The orange diet is considered quite tough due to the small number of calories, but it is very effective. Allows you to throw from 4 to 6 kilograms per week.

The basic principles of the orange diet

The orange diet for weight loss, unlike many others, is very simple. There is no need to create a varied menu for every day. The most important thing is to adhere to the basic principles.

They are as follows:

  • Mandatory condition - in the diet, of course, citrus fruits should be present, 4-5 pieces daily. This is about one kilogram.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. At least two liters or based on the individual needs of the body.
  • Completely abandon harmful products: sweet, flour, fatty, fried, salty. And also from alcohol.

In order for the weight loss to go without complications and the metabolism to not slow down, it is recommended to adhere to a diet of no more than 4 weeks. And not more than once every six months.

The benefits and harms of losing weight

Of course, oranges for weight loss - a very useful product that contributes to the burning of fat. But before embarking on a diet, you should carefully study its side, the effect on the body, and also consult a doctor in order to avoid negative consequences.

If we talk about the positive effect, then oranges:

  • lower cholesterol;
  • strengthens hair, immunity, regenerates the skin;
  • have a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, support the level of hormones in women;
  • help to quickly lose weight and at the same time permanently consolidate the result under normal nutrition;
  • saturate the body with vitamins;
  • normalize digestion and remove toxins.

With the right approach, there is practically no harm from such a diet. Of course, it is worth considering that it is low-calorie, which means that all the necessary substances do not enter the body. That is why you should not stick to it for too long.

Do not eat oranges on an empty stomach, they can increase the acidity of the stomach and cause discomfort. In addition, you should not eat fruit before bedtime, because it contains a lot of sugar, which can slow down the process of losing weight.

Allowed and Prohibited Products

If you still decide to achieve harmony with this diet, be sure to check out the products that you can dilute your diet, and which will have to be completely abandoned.

The menu of the orange diet is not very diverse.

Let's consider what is acceptable for use:

  • Low-fat meat, such as chicken, turkey or rabbit.
  • Bread rolls or bread.
  • Low fat dairy products.
  • Boiled eggs.

With a strong feeling of hunger between meals, you can eat a fresh vegetable or a small cracker.

Have to completely abandon the sweet, any alcoholic beverages, fatty meat and dairy products with high rates of fat. No sausage, peas, corn, as well as any pastries made from white flour.

Be sure to drink plenty of water. Products only boil or steam.

It is recommended to reduce physical activity, since the daily calorie intake should be no more than 1200 calories and it will be problematic to exercise. This can lead to weakness, fatigue, or cause a breakdown.

Varieties of diet

The most common version is considered an unloading diet for several days. It is suitable for those who do not have special problems with being overweight, but want to get in shape. Literally in 4-6 days, you can remove up to five kilograms and still not harm the body, as well as permanently fix the result.

Fasting days involve mainly eating fruits and plenty of water. You can follow a diet on orange juice. In this case, the squeezed drink must be diluted with a small amount of water, otherwise stomach discomfort may occur.

A more gentle diet - with the addition of other fruits and protein, for example, boiled eggs and chicken.

Egg orange

As the name implies, the main products allowed for consumption are oranges and eggs. Most often, such a diet is designed for five days and allows you to remove from 3 to 5 extra pounds.

An example of how to eat on this diet:

  • Breakfast: tea or coffee without sugar, a glass of orange juice, one egg.
  • Lunch: a few oranges, a slice of grain bread. You can still drink a glass of kefir or eat a vegetable.
  • Dinner: one fruit, a glass of kefir or other low-fat dairy product.

With the addition of apples to the diet

Such a diet is considered more stringent, but at the same time very effective, if you stand it. But before starting to lose weight, you need to consult a doctor or be sure of your health. Unloading for a week is calculated, for which up to 6 kilograms are lost.

The menu is even more meager than in the egg version:

  • For breakfast, you can drink a cup of tea, eat a slice of cheese and some green apples.
  • A little later, a snack - an apple, a glass of orange juice, slightly diluted, or two fresh fruits.
  • For lunch - apple salad and orange. It can be seasoned with low-fat natural yogurt. Allows a slice of grain bread.
  • Snack - one orange or two apples.
  • For dinner - the same as in the morning.

With chicken

The chicken and fruit diet is considered the mildest, as meat still provides more calories and energy.Usually this option is chosen by those who want to lose as many extra pounds as possible, which means they can stay on a diet for 2 weeks or more.

As for the menu, it must necessarily contain oranges (a kilogram per day) and chicken. It can be boiled, steamed or baked in the oven. Use spices, but preferably not salt, but natural dried herbs. Some of them also help burn calories, such as ginger.

The principle is the same - three meals and two snacks, after breakfast and lunch. In addition to the main products, it is allowed to drink low-fat kefir, eat a slice of rye bread, a little cheese and vegetables. And also tea, best of all green, without sugar. Do not forget about water. At least 8 glasses should be drunk on her day.

Daily Nutrition Example:

  • For breakfast, drink tea, be sure to eat an orange and you can afford a piece of cheese or bread.
  • We have a snack with kefir, it should be low-fat, and eat a slice of grain bread.
  • We have dinner chicken fillet (portion in 100-150 g), any vegetable and two oranges.
  • Snack on yogurt without additives and a glass of low fat fermented milk drink.
  • Dinner chicken fillet (120 g portion), one vegetable and fresh fruit.

The last time to eat is recommended until seven in the evening. If there is a strong desire to eat something, then allow yourself a little kefir or a fresh vegetable. Fruits are undesirable before bedtime.

Fruit diet menu for 3, 7, 14 days

A diet for three days is considered unloading. The first meal, morning, is always the same. This is a tea or coffee drink without sugar, cracker or bread, orange.

Three-day lunch options:

  • Orange or a glass of squeezed juice, natural yogurt and an egg.
  • Cottage cheese, a glass of low-fat kefir and an orange.
  • 200 g of fish, orange, tomato.

Three-day dinner options:

  • 200 ml of kefir, an orange and a couple of eggs.
  • A slice of boiled chicken, one orange, yogurt or kefir.
  • Vegetable salad (100 g), orange, egg.

Menu for 7 days

A seven-day diet involves three meals a day and no more than 1200 calories per day.

Check out the sample menu:

  • The first, morning meal is tea or coffee, toast or bread, an orange. You can eat crackers, a slice of cheese and drink a glass of kefir.
  • In the afternoon, a portion of lean meat or fish is laid. Preparing some fresh salad or just eating a vegetable. You can add a boiled egg. And do not forget about orange or citrus juice.
  • In the evening, you can eat kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, lettuce, a piece of cheese, an egg.

Menu for 14 days

For 14 days with a large amount of excess weight, you can lose about 10 kg, if there are no breakdowns.

The menu used is the same as for 7 days. It can be repeated two times in a row or slightly changed, swapping days. If desired, the chicken is replaced with other lean meat, preferably beef.


First of all, it is worth excluding an allergy to oranges. Such a diet is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. And you can not practice such weight loss if there are problems with the stomach, kidneys or liver.

The orange diet is not only tasty, but also effective. If you gather strength, you can quickly get in shape. The main thing is to monitor your well-being in the process of losing weight.