Concerned about his health, a person tries to choose for himself only the safest personal hygiene products. One of them is antibacterial soap, discussions around which have been ongoing for many years. The high demand and great popularity is due to the fact that this body care product is considered completely natural and effective against microbes.
Material Content:
Composition and properties of antibacterial soap
The solid list contains the following list of components: salts of higher fatty acids, glycerin, flavorings and colorings. Synthetic surfactants are present in antibacterial liquid soap. However, both liquid and solid antiseptic agents are united by such a main active ingredient as triclosan. This is an individual special agent that has an antibacterial effect. Its main property is the elimination of pathogenic microflora and the prevention of further reproduction of microbes.
Types of hygiene products
Today there is a huge assortment of various personal care products, including several varieties of antibacterial soap:
- Liquid product for intimate hygiene - contains antimicrobial components that eliminate pathogenic microflora. The composition includes only natural and hypoallergenic ingredients: aloe juice, tea tree, chamomile. Such components are able to fight infections and eliminate inflammation of the mucosa. It is recommended to buy products with lactic acid, which normalizes the normal acid-base balance.
- Mycoseptic soap - this resource for hygiene contains an extract of pine needles and cedar. The component composition effectively fights pathogenic microorganisms, including those used to prevent the development of foot fungus. And also this soap is used to treat hyperhidrosis. It is used no more than once a week.
- Tar soap - must contain in its composition antibacterial components that have long been known for many beneficial properties. Soap with tar can cure dermatitis, as well as eliminate severe itching, irritation. Often used as therapy for depriving, psoriasis, eczema.
Antiseptic soap, which contains natural tar and is used in case of problematic facial skin, remains equally in demand. Various liquid formulations may contain essential oils, herbal ingredients, as well as reducing the normal acidic background of the skin. Choosing the right product is necessary only taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin and needs.
How to use
When buying soap with antibacterial activity, it is important to know the basic rule of its use - this product should not be used on a regular basis. Due to the constant use of its antiseptic properties will decrease, and then completely disappear.
Therefore, it is recommended to include antibacterial soap in the composition of skin care no more than two or three times a week.
And you should also follow this instruction: lather your hands, wait two minutes, then rinse off the thick foam.
The benefits and harms of detergent
The advantage of antibacterial soap is that it can protect during seasonal illnesses and colds (ARVI or flu) or after direct contact with a sick person. Soap is extremely in demand when there is a need for disinfection of an open wound or abrasion. Another area of application is public transport or clinics. Often, antibacterial soap is used during a stay in an exotic country.
However, triclosan is able to greatly dry the skin and contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. Reacting with chlorinated water and ultraviolet rays of the sun, this component forms toxic dioxins, which are the strongest allergens. Under the influence of triclosan, not only harmful microorganisms die, but also beneficial bacteria. Frequent hand washing gives microbes the opportunity to adapt to the components of soap, which ultimately makes the human body more vulnerable.
Side effects from frequent use
Antibacterial soap will bring a positive result if it is used intermittently, but only if necessary.
Otherwise, this tool may cause the following problems:
- allergic reaction;
- contact dermatitis;
- impaired contractility of muscle fibers;
- the accumulation of harmful substances in the body;
- weakening of the immune system.
The human body loses its natural defense, and the pathogenic microflora, on the contrary, adapts to new conditions and causes significant harm to health. The presence of an aggressive component in the composition can lead to hormonal disorders and resistance to antibiotic drugs. The main danger is that triclosan is able to accumulate in the tissues and penetrate into the general bloodstream, as a result of which the active process of the division of harmful cells and the development of oncology are launched.
Rating of the best antibacterial soap
If you use high-quality antibacterial soaps, you can achieve a positive result without negative consequences.
The best antiseptic detergents include:
- "Absolut Classic" - is produced in the form of a cream soap, liquid and solid product. And a soap specifically designed for children is also available. Contains natural ingredients - aloe and chamomile.
- “Purity” is a bactericidal agent that is often used to heal wounds, as well as to nourish and moisturize the skin. The composition includes plant components and vitamins.
- "Chistodeloff" - designed for hygiene. Use does not cause dryness, relieves inflammation and irritation. It has an antiseptic effect.
- "Triklomed" is an antibacterial liquid soap specially made for use in a medical or educational institution.
As a rule, such funds are in demand in professional activities, however, they are often used in everyday life.