“Artelak” is a line of eye drops designed to solve the main problems of patients associated with the organs of vision. These are unique medicines that eliminate dryness and relieve discomfort. They suit almost everyone. It is only important to choose a remedy for your needs. An ophthalmologist will help in this.

Types and their compositions

Drops can be purchased at any of the pharmacies or in ophthalmological centers. This tool serves as an analogue of the natural tear fluid and qualitatively moisturizes the organs of vision.

The composition of the product may vary depending on its intended use. There are 4 variations of eye drops in the line.

  1. "Splash." This is the most common form of medication. The composition of the sterile solution includes the active component of hypromellose, which has a moisturizing effect.
  2. "Splash Uno." This is an updated version of the traditional version. The solution contains a powerful moisturizer - hyaluronic acid, which provides a prolonged action of drops. Available in the form of disposable vials that allow you to quickly dose the drug, while maintaining the sterility of the solution.
  3. "Balance". A version repeating the composition of the Uno Splash drops, but having a regular bottle with a standard dropper. The solution contains hyaluronic acid, which helps to remove dryness from the mucous membranes and the cornea.
  4. "Balance Uno." The preparation contains the same hyaluronic acid to maintain a high level of moisture. Only the packaging is different. The standard bottle has been replaced with disposable miniature droppers for a single use of the product.

As an additional component, a unique preservative system is included in all drops. They are safe for health and allow you to keep the solution sterile for a long period after opening the package.

An ophthalmologist will help you choose the best drug. He will explain that drops do not have a therapeutic effect. They are designed to return the eyes to comfort during work by eliminating excessive dryness.

Pharmacological properties and indications for use

To buy any kind of drops from the Artelak line, a prescription is not required, but it is best to first study the effect of the drug and the situations in which it is used.

“Artelak” - eye drops designed to eliminate discomfort, relieve excess tension from the organs of vision, relieve dryness.

They work due to the presence of moisturizing ingredients - hyaluronic acid or hypromellose.

Both substances are capable of forming a thin film on the surface of the cornea, which does not create additional discomfort, but allows water molecules to be absorbed from the environment. As a result, dryness disappears and the intensity of evaporation of the tear fluid decreases.

An ophthalmic preparation with moisturizing components is usually used not to treat any pathologies of the organs of vision, but in order to get rid of discomfort.

It is used for:

  • prolonged wearing of hard lenses;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • work that requires constant vision (when using a computer, magnifying devices);
  • violation of the natural production of mucin;
  • low tear fluid secretion;
  • incomplete closure of the eyelids.

Important! The drug can be used regularly when wearing hard contact lenses. It will help relieve excess tension from the eyes.

However, if a person is wearing soft lenses, they must first be removed. You can return them to their place after 20 - 25 minutes after instillation of the product.

Instructions for the use of eye drops

Any form of "Artelak" - a means of local action. Drops are used according to the standard scheme with slight differences in dosage.

Artelak Splash

This droplet option is equipped with a convenient dispenser and a delivery bottle. Before use, remove the protective cap. Next, the container is turned over and once pressed, they drop 1 drop into the conjunctival sac. In this case, do not touch the tip of the bottle with your fingers to avoid bacteria from entering the solution.

Eye drops "Artelak Splash" are used once. After instillation, it is recommended to blink several times and sit a bit with eyes closed, and then return to work or other activities. This approach allows you to instantly relieve tension from the eyes.

Artelak Splash Uno

Drops are used in a standard way. It is necessary to slightly pull the lower eyelid and provide free access to the conjunctival sac. Apply the tool once a day when maximum discomfort appears.

“Uno Splash" is a drop in tiny bottles designed for one application. Before opening the dropper, you need to wash your hands or treat them with an antiseptic. After this, the contents of the vial are instilled alternately in both eyes.

Artelak Balance

Using Artelak Balance is easy. It is enough to remove the protective cap, lay your head back, push the lower eyelid and lower 1 drop into each conjunctival sac.

These drops are allowed to be used as needed. They can be instilled up to 3-5 times a day, if a person has unpleasant symptoms in the form of dryness or a sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the eye.

Artelak Balance Uno

The instillation is carried out with the appearance of discomfort in the eyes.Before use, wash your hands thoroughly, and then open a disposable bottle. The tool is alternately instilled in both eyes under the lower eyelid. After the manipulation, you need to close your eyes or blink several times.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

"Artelak" is a local action that does not affect the systemic circulation, does not penetrate the internal organs and cannot provoke their pathology. This means that the drug is allowed during pregnancy in any trimester.

The active substance from a sterile solution does not penetrate into breast milk, which allows you to use the drug for lactation, without transferring the baby to artificial feeding.

Is it possible to use Artelak for children

Hyaluronic acid drops are considered safe. They work directly on the cornea of ​​the eye, eliminating dryness. This gives reason to believe that the tool can be used in childhood.

Doctors advise to be vigilant. Detailed clinical studies on the effect of funds on a developing organism have not been conducted.

For this reason, ophthalmologists try to prescribe such drugs after the patient reaches 7 years of age.

Drug Interactions with Other Drugs

The use of drops does not affect the effectiveness of any medications taken orally, intravenously or intramuscularly. They do not affect the local action applied to the skin.

Artelak can be combined with other eye drops, but you need to remember that immediately after use, a film forms on the cornea. This means that the active substances from other drugs will not be able to penetrate inside and begin to work fully. For this reason, it is important to observe a 20-30 minute interval between instillation of drops with different effects.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

"Artelak" is an effective and safe remedy for dryness and discomfort in the eyes. It can be used almost always. An exception is the presence of individual intolerance to any of the components. Such a condition can be suspected by characteristic signs resembling an allergic reaction.

These include:

  • itching, burning in the field of vision;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes due to bursting capillaries;
  • sensations of the presence of a foreign body;
  • active lacrimation;
  • swelling of the eyelids.

When these symptoms appear, the use of the drug is stopped and they turn to an ophthalmologist to determine the tactics for further actions.

In some cases, the use of drops with hyaluronic acid can lead to side effects.

Most often observed:

  • mild itching
  • lacrimation
  • feeling of pain;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids.

Important. Immediately after use, vision deteriorates. This is only a temporary effect, which is associated with the formation of a film on the cornea.

After 20 minutes, the situation normalizes, and the previous visual acuity returns. It is not required to cancel the drug.

Doctors advise using the drug once a day, but with pronounced discomfort, 3 to 5 instillations are performed. You do not need to increase the frequency, as this can lead to an overdose. It will be expressed in itching and burning in the organs of vision.

Analogs of eye drops

“Artelak” is not the only remedy that can be used to combat excessive dryness of the cornea. Ophthalmologists offer other options for drops, which are presented in the assortment of pharmacy chains.

  1. Oksial. The composition includes a similar substance, so the effect will be similar. A film forms on the cornea, which perfectly absorbs moisture and eliminates dryness.
  2. "Vizin." The action of this tool is aimed not only at eliminating discomfort, but also at getting rid of edema due to narrowing of capillaries. Drops are ideal for improving the appearance after a sleepless night, long work at the computer, flight.
  3. Systein.This is a combined preparation containing several chemical compounds at once to restore normal moisture levels. Drops remain effective throughout the day after instillation.

The choice of the best remedy is best done in conjunction with a doctor. This will avoid possible side effects and get a really useful remedy. Drops "Artelak" - a great option for people suffering from constant dry eyes. They help to quickly normalize the condition and relieve discomfort.