Among the many modern procedures to improve the appearance, anti-cellulite wrap has gained considerable popularity. This technique is highly effective and easy to use. It is possible to carry out wraps equally successfully both in the walls of a beauty salon, and at home.
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Advantages of the technique and mechanism of action
The wrapping procedure is extremely common among modern women.
This is understandable, because such an effect on the skin has several advantages, among which:
- the fight against obesity and cellulite;
- elimination of edema;
- muscle fatigue relief;
- skin cell nutrition;
- lymph flow improvement;
- tightening of the skin, the fight against their flabbiness.
Note! After the wrapping, many women have the feeling that the procedure really “eats” extra pounds and centimeters. At the same time, most ladies are sure that this happens due to burning fat, but this is not so. Such a positive effect is the result of the outflow of excess fluid from the tissues, which returns over time, adding weight and volumes that were lost.
However, one should not be disappointed in such a technique. Wraps actually make the skin younger and smoother, tighten it and fight sagging, improve blood circulation. To consolidate the effect and prevent excess weight from regaining its position, you should combine wraps with additional anti-cellulite procedures, among which massage and myostimulation are distinguished.Not the least role is also played by dosed physical activity and proper nutrition.
Types of home wraps
There are two main types of wraps: hot and cold. The first perfectly fights against the manifestations of cellulite and helps to eliminate excess weight. Cold cellulite wrap is also recommended for “heavy” legs and their swelling, pain in this area.
Advice! Often, experts recommend using both types of wraps at once. In this case, hot anti-cellulite wrap is carried out in places of accumulation of fat and cellulite, and cold - in areas affected by edema or prone to sagging integument.
Additionally, several types of wraps are distinguished:
- Collagen. The procedure is aimed at smoothing the skin and its tightening. Collagen coming from outside restores the elasticity of the integument faster.
- Bandage. During this procedure, elastic bandages are used. They are impregnated with special compounds on a natural basis. Gels for bandage wrapping contain vegetable and fruit oils, caffeine and other components that improve the appearance of the skin.
- Lymphatic drainage. Improves lymph flow in areas prone to cellulite influx. Lymph helps remove toxins from the body. Lymphatic drainage wrap involves the use of gels and ointments that can penetrate deep into the layers of the skin and improve microcirculation.
- Dry. It involves rubbing the surface of the skin with special dry mixtures and further wrapping with a film. After such exposure, a moisturizer must be applied.
The choice of the type of wrap depends on the initial goals and condition of the skin of the client.
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The right technique
Home wrap includes the following steps:
- Preliminary bath or shower. It is best to carry out this procedure 20 minutes before wrapping. During this time, the body will rest, steam up and the pores will open. As a result, the active substances of the mask and gel penetrate the tissues faster.
- After steaming, the skin is carefully exfoliated with a scrub, freeing it from dirt and keratinized cells. This facilitates the access of beneficial substances to the deeper layers of the skin.
- Prepared funds are distributed in problem areas. The layer of the applied composition should be fairly dense.
- The treated areas are wrapped with a film in a bottom-up direction. The film should fit snugly on the skin, but not crush it.
- Wrap clothing on top of the film or wrap the body in a blanket.
- After the set time, the wrap is removed and a warm shower is taken.
- At the end of the manipulation, an anti-cellulite cream should be distributed on the skin.
Attention! Special products should be kept on the skin for the amount of time exclusively necessary according to the instructions. It should not be considered that increasing the duration of the procedure will improve the final result.
Wraps are most effective in a course of 10-12 sessions. A repeated course of home procedures can be repeated after a month.
The best recipes
Wrapping in salons is a very effective procedure, having only one significant drawback - a rather high cost. If you take into account the fact that sessions should be done in courses, it is easy to guess that eliminating extra pounds and volumes in this way will cost a pretty penny.
Fortunately for women who care about their appearance, the procedure is quite realistic to do on their own. To do this, just take note of several effective recipes for home wraps.
Blue Clay Recipe
Blue clay has a pronounced anti-cellulite property, accelerates blood circulation and removes excess fluid, toxins from the body. In addition, this natural powder whitens the skin.
To prepare the anti-cellulite mixture, clay should be combined with filtered water in a 2: 1 ratio.In order to enhance the effect, it is permissible to introduce a few drops of citrus essential oil (any). Mixed components settle for 20 minutes. A dense finished mass with a thick layer is applied to the scrubbed stomach, thighs, buttocks or legs. Pre-prepared film needs to be wrapped several times around problem areas. Eliminate the wrapping after 40 minutes.
Algae application
Seaweed wrap will help get rid of cellulite, which is considered to be one of the most effective and popular. The active ingredients of the marine product help smooth out the epidermis and eliminate the orange peel. Laminaria powder in the amount of 1 tbsp. l (it can be purchased at the pharmacy) should be soaked in 60 ml of mineral still water. After 10 minutes, the mass is evenly distributed over the problem areas and covered with a film for 45 minutes.
With essential oils
To prepare a very effective anti-cellulite wrap, you need to take 30 ml of any base oil (apricot, olive, peach) and mix it with 10 ml of essential oil (grapefruit, geranium, rosemary, orange, etc.). The components are thoroughly mixed and distributed on problem areas. The treated areas are wrapped with a film, the mixture is washed off after half an hour.
Read also:Rosemary: medicinal properties and contraindications
Honey and mustard
In the manufacture of such a mixture, it is best to use natural mustard without preservatives and stabilizers, you can prepare the product yourself. The recipe for a classic mustard wrap is simple. Honey and mustard are combined in equal proportions and are evenly distributed over problem areas. Body parts wrapped in film can be exposed to a burning mass for no more than 20 minutes.
Coffee, Chocolate
Coffee anti-cellulite wrap is not only effective, but also quite inexpensive. To prepare homemade mass, ground coffee should be used, or grind grains by hand.
Coffee wrap
100 g of coffee mix with 3 tbsp. l water and 1 tsp. olive oil. It is permissible to add a few drops of essential oil.
The mixture should not be too thick, otherwise it will be inconvenient to apply. If necessary, you can adjust the consistency by adding coffee.
Problem areas should be steamed in the shower or bath, then carefully wipe with a washcloth. Next, you should begin to intensively rub the skin with a coffee scrub until redness occurs. The coffee areas formed on the skin should not be washed off, the problem areas are wrapped with a film, warm clothes are put on top. The mixture is removed from the skin after 40 minutes.
Chocolate wrap
Such anti-cellulite manipulations are very popular in beauty salons. In the recipe, you can replace dark chocolate with cocoa.
Purchased chocolate should first be kept in the freezer, then grate and send to a water bath. Cool the melted mass to approximately 40 degrees and distribute to the areas covered with cellulite.
If cocoa powder is used, it should first be sieved and mixed with filtered water until a paste-like state. With this mixture, problem areas are lubricated and rubbed well.
It is permissible to withstand cocoa or chocolate on the skin for 30-50 minutes, wrapping it with a film and putting on warm clothes. If desired, hot pepper or ginger can be added to the composition.
Contraindications for wraps
Wrapping is contraindicated in the presence of the following health problems:
- gynecological pathologies;
- neoplasms on the surface of the skin or in the body;
- heart disease
- inflammatory, infectious skin lesions.
Do not carry out anti-cellulite wrap at home during menstruation.
Body wraps are a great way to combat cellulite and sagging skin.At the same time, it is not necessary to carry them out exclusively in beauty salons or cosmetology clinics: it is quite realistic to master useful equipment at home. In combination with additional wellness procedures and proper nutrition, wraps will help get rid of extra pounds and make skin smooth and beautiful.