Arktotis is a thermophilic perennial with bright, beautiful flowers. He is called a bear ear for unusual leaves covered with a soft fluff. The plant does not tolerate cold winters of a temperate climate, otherwise it is unpretentious.

Plant description

In nature, arctotis grows in southern Africa. In total, about 30 plant species are known - these are shrubs, annuals or perennials with falling leaves and single inflorescences on long peduncles.

In appearance, the flowers resemble a chamomile. Large and bright, up to 8 cm in diameter, they are collected in inflorescences-baskets. Reed flowers are located along the edge, and tubular in the middle.

Common types of arctotis:

  • Acaulescent - perennial plant, blooms from mid-summer to September. Inflorescences are yellow with a black-red core, with a diameter of up to 5 cm. The leaves are large, pinnately dissected up to 20 cm long.
  • Hybrid - combines hybrids of several natural species. Inflorescences of various colors, large, up to 10 cm in diameter, are semi-double varieties.
  • Short stem - a low plant, up to 15 cm, with bright orange flowers and pubescent whitish leaves. Perennial that is grown as an annual.
  • Stachosolid - a plant up to 1 meter high, with a strongly branched stem. Oval-oblong leaves, like the stem, are pubescent. Inflorescences are very attractive - the middle of the tubular flowers is gray-violet, the marginal flowers that form the petals are milky white on the top and light purple on the bottom.
  • Rough - flowers are yellow, with brown strokes on the marginal petals, the diameter of the inflorescences is up to 5 cm. The height of the stem is about half a meter.

Hybrid arctotis is most often grown in culture.Its flowering is plentiful and long, from July to frosts. Interestingly, the inflorescences are closed in cloudy weather, and when the sun peeks out, they open again.

Popular varieties:

  • Mahogeni - orange inflorescences with a green core;
  • Brick Red - bright red inflorescences with a brownish-yellow core;
  • Pink Suga - flowers of mauve and yellow;
  • Hayley - bright yellow inflorescences.

Arctotis Harlequin, a mixture of varieties with different colors of inflorescences, is popular.

Growing seedlings from seeds

Growing seedlings from seeds begins in March.

Process description:

  1. Peat tablets are taken for planting, soaked in water with phytosporin.
  2. 2-3 seeds are planted in each peat tablet to a depth of 0.5 cm.
  3. Cover the top with a film or glass, placing all the seedlings in one common container.
  4. The emergence of seedlings can be expected in 7-10 days.

If for some reason the sowing was done in a common container, the seedlings are planted when they have the first 2 leaves, in separate peat pots.

Seedlings in peat tablets are planted in small pots about 10 days after emergence. Drainage is placed at the bottom, then universal soil and a plant, without destroying the peat tablet, but only cutting off the upper film from it.

Seedlings need to be clarified, but if they are still elongated, the problem can be solved during a dive into the pots. A long stem, carefully sprinkled with soil to the desired height.

A month after the emergence of seedlings, when the height of the seedlings reaches 10 cm, a pinch is carried out. Gently with sharp scissors cut off the tops of the shoots so that the plants begin to cluster.

Outdoor grass planting

Arctotis flowers are planted in a permanent place in May, about 2 months after the seeds sown for seedlings have sprouted. When landing, an earthen lump is not broken. The core system is very sensitive, and if it is damaged during transplantation, the seedlings will be stunted, they may even die. Therefore, in the southern regions, the plant is grown by seedlings.

Complex granular fertilizers are added to the well. The distance between the bushes on the flower bed is about 25 cm. You can plant the arctotis in a pot. in winter to bring into the room, and in the spring to decorate the garden again.

Arctotis Care

The plant needs good lighting. The rest of his care is simple. Weeding, soil loosening, watering in dry weather are required.

The soil for cultivation should be light, well permeable to moisture and air. Lime rich areas are preferred. Acidic soil must be lime before planting.

In summer, arctotis is watered abundantly, but rarely. The flower does not tolerate excessive moisture in the soil, it is relatively drought-resistant. The root root penetrates to a considerable depth, and can produce the necessary moisture.

He does not like a bear's ear of fresh organic fertilizers. The introduction of complex mineral fertilizing during budding responds well.

In central Russia, the arctotis hibernates only indoors, watering at this time should be moderate. To facilitate the movement of the flower for the winter, it must be grown in a cache-pot. With the onset of autumn cold weather, the plant is brought into a heated room, and in the spring, at the end of April, it is taken out to the garden.

In the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine, arctotises winter in open ground with shelter. Before the onset of autumn cold weather, the stems are cut at a height of 10 cm from the ground, covered with mulch on top - sawdust or oak leaves, and covered with fir spruce branches and non-woven covering material.

Flower reproduction bear ear

Arctotis is easily propagated by cuttings and seeds. Seeds ripen 14 days after the inflorescences wither. Their readiness for collection can be judged by the characteristic gun.

Seeds are easily poured out by self-sowing, so you cannot pull for a long time with their collection, it is better to do this in several stages. Then dry and store no more than 2 years.

Cuttings for propagation are cut from a wintering plant in a pot. Rooted in wet sand, perlite or vermiculite for 2-3 weeks. Top stalks are covered with a plastic bag to create greenhouse conditions. The air temperature for successful rooting must be at least +20 ° C.

Pests, diseases and prevention

Arctotis is resistant to diseases and pests, but in rainy summer it can get sick with gray rot. Sick specimens are dug up and burned. The remaining plants are treated with any fungicide, for example, foundationazole.

Of the insects on the arctotis, meadow bugs sometimes inhabit. In the fight against them, folk methods are used - an infusion of onion husks or mustard (100 g per 10 liters of water). If there are many insects, spray the plant with insecticides.

In summer, aphids can be found on flower leaves. It is dangerous not only because it sucks plant juices, its sticky secretions can cause fungal infections. To fight aphids, Aktaru, Fitoverm, Tanrek are used.

Use of a plant in landscaping

Arktotis is a grassy plant for open ground that looks beautiful in mixborders, on rocky slides and flower beds for cutting. Flowers create bright color spots.


Marigolds, godetsia, phloxes, verbena, petunia look good against their background. They are perfectly combined with decorative and deciduous perennials.


Arctotises planted in flowerpots can be placed along a garden path, fence or in front of the house. They will look great on a well-lit summer terrace.