes
Yeast is a product used not only in cooking. Also in gardening, young plants are fed with yeast solutions and seeds are soaked in them. AT...
Aphids on roses: how to treat and how to get rid of aphids
The rose is rightfully considered the queen of flowers. However, even its beauty can desecrate garden pests. In the spring, aphids often appear on roses. How to process, so as not to ...
Currant aphids - how to fight, folk remedies
Growing fruit bushes is a fascinating, but also quite troublesome task, because almost every berry has to deal with the ubiquitous pests. Chemicals will help to keep the crop, ...
Ginger with Lemon and Honey - Health Recipe
Lemon, honey and ginger are often used to relieve symptoms of the common cold and flu. Each of the ingredients has unique natural healing properties, and when they are combined, ...
Ginger - home growing
Ginger is a healthy herbaceous plant, with which most are familiar as a spicy root sold in many stores. However, it can be planted in your ...
Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation, what is the chance and probability?
The female menstrual cycle is a complex chain of processes in the body, regulated by hormones. Normally, in the middle (usually 12-15 days from the start ...
Pea soup - classic recipe
The classic recipe for pea soup will make it easy to prepare, but very fragrant, tasty and hearty dish. For soups, it is important to use filtered water, fresh meat ...
Pea soup in a slow cooker - 5 recipes
Pea soup is loved by many of our compatriots. This is not surprising, because this dish is very hearty, tasty, nutritious. Many housewives do not like to cook it because of seeming difficulties ...
Pea soup with smoked ribs - 5 recipes
Pea soup with smoked meats is a delicious dish of Russian cuisine. This is a rich yellow or red soup with an indescribable aroma. Smoked ribs add to this ...
Pea Soup - 13 Recipes
A delicious and nutritious first course is pea soup. The recipe for the classic version suggests using pork for broth. But in general, the hostess can cook this ...
Curdless casserole without semolina - 8 recipes
Often, in each recipe from cottage cheese, you can find an additional ingredient in the form of semolina, since it plays an important role as a thickener. The swollen semolina perfectly absorbs ...
Sauce for meatballs - 7 best recipes for making homemade sauce
Homemade sauce always compares favorably with the store ones both in taste and composition. As the saying goes, "you know for sure what it consists of," because cooked in ...
Oatmeal porridge in milk - 7 recipes for cooking oatmeal
Oatmeal in milk is one of the most healthy dishes. It is ideal for breakfast, as it not only saturates the body with vitamins and essential ...
How to cook beshbarmak - 6 recipes with chicken, beef or pork
The national dish of Kazakh cuisine, passed down from generation to generation. True beshbarmak is made from lamb or horse meat with special processing of meat products, but over time ...
Sourdough for bread - 8 recipes how to make sourdough
Real homemade bread is unthinkable without leaven. Indeed, only on a natural sourdough baking retains all the benefits of cereals, which are partially lost in yeast bread. If...
How to stew cabbage in a pan - 6 recipes
Stewed cabbage in a pan is a wonderful dish that is eaten cold and hot. It can be eaten as an independent side dish, or used as a filling for ...
Bulgur - 7 recipes
Today there are a lot of recipes for making bulgur. This is an incredibly satisfying and tasty cereal used in various dishes: soups, salads, side dishes and even desserts. Bulgur is popular ...
Lazy Dumplings - 6 Recipes
Dumplings prepared in a "lazy" way are not inferior in taste to the usual ones, but they do not require a long pastime in the kitchen.
Lazy dumplings - roses from dough with minced meat
The dish is preparing ...
Serum pancakes - 7 recipes thin or curvy with holes
Many housewives, disappointed in the store's fermented milk products, prefer to cook their own homemade yogurts, fermented baked milk, sour cream, cottage cheese. In the manufacture of the latter product, whey is also obtained ....
Pancakes with meat - 7 recipes for pancakes stuffed with meat
The meat filling for pancakes is one of the most popular among the people. This version of the dish is very satisfying and tasty. You can attach to the process of their preparation ...
Ginger - useful properties and contraindications
Ginger, whose beneficial properties and contraindications have been known for a long time, has firmly established itself both in medicine and in the cooking of modern man. Thanks to 400 unique compounds, ginger ...
Homemade waffles - seven recipes in a waffle iron
Waffles are an old delicacy: it is believed that this dish of flour, eggs and milk was the first to be invented by the ancient Chinese. And the modern name could well have happened ...
How to cook quail eggs?
Quail eggs are a very valuable and healthy food, regardless of their size. But before you make any dish out of them, you need to know how ...
Tobacco chicken in the oven - 7 recipes
Tobacco chicken in the oven is the same dish that you can safely serve every day and for the holiday. The recipe, born in Georgia, turned out to be universal and ...
Dumplings in the microwave - 5 recipes
Cooking dumplings in the microwave, you can not only save time, but also get a tasty dish in the end. They can be boiled in water or without it, ...
Pot dumplings - 8 recipes in the oven
Dumplings in pots - a simple and very tasty dish. And various additional ingredients: vegetables, cream, smoked sausages, mushrooms and others - will turn it ...
How to fry dumplings in a pan: frozen and not - the right recipes
Fried to a crisp crust, the dumplings resemble pies for some, some see small pasties in them, but there is simply no one indifferent to the dish! They are loved by adults, ...
Choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings: 7 universal recipes
Homemade dumplings and dumplings are a remarkably tasty and profitable dish, but, alas, not all housewives like to cook it. One of the reasons - the dough turns out ...
Fried dumplings in a pan - 9 recipes
Fried dumplings is a versatile and tasty dish that can be prepared in ten minutes if the guests at the doorstep, either in the refrigerator are empty, or with nostalgia ...
Pancakes without eggs in milk - 5 recipes
Which dish sounds the most home-like than pancakes? With meat, with cottage cheese, with jam or simply smeared with butter, they create an atmosphere of comfort in the house. But...
American Pancake Pancakes
It is unlikely that anyone has seen American pancakes called pancakes in traditional Western films. Typically, movie characters have breakfast, pouring dessert on maple syrup or ...
Kefir custard pancakes - 7 recipes
Kefir custard pancakes are a simple and budget dish that can be infinitely improved. Such pancakes are delicious just with sour cream and butter, but you can ...
Kefir pancakes with boiling water - 4 delicious recipes
Most people just love pancakes, especially since you can wrap various fillings in them. Today we will consider several recipes for pancakes with kefir and boiling water.
Thin pancakes ...
Pancake Cake - 7 recipes for making pancake cake
From the most ordinary thin pancakes, you can prepare a full festive dessert or a hearty snack. This is a pancake cake with various fillings. The treat is prepared as quickly as possible and ...
How to cook pancakes on the water - 7 recipes
Thin fragrant pancakes - a dish that is prepared in every family. The options for their use are endless variety. They are greased with jam, sour cream, condensed milk, berry jam ...
Pancakes on the water - 7 recipes
Pancakes on the water - this is a simple, tasty and budget dish. There are many variations of its preparation. The dish will be an excellent breakfast for every day.
How to make pancakes ...
Adult diarrhea - home treatment
The problem of more frequent stools is always taken by surprise and can seriously spoil plans for the day. Therefore, the question is how to treat diarrhea in adults at home ...
Derain white: planting, care and propagation by cuttings
Every owner of even a tiny patch of land tries to decorate it with all kinds of plants, and give preference to unpretentious beautiful varieties. Derain is white, landing and care of which ...
Variegated dogwood - planting, care and reproduction
This shrub captivates with its bicolor leaves. It will fit perfectly into the design of almost any garden, but so that the plant does not lose its unique color, you should ...
Kefir dough for pies in a pan - 8 recipes
Sometimes for lunch you want tasty and nutritious home-made cakes. And there are doubts about the choice of ingredients for the base. Try making pies in a pan of dough ...
Pozharsky cutlets - the right and tasty recipes
A good fire cutlet should sprinkle with juice, exude a creamy flavor and have a crispy golden crust. Served with a side dish of mushrooms and potatoes, she can safely ...
Zucchini jam with lemon and orange - the best recipes.
Spicy, slightly exotic, sweet and sour jam from zucchini with lemon and orange can become a favorite treat in the winter. If you have not decided yet to cook ...
Pollock fishcakes - seven delicious recipes
A budget and healthy dinner can be organized from such unpretentious and affordable fish as pollock. Pollock fish cakes are not a troublesome recipe at all ...
Pickled cucumbers - 9 recipes for the winter
Pickled cucumbers - one of the most common harvesting for the winter. The success of such cucumbers in housewives is due to the fact that they are tasty, practical in storage (not ...
Cooking lazy cabbage rolls with minced meat
Most modern housewives are increasingly thinking about how to cook cabbage stuffed cabbage with minced meat. Do not worry, because this does not represent anything ...
Stuffed cabbage - 5 recipes with rice and minced meat
Cabbage rolls are a quick invention, it is not surprising that there are so many variations of this dish. Twisted cabbage leaves fill with all kinds of fillings, both meat and lean ....
Lazy cabbage rolls - 9 recipes
Cabbage rolls are therefore called lazy because the method of their preparation is not so laborious compared to the classic version. The dish turns out no less tasty, very beloved ...
Cherry moniliosis - how to treat folk remedies
If the cherry looks like after a fire, and its berries are covered with a coating resembling icing sugar, this is a rather dangerous disease - a monilial burn (moniliosis). Is required ...
Urea fertilizer - application in the garden, instructions
Urea is a simple single-element fertilizer that supplies the soil with the main element - nitrogen in ammonia form (NH4 +). Urea is the richest source of nitrogen ...
How to cook dumplings in a pan - 3 tasty and right recipes
There are several rules on how to cook dumplings in a pan so that they do not lose their appetizing appearance and juiciness. Interesting recipes will help to prepare a delicious and nutritious dish.
How to cook frozen unpeeled shrimp?
Shrimp - a healthy seafood, rich in protein, protein, calcium, zinc, a large amount of iodine. The product will be useful at any age and for any gender: for children ...
Carrot Cake - Classic Recipe
Almost everyone perceives carrots as a vegetable ingredient for salad, soup and pie fillings. But back in the 16th century, they began to cook from this vegetable ...
Cheese omelet - five recipes
This is one of the easiest, fastest, but very delicious dishes for breakfast or lunch. Today we’ll figure out how to cook a regular omelet with cheese, and ...
Omelet in the oven - 7 magnificent recipes
Omelet is a dish that will appeal to lovers of tasty and satisfying meals, dietary devotees and children. One has only to cook it not on ...
Omelet - 12 recipes
Tall, lush and rosy! Everyone will find an omelet recipe to their taste.
Omelet - a classic recipe with milk
Omelet with milk - an option that does not require a large amount ...
Honey cake with sour cream - 5 recipes
This unusually delicious cake is known to everyone, it is easy to buy in a store, but, of course, your family will not remain indifferent if you take the liberty ...
Honey cake - a classic, delicious recipe!
Honey cake is a win-win dessert option that will please everyone and always: both at a cozy family tea party, and during any celebration. Classical...
French meat in a pork oven - six recipes
In fact, this dish has nothing to do with France: it originates from a passionate lover of hunting Count Orlov and his favorite food ...
French meat in the oven - 9 recipes
French-style meat in the oven is a delicious holiday dish. There are several variations of its preparation.
French-style meat in the oven - classic pork recipe
From the French in this ...
Condensed Nuts - 4 classic recipes
In the list of your favorite childhood treats, you can add nuts with condensed milk. The classic recipe for this treat will allow you to quickly and easily cook it even for a beginner ...
Zucchini in the oven –11 recipes quick and tasty
Zucchini is an inexpensive low-calorie vegetable that is the main ingredient in many dishes. It is difficult to choose the best recipes: quickly and tasty zucchini in the oven, you can cook with ...
Oven Turkey Fillet - 7 Recipes
Turkey meat is one of the most delicious, healthy and dietary species. The best dish is obtained from turkey fillet in the oven. It comes out tender, soft and ...
Wheat porridge in a slow cooker - 6 recipes
Wheat porridge in a slow cooker is an ideal breakfast option. After all, this tasty and very satisfying dish contains a record amount of fiber. You can cook it ...
Millet porridge with pumpkin - 7 recipes in milk and water
Pumpkin porridge in combination with cereals is a dish that mothers often feed in childhood. It is popular among lovers of healthy and wholesome food, because ...
Millet porridge in a slow cooker - 5 recipes
Porridge is not in vain considered by nutritionists to be the most healthy and dietary food. Cereal dishes are not only very satisfying and tasty, but also contain a lot of fiber, ...
How to cook millet porridge in milk - 3 delicious recipes
Many having tried porridge once, refuse to cook it again. In order for the cereal to turn out not only nutritious, but also tasty, it is necessary to prepare it correctly. There are many ...
Perennial lupins - planting and care in the open ground
Inexperienced gardeners often take the wild form of a plant called “wolf bean” for a weed, as it happens to densely fill a plot with itself. In Latin, a flower ...
When to dig out tulips after flowering
Tulips are flowers with modest care requirements. However, there are a number of procedures that must be performed annually. So, one of the most important is the excavation. She...
Mealybug: how to fight on indoor plants
Parasites are very mobile, their body is covered with snow-white powdery coating, pests can have wax plates on the edge. Body length from 0.5 mm to 12 mm ....
Yeast as a fertilizer for plants - how to cook yeast top dressing
In the vegetative period, plants are especially in need of top dressing. Yeast does an excellent job of this. By stimulating the microorganisms contained in the soil, they improve its fertility and ...
Eyebrow biotattoo: what is it and how much does it hold
If you want to know about eyebrow biotatuage, what it is, and how it is performed, pay attention to the material presented. We will tell about all ...
Why do orchids turn yellow leaves, what to do, how to treat?
Exotic flowers give a special charm to any room. The atmosphere of a tropical corner is created by orchids. Popular home types: dendrobium, cattleya, papiopedilum and phalaenopsis. Features in the care ...
How to care for violets to bloom at home?
When purchasing a long-awaited plant, we always look forward to the first flowers. But then a month passes, the second third, and the violet does not please with abundant flowering, let's try to figure it out ...
Soil for orchids: the right composition, we make the soil with our own hands
Everything is unusual in this flower. And amazing, like bright tropical butterflies, flowers, and a terrific smell, and special requirements for maintenance and soil.
Soil needed ...
How to plant an orchid at home - step by step
Amateur gardeners engaged in the cultivation of tropical plants at home, sooner or later encounter a problem - how to plant, transplant an orchid or other flower related to ...
Gingerbread cookies - 6 homemade recipes
Gingerbread cookies are traditional sweets for the Christmas holidays. They are decorated with glaze, cut out with various molds, experimenting with spices.
Classic gingerbread - step by step recipeThe easiest ...
Korean garlic shooters - 8 recipes
Garlic shoots are champions in the content of vitamins and minerals, and in addition, they are easy to turn into a delicious savory snack. These are fragrant pickled arrows, ...
Watermelon - the benefits and harms to human health
Watermelon belongs to the melon family, and is used in every country. The ancient Arabs considered it to be the most useful melon crop, washing out ailments from the body and harmful ...
Tuberous begonia - planting and care in the garden
To make the garden area cozy and festive at the same time is a creative task. Multicolored tuber begonia planted in the garden, with proper care, becomes its chic decoration. Consider ...
Daisies: planting and care in the open ground
Beloved by flower growers, these little "pearls" (translated from Greek as "margarita" means "pearl") are unpretentious. We decided to breed daisies - planting and care in the open ground ...
Moroznik: planting and care in the open ground, growing in the garden
Such a unique plant as hellebore is extremely rare in nature. It has many advantages, among which are resistance to frost and drought, early and ...
Grapes: benefits and harm to the body
The taste of grapes is liked by many people on our planet, but few of us know how much positive this culture gives our body. After all, even in ...
Aloe with honey - medicinal properties and contraindications, what heals?
To enhance immunity, normalize the gastrointestinal tract and quickly heal wounds, use a combination of honey and aloe. There are many effective folk recipes based on them ....
Dietless colonoscopy diet - menu
Before colonoscopy, the colon must be completely cleaned, as this is a necessary condition for a successful process. Compliance with food recommendations is usually required for one to two days and ...
How to transplant an orchid at home step by step?
Blooming orchids often adorn the windows of ordinary apartments. Bright, delicate flowers admire passers-by. The owner is proud of them. They are given, bought on their own, shared with friends. I always want to ...
Money Tree: medicinal properties and contraindications
A money tree is considered a symbol of well-being, prosperity in the house, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are little known to a wide circle of owners of a unique plant. Money tree is the best filter for ...
Powdery mildew on currants - control measures and treatment
A fungal infection is sometimes called a “berry death” for its ability to ruin a crop. Effective measures against mildew on currants will help get rid of the threat. For this...
When and how to dig out tulips after flowering?
Blooming in spring, tulips transform flower beds, filling the world with multicolor and delicate aroma. Bulbs need care and annual timely digging. Proper agricultural technology is the key to a beautiful flower garden, ...
Beef stroganoff from the liver - 6 recipes
Beef stroganoff from the liver is a dish that will subdue anyone with its gentle harmonious taste. The main thing is to use a fresh liver and process it correctly. For a dish, any ...
Pork Beef Stroganoff - 7 recipes
In the classic form, beef stroganoff is a beef stew with tender gravy. But you can cook this dish with other types of meat. For example, especially satisfying, ...
Beef Stroganoff - 7 recipes
Beef stroganoff translated from French - beef in Stroganov style. This dish of Russian origin, having a French name, has gained great popularity among many peoples. Like ...
Champignon julienne - 6 classic recipes
This dish is one of the most popular on the festive table. In addition, it fits perfectly into the daily menu, as it has a minimal set of products and ...
Chicken Beef Stroganoff - 5 recipes
In a traditional version, beef stroganoff is prepared from beef fillet. But today we will consider the 5 most beneficial and delicious options for the execution of this chicken dish. Beef stroganoff ...
Beef liver in sour cream - 5 amazing recipes
Each person’s diet contains beef liver. Compared to meat, it is considered a more valuable product, as it contains a large number of ...
Beef liver cake - 4 recipes
Liver cake is an independent snack dish and salad at the same time. Cooking it is very simple. Therefore, such an unusual product from the liver is a great option and ...
Strawberry jam - 7 recipes for the winter
Strawberries are one of the most popular berries in the world.Its delicate, sweet-sour taste and soft, juicy texture cause gastronomic delight in many people ....
Sponge cake - a quick recipe in 5 minutes.
Baking is a very long and painstaking process. Our society does not unreasonably believe that culinary masterpieces are born in true anguish. They require complete dedication and ...
Sesame Cookies - 5 Recipes
Cookies with sesame seeds (or from it) - a delicious dessert, suitable for tea or coffee. It is quite easy to prepare and very useful, especially for children: ...
Cupcake with raisins metropolitan according to GOST
There are a lot of recipes for making muffins, but the most interesting are recipes according to state standards since the USSR. Capital, cottage cheese, nut muffins made from natural products to many ...
Zucchini as a mushroom - winter recipe “you will lick your fingers”
Doing homework for the winter is a real art. After all, you need not only to make vegetables tasty and unusual, but also to preserve all the beneficial properties in them ....
Condensed milk at home in 15 minutes
The sweetest milk sweetness of all can be easily prepared by yourself, and it only takes 15 minutes. Condensed milk at home is no less tasty than a store ....
How to salt lard at home - 7 recipes
Salty white fat with pink meat veins, crispy onion, rye bread - well, a very mouth-watering picture! Only few people know that, in addition to excellent taste ...
How to salt lard in brine at home?
Tasty, well-salted bacon on a black loaf, with pickles and garlic - this is a classic set of hearty snack and a traditional snack under a glass of strong ...
Fat in brine - 5 of the most delicious recipes
A slice of salty bacon, greased with mustard and laid on a small top of brown bread, has always been and will be considered the best snack for feasts. This product will become one ...
Quick dough for pies in 15 minutes
There are many ways to make pies and pies on beer, soda and other baking powder. However, none can compare with the pies and pies from this ...
How to water an orchid at home
Watering is one of the main elements of orchid care. After its acquisition, all flower growers wonder how to water an orchid at home. After all, this ...
Gingerbread Cookies - 7 recipes at home
The classic gingerbread cookie recipe has been known for many years, but the work of the housewives has no limits. Therefore, there are many alternative options for making festive pastries on ...
Kebbe - what is it? Kebbe national recipe
Once you try this unusual dish once, it will become a frequent guest at your holiday table. Mistresses think about what kebbe is ...
Watermelon Slice Salad - 7 Recipes
If you have doubts about what appetizer to prepare for the festive table, pay attention to the watermelon slice salad. His appearance is similar to ...
Thai meat - how to cook with vegetables, cucumbers and sweet and sour sauce
Thai meat recipes will allow even a novice housewife to cook a surprisingly delicious exotic dish. It turns out spicy, spicy, fragrant, so it is perfect for everyday family ...
Mullet - delicious recipes for the Black Sea Mullet
A very appetizing and tender fish is mullet. The recipes for this inhabitant of the southern seas are very different. You can bake mullet in all kinds of ways, fry, dry, salt, ...
Pickle with rice and pickles - a delicious recipe
Kalya or pickle with rice and pickles - the recipe for this wonderful first dish has been known since ancient times. Traditionally, it was cooked on kvass or ...
How to cook beets quickly - 7 recipes
Beets are one of the most favorite root crops of most families, because how many delicious dishes can be prepared from it? Vinaigrette, a herring under a fur coat, and one beetroot of which ...
How to cook beets in the microwave quickly, in a bag?
Everyone knows how healthy and tasty beets are, especially if cooked properly. However, very often, many interesting and necessary for the health of the body dishes with ...
Korean Asparagus - 5 recipes at home
Korean asparagus is a dish served in many Asian restaurants. But it will be possible to cook it at home on its own. This treat is not only ...
Fried pies with cabbage in a pan - 6 recipes
A favorite treat from childhood are pies with cabbage fried in a pan. Fragrant, crunchy, with a delicate filling, they will satisfy the hunger between full meals and ...
Potato gratin classic recipe in the oven
Classical potato gratin is one of the national dishes that France is famous for. Translated from the French language, the word "gratin - means" bake ". Despite...
How to cook a meat hodgepodge - 6 cooking recipes
Solyanka is a soup that has both sour, salty and spicy spicy relish, thanks to a long list of products in its composition. There are three varieties of this first ...
Herring oil - a recipe at home. Classical cooking.
It is difficult to imagine a Soviet feast without your favorite herring oil. In those years, this “putty” for sandwiches was an incredible success. After the collapse of the Union about this original ...
Borsch for the winter in banks - 8 recipes for harvesting
For the hostess, harvesting borsch for the winter in jars will become a real lifesaver. Her recipes are very different. It remains to choose for yourself the most suitable and all ...
Cookies and Cocoa Chocolate Sausage Recipe
Most people associate sweet chocolate sausage with a happy childhood. When mom on a sunny Sunday made her family happy with this simple but delicious dessert ....
Cookies sausage - recipe as in childhood
Almost all in childhood, one of the types of sweets was chocolate sausage. In Soviet times, confectionery was rare and very expensive. Therefore...
Mulled wine - 6 home-made recipes
Mulled wine - a drink that is prepared on the basis of wine and is used in a warm form. Derived from a word of German origin "Glühwein", meaning flaming wine. The drink was ...
Potato pancakes - 9 recipes
Please your loved ones with an unusual and delicious dish - potato pancakes. The recipe for potato pancakes is very simple - mix and fry everything. The output is delicious ...
How to cook pork goulash with gravy?
Sometimes one wants to diversify the usual daily menu with dishes from other national cuisines. An excellent option for a hearty and tasty dish is goulash, thick Hungarian soup. By...
Eggplant for the winter - 8 best recipes
When cooked properly, eggplant produces many delicious and varied dishes. This vegetable is well suited for vegetarians and those who follow a diet. To save...
Chicken breast basturma at home
This is an appetizer that can replace ham, with it you can make sandwiches and festive cuts. The classic recipe refers to beef tenderloin, but it ...
What are fillers in cosmetology?
Not only women but also men dream of having perfect facial features. Unfortunately, not all people are gifted with a correct and beautiful appearance from nature ....
Potato pancakes - a classic recipe for cooking and variation
It is very easy to make such a dish, especially since now there are many additions to these fragrant potato pancakes. In this article we will consider not only ...
Kvass at home from rye bread - 4 recipes
This drink is in particular demand in the summer, but this does not mean that it should not be drunk in other seasons. Today we will learn how to cook kvass ...
How to cook an omelet with milk in a pan
There are several recipes that suggest how to cook an omelet with milk in a pan. By observing the cooking technique and knowing a few secrets from famous chefs, you can create from ...
Seedless Plum Jam - 9 Simple Recipes
Plum is a tasty, fragrant and healthy fruit. So that on winter evenings there is something to feast on, you can make jam from these fruits.
Plum jam without ...
Oven zucchini casserole - 9 recipes
In the zucchini season, many housewives find it difficult to come up with delicious dishes from this vegetable, besides the popular garlic pancakes. Actually options for original treats with ...
Cottage cheese pancakes - classic recipes for a pan and oven
Cottage cheese is a very healthy product rich in vitamins and minerals. The most popular dish from it is the classic cottage cheese pancakes, a recipe familiar to everyone from childhood ....
How to cook cottage cheese pancakes - simple recipes
Cheesecakes - an easy, quick and incredibly delicious dessert that can be stuffed with raisins, nuts, bananas and even chocolate! And it’s not necessary to fry, you can bake in the oven ...
Sauerkraut for the winter - 11 delicious recipes
Almost every housewife in the fall makes preparations of vegetables. Especially popular is white cabbage. It can be served as an independent dish or as a side dish. There are many ...
What to cook from turkey fillet: breast or thigh?
A traditional American dish at Christmas is the whole baked turkey. The meat of this bird is very healthy. It includes many vitamins, contains ...