Anthurium from the Aroid family is an exquisite flower from a tropical and subtropical climate. This is one of the most numerous genera, which in the wild combines more than 500 species. One of the most popular varieties that adorns the windowsills of apartments is Anthurium Andre.

Anthurium Andre - cultivation features

The tropical representative belongs to rather unpretentious plants, standing out at the same time with beautiful wax flowers represented by inflorescences-cobs wrapped in a veil against the background of glossy leaf plates of a bright green color.

Among the features that a grower should take into account when growing a crop are:

  • negative attitude to sudden changes in temperature;
  • the need for high humidity and moderate watering;
  • the need for regular feeding;
  • lack of flowers without providing a dormant period.

Popular varieties

The result of the work of breeders with the Anthurium Andre is the breeding of many varieties and hybrids that differ in height, duration of the flowering phase and color scheme.

The most popular, which can be easily purchased at the store, are:

  • Anthurium Andre Favorit is a variety distinguished by large sizes (up to 90 cm in height) and pale lilac inflorescences with bright pink bracts.
  • Anthurium Andre mix - varietal hybrids of the widest color palette with high decorative qualities, bred for cultivation exclusively as indoor representatives.
  • Anthurium Andre Belize, known as "male happiness" - as the wisdom says, if you present this flower as a gift to a single man, in the near future he will meet with his soulmate. A characteristic feature of the variety is a red veil with a greenish border around the edge, wrapping a yellow ear.
  • Anthurium Andre Otazu - a variety with a dark red veil against the background of dark green leafy plates of a pointed shape will become an adornment of any interior.
  • Anthurium Andre Champion - a variety that received an excellent mark for large leaves and contrasting white or pink bedspreads on their background, the color of which depends on the variety.

Home Care

To maintain the decorativeness of the representative of the tropical flora, it is necessary to ensure the fulfillment of certain agricultural requirements.

Lighting and location

The best option for placing a pot with anthurium are window sills on the western or eastern side of the house, which will provide the plant with a large amount of soft light. When installing the tank near the north window, additional lighting is organized. If the only possible place is the south side, then the flower is placed in the middle of the room, where direct sunlight will not reach.

Temperature mode

Anthurium Andre is not demanding on temperature conditions and feels great in apartment conditions, where the value varies between 20-25 °. When the temperature drops below 18 °, the plant slows down and the dormant period, which is necessary in winter, sets in. Sharp temperature changes negatively affect the immunity of the plant.

Soil requirements

The main requirement of the flower to the soil is excellent water and air permeability, which can be achieved by purchasing a special substrate for orchids or by preparing the soil mixture yourself from vermiculite, river sand, crushed pine bark and leafy soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 2: 2.


Anthurium Andre is watered abundantly during the period of active vegetation. However, another portion of the settled water at room temperature is required only after the top layer of the substrate has dried to a depth of 2 cm. With a slowdown in growth, watering is reduced so as not to over-moisten the soil, which can lead to the development of rot.

Air humidity

Coming from a tropical climate, Andre Anthurium needs high humidity. A high indicator of a vital parameter can be achieved by daily spraying, placing a container of water near the flower, or by installing a humidifier.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Additional enrichment of the substrate with nutrients is carried out twice a month during intensive development. For top dressing, liquid mineral fertilizers are used, the concentration of which, when applied, is halved from that specified by the manufacturer.


Young specimens of an exotic representative need an annual transplant. But over time, the interval between procedures increases to 3 years.

Anthurium is transplanted after exiting the rest state as follows:

  1. A plastic tall pot is selected, the diameter of which is 2 cm larger than the previous one.
  2. A drainage layer of expanded clay or broken brick is placed at the bottom.
  3. Anthurium by transshipment, so as not to damage the root system, is planted in a new container.
  4. The remaining space is filled with fresh substrate.

Rest period

With the advent of winter, the temperature in the room where the anthurium is located drops to 15-16 ° C, which leads to the immersion of the culture in a dormant state, which is necessary to stimulate future flowering.During the dormant period, watering is reduced, and feeding is stopped completely.

Pests and possible diseases

Indoor plant anthurium Andre is affected by harmful organisms

  • Scaffold and spider mite. These pests attacking the plant in low humidity should be controlled with an insecticide.
  • Stem and root rot are diseases that develop due to systematic waterlogging or low temperatures. Treated with fungicide in the early stages. With a strong development of the disease, the rhizome of the diseased plant is cleaned of the substrate, after which all affected areas are removed. The treated plant is planted in a new disinfected soil mixture.

Reproduction of Anthurium Andre

Despite the fact that anthurium propagates both seed and vegetatively, the latter is considered the most productive.


When propagating by apical cuttings:

  1. Cuttings are buried in moist sand.
  2. The container with plantings is covered with a glass cap and moved to a bright room with a temperature of 22-25 ° C.
  3. The cap is systematically removed for ventilation and moisture.
  4. After root formation, new plants are planted in individual pots.

Stem offspring

The procedure is carried out during transplantation.

  1. Siblings are separated from the maternal specimen and landed in separate containers with a special substrate.
  2. If the root system of the shoot is not sufficiently developed, then rooting is carried out in moistened sand while creating greenhouse conditions.
  3. After full rooting, young plants take root.

Why does the plant not bloom, the leaves turn yellow?

When growing anthurium, often there are problem situations associated with non-compliance with basic care requirements.

  • The leaf plates dry out - the main cause of the process is the presence of pests or a lack of moisture.
  • The leaves turn yellow - the problem may be the result of excess soil moisture, as well as a lack of light, which can be helped by installing a phytolamp as an artificial light source.
  • The tips of the leaf blades turn black. These are the first manifestations that signal an excess of calcium. The concentration of fertilizers is halved.
  • Spotting on leaf blades is evidence of an excess of moisture leading to the development of fungal diseases.
  • The representative of the tropics does not bloom - the main reason lies in the absence of a dormant period during which buds are planted. Also, the lack of flowers may be due to a lack of nutrients in the substrate and the need to replace it.

Thus, subject to all the necessary requirements, the florist will become the owner of an elegant decoration of his home, which will caress his eyes with bright flowers and lush greenery for a long period of time. A little care will allow you to enjoy the microclimate of the tropics without leaving your own home.