What is the difference between arthritis and arthrosis can be understood, knowing what happens to the joints when this or that pathology begins to develop. Arthritis is an inflammatory process that affects the articular joint, and arthrosis affects the articular tissue.
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Description of diseases
Arthritis is an inflammation of the knee joint that develops in the synovial membrane and extends to the bone and tendons.
The main factors in the occurrence of pathology are:
- infection
- metabolic disease;
- allergy.
Reasons for the development of the disease:
- genetic predisposition;
- poor nutrition;
- knee injuries;
- stress
- overweight.
Arthrosis is a disease in which damage to the joint tissue occurs.
Its appearance is noted in the following cases:
- wrong lifestyle;
- joint injury;
- fractures.
Most often, the disease develops as a result of age-related deformation of the structure of cartilage tissue, which leads to its depletion. Specialists distinguish primary and secondary arthrosis of the knee joint.
What is the difference between arthritis and arthrosis
Arthritis of the knee joint is not uncommon. Inflammation is accompanied by pain of varying intensity, causing considerable suffering to patients. Such sensations are sharp, aching, burning, prolonged.
In this case, inflammatory changes of a general and local nature occur. In the affected area, redness of the skin appears, which becomes hot due to local temperature increase.
When the disease progresses, an inflammatory effusion forms: the joint enlarges, swells, swells.
To reduce pain, a person tries to give the foot as comfortable a position as possible, reducing pain, for which they bend the limb in the knee. With prolonged preservation of such a posture, flexion contracture is formed.
Usually by morning, pain increases, stiffness appears.
During an exacerbation, signs of general intoxication are observed:
- body temperature rises (38 ° C);
- sweating intensifies;
- fatigue appears;
- weakness.
With the development of arthrosis, the increase in pain occurs gradually. First, a crunch appears during the movement at the site of the lesion, then aching pain when walking, descending or climbing stairs. The patient's well-being improves only after rest.
Usually the disease affects the joints on both legs. Deformation of the extremities according to the genu varum type, the formation of flexion contracture, limitation of mobility occurs during a prolonged course of osteoarthrosis.
Pain in the knees appears gradually. Cartilage is destroyed, in which there are no pain receptors. In this case, pain occurs when the bone surfaces are completely exposed and begin to rub against each other, osteophytes grow, cartilage fragments fall into the synovial cavity.
Symptoms and signs of ailments
A layperson will not be able to distinguish between the symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis. Therefore, the diagnosis should be made by a specialist (orthopedist, rheumatologist or surgeon).
Usually pains appear in the absence of movement. An active life helps reduce symptoms. Often, gymnastics helps to relieve pain.
In the morning, the patient feels stiff in the knees. It gradually decreases or completely disappears by the middle of the day. On the affected joint, a swelling appears, the skin turns red, pain is felt. A feature of the disease is transient tumors, which fall on one joint and pass to another.
In addition, there are other signs of the disease:
- weight loss;
- periodic chills;
- poor appetite;
- excessive sweating;
- fast fatiguability;
- redness or inflammation of the eyes;
- general malaise;
- the formation of nodules under the skin.
Pain occurs with increased load or movement. When the patient sits down in a comfortable position, she subsides. Unpleasant painful symptoms do not appear at the initial stage of the development of the disease.
Over time, the usual amplitude of joint movement is limited. This is due to a decrease in the joint gap due to the proliferation of bone and cartilage. Muscle cramps often appear.
Both pathologies cause redness and swelling of the joint area. The main difference is swelling with damage to the joint tissue, constant and not passing after the appearance. It indicates irreversible deformation.
A characteristic crunch is heard with the development of the disease. It is louder when the disease is severely neglected, due to improper bone position.
Diagnostic measures
Diagnostics is carried out by the following methods:
- goniometry - determines the possible amplitude of the affected joint;
- KLA - detects the degree of inflammation;
- MRI - helps establish the state of tissues;
- LHC - assessment of the level of the total amount of uric acid, proteins and other indicators;
- CT - shows the structure of tissues;
- rheumatic test - allows you to determine the content of C-reactive proteins in plasma;
- X-ray - reveals changes in bone tissue.
Effective treatments
After a thorough examination of the diagnostic results, the doctor prescribes treatment.
Timely initiated therapy guarantees a positive trend in the disease. For this reason, do not delay a visit to a specialist if you suspect the development of one of the pathologies.
In the treatment of arthritis resort to conservative methods.
Usually prescribed:
- glucocorticosteroids - relieve severe pain;
- vitamins - restore metabolic processes;
- anti-inflammatory non-steroidal agents - prevent the development of inflammation.
In addition, it is necessary to determine and, if possible, eliminate the cause of the progression of the disease. Physiotherapy exercises will help increase joint mobility, and a diet to fight excess weight will reduce the load on your knees.
Therapy of arthritis can be carried out in several directions:
- surgical intervention for partial or complete joint replacement - only in advanced cases;
- removal of pain by directed means;
- physiotherapy;
- the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs;
- physical therapy classes;
- the use of chondroprotectors to support articular tissues.
Arthrosis cannot be completely cured. But treatment will stop its development. Success depends on a timely visit to a specialist.
Possible consequences
These are dangerous joint diseases involving partial or complete immobilization of the joints.
With the development of pathology, the patient's quality of life decreases significantly, since there is stiffness of the knees in the morning, swelling, pain. With rheumatoid arthritis, the whole body is included in the process. Arthrosis completely destroys the cartilage tissue, immobilizing a person.
Inflammation with arthritis, if left untreated, proceeds uncontrollably. The patient needs to be afraid of the slow destruction of the compound and subsequent disability. Pathology can spread throughout the body, including the spine.
The danger of these manifestations is that people turn to specialists when the disease is already sufficiently started. You can not let them develop. If signs appear, you should consult a specialist and undergo a series of diagnostic measures. Timely treatment started will help to improve the patient's quality of life.
The treatment of such diseases is rather complicated. They can not always be completely cured, the ailment acquires a chronic form, because cartilage tissue undergoes irreversible degenerative changes. Surgery may not always prevent a patient’s disability.
Prevention of arthritis and arthrosis
Preventive measures to prevent the development of joint inflammation include:
- weight control - excess body weight creates an additional load;
- prevention of hypothermia;
- wearing comfortable shoes;
- Once a week, exercises to promote joint mobility should be performed. Exercise should be gentle;
- try not to injure the joints: do not jump from a great height, do not lift weights;
- proper nutrition - foods containing many vitamins and minerals should be present in the diet.
To recognize the disease, you must contact a medical institution. The attending physician will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate therapy.
- Maria