Anorexic is a “popular” nickname for girls (women) suffering from anorexia syndrome. In fact, this disease is a huge danger to life, manifested not only by excessive loss of body weight, but also by a disruption in the functioning of the body as a whole. Girls in pursuit of a slim figure, fond of diets and fasting, should definitely learn in detail about this syndrome and figure out how to avoid it.
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Who is anorexic
Anorexia is a syndrome in which the body's real need for food is reduced to zero. Against the background of refusal to eat, the protein-energy balance is disturbed, weakness and lethargy appear, diseases of not only the digestive system, but also other organs develop. The loss of hunger can occur not only violently as a result of taking anorexigenic drugs (in order to lose extra pounds), but also against the background of hormonal dysfunction of the body, stress (anorexia nervosa), and cancer.
Modernity dictates its own parameters of a beautiful figure. The well-known figures "90-60-90" are found in young girls in the subconscious, they are forced to count units of calories when eating another portion of food. If we add to everything the lack of male attention, personal family problems that arose against the background of low self-esteem, then this is the first step to the anorexic path.
Close ones must be attentive to young girls who try to achieve ideal body proportions. Timely noticed improper behavior of young people at the table (a complete refusal of food on an ongoing basis) should alert parents or friends.
If you do not recognize the problem in the early stages, the patient’s life may be at risk. But how do they become anorexic, where does the story begin?
Considering herself fat, trying to lose extra pounds and achieve an attractive appearance, like an idol, young ladies sit on strict diets, subject themselves to drug tests, taking anorexigenic drugs (for example, carrying tablets, teas). After that, gradually abandonment becomes a habit on an ongoing basis. Losing a lot of kilograms, and with them useful substances that have anorexia syndrome, consider themselves fat even with complete dystrophy of the body. The appetite disappears, the body is brought to exhaustion, but the girls still try to reduce their weight by any means, if only to achieve the desired results.
Symptoms and signs of the disease
A typical anorexic will never admit its diagnosis. She considers her weight normal even after a disappointing doctor’s conclusion.
The girl cannot accept the problem, she is not aware of the possible consequences. It seems to her nonsense. She believes that weight can be easily gained, as well as lose, only she does not need it, because she has an ideal figure. Nevertheless, the disease is gradually aggravated, it develops over the years.
Symptoms of anorexia:
- quick weight loss in a short time;
- a decrease in portions of food eaten or a complete rejection of it for various reasons (recently ate, stomach ache, etc.);
- the development of protein-energy deficiency;
- constant talk about cooking, about delicious recipes, thoughts about food occupy all their free time, until the time comes to sit down for a meal, which they refuse at that hour;
- general fatigue, fatigue, at any opportunity, the starving try to lie down to rest for a few minutes;
- fainting
- deterioration of the skin, nails, hair loss, teeth, beauty is lost due to a lack of trace elements;
- pallor of the face, cyanotic circles under the eyes, which indicates anemia;
- amenorrhea - menstruation disappears completely, the cycle alone cannot be restored, only with the help of medical treatment;
- problems with the digestive tract, nervous and endocrine systems;
- osteoporosis.
Further refusal of food leads to the death of anorexic.
Note. In the later stages, the girl’s body for life-saving purposes can form a small fluff - this is a protective reaction of the body caused by poor microcirculation of the skin.
Treatment methods
Treatment will not be effective until the patient herself expresses a desire to help herself. On a subconscious level, anorexic women are not satisfied with the indicators of their own appearance to the last.
The treatment for anorexia can be different.
The folk method is aimed at calming the nervous system, normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract:
- 1 tbsp. l calamus is crushed, poured into a thermos of 0.5 l of volume, poured with boiling water, infused for a day, after which 50 ml of broth should be drunk in 30 minutes. before meals.
- Dandelion root is crushed, 50 ml of boiling water is poured, steamed for 2 hours, filtered. Drink 100 ml in 30 minutes. before meals.
- Dried cornflower flowers are poured with boiling water - on a handful of buds 1 liter of water. The night is infused, after which it is taken in small portions before a meal.
- Boil a bunch of wormwood, fill a container of 0.5 l, pour vodka, leave for 15 days, and then take 15 drops of tincture every day.
- Decoction of orange peel. It is drunk like compote, replenishes minerals.
Medication method: the doctor prescribes a complex of vitamins, droppers, sedatives, antidepressants.
To achieve restoration of the digestive process will help fractional nutrition - up to 6 times a day in small portions. Every day, the patient is required to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, either fruit or vegetable. Liquid (first), dairy products should be consumed daily. A similar diet will be prescribed by a specialist.
The consequences of anorexia
Anorexia syndrome brings undesirable consequences for its victim, the onset of which the girl did not even allow.
Disorders at the physiological level:
- pressure reduction;
- metabolic slowdown;
- lack of a menstrual cycle, decreased sexual desire;
- muscle atrophy, cramps;
- complete lack of appetite, cessation of the production of digestive enzymes;
- Heart arythmy.
Suicidal tendencies appear, mood and memory worsen, mental disorders are possible. A person becomes less socially active.
Note. Compulsive eating disorder can reverse anorexia into bulimia.
Recovery Forecasts
If we talk about the restoration of the body and general condition after anorexia, the results largely depend on the desire of the patients themselves, on the support of relatives and relatives. It is quite difficult for a single person to cope with the symptoms of the disease, especially after several years of atypical lifestyle.
If the functions of the body have undergone physiological changes, then it is difficult to talk about its full rehabilitation. People suffering from anorexia nervosa rarely recover, in about 25% of cases. It often happens that recovery begins, but after a few months the patient returns to the previous anorexic way of life.
How not to become anorexic
A healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet are the key to well-being, a beautiful and slender body. But we are not talking about any diets. Dietary nutrition must be observed by people due to acquired diseases.
With a tendency to excess weight, it is worth thinking about physical activity. Important healthy sleep, normal hormonal levels, metabolism, lack of stress. To avoid anorexia, it is necessary to maintain not only physical, but also emotional health.
If, with all this, body proportions are not satisfactory, then you should turn to specialists - a fitness trainer, nutritionist, but in no case do not resort to strict diets on your own.