Among the miniature breeds of dogs stands a charming English toy terrier. This doggie compensates for its small size with courage and selfless devotion to the owner. What else do you need to know about the toy to the potential owner?
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Description and characteristics of the breed
The appearance of the miniature English toy terrier is associated with a lovely deer due to the presence of thin long legs, large eyes and a typical color.
Cheerful, playful and friendly dogs can easily find a common language with people around them, including children.
It is interesting! These completely toy animals at the time received the nickname of the rat catcher, since they were originally created for this purpose. Toy terriers are now often used to destroy rodents.
Over the years, breeders have tried to achieve an increasingly miniature size from the breed, trying to reduce toya to the size of a human palm. However, such experiments provoked multiple dog health problems, and the breeders abandoned their attempts.
Modern English toy - miniature decorative dogs, bold and intelligent. A distinctive feature of these creatures is unlimited devotion to the owner. As a rule, keeping toy animals does not cause problems: these dogs are easy to care for, healthy and unpretentious.
Origin history
About 2 centuries ago, British dog breeders created a new breed of dog called the "terrier."These animals were used for hunting rats, badgers and other small animals, but gradually became exclusively exhibition samples. And although the English toy terrier does not make the impression of a brave and courageous hunter, in fact, these creatures are distinguished by incredible courage and courage.
These dogs quickly gained love and popularity among the British. Queen Victoria herself was subdued by the appearance and charm of toy terriers.
Over time, some representatives of the breed left England and were exported to the United States. There, the population of these animals developed separately from their European counterparts. In America, these dogs were called Manchester Toy Terriers. In the 50s of the twentieth century, the Manchester population was threatened with extinction, so dog breeders were forced to cross two breeds - American and English.
Breed standard and puppy selection
The English Pied Piper Terrier is an elegant miniature dog with a typically English luster. Its elongated muzzle is crowned with erect ears. Dark big eyes are full of nobility. A short, shiny coat indicates the health of the animal.
Adult individuals reach a height at the withers of 25-31 cm with a weight of 2.5-3.5 kg. The color of the toy should be exclusively black with a fuzzy line between the redheads on the stomach. Red tan marks can also be located on the face of the animal, its neck and legs.
Choosing a puppy of the English toy terrier should be with great care. Before buying, the potential owner should study the description of the breed, as well as find out the conditions for the care, maintenance and education of the dog.
Advice! You should choose an animal in accordance with the temperament of the owner. For active people, individuals with the same characters are suitable, and for calm owners it is better to choose more passive doggies.
Before choosing a dog, you should get information about the parents and compare the compliance of the latter with the standard.
Toddlers should be moderately active and agile. The coat, ears and eyes of animals should be clean, and with all their appearance to talk about the health of a miniature dog. Attention should be paid to the belly of the crumbs: swollen, he can talk about the presence of helminths.
Features of the content of the English Toy Terrier
Due to its small size, the smooth-haired toy terrier is a dog that is ideal for living in an apartment.
The friendly, malleable and complaisant nature of the toy terrier allows him to easily find a common language with pets and family members. Nevertheless, this does not exclude the possibility of damage to a fragile doggie during the game, for example, with larger dogs.
As a rule, keeping a toy terrier is not a problem. These animals are clean and do not have a specific dog "aroma". They possess irrepressible energy and mobility and almost do not know how to sit still.
The English Toy Terrier is a sensitive animal and is very attached to the owner. Alone, these doggies are uncomfortable. Having lost attention, the English toy terrier is able to take offense.
They are extremely sensitive to cold, so with the onset of frost it is best to put them in warm clothes, and long walks in the heat should be abandoned to prevent heat stroke in the pet.
In the miniature body of the toy terrier, the heart of a real lion beats. Having an excellent hearing and a sense of smell, an animal is capable of rushing at any time to defend its master. At the same time, they can attack even dogs that are many times larger than them in size.
Care and feeding of a small dog
The short coat of English Toy does not require careful care. It is enough to comb the animal once a week, removing dead hair. You should not bathe too often. In case of small dirt, it is enough to clean their fur coat using a towel and a rubber brush. The owner should carefully monitor the condition of the ears and eyes of the dog, periodically clearing them of lumps of mucus formed with cotton pads.Pet's claws should be trimmed regularly as they grow.
You need to feed the toy terrier with natural or prepared food and in no case should you mix these two types of food with each other. Special feeds often contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins. It is best to select premium products designed specifically for small breed dogs.
The natural food consumed by the toy should include carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. It is very important not to overfeed the miniature dog. Adults feed twice a day, puppies up to 2 months - 6 times a day, up to 5 months - 4 times, up to 9 months - three times a day. From about 10-12 months, the dog switches to an adult feeding regimen.
The basis of the diet of small dogs should be meat (lean beef, chicken, rabbit). The English toy terrier should be taught to vegetables and fruits from early childhood, as they are a source of natural vitamins. Food for miniature doggie should not be oily, excessively salty or seasoned with spices. You should also not treat toas with beans, sweets, canned goods and marinades.
Parenting and training
It is a mistake to believe that small dogs do not need training and training. Although the toy terrier predominantly has a calm and accommodating character, without proper education, he can become angry and uncontrollable.
To avoid this, you need to start training from early childhood. These animals need socialization, otherwise they may try to fight with other dogs. Like all terriers, small toi have an independent character, and therefore training can cause some difficulties.
It should be remembered that the toy terrier considers himself an adult solid dog, and therefore it is not worth talking with him. The shortest way to interest Toya is to wrap the dressura in the game and not try to force the baby to do anything. The dog must learn to execute commands for the sake of his personal pleasure. For this, one should not skimp on praise and even some goodies for the pet. It’s strictly forbidden to scold the toy, and even more so to beat during the training process - the dog may harbor resentment against the owner.
Perky and moving toy terriers are suitable for special competitions for small dogs (agility).
Among the potential owners of four-legged pets, small dog breeds are becoming increasingly popular. One of the man's miniature friends is the English toy terrier. Ease of care and a loving, good-natured disposition make these doggies great companions and pets.