Angina is an acute infectious disease that affects the tonsils. The disease is often found in both children and adult patients. To cope with the disease faster, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial therapy to the patient. So that treatment does not harm the patient's body, you need to know what antibiotics are allowed to drink with angina in an adult in tablets.
Material Content:
- 1 When do you need antibiotics for angina?
- 2 Drug classification
- 3 Antibiotics for angina in tablets: list
- 4 Top 5 most effective drugs
- 5 How to choose the right pill?
- 6 How many days to drink antibiotics for angina?
- 7 Will resorption pills help with the disease?
- 8 Is it possible to cure a sore throat without antibiotics?
When do you need antibiotics for angina?
Treatment of angina with antibiotics is relevant for the bacterial form of the disease. Other types of disease are not susceptible to the effects of such medications. Since in most cases, angina immediately begins to manifest itself quite acutely (with fever, signs of general intoxication of the body, pustular raids), strong drugs are often prescribed from the very beginning of therapy.
Reception of antibacterial drugs is allowed only under the supervision of the attending physician. Only if the medicine is selected correctly, it is possible to quickly and successfully cope with the disease.
It is important to complete the treatment, and not to abandon the medicine after the disappearance of all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. In the case of under-treatment, pathogenic microorganisms will develop resistance to the prescribed antibiotic and the next time it will be necessary to use a stronger drug.
Drug classification
For the treatment of tonsillitis, means of 4 groups are used:
- Penicillins. Doctors of this group usually prefer doctors if the patient has no allergies to them. First-line antibiotics are available and act quickly.True, many bacteria develop resistance to them.
- Cephalosporins. Such antibiotics can cope with most known bacteria. The doctor will choose second-line drugs instead of penicillins if the patient has a high fever, severe swelling of the mucous membrane and other serious symptoms. As a rule, medicines are used in a hospital and as an injection.
- Macrolides. If allergic reactions are detected on the above drugs, then they can be replaced by macrolides. Such drugs do an excellent job with a moderate illness.
- Fluoroquinols. The appointment of antibiotics of this group is caused by severe complications of the disease.
As for tetracyclines, they are used very rarely with the ailment under discussion. These drugs have an impressive list of possible side effects.
It is interesting:broad spectrum antibiotics
Antibiotics for angina in tablets: list
Antibacterial agents are most often prescribed in tablets, since it is this form that is most convenient for the treatment of tonsillitis.
The following is a list of drugs that have been shown to be most effective in controlling angina:
- Penicillins. These are: Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin.
- Cephalosporins. These are: Tsifran, Cephalexin.
- Macrolides. These are: Macropen, Zitrolide, Sumamed.
- Fluoroquinolones. This: Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin.
Top 5 most effective drugs
Based on the feedback of specialists and patients, a rating of the most effective antibiotics against tonsillitis was compiled:
This tool pleases patients not only with high efficiency and excellent absorption, but also with a budget value. The medicine is even suitable for the treatment of a purulent form of the disease. It has a minimal negative effect on the body and only in rare cases leads to dysbiosis.
In a short time, it relieves sore throat pain and, in general, the general well-being of an adult patient. Strongly not suitable for self-medication. Such a drug can only be prescribed by a doctor.
A very effective broad-spectrum drug. The result of therapy will be noticeable on the second day. Pills are taken only 1 time per day. The full course of treatment is no more than 5 days.
Such a tool begins to act 2 hours after administration. You need to drink pills before meals. Effectively fights pathogens that are resistant to penicillin.
Effectively fights against various infections that enter the patient’s body. Available in several forms, but for adults, it is usually prescribed in tablet form. The duration of therapy with such a drug can last up to 2 weeks.
How to choose the right pill?
Only an experienced specialist can determine which antibiotics to drink with angina for an adult patient in each individual case.
When choosing a drug, as well as a course of therapy and dosage, a physician should take into account the following points:
- age, weight and individual characteristics of the patient's body;
- the presence of allergic reactions to various components of the drug;
- the severity of the disease;
- the type of pathogen that provoked the development of the disease.
An antibioticogram will help determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to various drugs. According to its results, the perfect medicine will be chosen.
How many days to drink antibiotics for angina?
The patient will not be able to correctly determine the number of days of taking the drug. The exact duration of antibiotic therapy should be prescribed by your doctor after appropriate examinations.
On average, such drugs are taken from 7 to 10 days. But, for example, a course of therapy with amoxicillin without obvious complications lasts 5-6 days. And the duration of Augmentin treatment in tablets can be increased to 14 days.
Will resorption pills help with the disease?
Local drugs in some cases have an advantage over systemic antibiotics. So, resorption tablets have an effect on the focus of inflammation and do not affect the patient’s immunity.
Among them are the following:
These are pleasant-tasting lozenges that quickly relieve sore throats. Suitable for treating even severe inflammation. But using them for longer than 3 days is not recommended.
Very mild anti-sore throat. It contains an antibiotic, but the drug has practically no contraindications. It destroys microbes, relieves inflammation.
The composition of such a drug includes not only antibiotics, but also anesthetics. The main advantage of the drug is that it copes well with any type of sore throat. Here are just a list of contraindications for this tool turned out to be very extensive.
This tool can be used even with a purulent form of the disease. It is based on natural oils with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.
Cure sore throat, using only lozenges is possible only in rare cases. They definitely will not be able to cope with advanced inflammation or various complications of the disease. The most effective are those drugs that include antibiotics. But even their doctors recommend supplementing with other drugs.
Is it possible to cure a sore throat without antibiotics?
People say that sore throat even without the use of any medicine will go away in 6-7 days. It really is. Tonsillitis will pass, but after it dangerous complications will surely remain. Therefore, the treatment of the disease under discussion requires a comprehensive one and it is absolutely necessary to bring it to the end.
Understanding whether it is possible to cure a sore throat without antibiotics, one must take into account the form of the ailment. For example, bacterial requires mandatory prescription of effective antibiotics. Refusal from them can lead to the development of paratonsillar abscess, acute glomerulonephritis and other similar dangerous consequences.
If we talk about viral tonsillitis, then in this case it is completely acceptable to abandon antibiotic therapy. It will be enough to remove toxins from the body and cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
With fungal tonsillitis, antibiotics are never used at all. They can only worsen the condition of the patient. Often it is their long-term use that leads to this form of ailment.
Antibiotics in the treatment of tonsillitis are replaced by sulfonamides. For example, a patient is prescribed streptocide. Symptomatic therapy, strict bed rest, a diet without rough and spicy foods, which irritate the sore throat, as well as warm drink, are also very important.