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Propolis for alcohol: what helps, healing properties and contraindications

An amazing beekeeping product - propolis has extraordinary properties that are not fully understood. This is bee glue. The extract collected from the buds of the trees, the bees transform, thanks to enzymes ...

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine symptoms and treatment

Among all disorders of the musculoskeletal system, the second highest prevalence is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Symptoms and treatment of the disease are determined by the stage of its development, so ...

No-Prescription Sleeping Pills - List

He who sleeps well, looks great, works great and thinks clearly. A dream does not just provide an opportunity to rest, it can heal as a healer, give a person ...

Diuver - indications for use, instructions

Diuver is a delicate diuretic. It, unlike the bulk of diuretics, is not dangerous for patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, because it does not wash out ...

Tetanus: symptoms in humans, incubation period and route of infection

Symptoms of tetanus in humans may not appear for a long time - up to one month. During this period, the pathogen manages to multiply greatly and become stronger in the body, ...

Barley porridge in a slow cooker with meat, stew - 7 recipes how to cook

Pearl barley is very useful, and, if cooked correctly, it is surprisingly tasty (for example, in the form of a tender, hearty porridge). Of course, to the advantages of such a product ...

Turkey dishes: TOP 12 simple and tasty recipes

This tender meat, which is liked by adults and children, is a valuable source of protein, fats, minerals and vitamins. Mistresses love to cook turkey simple and ...

Hot beetroot soup - 7 classic recipes

The traditional dish of Belarusian cuisine resembles borsch to the taste and list of ingredients. But usually there is no cabbage in the composition, and it is served cold. In winter time ...

Teriyaki sauce - 6 home-made recipes

This sauce is considered one of the national Japanese dishes. In our country, it is most often served on sushi and rolls. In addition, it goes well ...

Potato and mincemeat casserole - 5 recipes in the oven and slow cooker

This dish is easy to prepare and tastes incredible. We will tell you how to cook a casserole of potatoes and minced meat. We present you a lot of variations. With chicken ...

9 donut recipes at home

Warm from deep-fat cakes with caramel crispy crust and tender middle, covered with sweet glossy icing or simply powdered with powdered sugar, with or without filling ...

Stuffed Squids - 6 Delicious Recipes

This seafood can be called very difficult to prepare. But it’s worth learning a few simple secrets on how to cook it, and new delicious ones will appear on the family menu ...

Buckwheat with stew in a slow cooker - 8 recipes

One of the main dishes, which is perfect for both lunch and dinner, is buckwheat with stew in a slow cooker. Sometimes there is not enough time ...

Phalaenopsis orchid: home care and transplant after purchase

Phalaenopsis orchids are known for their wide flat petals, and large flowers look like butterflies - hence the name, which translates as “Moth Orchid”. These exotic ...

Chicken Breast Salad - 13 Simple and Delicious Recipes

At the festive table you always want to see only the most interesting mouth-watering snacks. A worthy guest on it will be a chicken breast salad. Simple and delicious recipes ...

Croutons from a loaf with egg and milk - 6 recipes for sweet croutons

Sweet croutons from a loaf with egg and milk are a type of American toast and distant relatives of the Spanish dainty Torrich. They can add satiety to the morning cup ...

Gravy Meatballs - 7 Recipes

Meatballs with gravy go well with a side dish of potatoes, any cereal, with a salad of fresh vegetables. Balls of meat can be prepared from various types of meat ...

Pizza dough as in a pizzeria - 7 recipes

Pizza is a dish that can be cooked in minutes. The filling can be any, but the most important thing is to prepare a delicious dough. The test recipe is considered correct ...

Why is a kitten dreaming? Dream interpretation kittens

It can be difficult to unequivocally explain what a kitten is dreaming of. Dreams with tiny feline representatives have very different meanings. It will be necessary to consider not only the general ...

Parkinson's disease symptoms and signs

Parkinson's disease, symptoms and signs of the disease are well understood and described in various medical works. This is a progressive disease that causes impaired movement and a decrease in mental abilities ....

Fritters in milk - 10 recipes

Fragrant pancakes - a dish that many loved for breakfast and afternoon tea. They can be eaten both with heat and with heat. Of course, warm, aromatic ...

Kremlin diet table full and menu

In pursuit of a slim figure, women are forced to abandon many of their favorite foods, since most diets are based on the restriction of certain types of food. But there is ...

Flax seed: application and what it cures, benefits

Perhaps many of you think that linen is a fabric. True, the way it is, but the seeds of this plant are also used in others ...

VVD symptoms in adults, treatment in women and men

Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD) is the most common diagnosis. 25-30% of children and 70% of adults suffer from VSD. Today, the VSD is one of the urgent medical and social problems. Therefore...

What is the dream of cheating on her husband? Dream Interpretation betrayal of a loved one

In order to correctly explain what the husband is betraying, you must try to remember as many details and details of the dream as possible. Each insignificant at first glance ...

Meatballs in tomato sauce - 5 recipes

Meatballs in tomato sauce will help to complement the first dish or replace a hearty side dish - the 5 best recipes that won over with their simplicity and at the same time ...

Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies

Prostatitis is a disease that causes men a lot of trouble. Due to inflammation of the prostate, urination and ejaculation pass with pain. And the prostate becomes inflamed for two main reasons –...

Ureaplasma in women symptoms and treatment

Ureaplasmosis is an insidious asymptomatic genital infection that manifests itself only in certain cases. Often a cause of infertility in men and women. What...

ESR is higher than normal - what does it mean, and what is the norm for women by age?

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) has been used in laboratory practice since the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Polish therapist, pathologist and medical historian Edmund Bernacki suggested using ...

Oven Chicken Roll - 11 delicious recipes

There are a huge number of delicious chicken dishes. Such meat can be cooked, fried, baked, grilled. For the festive table, you should try cooking chicken roll ...

Chicken meatballs in the oven - 9 delicious recipes

Cutlets can be prepared from various products, but from chicken meat they are obtained especially tender and airy. The dish refers to diet food. Chicken cutlets in ...

Meatballs in tomato sauce - 6 recipes

Meatballs in tomato sauce is a very aromatic, mouth-watering and harmonious dish, because gravy here gives off the taste of meat and saturates the minced meat with juiciness. To make the sauce ...

Microwave curd casserole in 10 minutes - 7 recipes

The microwave oven is not only for heating dishes. It is convenient to use for cooking various goodies in a hurry. For example, very fast and easy ...

How to cook kebab? 5 proven recipes!

This meat dish is very popular in the East. And no wonder, because it, combining a ruddy golden crust and a rich juicy base, perfectly complementing any ...

11 homemade bread recipes in the oven

To prepare delicious bread, you do not need to buy special equipment, it is easy to cook in the oven. You can purchase a baking dish or form a round loaf. Read ...

How to cook croutons - 7 delicious recipes

In stock, every housewife should have several successful fast-food dishes at once. It is especially useful to know how to make croutons sweet or spicy. Such...

How to cook pea porridge? 6 cooking recipes

The secret to cooking this dish is to properly prepare the main ingredient. How to cook pea porridge quickly? It is enough in the evening (or 5 hours) to soak the washed ...

Corn porridge in milk - 7 recipes how to cook

Recently, porridge from corn began to gain popularity in our country. This is not surprising, because it always turns out not only nutritious and tasty, but ...

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for joint treatment

Joint pain significantly complicates life and interferes with a full life. Pain processes do not go away on their own. Therefore, treatment is accompanied, first of all, by anti-inflammatory ...

Edema of the feet causes and treatment in the elderly

Leg swelling is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues and can be aggravated when people consume too much salt, sit for a long time or suffer from additional problems with ...

Paraffin therapy - how to do at home

Paraffin therapy is a cosmetic treatment aimed at deeply softening and nourishing the skin. It is used mainly for the care of dry and weathered skin in cold ...

6 recipes for pasties with meat at home

Crispy products with fragrant and juicy filling, deep-fried, it is most delicious to enjoy freshly prepared. The recipe for pasties with meat at home is not complicated, but ...

Kebab at home - 3 recipes on the grill, in the oven, in the pan

This is an Arabian dish, it is customary to cook it from fat beef and greens. But today we will tell you about the delicious variations of these cutlets from other, more ...

Oven pasta casserole - 9 delicious recipes

Any pasta can be the basis of a delicious casserole. The main advantage of this dish is the ability to cook it very quickly. At the same time, a pasta casserole in ...

Eggplant - growing and care in the greenhouse

Eggplant, the birthplace of which is India, can be successfully grown on a personal plot in a polycarbonate greenhouse even in the conditions of the Urals of Siberia. The benefit of the vegetable for ...

Why does the left eyebrow itch? Sign and reason

Contrary to established belief, belief in signs is not always a sign of ignorance. This psychological phenomenon is evidence of deeply rooted subconscious conditioned reflexes developed by the collective ...

Why does the right eyebrow itch? Sign and reason

The complex of signs relating to the human body has a very ancient origin. Since pagan times, it was believed that the body is a conductor of invisible forces, capable of receiving signals ...

Why does the left ear itch? Sign and reason

All people sometimes have itchy ears. And if there are no obvious reasons for this - an allergy, a fungal disease, an infection, that is, there are other explanations for this phenomenon ....

Cheesecake - a classic recipe from cottage cheese and its varieties

The classic cottage cheese cheesecake recipe involves the use of high-fat dairy products. It is better to take the cottage cheese uniform and pass it through a meat grinder or blender until you get ...

6 petal diet - daily menu

The main part of his life, a doctor from Sweden A. Johansson devoted to the search for a solution to the problem of excess weight. As a result, she was created a diet of 6 petals with ...

Pumpkin: planting and care in the open ground

The cultivation of large-fruited plants may seem burdensome. However, most gardeners are sure that pumpkin, planting and care in the open ground for this melon crop do not bring ...

Treatment of cholecystitis with folk remedies - the most effective methods

Cholecystitis is a common disease that most often occurs in the female half of the population. It is characterized by attacks of pain on the right under the ribs, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and ...

Potted chrysanthemum - home care

Luxurious inflorescences on autumn flowerbeds attract the eye and amaze with a variety of shades. Indoor chrysanthemum in a pot differs from congeners in open ground in the compact form of a bush ...

Zucchini: planting and care in the open ground

The subspecies of the common pumpkin gained fame due to early maturity, unpretentiousness and productivity. Even an inexperienced gardener will be able to breed zucchini. Outdoor planting and care for this ...

Aloe: Home Care

A hardy plant in the Middle East symbolizes longevity and prosperity. For those who are familiar with aloe, home care doesn’t seem difficult. The main thing is to give him ...

Heartburn: causes and consequences

The discomfort associated with the aggressive effect of the acid contents of the stomach on the walls of the esophagus is familiar to most people on the planet. But if the attacks are repeated regularly, then it is possible that ...

Schisandra chinensis - home cultivation and care

The plant belongs to the family Lemongrass genus Lemongrass, and today it is grown throughout Russia. The fruits of a woody liana possess valuable medicinal properties for humans. Growing ...

How to deal with aphids on fruit trees?

With the arrival of spring heat, as soon as the plants come out of their winter dormant state, microscopic parasites of various ...

Cholecystitis: symptoms and treatment in adults

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. Disease in one form or another occurs in 10% of the world's population, mainly in women. In this case, the patient is disturbed ...

Treatment of bedsores in bed patients at home

The treatment of bedsores in bedridden patients is a difficult task, the solution of which requires enormous labor costs and a lot of time. Defects heal slowly, often suppurate. On them...

Treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies - the most effective ways

In the absence of adequate medical care, pathologies of the pancreas carry a serious danger to human health. The possibility of healing without the use of medicines will provide the treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies.Recipes, ...

Diet for pancreatic pancreatitis ¬– sample menu

Pancreatitis is a rather serious pathological process, often leading to the death of the patient. To avoid such a development of events, it is necessary to take seriously not only the treatment, but ...

Osteopathy. What is it and what does an osteopath doctor treat

Nowadays, you can increasingly meet doctors specializing in the fields of alternative medicine. And it is advisable for each of us to know about such types of therapy, because ...

Donuts classic recipe at home and 6 variations

Today, at almost every corner in the big city you can find Donut Cafes, which offer lush sweet treats. But baking is even more delicious if ...

Dumplings with potatoes - 9 recipes for dough and toppings

Despite the large selection of semi-finished products, it is impossible to find among them dumplings with potatoes, similar to homemade ones. Only at home can you make elastic thin dough, juicy stuffing ...

Slow cooker cheesecake - 8 delicious cooking recipes

An Italian dessert made from sand base and cream will appeal to even the most fastidious gourmets. To simplify the task, the hostess should try to cook a cheesecake ...

Eggplant: cultivation and care in the open ground

Many loved the unusual taste of eggplant, a wide selection of which is presented in vegetable stores. But every summer resident wants to feast on this representative of Solanaceae from his own garden. However...

Salad with squid - 13 of the most delicious and simple recipes

Seafood should definitely be included in the diet of your family for every housewife. For example, you can quickly and easily cook various salads with squid. The most delicious of them ...

Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows - application

Use castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows is not prohibited. Even the official instructions for the tool say that it strengthens the roots and activates hair growth. But...

How to clean silver at home - 9 options

Silver dishes are a sign of a good home, and silver jewelry is evidence of the delicate taste of their owners. But, unfortunately, this noble metal with time ...

Pine uterus herb - healing properties for women

A medicinal plant, with which you can cope with various gynecological diseases, normalize the hormonal background of the body, improve the functioning of the reproductive system, this is the grass of the uterus. Therapeutic ...

Pea porridge in a slow cooker - 6 recipes

Pea porridge in a slow cooker does not burn, does not stick to the bottom. It is easy and quick to prepare, as a result, you get a tasty and healthy dish. Classic pea porridge ...

Corn porridge: benefits and harm to human health

In our technological time, everyone is already accustomed to the fact that any product contains chemistry. But there are natural ones, without any additives, while ...

How to make mayonnaise at home - 8 recipes

This is the most famous sauce, without which many dishes can not do. And if you cook it yourself, then the sauce will turn out much tastier and without harmful ...

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker - 6 recipes

Buckwheat has many useful elements with a small number of calories. Delicious porridge can be used both as an independent breakfast dish, and as a side dish for lunch ....

Stuffed Pepper - 6 recipes in a slow cooker

Stuffed pepper cooked in a slow cooker wins not only in taste. A slow cooker allows you to minimize cooking time, eliminates the need to monitor ...

Yarrow - beneficial properties and contraindications

Yarrow flowering begins in May and ends in September, offering mankind many benefits, allowing you to use almost all of its parts - stems, baskets and foliage ....

Spelling - benefit and harm to the body, properties. How to cook porridge and pasta

Reading in childhood A.S. Pushkin's "Tale of the priest and his worker Balda" many probably paid attention to an unfamiliar dish - "boiled spelled", which ...

How to cook stuffed peppers? 10 delicious recipes

An appetizing dish with an unusual taste and aroma that is simply prepared is stuffed peppers. In the traditional version of cooking in Russian cuisine for stuffing ...

Fried eggs with tomatoes - 8 recipes

Fried eggs are a common and beloved type of breakfast. The dish is prepared very quickly, saturates well, and if the eggs are supplemented with any vegetables, herbs and spices ...

Buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker - 6 recipes

Buckwheat porridge in combination with any meat is a hearty and tasty dish that is suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner. To simplify the process for yourself ...

Barley with meat - 7 recipes

Barley with meat can significantly diversify the diet, if you learn how to cook it correctly. The dish is hearty, healthy, but at the same time dietetic: after all, only this cereal ...

Ukrainian borsch - 9 real cooking recipes

How to cook such a famous dish as borsch - lean, based on various types of meat or in a slow cooker - it is said in many cookbooks and ...

Corn stigmas: medicinal properties and contraindications for women

Corn can be considered a truly unique cereal, due to which more and more people are paying attention to its positive effect. But with the useful properties and contraindications corn stigmas ...

How to cut hair ends yourself at home

When the curls became longer and the hairstyle lost shape, when the ends are constantly split, we take scissors in our hands and cut the ends of our hair ourselves. This is not at all ...

Feeding a lactating mom in the first month

The first month after birth is the period of adaptation of the mother and baby to new conditions. The woman’s body is debugging the production of breast milk, the digestive system of the newborn baby adjusts ...

Oregano: medicinal properties and contraindications for women

Oregano is a perennial plant belonging to the family Lamiaceae. On the territory of the Russian Federation grows everywhere. Also widely distributed in the USA, the Mediterranean, Europe. The grass has a tetrahedral stem ...

What helps from heartburn at home - pills and folk remedies

To understand what helps from heartburn, you can only learn about this pathology as much as possible. Heartburn is not a disease, but a pathological condition in which ...

Herpes zoster: symptoms and treatment in adults

An infectious disease specialist should be involved in identifying symptoms and treating herpes zoster in adults, who should be consulted at the first sign of a disease. The disease proceeds with a pronounced ...

Heartburn - how to get rid of at home?

The burning sensation in the sternum, which occurs periodically after eating, is heartburn. How to get rid of unpleasant symptoms at home during pregnancy ...

Croutons with egg and milk - 5 recipes

If there is no time for complex dishes, but you need to urgently prepare a hearty snack for the whole family, it is worth making croutons with egg and milk.This budget ...

How to cook barley - 5 recipes

There are many ways to cook pearl barley - a healthy and affordable cereal, the taste of which is familiar to many from childhood. Properly cooked, it will retain its beneficial properties, ...

Barley: benefits and harms for a woman’s body

The benefits and harms of pearl barley are not the subject of heated debate. Most of us relate to this product, to put it mildly, cool, and consider it rather as ...

How to cook barley in water - 4 recipes

Pearl barley contains a lot of useful substances that are difficult to find among other cereals. Barley is made from barley grain. Porridge is not so popular in ...

Spelled - what is this cereal? Benefit and harm. Spelled recipes

Spade in ancient times was a popular grain crop. Great soups and side dishes were prepared from it, which turned out to be very satisfying and tasty. Spelled - what ...

Cinnamon rolls - 5 sweet recipes + Cinnabon!

A simple recipe for cinnamon rolls has long captivated all the sweet tooth of the world. Cinnamon bun is not inferior to French croissants and other gourmet cakes, it is always ...

Stuffed Peppers in the Oven - 8 Recipes

Many housewives for a variety of cook various combinations of stewed stuffed vegetables. Stuffed peppers will play in a completely new way in the oven, especially if the dish turns out with light tints ...

Stuffed peppers with meat and rice - 8 recipes

No matter what the ripe fleshy peppers begin, the dish as a result is very tasty, juicy and mouth-watering. It goes well with minced meat. That ...

Fried eggs with cheese - 8 recipes

It is difficult to name a more popular dish than scrambled eggs. It immediately has many advantages: it turns out delicious even for inexperienced chefs, it is cooked instantly, it is inexpensive. To diversify ...

Cottage cheese casserole - 8 recipes in the oven with semolina

Cottage cheese casserole can be both a full nutritious breakfast, and a gentle dessert for tea. Airiness and splendor will be added to it by semolina. There are many ...

Fried eggs in the microwave - 8 recipes

One of the simplest and most popular dishes in the world is scrambled eggs. Prepare it correctly and tasty even for a child. But not enough ...

Croutons: 7 recipes with milk and egg

If you need a quick and tasty snack, you should prepare crispy croutons. The recipe with milk and egg, which is known to every cook, can be almost endlessly complicated and ...

Mayonnaise at home with a blender - 8 recipes

The main components of mayonnaise are vegetable oil and eggs. Store product is recommended to be stored at a temperature not exceeding 18 degrees from 45 days to 6 months ....

Borsch in a slow cooker - 7 recipes

Borsch is the national first dish of Ukrainian cuisine. Modern housewives increasingly cook borsch in a slow cooker. The miracle pan allows you to calmly go about your business, just a signal from the device ...

Cheesecakes in a slow cooker - 6 recipes

Cheesecakes in a slow cooker are especially easy to cook. Using the help of a miracle - pan, the hostess will save clean dishes, time and effort. To make cheesecakes more tasty, you can ...

Herpes on the labia - how to effectively treat

Perhaps for many it will be news, but herpes on the labia is considered a safe infection. And all because this disease does not lead to impaired activity ...

Yeast pancakes - 9 recipes

Yeast fritters are always tasty, lush and very tender. They are especially loved in the Urals, in Siberia. This is an ideal breakfast that can be served ...

Curd cream for biscuit cake - 8 recipes

Cream based on cottage cheese is prepared quickly, does not require heat treatment, but it turns out light and lush. Cottage cheese must be taken nonfat with a fat content of 5% (better —...

Lice - how to get rid of nits at home

Infection with lice is the scientific name "head lice." This is an extremely delicate problem that they usually try not to advertise. In public opinion, it is associated with trouble and dishonesty, ...

How to cook fried eggs? 13 cooking recipes

This dish is usually prepared for breakfast, because it is done very quickly. Today we will tell you how to cook scrambled eggs and offer several options for additions. They...

Oven kebab in the oven - 7 home recipes

This oriental meat dish can be prepared in various ways - in a frying pan, barbecue or grill. But most often, modern housewives in ordinary apartments bake kebab ...

How to cook corn porridge - 7 recipes in milk and water

Bright corn porridge is not very popular in our country. But everyone who has tried it at least once, is trying to add such a dish to their menu ....

Buckwheat with chicken in a slow cooker - 6 recipes

Buckwheat with chicken is a great combination for a nutritious healthy dinner. It will be possible to make such a dish very quickly and simply, especially if it is being prepared ...

Vegetable stew with eggplant and zucchini - 8 recipes

The simplest way is to cook vegetable stew with eggplant and zucchini. Such a dish can be repeated even by a novice inexperienced hostess. And help her with detailed recipes with various ...

Herpes on the lips treatment quickly: ointments and pills

Herpes virus is found in the body of 70-90% of the world's inhabitants. Everyone who suffers from a commonplace “cold” would like to know how to quickly treat cold sores on the lips and ...

Cheesecakes in the oven - 8 recipes

Traditional cheesecakes in the oven, the recipe of which includes a small number of ingredients, can be turned into an original dish by adding cocoa, pieces of berries, fruits or ...

Cheesecakes - 11 delicious cooking recipes

Cheesecakes - a recipe that will help any housewife who wants to feed her family a tasty and healthy breakfast in the morning. This dish is suitable for an afternoon snack, and ...

Curd cake in a slow cooker - 8 recipes

For all lovers of cottage cheese baking, the article will truly be a godsend! Especially if they are the happy owners of a convenient kitchen assistant - a multicooker. Cottage cheese pie in a slow cooker ...

Chaga - medicinal properties and contraindications for birch mushroom

The body of a fungus called chaga develops from a small spore on a tree trunk. It is filled with beneficial substances that penetrate from the juice. This truly unique creation possesses ...

Barley groats: from which cereal, good and harm, and how to cook?

Barley groats are peeled and crushed grains of a plant of the Cereals family - barley. Barley has been cultivated by people for more than 10 thousand years. Its high nutritional value, ...

How to remove nasolabial folds at home

Nasolabial folds are a skin defect in the form of thin grooves or pronounced creases that descend from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. These folds visually add ...

A biscuit recipe that always comes out

Sponge cake can rightly be called a popular type of baking. After all, he has a lot of advantages - literally 15 minutes of time is enough to prepare, and as a result ...

How to cook aspic? 10 recipes for jellied meat

Jellied meat is one of the most popular cold snacks on the Russian holiday table. You can serve it just for dinner, for example, with mashed potatoes instead ...

Jellied meat in a slow cooker - 8 recipes

It’s easy to cook jellied meat in a slow cooker. It’s enough to put food in the evening, set the “Extinguishing” function. It makes no sense to enjoy the cooking process, you just have to get the dish and ...

Jellied - 12 recipes

It is considered a festive dish jelly. Its recipe will definitely come in handy for those housewives who like to gather guests in their home. Such a treat will perfectly complement any hot ...

Bread in the bread maker - 8 recipes simple and tasty

Bread is the head of any Russian feast. Respect for bread in Russia was expressed in the fact that in the absence of an icon they prayed for it. We serve ...

Bread in a slow cooker - 7 simple and tasty recipes

Homemade bread, which is prepared with love, will be much tastier than purchased and without additives. Today we will tell you how to cook bread in a slow cooker and prove ...

Juicy minced meat for pasties - 4 delicious recipes

Meat pasties are a very tasty treat. But improperly prepared filling can ruin the whole impression. To get juicy minced meat for pasties, you need to properly prepare ...

Curd donuts - 9 recipes

Appetizing, airy, unusually tasty curd donuts will help to surprise guests who have suddenly come and feed even picky kids. In order for the dessert to succeed, you need to choose high-quality cottage cheese ...

Yeast-free pastry dough - 8 dough recipes

The dough for pies without yeast can be of several types, and a wide variety of products are used for cooking. Dough for pies without yeast on kefir A simple recipe in which ...

Pine uterus: medicinal properties and contraindications

There are a huge number of folk remedies for the treatment of gynecological ailments, and one of them is a plant called orthilia one-sided. People called her a uterus, ...

Vegetable stew in a slow cooker - 10 delicious recipes

Vegetable stew is considered one of the best foods of the summer. Seasonal vegetables are available, and their quality is not in doubt. Each mistress will find for herself and ...

Yeast pastry rolls - 11 delicious recipes

The delicate aroma of fresh pastries will cheer up everyone at home. Especially on a chilly cold day. The best solution is to make yeast dough buns in the oven ....

Pie with cottage cheese - 13 delicious recipes

Curd baking is loved by both children and adults. It helps instill the love of moody gourmets for this healthy dairy product. Pie with cottage cheese is prepared quickly, simply ...

Borsch - classic recipe with meat and 10 additional cooking options

Borsch is a Slavic dish. The traditions of Kievan Rus do not change today. In every family, this first meal is prepared differently. Regardless of the recipe, borscht invariably ...

Sour cream for biscuit cake - 7 recipes

The technology for baking biscuits dates back to 1615, and to this day it has not changed significantly. There are seven main types of layers for biscuit ...

FGS of the stomach - how to prepare, important recommendations

Most patients are wary of the gastroscopy procedure. Some simply can not cope with the excitement and refuse the examination they need. But fears can ...

Pulse rate by age in women - table

Each of us has a unique opportunity to feel the contraction of the heart muscle by the pulsation of the vein, only by touching the wrist in the place where the vein is closer ...

Biscuit - a classic cake recipe in the oven and 6 additional

A classic biscuit recipe is used for pastries and cakes. The traditional method of making dessert involves cutting a biscuit into two cakes and impregnating them with various cream options ....

Sponge Cake - 10 delicious and easy recipes

Dessert is sure to happen the first time, if you strictly observe the proportions of the ingredients and the step-by-step actions of simple recipes for a delicious biscuit cake. Sponge cake - a simple classic ...

Slow-cooker biscuit - 5 recipes

This baking is often called “pastry bread”, because the biscuit is most often used to create cakes, rolls, pastries and sweets. Also, biscuit dough is very moody. Not...

Kefir sponge cake - 6 recipes in the oven, slow cooker

Kefir baking, namely a biscuit belongs to the economical category.The main component, kefir, almost does not taste, if you follow all the proportions and rules ...

Goji berries - useful properties and contraindications, how to take for weight loss

Will Goji Berry Weight Help? Useful properties and contraindications for the use of the fruits of ordinary dereza are constantly becoming the subject of debate. Scientists from different countries conducted ...

Does Acne Zinc Ointment Help? Instructions for use

Zinc ointment for acne is an effective, inexpensive tool that can be bought at any pharmacy. She has proven herself in the fight against various skin defects ...

Cholesterol: the norm in women by age: table 40-50-60 years

Cholesterol is an important element for the production of hormones, vitamin D, and the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems. But the excess rate of this substance leads to cardiovascular and other ...

Cracks in the corners of the lips - causes and treatment

Cracks in the corners of the lips are popularly called "jamming." In medical terminology there are several definitions for this phenomenon, depending on the causes of its occurrence. Whatever ...

Kombucha - how to grow from scratch?

Each of us at least once in his life, but met with such an interesting product as Kombucha. The Japanese call it seaweed, resembling ...

Shortcrust pastry pie - delicious recipes

Fragrant pastries are never superfluous. Who doesn’t like to sit over a cup of tea with a delicious piece of cake? Unfortunately, many were disappointed in the muffin ....

Ultrasound of the kidneys - preparation for the study

The success of treatment of the urinary system largely depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis. Proper preparation for the study of ultrasound of the kidneys will make the right diagnostic conclusions. And if the decryption ...
Yeast-free bread

Yeast-free bread - 9 home-made recipes

Homeless bread: benefits and harms The theme “Benefits and harms of yeast-free bread” remains popular for more than one generation. The disadvantage and advantage is its structure. Due to its density ...

How to marinate chicken for baking in the oven?

Chicken can always be prepared in different ways, changing only the marinade. It can resemble a Peking duck, be spicy and spicy, resemble a kebab or be sweetish. Experiment...

Jellied pie with cabbage - 10 recipes on kefir, sour cream or mayonnaise

The simplest and very cheap dish is jellied pie with cabbage. Moreover, it is incredibly tasty and versatile: suitable for breakfast, as an addition to the broth ...

Lentils - benefits and harm for women

The benefits and harms of lentils are in disproportionate proportions. Dishes from this bean culture provide an invaluable service to the female body. In rare cases, it can be ...

How to cook a rabbit - 10 recipes in sour cream, the oven - delicious!

Rabbit meat is the most valuable nutritious product that should be on the menu of every family. It is useful to people of all ages and contains a huge amount ...

Lush zucchini fritters - 6 recipes

In the season of young squash, fritters from them become a very popular and sought-after dish. And this is not surprising, because it is simple, tasty and budget. They are preparing very ...

Kefir fritters without eggs - 8 recipes

Fritters, in fact, are the usual dough cake made from water or milk / kefir, with the addition of eggs. The difference between pancakes and thin pancakes is the presence of ...

Chicken liver in sour cream - 6 recipes

Chicken liver is a very healthy delicacy rich in vitamins and minerals. However, due to its specific taste, many refuse to cook this product. But it turns out ...

Asparagus - health benefits and harms, beneficial properties and contraindications

The benefits and harms of asparagus have long been studied. There are many facts about this product. But no matter how culinary experts from all over the world sing it, it is definitely useful ...

CRP in the blood - what is and what is the norm

Excessive CRP in the blood, what is it and what does it indicate? C - reactive protein (CRP) is an enzyme that the liver produces when ...

Homemade pizza toppings - 9 delicious recipes

To regularly enjoy delicious pizza, you do not need to spend a lot of money on ordering this popular dish. It is enough to cook it yourself. There are many delicious options ...

Yeast-free pizza dough - 9 recipes

The taste of pizza is determined not by its filling, but by the basis. An ideal dish includes pizza dough without yeast. It can be made according to various recipes, ...

Mushroom soup puree - 8 recipes

Such soups have a special aroma and taste, warm well in cold weather. Therefore, today we will teach you how to cook mushroom soup puree, tell you a few ...

Dill: medicinal properties and contraindications, benefits for women

Dill is a fragrant garden plant that is used not only in cooking, but also in traditional medicine, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetology. It was used as a medicinal raw material ...

Yeast pastry for pies - 12 recipes how to cook

Properly prepared yeast dough for pies is a guarantee that you will be satisfied with the result, and the pies will retain their freshness and taste for a long time. Yeast dough for ...

Barley porridge: benefits and harms

Alas, barley groats are not such a popular dish as, for example, buckwheat or rice. But in vain, since it has a very large number of necessary for ...

Series - medicinal properties and contraindications

The medicinal properties of the series and contraindications to its reception have been known for a long time. The plant is actively used in folk medicine to treat a large list of various diseases: diathesis, rickets, ...

Vegetable stew with meat - 11 recipes

Ragu is one of the popular first courses. Cooking vegetable stew with meat is very simple. The combination of various vegetables and meat gives an amazing taste. Vegetable stew with pork For...

Fried eggs with bacon - 7 cooking recipes

Most of us mean the word "breakfast" just the usual scrambled eggs. However, few people know that even this seemingly ordinary dish has a lot ...

Donut Frosting - 6 Recipes on How to Make Frosting

Donuts are usually coated with glaze. You can sprinkle with a sweet colored sprinkle on top, which is usually used on Easter cakes. The icing for this popular dessert can be prepared ...

Dough for fried pies - 6 recipes

Fried pies is one of the favorite snacking options for children and adults. They can be with a variety of mouth-watering fillings - from meat to sweet ....

Tomato soup puree - classic recipe and variations

A very tasty and light dish is tomato puree soup. The classic recipe for this treat includes a lot of fresh ripe tomatoes and assorted spices. Cook such ...

How to use a highlighter for the face

One of the favorite and most sought-after tools of makeup artists has deservedly become a highlighter. Many representatives of the fair sex have heard this fashionable term more than once, but do not know ...

Tiramisu without eggs - 6 delicious recipes

This popular Italian dessert is dearly loved by both children and adults. True, many housewives delete it from their menu, for fear of preparing a treat with a large quantity ...

Pie with cottage cheese and strawberries - 7 recipes

If the standard curd baked goods for all the homemade have already fed up, the housewife should experiment and diversify the usual recipes. For example, make a pie with cottage cheese and strawberries. It...

Delicious recipes for making semolina porridge

Everyone knows how to cook semolina porridge. But not everyone gets a really tasty and tender dish that even children would like. In this article...

Cheesecakes with semolina - 6 delicious recipes

One of the traditional dishes of our cuisine are cheesecakes.For a change of habitual taste, flour is excluded from the recipe, replacing it with semolina, which helps to achieve more ...

Cheesecakes without eggs from cottage cheese - 6 recipes

For many babies, allergists are categorically forbidden to eat eggs, or sometimes the product is not at hand, but this is not a reason to abandon the tender beloved “cottage cheese”. Cheesecakes ...

Cheesecakes without flour - 7 recipes

Even without such an important ingredient as flour, you can cook tasty and satisfying cheesecakes. They are also called cottage cheese. For this dish you need to use only low-fat ...

Chicken liver salad - 11 recipes, including a warm salad

The liver has excellent palatability. So that this product does not bother, a variety of dishes are prepared from it. Chicken liver salad - delicious, easy to prepare, ...

Chicken liver in a slow cooker - 7 recipes

This is a very useful product, in its composition there are many vitamins and minerals. A chicken liver in a slow cooker is not only useful, but also ...

Chicken liver patties - 8 recipes for liver patties

The liver is a healthy product that should be in the diet of every family. If in a fried or stewed form it is not pleasant at home, then the excellent decision ...

Biscuit custard - 7 recipes

How successful the biscuit cake for the festive table will turn out, will primarily depend on the cream chosen for it. The latter should be gentle, airy and ...

Cottage cheese casserole, like in a kindergarten - six recipes for children

Everyone knows that calcium is vital for a child’s body, as they also know that it is full in cottage cheese. Only babies often do not like cottage cheese ...

Cottage cheese casserole in the oven - 11 recipes

For the preparation of this dessert, the correct choice of cottage cheese is important. The product should be fresh, uniform and have high fat content - then cottage cheese casserole in the oven ...

Cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker - 11 recipes with semolina, cottage cheese

If you want to serve a delicious dessert, it is not necessary to buy it in a store. Cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker will turn out tender and magnificent. Smart kitchen appliances will do everything ...

Cream of champignon soup with cream - 9 recipes

Puree soups are considered by many to be restaurant dishes, and they spoil themselves only when they go out. Although creamy champignon soup with cream has a very simple recipe ...

Stuffed peppers with minced meat and rice - 8 recipes

From childhood, many remember this alluring aroma of stuffed peppers. Recipes of stuffed peppers with minced meat and rice are passed from mother to daughter, and every housewife ...

Tiramisu recipe classic at home and 7 additional

A delicious, delicate Italian dessert will not leave indifferent any gourmet. It will tell you how to cook the right tiramisu, a classic recipe. At home, you can not do it ...

Shortcake with cottage cheese - 6 recipes

Shortbread dough is loved by many housewives. In culinary recipes, it is found in three different variations: shortcrust, false puff pastry made from chilled butter, and from ...

Whole Grain Bread - 5 recipes from whole grain flour

Whole grain bread is considered the oldest of all known types of bread. Belongs to elite varieties. It can be used without harming the body and metabolism. Wholegrain...

Thrush tablets - inexpensive and effective

Vaginal candidiasis (thrush) is a fungal disease that affects the genital mucosa. Causing a symptom complex quite unpleasant for the patient, the fungal pathogens, meanwhile, are easily amenable to antifungal therapy ...

Zebra pie on sour cream - 5 cake recipes

This bun was named due to its amazing appearance. When a piece is cut, a striped biscuit color that resembles a zebra opens. To get the famous pattern you need a special ...

Kombucha: how to care and eat?

It is difficult to find a Soviet family of the mid-twentieth century, in whose kitchen there would not be a can of tea, in which a jelly-like substance floated. She was carefully “fed”, ...

Zebra Pie - 8 Cooking Recipes

The well-known marble color of the pie can be obtained due to the special arrangement of the dough in a baking dish. Each time you cut a treat, you will see the admiring glances of the guests. Recipes ...

Pie "Zebra" in the slow cooker - 5 cake recipes

Zebra is a simple tasty cake. It got its name due to the alternation of striped layers. The pie is no less famous than a simple "charlotte". How to make a zebra pie ...

Zebra pie on kefir - 5 cake recipes

The most delicate chocolate delicacy with a marble pattern on a slice is a good dessert for tea. With the addition of kefir in the dough, the mass becomes more magnificent and tender, and ...

Oatmeal in a slow cooker - 6 recipes in water or milk

A crock-pot is a truly remarkable invention of mankind, which greatly simplified the life of housewives, and just those who love to cook. In it you can make a huge amount ...

Garlic croutons - 8 bread recipes

If you include the fantasy, then even from the stale bread you can cook a delicious crispy snack. It is perfect for "foamy" or complement the light meat broth. Special...

Lymphatic drainage massage of the face, body and legs

Massage is considered to be a relaxing procedure. But some types of manual procedures have healing potential that brings the body health and youth. The application of lymphatic drainage technology provides unique ...

Triglycerides are elevated - what does it mean and what is the norm

Everyone who cares about their health needs to monitor not only blood pressure and hemoglobin parameters, but also control the amount of TG in the blood. Triglycerides ...


