Films about prostitutes: 26 best feature films about the life of prostitutes
Many people like to watch from the screen those who sell their bodies. Films about prostitutes do not leave indifferent, because they help to experience a whole gamut of thrills ...
Happy New Year 2019: how to congratulate loved ones on the upcoming holiday in prose and ...
New Year is a long-awaited and beloved holiday for most families. He is always shrouded in magic, a fairy tale. To please your loved ones on this wonderful holiday, it’s worth ...
Ingavirin and alcohol: compatibility, is it possible to drink alcohol when taking an antiviral drug
Ingavirin is one of the most popular antiviral agents for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections. Colds are not conducive to holidays, but there are situations when, even during an illness, you don’t ...
Frostbite: signs and first aid to the victim, the right steps to provide first aid and what ...
Among the many varieties of lesions of the skin and muscle system, one of the most dangerous is frostbite. A long stay in the cold can not only cool the skin, ...
Azithromycin suspension for children: instructions for use, dosage, composition and analogs of the antibiotic
Antimicrobials are prescribed by pediatricians only in special cases when the child’s body cannot cope with an infectious disease on its own. In this case, the suspension for children ...
Candles Paracetamol for children: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues
Currently, suppositories are considered the safest antipyretic drugs for children. The rectal form eliminates the appearance of side effects from the stomach. Contacting directly with the mucosa ...
Chicken pox rash in children and adults: what it looks like, at what stage appears, than ...
A rash with chickenpox causes the patient discomfort and severe itching. If the papules are not handled correctly, an infection can be introduced.In this case, suppuration of the wounds occurs, increases ...
Is it possible for adults and children to bathe with chickenpox: how and when to take water procedures ...
Chicken pox is a viral disease that occurs mainly in children. The peculiarity of the ailment is the appearance of small pimples, which gradually begin to fill with liquid. Today we’ll understand ...
The combed crocodile is the largest crocodile in the world: the size and strength of the bite, the habitat ...
Gigantic lizards, awe of people and animals with their sizes and unsurpassed hunting abilities, are crocodiles. The largest representative of this family is so ...
Dream Interpretation: a lizard - what is dreaming of
According to many dream books, a lizard is an interesting and complex character. To understand what the promise of a dream with this reptile, take a few minutes to our article.
Interpretation in ...
Phenazepam: OTC analogues and substitutes, non-prescription and non-addictive, instructions for use, composition
A sense of anxiety, a feeling of internal tension, psychological discomfort are conditions familiar to many. You can choose the analogues of "Phenazepam", acting softer than a strong tranquilizer, not causing drowsiness and addiction ....
Polysorb face mask: how to do, the benefits and effects of the use of enterosorbent in care ...
The active components of Polysorb help deeply cleanse the body of harmful toxins and toxic substances. This product has a powerful absorbent effect, so even ...
Sumamed for children: instructions for use of the suspension, tablets and capsules, composition, dosage, antibiotic analogues
Sumamed is an antimicrobial drug prescribed as part of the complex treatment of infectious diseases of bacterial etiology. This medicine has the ability to inhibit the functionality of a wide range of bacteria, ...
Strawberry Eliane: variety description, planting, care
Strawberry "Eliane" won the hearts of our gardeners with excellent taste and a classic, regular form of berries.
Characteristics and description of the variety "Eliana"
If you make a brief description of the variety, then it is large-fruited, ...
Clenbuterol syrup: instructions for use for children, composition and analogues of a bronchodilator drug
Children often cough, and there are many causes for this symptom. Sometimes after examination, the doctor diagnoses bronchospasm or identifies its initial stage. Treat similar pathologies ...
Vitamin D for children: which drug is better, indications, dosage, signs of vitamin D deficiency in ...
A lack of vitamin D in children leads to the development of dangerous diseases, including rickets. In general, a deficiency of this vitamin is rare, as it ...
Murano glass: where and how to produce, how to distinguish from fake, the history of Venetian glass making
When you look at Murano glass, it seems that inside it are bouquets of flowers, placers of gems and a rainbow. Today, these works of art continue to be made only by hand ....
Sunday Sneezer by Time: True Fortune Teller
The future always seems mysterious and mysterious, therefore it causes natural interest in people. Many try to look into tomorrow with the help of various fortunetelling. One of...
Atenolol Nycomed: indications, instructions for use of tablets, composition, analogues
Atenolol Nycomed is a classic medicine that reduces cardiac output and also regulates the heart rate, which allows you to normalize your blood pressure. It has a positive effect on ...
Psoriasis creams: a list of the most effective hormonal and non-hormonal drugs, method of application
Psoriasis can occur in people of different ages, gender. This disease occurs on any part of the body. So that the pathology does not acquire a chronic course, a cream from ...
Enixum: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues
Thrombotic disorders in an advanced state with a probability of 25% will lead to death. To prevent such consequences, many antithrombotic drugs are already on the market, one ...
Duphaston tablets: instructions for use, what is prescribed, composition, analogues
Hormonal imbalance does not always require special therapy. Violation in an unreleased stage can be eliminated with the help of substitution treatment based on synthetic hormone substitutes. Duphaston tablets ...
Suprax 400 mg: instructions for use of tablets and capsules for adults and children, composition, ...
Suprax 400 is a cephalosporin antibiotic prescribed for the treatment of many diseases caused by pathogens. The drug treats respiratory, urinary, biliary tract, skin diseases.
Release Forms ...
Nail design with rhinestones - 17 ideas of a beautiful manicure, new items 2018 with photo
Nail design with rhinestones has not lost its popularity in the nail industry for several seasons. Find out which variants of its execution are especially relevant in ...
Ampicillin Trihydrate: instructions for use of tablets for adults and children, composition, analogues
There are a number of drugs whose pharmacological action is aimed at eliminating colonies of pathogenic microorganisms. Ampicillin Trihydrate, which is prescribed during therapy, also belongs to such therapeutic medicines ...
Why dream about giving birth in a dream: a dream book about childbirth
You can find out what dreams about giving birth in a dream from numerous dream books. The main thing is to remember the details of the vision and interpret them correctly.
Interpretation in the dream books
In each ...
Scottish Terrier (scotch terrier): breed description, character, care, maintenance, feeding, education
The Scottish Terrier, aka Scotch Terrier, is a small and cheerful dog with a strong neck and muscular short legs. As early as the 19th century, Count Dumbarton spoke ...
Kareprost for eyelashes: description of the product, instructions for use, composition, analogues, side effects, contraindications
Many girls dream of a charming expressive look. “Kareprost” for eyelashes comes to the rescue - a tool that improves their growth, density and quality. The active substance of the drug ...
Polysorb: analogues, composition, instructions for use of enterosorbent
The drug adsorbs and removes gases, toxins of various origin from the body. A similar mechanism of action for analogues of Polysorb, although the composition may vary significantly. And also exist ...
A carbohydrate-free diet for losing weight and drying your body: a table of products, menus, pros and cons, a way out ...
A carbohydrate-free diet is popular with active people. The term “drying” is often misleading. Many people think that a diet is based on reducing fluid intake. This is not true.
What does muddy water dream about: a dream book about muddy and dirty water
Dirty water in real life presents a rather unpleasant picture, and if such a dream is dreamed, then after it thoughts will be busy searching for meaning for a long time ...
Enterosgel during pregnancy: instructions for use in the early and late stages, composition, analogues of enterosorbent
Food poisoning, intoxications of various nature, skin diseases, allergic reactions - these problems can be solved by taking the enterosgel intestinal adsorbent. It incorporates harmful ...
Crocodile in a dream - why dream
A crocodile in a dream is a vision that warns a person of cardinal changes in his life. Changes will happen in the very near future. However, a more accurate interpretation ...
Dream Interpretation: kill a man, killing - what is a dream
In various dream books to kill a person means to get rid of their fears. Although there are many other interpretations that depend on the circumstances and details of the dream.
Key Interpretations ...
Growing strawberries in the open ground: planting, care, features and secrets
Growing strawberries in open ground requires the implementation of certain agricultural practices. Only surrounding the berry with care and attention can you get a rich harvest.
The most productive strawberry varieties
Varieties of garden ...
Diet for hepatitis C: what can and cannot be eaten with viral hepatitis, menu ...
A diet for hepatitis C along with taking medication prescribed by your doctor is an important part of treatment. It is not very strict, but it must be observed constantly.
How to use the compass to navigate the terrain without a map: step-by-step instructions
Modern navigators have a huge advantage over maps and compass, but when the battery stops working on the device, they become completely useless. Knowing how to use the compass ...
Happy Birthday Oleg! Funny and beautiful birthday greetings to Oleg in poetry ...
Active, bright and interesting Oleg always expects from those around him the same extraordinary as his personality congratulations. It is worth choosing a very unusual, original ...
What is the dream of snow: dream book about snow, blizzard, snowfall
Many people believe that vivid and memorable dreams carry a secret meaning and can predict the sequence of future events in real life. To solve a dream plot ...
White nail design - beautiful options with photos, news 2018
White nail design for a long time remains a trend. With the help of rhinestones, rubs and snow-white gel polish, you can make an elegant manicure. Even more amazing ...
Diet Kovalkova: detailed description, steps, menus, allowed and prohibited products
Among the many unhealthy weight loss systems, the Kovalkov diet stands out. It is focused not on eliminating a cosmetic problem, but on a long-term result, improving the overall ...
Turkmen Alabay (Central Asian Shepherd Dog): breed characteristics, content and breeding
Turkmen Alabai is a variety of Central Asian Shepherd Dog, with which ignorant dog breeders often draw a parallel to the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. But if you look at the silhouette of Alabai, you can understand ...
What does dried fish dream about - a dream book: dried fish
Why dried fish is not easy to understand, since this esoteric sign is considered the most illogical. The vision is responsible for several aspects of the sleeping person’s life: business, ...
Rabbit - dream book: what is the rabbit dreaming of
Rabbits are charming animals. They rarely scare sleepers, appearing in dreams. At the same time, according to dream books, rabbits can be very negative precursors for men ...
Sneakers with a luminous sole: how to choose, what to wear, how to charge LED shoes
Initially, light-accumulating elements were used in sneakers with a luminous sole, which glowed brightly in the dark after a day's charge in the sun. Then the products were updated and became ...
How to tie a tie: step-by-step instructions and schemes with photos
Good neat appearance is always in fashion. And if many original accessories were created for women, then for men the tie is considered the most important. If you...
Euphorbium Compositum: instructions for use for adults and children, analogues
Homeopathic remedy “Euphorbium Compositum” is used in the treatment of various ENT diseases. The drug gives good results even during pregnancy. Before use, it is worthwhile to study the instructions in detail.
The composition of the medicinal ...
Children's bed-transformer: how to choose the best model
One of the most important elements of the situation in the child’s room is a children's transformer bed. Before purchasing, parents should ask what it is made of, how durable the mechanism is and ...
Graduated haircut - 16 options for beautiful women's haircuts with photos
The main advantages of graded haircuts are voluminousness and splendor, texture and embossment, original form and a variety of options, among which any lady will definitely find the perfect hairstyle ...
The cuckoo procedure: what is it, what is it prescribed for and how is the washing of the sinuses carried out ...
The cuckoo medical procedure has nothing to do with a famous bird. This is the name of the medical washing of the nose, which at the beginning of the 20th century was developed by an American doctor ...
6 anti-cellulite body wraps at home
Among the many modern procedures to improve the appearance, anti-cellulite wrap has gained considerable popularity. This technique is highly effective and easy to use. Carry out wraps equally successfully ...
Greek last names: a list of beautiful male and female Greek last names
Greek surnames can be heard (seen) not only in Greece, but throughout the world. They can tell a lot about the people: about popular professions, ...
Happy birthday, Anna! Beautiful and funny greetings in poetry and prose for ...
Ani - not too demanding young ladies. Therefore, they are pleased to hear on their favorite holiday even the simple: "Happy Birthday, Anna!" But of course, to truly ...
Diet by blood type: basic principles, author of a diet, allowed and prohibited products for 1, ...
Blood type diet is a new direction in the field of nutrition, quite popular among various sectors of society. It was created thanks to many years of research by scientists and nutritionists ...
Men's haircut with shaved temples - 23 options for fashionable and stylish haircuts
What, in addition to stylish clothes, light “unshaven” and a confident look, makes a man brutal? Of course, the corresponding hairstyle. Perfectly coping with this task is men's haircuts with shaved ...
Mildronate: side effects and contraindications
Mildronate (in other words meldonium) is a drug aimed at maintaining tissue metabolism. Recognized as one of the most important vital drugs in the Russian Federation. The use of Mildronate, whose side effects ...
Azithromycin: side effects, contraindications for the use of antibiotics
In this publication, we will pay special attention to the side effects of Azithromycin, contraindications. Consider the possibility of using an antibiotic for patients of all age groups, pregnant and lactating women.
Release Forms ...
Miramistin with thrush: how to use it for women and men, can it be used for candidiasis in ...
Miramistin is a popular antiseptic available in every home. Widespread due to a number of properties that help get rid of viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Miramistin at ...
Diet after removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy: menu, table of allowed and prohibited products, dietary ...
Most patients believe that the diet after removal of the gallbladder and laparoscopy is very limited, scarce and complex. However, in fact, you can eat quite tasty ...
Aquarium nail design - 3 options, how to do aqua nail design, photo
Aquarium nail design looks beautiful and unusual. A good master can create a real work of art, turning every nail into a precious piece of jewelry. Read more about aqua design ...
Amoxicillin for children: instructions for use, release form, composition, dosage, antibiotic analogues
Children's immunity is extremely susceptible to various bacteria and viruses, especially in the cold season. In case of inflammation and bacterial diseases, doctors prescribe for children ...
Phenazepam: dosage in tablets and ampoules, indications, instructions for use of a tranquilizer, composition, analogues
In the modern world, every fifth person is in a neurotic or psychopathic state, which is accompanied by anxiety, insomnia and emotional instability. Phenazepam is one of the most ...
Numerology by date of birth: how to find out the number of fate and its meaning
Date of birth is not just a combination of random numbers that a doctor puts on an outpatient card after the birth of a child. Numerology by date of birth determines ...
Heparin ointment for wrinkles: cosmetic use of heparin ointment for the skin, effect
The modern cosmetology industry, it would seem, offers customers such a variety of products with a lifting effect that the use of innovative methods of rejuvenation should have long ago lost its relevance. However...
What is Dimexide: description of the substance, instructions for use, release form, composition, analogues
To eliminate pain in the joints, muscles, and also in order to restore tissue, they often turn to an inexpensive and high-quality drug - Dimexidum. When familiarizing yourself with ...
Diet "Roller coaster": the menu for the week and 21 days, the basic rules of the diet of Martin Katana
The Roller Coaster diet, like a ride of the same name, provokes cyclical stressful situations. If you radically change a person’s diet, after a few days the body is used to a certain daily rate ...
How to gargle with miramistin for adults and children, indications for the use of an antiseptic
Miramistin is widely used in otorhinolaryngology, dentistry, gynecology. Especially often, this substance is included in the treatment of inflammatory lesions of the upper respiratory tract, so it is important to understand ...
Compatibility of blood groups during conception and transfusion
Pregnancy is a kind of stress for the female body, coupled with great responsibility. During this period, even the smallest factors can have an impact on development ...
Amoxiclav 1000 mg + 200 mg: instructions for use, composition, release form, antibiotic analogues
Antibiotics are prescribed for the treatment of diseases caused by bacterial infections. In the framework of this publication, we learn about the medical characteristics of the drug Amoxiclav 1000 mg: in which diseases it ...
Milgamma: analogues in ampoules and tablets, Russian and foreign analogues of the preparation of vitamins of the group ...
Milgamma is produced by a pharmaceutical company in Germany and is a complex of B vitamins. It is a neurotropic drug whose activity is aimed at improving the functioning of the nervous system. Pretty effective tool ...
Piracetam: what helps, why is it prescribed, instructions for use for children and adults, ...
"Piracetam" is a modern, artificially synthesized nootropic, well established in the neurological field and psychiatry. Based on the active component, it is a pyrrolidone derivative. Indications "Piracetam", from ...
Smecta for newborns: instructions for use, composition, analogues of an antidiarrheal drug
Intestinal colic, abdominal pain, increased gas formation, loose stools - this is not a complete list of problems in the immature digestive tract in infants. The drug "Smecta" for ...
Hydradenitis under the arm: what is it, causes, symptoms, treatment
Hydradenitis under the armpit is a severe inflammatory process in the apocrine glands, accompanied by suppuration. The disease is serious, so treatment at home can be dangerous.
Happy birthday greetings to Irina: funny, beautiful and original greetings in verse and prose
Irina, like all other women, love unusual original congratulations. Therefore, a banal text here is not enough. Happy birthday greetings to Irina ...
The diet of Margarita the Queen for weight loss: the principle of diet, a menu for every day
Margarita Koroleva’s diet is known for the fact that with her help many artists and singers were able to get rid of unsightly excess weight and acquire an attractive slim figure.
The main ...
French diet for weight loss: a menu for 7, 10 and 14 days
The French diet is one of the most fashionable and effective ways to lose weight. The duration of the approaches is 7, 10 and 14 days, depending on the desired result ....
Why dream about earrings - dream book: earrings, earrings in a dream
Earrings are a double symbol. What are the earrings for? Seen promises good news, a proposal regarding a new job or a profitable marriage. What events await the dreamer if ...
Dream Interpretation Raw Meat - What is Dreaming of
Dreams with meat can be perceived by a person in completely different ways. It all depends on whether the dreamer is a vegetarian or, conversely, loves to please himself by preparing a juicy roast ....
Omeprazole tablets: instructions for use, which helps, composition, analogues of antiulcer drug
Peptic ulcer disease is a pathology that is extremely difficult to treat. The most common method of getting rid of the disease is to lower the acidity of the gastric environment. A drug that has proven effective ...
Hairstyle Waterfall: 9 options with photos, step-by-step instructions and weaving patterns
Girls like to change their image and create new images. In order to look more cute and romantic, you can use the waterfall hairstyle. This option looks appropriate ...
May there always be sunshine: lyrics in Russian, English, German
The song “May there always be sunshine”, the text of which is translated into many languages, is almost forgotten today. But 40 - 50 years ago she was at ...
Movies for two for the evening - 20 best films for lovers
How difficult it is to choose a movie for a pleasant evening with your soulmate. Men more often prefer action films and thrillers, ladies prefer pictures about love. AT...
Chemical diet for weight loss: a menu for 1, 2 and 4 weeks, diet options
The name “chemical diet” has nothing to do with chemistry and harmful synthetic substances. The technique of losing weight is based on the use of environmentally friendly natural ...
Bimanual research in gynecology: a description of the diagnostic method, indications and contraindications for manipulation
Bimanual research is a fairly simple medical manipulation that allows you to quickly and without the use of special equipment to assess the condition of female internal organs. Gynecologists obstetricians use this ...
Enterofuril suspension: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, dosage, drug analogues
Diarrhea in children is often caused by pathogens. In this case, it is important not only to stop diarrhea, but also to eliminate its causes. This task is easy ...
Estradiol: the norm in women, a table by age, which means if the hormone is elevated or lowered
The norm of estradiol in women is 57-227 pg / ml. Strange, but beauty and femininity, health, sex drive of all the fair sex depend on these figures. Despite...
Amlodipine tablets: instructions for use, what helps, composition, dosage, analogues
Amlodipine tablets - a pharmaceutical product designed to treat certain forms of hypertension and angina pectoris, which has an ultra-long action. Lowers blood pressure, increases oxygen supply to heart tissues ...
Ibuprofen during pregnancy: is it possible in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester, instructions for use, contraindications, ...
Migraine, a cold with a fever, back pain are the ailments that many adults suffer from. It is important for women to know whether Ibuprofen can be taken with ...
Ombre nail design: beautiful and fashionable options with photos, news 2018
A neat, beautifully designed manicure is the hallmark of any woman. Fashion trends in the beauty industry offer girls various options for the design of ombre nails, which ...
Strawberry Victoria: variety description, useful properties, planting and care
Strawberry Victoria was bred in Holland, from where Peter the Great brought it to our country.
Description of the strawberry variety Victoria
In fact, this strawberry is strawberry. Gives ...
What does the late grandmother dream of - a dream book: a dead, deceased grandmother
What does the late grandmother dream about, and is such a dream a harbinger of something terrible? This question can be answered only with the help of dream books, interpretation in ...
Sumamed Forte: instructions for use of the suspension for children, composition, dosage, antibiotic analogues
"Sumamed Forte" is an antibiotic pharmaceutical product of high therapeutic effectiveness, acting against a large number of pathogenic microorganisms. The medication is different in that it is able to accumulate in the inflammatory focus, ...
Loratadine: instructions for use of tablets and syrup, composition, analogues of an antihistamine
To date, the most prescribed allergy medicine is loratadine. He has proven effective against various manifestations of an allergic reaction.
Composition of the drugLoratadine is ...
Diet on kefir and apples for weight loss: a menu for 3, 7 and 9 days
The diet on kefir and apples is one of those that are classified as rather strict, since the diet will have to be limited to only two products. At the same...
Metformin-Richter: instructions for use, composition and analogues of a hypoglycemic drug
Today, there are many substitutes for traditional hypoglycemic drugs. One of these analogues is the antidiabetic agent Metformin-Richter, which is prescribed to patients in order to increase the susceptibility of cells to ...
Strawberry Marmalade: variety description, planting, care
Garden strawberries leave no one indifferent. One of the promising new varieties is Strawberry "Marmalade", the cultivation and care of which is not so difficult.
Acyclovir for children: instructions for use, composition, dosage, analogues of an antiviral drug
"Acyclovir" is an antiviral agent that is used to treat herpetic diseases. The drug has several forms of release (eye ointment, cream, tablets, powder for preparation ...
Why do I dream of a lot of water - dream book: a lot of water, flood in a dream
Water is the primary matter, and it cannot be considered one-sided. This is a multi-valued symbol that can personify purification and resurrection, birth and death, spirituality and ...
What does a husband dream about - a dream book: husband, spouse
There are many meanings of what the husband dreams of. Therefore, it is important for the dreamer to remember the details of the night picture, and try to analyze them. It is also worth remembering that not all ...
Duphaston: analogues are cheap and Russian, instructions for use, composition
Dufaston is a synthetic progesterone (progestogen), the use of which is aimed at combating progesterone deficiency. With the restoration of the hormonal background and the reproductive function of a woman, the remedy copes ...
Men's haircut Canada - 4 options with photo, execution technology
Men's haircut Canada has not lost its popularity for several decades. She can look sporty, elegant, bold, depending on which hair option to choose ....
Neurodiclovit: instructions for use, composition, indications, analogues of the drug
"Neurodiclovit" has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, as a means of complex therapy. It is used to eliminate pain with an uninfected focus of inflammation.
The composition of the release form
A drug is available ...
Tantum Rose: instructions for the use of powder and solution, composition, analogues of NSAIDs
Tantum Rose refers to antiseptic drugs that are used to relieve the inflammatory process, eliminate pain. It is widely used in gynecology. The drug is approved for use in ...
Metformin: analogues, composition, instructions for the use of a hypoglycemic drug
The drug Metformin and analogues are included in the group of medicines belonging to the category of biguanides of the 3rd generation. The spectrum of action of the drug is based on a special mechanism of lowering the concentration ...
Sibutramine: instructions for use, what is dangerous when losing weight, analogues
To lose weight safely, but slowly, many diets and exercises have been developed. But not everyone wants to build their body for a long time, therefore, to quickly lose weight, they choose ...
Pancreatin during pregnancy: whether or not early or late, instructions for use ...
Nausea, commonplace indigestion, heaviness, and heartburn are far from a complete list of the unpleasant symptoms that accompany a woman while carrying a child. Many expectant mothers wonder ...
Dreamed of the sea - why: a dream book about the sea
If you dreamed about the sea, usually such a plot of night vision is very popular with both men and women. Calm water surface creates a feeling of peace, tranquility, harmony. But the bottom line ...
Why dream a gold chain - dream book: gold chain
A chain is a symbol of communication, the connection of two elements. According to the concept of symbolism, the chain is similar to a staircase, in which communicating details stand out, coming one after another. Chain...
What does a bird dream about: a dream book about birds
In a dream, a bird can be a harbinger of both good and bad events. It all depends on her appearance, state of health, color of plumage and interaction ...
Why dream of sand - dream book: sand
Sand of any color symbolizes barrenness, routine, and sometimes purity. Dreams about him without a special plot suggest that a person is wasting his own physical and ...
Do-it-yourself bow tie: how to make and tie
There are ready-made ties of various colors on sale, but they are not cheap. Description of the process of making a bow tie with your own hands will be useful to students and their mothers ....
Clenbuterol: instructions for use of syrup and cough tablets for children and adults, dosage, ...
"Clenbuterol" is a drug that eliminates spasms in the bronchi, which reduces coughing attacks and facilitates the removal of sputum. Its use for the prevention and treatment of children is allowed.
Forms ...
Diprospan injections: instructions for use
"Diprospan" - a means of a wide range of applications. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic, immunosuppressive effects. Appointed only by a specialist. In this publication, we will consider instructions for the use of injections ...
Italian films, a list of the best of modern and old retro movies
Who doesn’t know Italian films? It is impossible not to love them. With all the variety of masterpieces that the world of cinema of Italy has presented to the world, we will try to highlight the best films ...
Happy godmother's birthday greetings from the goddaughter and godson: beautiful and touching greetings in ...
For true initiates of Orthodoxy, the godmother is the second most important person after blood parents. She takes care of her ward, as a native ...
Tavegil or Suprastin - which is better for allergies? Comparison of drugs: composition, indications and contraindications, ...
Although both drugs are included in the 1st generation group of antiallergic drugs, you should deal with a frequently asked question - Tavegil or Suprastin, that ...
Sumamed 500 mg: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, release form, analogues ...
In 1980, the Croatian company Pliva developed an effective antibacterial drug - azithromycin.Its feature was an extremely short course of treatment - only three days. Despite...
Montignac Diet: weekly menu, diet phases, basic rules
The main association with the word “diet” is restriction and hunger. Losing weight people should deny themselves sweet, starchy and other harmful products, which are constantly ...
Diclofenac: what helps, release forms, instructions for use for adults and children, composition, ...
Diclofenac is on the list of the most important drugs - a strong analgesic effect is combined with anti-inflammatory properties, and the drug is not only used to treat rheumatological diseases, but ...
What does the crow dream about - dream book: crow, bird
A crow in a dream is, as a rule, a sign of an approaching sad event, a warning of danger. To find out why a crow is dreaming, it’s worth remembering everything, even ...
Glycine during pregnancy: can it be taken early and late, instructions for use, ...
The tool calms with increased anxiety and improves sleep. You can drink "Glycine" during pregnancy to reduce emotional stress and stress, to improve mood ....
Augmentin: instructions for use for children and adults, release form, composition, dosage, analogues
Augmentin is a combination type antibacterial agent. It is used to treat pathologies caused by infection, as a prophylactic of infectious processes after surgery.
Release forms and ...
Diet by blood group 2 is positive: a table of products and menus for weight loss according to the system ...
Most of the people in the pursuit of happiness and a long life are looking for ways to restore and maintain their health. In part, this contributes to normal body weight and ...
English diet - 21 days: a detailed menu and recipes
There is a nutrition system that provides for the alternation of plant and protein sources. This is an English diet for 21 days. During this period of time, you can get rid of several kilograms without ...
Nail design with a rub - 5 incredibly beautiful options with photos, news 2018
Not without reason, a manicure with a rub has become popular - the nail design is unusual and looks spectacular. He will delight lovers of shiny and mirror nails. The most stylish ...
How to choose olive oil, natural and high-quality: what to look for when buying
Residents of the middle strip have many problems with the choice and use in cooking of this healthy Mediterranean product. More often than others, the question is how ...
Montgomery hillocks: what they look like, the reasons for the appearance,
A visual examination of the mammary gland in the halo of the nipple reveals small “pimples” that rise slightly above the surface of the skin. These anatomical formations are called "Montgomery hillocks" in ...
Dream Interpretation: school, to study in a dream - what dreams
In reality, educational institutions are symbols of acquiring knowledge and new skills. But there are many other explanations in the dream books of a school that has been dreamed of in a dream.
Decoding in different dream books
How to make a slime from flour - 5 ways to make a toy at home
You can buy a finished lizun at any toy store. But not every parent decides to “slip” into his child a substance of indeterminate composition. If you want to be sure ...
Tamiflu for children: instructions for the use of capsules, composition, dosage, analogues of an antiviral drug
The problem of most antiviral drugs is the age limit - they are contraindicated in children from the first months of life. Therefore, a number of products specifically designed for ...
Drops Bars: types, instructions for use for cats and dogs, composition
Drops "Bars" - a line of budgetary veterinary solutions against blood-sucking insects.They are safe for dogs and cats, applied in 1 - 2 minutes, and their ...
Massage for osteochondrosis: how to do back massage at home, contraindications
Diseases associated with degenerative changes in cartilage, are collectively called osteochondrosis. Most often, the disease affects the spine. There are many causes of diseases, so treatment is necessary ...
Dream Interpretation: car accident - why dream
Sometimes in dreams we see our feelings, fears. It happens that dreams come about that which was not even thought in reality, but upon awakening they ...
Sumamed tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, dosage, analogues
Sumamed tablets are an excellent antibacterial medicine that is used for any infections and inflammations. The stability of the drug allows you to withstand numerous bacteria and microbes, thereby ...
Pevzner diets: a list of medical diet tables, indications
Proper nutrition is important to maintain well-being, the balanced functioning of all systems, which is often underestimated. But it is also necessary to enhance the effect of the treatment of various diseases ....
Diet "5 tablespoons" (200 grams): menu for the week, diet rules
A diet of 5 tablespoons is very popular among people who dream of losing weight. The system is approved by experts and really proves effective subject to strict ...
Suppositories from hemorrhoids Relief: instructions for use, composition, analogues
Expansion of hemorrhoidal veins is an ailment, the elimination of which requires a comprehensive therapeutic regimen. It includes systemic medicines and medicines for local exposure. To the last ...
Atomic diet for weight loss: a menu for 7 days and a month, a list of allowed products
The atomic diet accelerates metabolism without drugs, reduces weight without the excruciating feeling of hunger and for a long time returns its former harmony. Learn more about it from this article.
The main ...
Cardamom seasoning - where to add, use and spice substitutes
This exquisite spice, according to legend, was still cultivated in the gardens of Babylon. She belonged to the most expensive along with saffron and vanilla, so she could be allowed ...
Diet Valley: the principle of diet, a menu for 7 and 14 days
The sensational "star" diet of the Valley is really very effective, but only if you strictly follow all its rules. Once going through this weight loss program to the end ...
Nail slider design: what it is, how to use manicure stickers
Well-groomed nails are an essential condition for the beauty of female hands. The slider design for nails helps to maintain their beauty for the fair sex.
What is slider design?
So what is slider design? ...
Cat dreamed - what is it? Dream cat about a cat
If you had a dream about a cat, then for the correct interpretation of sleep you need to remember in detail all the details of the night story.
Interpretation of sleep in dream books
In general, a dream in which there is ...
Bob hairstyles for short, medium and long hair - 7 beautiful options with bangs ...
The history of bob hairstyles began more than 100 years ago, and Vidal Sassoon, the famous British hairdressing virtuoso, is considered to be its ancestor in our usual form ...
Bolo tie: how to do it yourself, tips on how and what to wear with an American tie
Such a stylish and beautiful men's accessory as a bolo tie is not known to everyone. In our country, these products have not yet become particularly widespread.
What is a tie ...
Diet for weight gain: options, high-calorie menus for weight loss
Excessive thinness can be as repulsive as overweight. Therefore, a diet for weight gain is also very popular.
Description of diet for weight gain
The disadvantage ...
Chemical diet for 4 weeks: menu for weight loss, a table of allowed products
Do you think losing a month to 30 kilograms is unrealistic? This is quite possible if you adhere to a chemical diet for 4 weeks. Its author is a brilliant professor Osama ...
Wedding nail design: beautiful and delicate options with photos, news 2018
Wedding nail design is the final touch in the image of the bride. When the issue with the outfit and hairdo is closed, it's time to think about the nails. Fingers of the bride ...
Membrane clothes: what it is, how to choose clothes from membrane fabric for children and ...
The phrase "membrane clothing" has been heard by many, but not everyone knows about its features. To choose a really suitable thing from this material, important and necessary information will help, ...
Enterofuril capsules: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, dosage, analogues
Enterofuril capsules are considered an intestinal antiseptic that can fight many bacteria. The drug is prescribed for diarrhea, intestinal infection. It is safe for the body, which is why ...
How to take "Pancreatin" for adults and children: instructions for use of tablets, composition, analogues
Anyone can experience digestive upset. This can be facilitated by simple overeating, as well as gastrointestinal diseases. Pancreatin is a medicine that contains enzymes ...
Signs of osteochondrosis in women and men, causes, symptoms, treatment of the disease
Osteochondrosis is a serious disease that affects different parts of the spine. An ailment can provoke destruction of the joints in the patient, prolapse of the intervertebral discs, and the formation of hernias. That is why so ...
Indapamide: instructions for use, analogues, what is it for?
Hypertension is a disease of our time - according to statistics, every fourth person on the planet (15 to 64 years old) suffers from this disease. Indapamide is ...
Prozac: instructions for use, composition, antidepressant analogues
Prozac is a pharmacological agent that belongs to the class of bicyclic antidepressants with a stimulating effect. In the instructions for use, Prozac is described as an effective medication that eliminates ...
Ointment Ibuprofen: instructions for use, what helps, composition, analogues
Ibuprofen ointment is a budget and effective tool for traumatic lesions and diseases of the articular apparatus. The medication belongs to the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and provides ...
Glucosamine Maximum: instructions for use of tablets, composition, analogues
Glucosamine Maximum refers to dietary supplements, whose action is aimed at restoring the functionality of the musculoskeletal system. This tool is used not only for advanced joint disease, ...
Haircut - 8 options for short and medium hair, on the leg and ...
If you want to correct the image, emphasize the natural beauty of the oval of the face, hide minor imperfections, create a youthful playful bow or, conversely, focus on your status, ...
Why butterflies dream - dream book: butterflies
Trying to figure out what butterflies dream of, it is worth asking for help from trusted dream books. But only the work of experienced interpreters will help to reliably find out what he is trying to tell ...
Meloxicam: instructions for use, which helps, release forms, analogues
Regardless of age, people can suffer from inflammatory processes in the joints and connective tissues. Similar diseases bring unbearable pain. To get rid of her ...
Movalis: instructions for use, release form, composition and analogues of NSAIDs
To eliminate the painful syndrome of articular and bone diseases, the drug Movalis is used, which is available in various forms.This is a fairly fast-acting analgesic that relieves the inflammatory process.
Diet for the lazy (minus 12 kg per month): the principle of diet, a menu for every day
On the net, the diet for the lazy is gaining more and more popularity. The peculiar name is explained by the fact that it does not require strict restrictions and is perfect for those who ...
How to drink De-Nol: dosage, course of treatment, instructions for use of the antiulcer drug
Treatment measures for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are necessarily carried out using the De-Nol gastroprotector, a medication that protects the gastric mucosa, envelops and promotes its recovery. However...
Cellulite body wrap at home - the 14 most effective recipes for anti-cellulite wraps
Homemade cellulite wraps are the most affordable and simple method of struggle if the “orange peel” begins to appear on the skin. For independent anti-cellulite procedures, you need ...
Diclofenac and alcohol: compatibility, is it possible to drink alcohol using NSAIDs
The compatibility of Diclofenac and alcohol is very important to prevent side effects and complications from the drug. Alcohol-containing fluids can not only reduce the effectiveness of treatment, but also ...
Piracetam: what helps, instructions for use, composition, analogues of a nootropic drug
Piracetam is a nootropic medicine that improves metabolic processes, blood circulation and brain function. Consider what helps Piracetam and what is its effect ...
Candles Movalis: composition, instructions for use, analogues of NSAIDs
Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints and pathologies of an inflammatory nature often accompany pain, an increase in body temperature. And an effective drug is required that can eliminate unpleasant symptoms. With such ...
Mildronate tablets: instructions for use, what they help from, composition, analogues of a metabolic agent
Mildronate tablets restore metabolic processes. Against the background of their intake, oxygen saturation of tissues improves, toxic substances are eliminated. The medication is prescribed for increased physical exertion, in ...
Virgo and Aquarius: compatibility of signs in love relationships, in friendship and marriage
The compatibility of Virgo and Aquarius suffers because of their opposite views on life. Despite this, there are no frequent conflicts in their pair, the partners relate to each other ...
Dream Interpretation: the forest - why dream
In a variety of popular dream books, the forest has different meanings. The interpretation of sleep also depends on the plot details. For example, from what a man or woman does in ...
Strawberry Disease: description with photos, processing methods
Only healthy plants produce large and tasty fruits. Strawberry Disease May Deprive Sweet or Family Farmers The culture "attracted" many insects and ticks, ...
Aries and Libra: compatibility of signs in love relationships, in friendship and marriage
Despite the dissimilar characters, Libra and Aries get along well with each other. It is easy for them to find compromises: Aries are used to being leaders and leading a partner for ...
Aries and Aquarius: compatibility of signs in love relationships, in friendship and marriage
The compatibility of Aries and Aquarius is quite high. Despite the fact that the representatives of these zodiac signs have different characters, they get along well together. Express but stable ...
Piracetam - what is it prescribed for? Instructions for use of the nootropic drug in tablets and injections, ...
Piracetam is a nootropic drug used by neurologists and psychiatrists. From our article you will find out what Piracetam is, what it is prescribed for, a list of possible side effects ...
Cycloferon for children: instructions for use, composition, release form of the antiviral drug
When a child is sick in the family, each parent tries to cure him faster.Today, pharmacies sell a large number of medicines for babies, but, according to doctors, ...
Ointment Phloxal: instructions for use of an eye ointment with an antibiotic, composition, analogues
Phloxal ointment is an antibacterial drug that belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones. It is used in the treatment and prevention of inflammatory eye diseases that have arisen as a result of an ...
Chiropractor and osteopath: what is the difference in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system
If a person is bothered by pain in the spine, he thinks about visiting a specialist who will relieve muscle tension and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Before signing up ...
"Ibuklin Junior": instructions for use for children, the composition of tablets, analogues
With the development of a viral infection in children, the occurrence of a fever or various pains, Ibuklin Junior is an indispensable and fast-acting remedy. But it is not always harmless ...
Cytoflavin: instructions for use, for which it is prescribed for adults
Cytoflavin is a medication that improves the circulation of the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system. Usually it is prescribed for the recovery of patients in the post-stroke, post-infarction periods.
Release forms and composition Cytoflavin ...
Miramistin for children: instructions for use, composition, antiseptic analogues
A popular remedy quickly relieves inflammation in uncomplicated diseases of the skin and ENT organs. Miramistin liquid for children is most often used in diluted form. The drug is safe for ...
Wheaten Terrier (Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier): breed description, dog character, grooming, maintenance and upbringing
This dog has amazing coat the color of ripe wheat, it falls in silky waves, sways easily to the beat of movement. A handsome wheat terrier, as if he knows about ...
Glycine overdose in adults and children: symptoms, consequences, first aid, instructions for use of tablets
Glycine is the simplest amino acid obtained by artificial means. Playing a large role in the function of the central nervous system, it is widely used in neurological practice. The drug is not ...
Rhubarb: planting, growing and caring in the open ground
An amazing vegetable in the buckwheat family is rhubarb. A herbal plant that can reach a height of three meters and grows in one place for more than 10 years. Uh ...
Aries and Cancer: compatibility of the zodiac signs in love relationships, marriage and friendship
If you are Aries and Cancer, compatibility to a great extent will depend on you. Despite the fact that these signs belong to completely opposite elements ...
Lomilan: instructions for use of tablets and syrup for children and adults, active substance, analogues
“Lomilan” is a popular drug belonging to the group of antihistamines. The principle of action is based on the mechanism of competitive inhibition of H1-histamine receptors. According to the instructions for use, Lomilan removes ...
What is a franchise? We tell in simple words: what is a franchise in insurance (Casco) and business ...
What is a franchise is hard to tell in simple words. But we will try.
Franchise, or franchising has a single meaning. This is a model for creating a business: one company transfers another right ...
Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma: types of disease
Malignant neoplasms having both external and internal localization in various organs are quite common. Among the types of oncological diseases, moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma occupies one of ...
Paracetamol from temperature: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, release form, dosage, ...
The tool has a pronounced antipyretic effect, it helps well from a fever in a child.Adults can drink “Paracetamol" from the temperature in combination with other substances or take ...
Smecta - before or after meals, how to take the drug for children and adults
Digestion, heartburn, diarrhea - everyone faces similar problems, and it is impossible to insure against them. It is very important that at hand in these cases always ...
Semolina porridge: benefits and harm to the body, contraindications
If you don’t like semolina porridge, the benefits will be small: you simply do not know how to cook it. Any self-respecting cook will say so, because ...
Amylase is elevated in the blood: causes and treatment
One of the digestive enzymes is amylase produced by the pancreas. She is involved in the digestion of food, the breakdown of carbohydrates, the absorption of glucose. If amylase is elevated in the blood, then ...
Psoriasis in children: causes, first signs and symptoms, treatment of the disease
The initial manifestations of psoriasis in children are often mistaken for dermatitis. It is useful for parents to know the typical places of localization and the nature of skin rashes in different clinical forms in order to ...
Caseous pneumonia: causes of the disease, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment and prognosis
Caseous pneumonia is one of these pathologies, a characteristic feature of which is the rapid progression with an increase in intoxication of the body and destruction of lung tissue. The study of tuberculosis is dedicated ...
Antibiotic Azithromycin: which group of antibiotics belongs to, instructions for use, release form, dosage, analogues
It is impossible to imagine modern medicine without antimicrobials. The antibiotic Azithromycin is one of the most popular drugs used to treat a variety of infectious diseases in patients ...
Injections Cycloferon: instructions for use for children and adults, analogues of an antiviral drug
The pharmaceutical agent Cycloferon refers to effective immunostimulants that help patients - usually as part of complex therapy - fight serious diseases. Instruction for the use of injections ...
5 Tibetan pearls: Tibetan gymnastics, a set of exercises
"5 Tibetan pearls" tested by wise monks for millennia. And from the middle of the last century, the whole world has been trying to turn them into their daily habit, healing ...
Strawberry Chamora Turusi: description of a variety of Japanese large-fruited strawberries, cultivation and care
Large-fruited varieties have always attracted and attract gardeners. Among the results of breeding work with giant berries stands strawberry "Chamorora Turusi". About her and will be discussed in ...
Little Doberman: what is the name of the breed, description, care, maintenance and training
The German breed small Doberman is unparalleled among small dogs in agility, passion, devotion to the owner. She gives her owner such attention that it ...
Toy Fox Terrier: breed description, maintenance and care
Among the miniature four-legged friends of a person, smart and charming fox terriers stand out as a separate breed. Possessing remarkable hunting skills, these dogs, nevertheless, successfully cope with ...
Detralex tablets: instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues
Detralex is a French-made drug that has a venotonic and angioprotective effect. It is prescribed for the treatment of patients with hemorrhoids and venous insufficiency. In our article, you ...
Spray Nazonex: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, analogues
The drug relieves itching in the nose, saves from congestion and profuse runny nose, makes it possible to breathe freely. This is how Nazonex spray is described by people suffering from hay fever ...
How to take folic acid: indications for use during pregnancy and for the prevention of hypovitaminosis, dosage
The fame of the "vitamin for pregnant women" has long been strengthened behind this substance.It is he who is appointed to expectant mothers to ensure the necessary growth and development of the child in the womb. But...