Tasty vitamins familiar to us from childhood are ascorbic acid and glucose. Perhaps this is one of the most well-known and purchased dietary supplements. Why is it needed, how to use it correctly, and are there any contraindications to the use of this drug, we learn from this article.

Release form, composition and packaging

What is ascorbic acid? This name hides one of the most important for the normal functioning of the body natural compound - Vitamin C. In its natural form, it is found in different concentrations in almost all products of plant origin - herbs, vegetables and fruits.

Rosehips, sea buckthorn and blackcurrant are considered “champions” in the content of the enzyme. Contrary to popular belief that this biologically active substance is found in citruses most of all, it is a mistake: even in white cabbage or dill, vitamin C is twice as much as in lemon.

The ascorbic acid that we buy in a pharmacy is obtained industrially by fermentation of glucose.

They release it in different dosage forms:

  • dragees and chewable tablets;
  • powder and water-soluble tablets for the preparation of solutions;
  • injection solutions;
  • drops.

Vitamin C tastes very acidic, so it is combined with glucose. This not only improves the taste of the drug, but also improves the pharmacological properties. Glucose is a source of energy and an anti-toxic substance.

Ascorbic glucose is sold in plastic jars with a lid, in paper contour meshes and bezjacheyakovyh packages of 10 pcs.In shape, these are flat round tablets with a risk in the middle. Each of them contains vitamin C 75-100 mg and glucose about 800 mg. By the way, you can buy ascorbic acid not only in a pharmacy, but also in many grocery stores. But you should not do it at all without special need.

The benefits and harms of ascorbic acid

Vitamin C is extremely important to humans. It takes part in the metabolism and formation of hormones, which is necessary for the proper functioning of connective and bone tissues. It also improves iron absorption, regulates the functioning of the immune system, slows down the aging process and reduces the risk of developing oncology.

If this vitamin is not enough, the body declares this with the following symptoms:

  • reduced immune defense, a person becomes susceptible to diseases of various origins (especially - acute respiratory infections);
  • the skin becomes pale, prone to dryness, wounds and injuries heal for a long time, red spots may appear - traces of subcutaneous hemorrhage;
  • bleeding gums, teeth can stagger;
  • sore legs and sacral region;
  • brittle nails and hair.

But not always what ascorbic acid with glucose gives the body is a benefit, and it can also cause harm. This will happen if you take it in excess, neglecting the dosage standards.

With hypervitaminosis, the following reactions are possible:

  • increased acid levels in the urine;
  • the formation of kidney stones;
  • malfunctions of the pancreas;
  • dysfunction of the insular apparatus;
  • increased estrogen levels in the female body.

In case of an overdose of the drug, allergic reactions, vomiting, nausea, increased blood glucose are often observed (therefore, with diabetes, the drug is not recommended).

How to take vitamin C glucose in adults and children

Unfortunately, the human body does not synthesize vitamin C on its own, so the only source of this important element is food intake. There is a lot of this compound in plant foods; it is also found in some products of animal origin - for example, in beef liver, in milk (very little). But not everyone practices raw food diet, and when the food is cooked, the vitamin is destroyed. That is why it is recommended to take pharmaceutical products with its content as an additional source of ascorbic acid.

Instructions for use in the form of information on the label are attached to each package of ascorbic acid with glucose.

Usually the dosage is:

  • adults - a tablet three times a day;
  • children - according to indications.

On average, the daily requirement for ascorbic acid in adults is about 90 mg, and if a person smokes, the dose increases by 35 mg (maximum permissible per day - up to 2000 mg).

Children are prescribed the drug with caution, dietary supplement is not as harmless as many people think. Overdose can lead to serious consequences. So, children up to a year need no more than 40 mg of vitamin A, children under 14 years old - up to 60–70 mg. This means that one tablet per day may be more than enough. The course of administration is 3-4 weeks and can be extended on the recommendation of a doctor.

During pregnancy and lactation

Despite the fact that ascorbic acid is useful, and during pregnancy and breastfeeding in a woman, the need for vitamin C increases, it is not recommended to use dietary supplements without a doctor’s testimony. It is better to give priority to the natural vitamin that is in food, or to a glucose-free analogue. Excess ascorbic acid in the diet of a pregnant woman can cause the fetal scurvy to develop.

Drug interaction

Ascorbic acid with glucose in tablets is combined with most drugs taken together, however, everything has its own nuances with such a comprehensive treatment.

For example, vitamin C has the following effects:

  • helps to increase the concentration of certain antibiotics (in particular, the penicillin series and tetracycline);
  • helps better absorption of iron;
  • lowers the effect of anticoagulants, including heparin;
  • it is worse absorbed by the combined use of oral contraceptives and acetylsalicylic acid;
  • reduces the effect of certain psychotropic drugs.

When prescribing any therapeutic agent during the period of ascorbic acid therapy, the potential danger of the joint use of these compounds should be clarified by the attending physician. And if necessary, stop taking dietary supplements.