The atomic diet accelerates metabolism without drugs, reduces weight without the excruciating feeling of hunger and for a long time returns its former harmony. Learn more about it from this article.

The basic principles of diet

The diet is also called "Swiss" - by country of origin. It is a rare tandem of unanimous opinions: nutritionists value a balanced diet, losing weight - quick effectiveness.

A unique technique allows you to burn excess fat with the speed of atomic processes. A person loses about a kilogram daily, without feeling discomfort. The atomic diet literally “explodes” weight.

Its basis is a separate diet, built on the principle of alternation of carbohydrate and protein diets every 24 hours.

How does the technique work? The main energy supplier for cells is carbohydrates. If carbohydrate food is not enough, the body seeks to get energy from its own resources: muscles and body fat. Proteins are a building frame for muscle tissue, a guarantee of their tone. When cells are sufficiently saturated with proteins, the muscles become stronger and more stable. The body has to get energy by burning unnecessary fat, avoiding loss of muscle tone.

The mechanism of weight loss accelerates metabolic processes. Protein day brings energy deficiency. To replenish it, the body first consumes the glycogen accumulated by the liver, then fat reserves are absorbed. On a carbohydrate day, the body begins to replenish the lost enzyme. Dietary carbohydrate intake is limited, energy is not enough, and fat burning continues.

In the process of diet, favorable conditions are created for effective weight loss - enhanced metabolism and fat breakdown. The results achieved in this way are stored for a long time. Weight loss depends on the starting point - obviously the extra pounds go faster. When the weight reaches the norm, it is fixed. Many of those who have gained harmony through this diet prefer to continue to adhere to the principles of "atomic" nutrition in order to maintain a stable result.

The advantages and disadvantages of an atomic diet

The atomic technique is safe and effective.

And these are not all the advantages:

  1. Diet has virtually no limits. Age, pregnancy and breastfeeding are not an obstacle to its use. You just need to visit a doctor who will help you create a menu taking into account the characteristics of health.
  2. No need to keep a strict record of calories eaten.
  3. It is not necessary to eat on a tight schedule at certain hours.
  4. During the diet, severe hunger is not possible. With discomfort, they arrange a light snack with permitted products.
  5. The diet developed by nutritionists does not need to be enriched with vitamins and dietary supplements.
  6. The diet does not have a hard time, it is used at will: a week, a month or six months. In fact, this is the principle of nutrition.
  7. The possibility of a short break (during the holidays) or a slight violation during the holidays.
  8. A lot of fiber in the diet - there is no difficulty with stool.
  9. On carbohydrate days, the intestines are actively cleansed. This is a good prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.
  10. Enough strength and energy to be active and play sports.

The disadvantages of an atomic diet include:

  1. Inability to use by vegetarians: protein days are meat, fish and dairy products.
  2. In the days of protein intake, the load on the kidneys and liver increases. For diseases of these organs, the diet is used with caution, after mandatory medical consultation.

List of allowed and prohibited products

The composition of the menu is determined by the day of the diet: protein or carbohydrate.

The list of allowed products of the protein period are:

  • lean beef (veal);
  • chicken (turkey) meat;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • skim milk, low-fat kefir, yogurt, natural yogurt;
  • cottage cheese and cheese.

Eggs are recommended to be boiled or steamed omelet from them. Milk drinks, unsweetened coffee or tea with milk are allowed.

The carbohydrate part of the diet consists exclusively of vegetables and fruits:

  • stewed, boiled, grilled;
  • light soups, mashed soups and lean borscht without potatoes;
  • salads;
  • stew.

Vegetables with a high concentration of fiber are welcome: carrots, cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, celery.

On carbohydrate days, it is allowed to add 1-2 tablespoons to dishes. vegetable oil. You can drink herbal drinks with mint, hibiscus tea, ginger tea, freshly squeezed juices.

About two liters of water should be drunk per day, not counting drinks.

The list of restrictions for the Swiss diet is quite large:

  • all foods containing carbohydrates with a high glycemic index: sugar, honey, sweets, cookies, jams, preserves, juices from packages, etc .;
  • all fatty foods;
  • bread, pastries, pasta;
  • carbonated drinks and alcohol;
  • fatty sauces and gravy, butter and mayonnaise;
  • marinades and canned food;
  • convenience foods, smoked meats and fast food.

7-day diet

Starting a diet is easier with the protein phase. It is satisfying, easily tolerated and pleases with a kilogram plumb the very next morning. This is a good motivation to continue.

The menu of the atomic diet for 7 days consists of four protein days of three carbohydrate.

1st day, proteins:

  • steam omelet with parsley;
  • mashed cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream;
  • boiled beef with horseradish;
  • fried Adyghe cheese;
  • shrimp.

2nd day, carbohydrates:

  • salad of tangerines, kiwi and pears;
  • stewed cabbage with dill seeds;
  • vegetable soup from young zucchini and carrots;
  • baked apples with cinnamon;
  • grilled vegetables with soy sauce.

3rd day, proteins:

  • steamed meatballs in white sauce;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • chicken "envelopes" with cream cheese;
  • boiled fish with greens;
  • cheese casserole.

4th day, carbohydrates:

  • baked apples with a drop of honey;
  • vinaigrette without potatoes;
  • zucchini soup with parsley;
  • fruit sliced;
  • carrot pancakes with apples.

5th day, proteins:

  • Suluguni cheese, 2 soft-boiled eggs;
  • low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream;
  • stewed veal with paprika;
  • natural yogurt;
  • grilled fish with provencal herbs.

6th day, carbohydrates:

  • berry salad;
  • radish and onion salad;
  • lean borsch without potatoes;
  • baked pumpkin;
  • string bean stew with bell pepper and basil.

7th day, proteins:

  • baked chicken in foil with onions and cheese;
  • cottage cheese casserole with milk sauce;
  • stuffed pike;
  • fried suluguni;
  • microwave omelet.

Sample menu for a month

Below are sample food options for creating an atomic menu for a month.

BreakfastOmelet with parmesan or cottage cheeseFresh vegetables / fruits
Fried eggs or boiled eggsBerry salad with lemon dressing
Cottage cheese + sour cream or natural low-fat yogurtGreek salad with soft cheese and olive oil
Adyghe cheese, suluguniStewed pears
LunchChicken drumsticks in sour cream with garlic and allspiceFruit or berry jelly
Omelette pancakes with grated cheeseGrilled vegetables
Pork pork with spicesBeetroot caviar
Braised Chicken or BeefBeetroot, carrot and cabbage vinaigrette
Cottage cheese casseroleBerry jelly
DinnerMeat broth with eggLight vegetable soup
Baked fishLenten Borsch
Braised liverStewed cabbage with dill
Lean pork roastLecho
JellyVegetable stew and green peas
Grilled fishEggplant rolls with tomatoes and bell pepper
High teaSteamed liver frittersBaked Pumpkin
Seafood (shrimp, squid)Cauliflower Stew
Boiled fish in French mustard sauceOven broccoli with tomatoes
MeatballsStewed apples
Ear of river fish without potatoesCabbage cutlets with herbs
DinnerBaked fish fillet with onion and lemonBean Soup
Fish SteakBeetroot caviar with tomato paste and dill
Omelet or scrambled eggsBaked rosemary vegetables
Chicken EnvelopesBaked peppers with tomatoes
Kefir ChickenBraised Pumpkin with Apples

Atomic food recipes

The methods for preparing diet foods are simple, do not require much time and allow arbitrary use of your favorite foods and spices.

Animal products are subjected to the correct methods of heat treatment - cooking, stewing, baking. Then the diet becomes really healthy and effective. For a hearty and varied menu, vegetables and fruits can also be stewed or baked.

Protein dishes

According to the rules of the diet, seasonings, spices and garlic are allowed.

Baked Pink Salmon

Fragrant fish with your favorite herbs is perfect for dinner.


  • pink salmon - 1 carcass;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • greens, salt, pepper, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for lubricating the foil - 1 tbsp. l


  1. We clean the fish, we make oblique cuts throughout the carcass.
  2. Rub with pepper, salt and spices.
  3. We put herbs, onions and garlic in the abdomen, and lemon slices in the cuts.
  4. Wrap the fish in a greased foil and bake.

After 30-40 minutes, the most tender pink salmon is ready. For this recipe, any low-fat fish is suitable.

Tender beef

Veal or lean pork is perfect for this recipe.

Would need:

  • beef - 700 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3-5 cloves;
  • spices and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. A piece of beef is cut across the fibers into portions, beat off and rub with spices and salt. Pickle in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours.
  2. At this time, cut the onion in half rings, chop the garlic.
  3. We spread onion foil, meat, garlic.Repeat the layers and wrap the foil.
  4. Bake for about an hour. 5 minutes before the end, open the foil.

Usually a piece of 700 g is not enough - it turns out too tasty meat.

Shrimp Cheese Omelet

Great recipe for a nutritious breakfast.

Would need:

  • eggs - 2 large;
  • cream 20% - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • salt to taste;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • boiled shrimp - 50 g;
  • Dutch cheese or any hard cheese - 40-60 g;
  • any greens that you like.


  1. Beat eggs and cream, salt and fry a thin omelet in butter.
  2. Shrimp heated in salted water.
  3. Put the omelet on a heated plate, put 2 slices of hard cheese in the middle, wrap the edges.
  4. Next lay shrimp, garnish with greens.

The dish is not only tasty, it looks bright and pretty.

On carbohydrate days

Atomic diet recipes for the carbohydrate portion are usually very simple.

Gorgeous fried apples

Unusual amber dessert perfectly complements the diet in the carbohydrate period. Slices of apples are covered with sugarless caramel, only from their own juice.

Product Composition:

  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 50-60 g;
  • salt and cinnamon to taste.


  1. Hard fruits to peel and cut into slices.
  2. Place slices in a pan with preheated butter so that there is space around each slice.
  3. Sprinkle with a scanty amount of salt.
  4. Fry until golden, sprinkle with cinnamon.

Dessert is served warm.

Zucchini slices

Vegetable vitamin dish for carbohydrate menu.


  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • oil for frying vegetables - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • salt, pepper, garlic and herbs to taste.


  1. Peel the zucchini, cut along, cut thin slices with a knife for peeling vegetables.
  2. Chop the carrots into thin strips.
  3. Pour zucchini into a pan with preheated vegetable oil, fry, stirring, for two minutes.
  4. Add carrots, fry for another 2 minutes.
  5. Pepper, add salt, garlic and herbs, cover and remove from heat.

In a couple of minutes, the healthy dish will be ready.

How to get out of a diet

The way out of the atomic diet is smooth and uncomplicated:

  • on protein days, the diet is gradually supplemented with carbohydrate products;
  • in carbohydrates - little by little proteins are added;
  • every three days they return to the menu the usual dishes.

Exit lasts twice as long as the period of the diet itself. This is a general rule for all techniques.

The result of effective weight loss

By strictly following the rules of the atomic diet, you can lose up to 8 kg in the first 7 days. Intensive weight loss in the initial period is the removal of fluid from the tissues and the active cleansing of the intestines. Further plumb bumps are usually smaller and depend on the initial body weight and individual metabolism.


The atomic nutrition technique is considered almost ideal: it is not “hungry” and balanced.

Nevertheless, it is not suitable for everyone and has contraindications:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and heart;
  • diabetes.

Before starting any diet, you should consult your doctor. This is the only way to achieve harmony without harming one's health.