Clever eyes and a muzzle with a wide smile - this English Staffordshire bull terrier captivates at a glance. Despite his small stature, the dog is very strong and brave. How to maintain and educate her will be discussed in the article.

Origin history

The origin of the noble breed is associated with England. The animal owes its origin to the dynasty of the Dukes of Hamilton from Staffordshire. Legend has it that a nobleman who lived in the 18th century was carried away by dog ​​fights, popular in those days, in his youth. He led the Staffordshire Bull Terriers (staffordshire bull terrier) from the dogs that lived on his kennels.

The ancestors of staffbulls were Old English mastiffs, terriers and bulldogs. Such fearless dogs poisoned bulls in the dark Middle Ages. Hence the name went - bull terrier. Dogs were taken to America by settlers who went there in search of a better life. In this country, the breed was very popular, and its breeding went a little different way than at home. Large animals with increased aggressiveness were selected for mating. Currently, English and American Staffordshire Terriers are two different breeds.

The English Kennel Club approved the standard for staff bulls in 1935. Since then, he has not changed. The International Kennel Federation recognized the breed in 1954.

Description and characteristics of the breed

This is an active and hardy, very strong dog. It is smaller than the American Staffordshire Terrier.The maximum height at the withers for the male is 40 cm, the minimum is 35 cm, and the weight is 13–17 kg.

Unlike bulldogs, the staffbull has no folds on the skin, the nose is not too short, the body is slender, muscular. When looking at the face, you might think that the dog is smiling, while his eyes shine with intelligence and curiosity.

You should not be deceived by the cute look of the staff: its ancestors were fighting dog breeds. Power, strength and aggression are inherent in the animal at the genetic level. With improper and inept education, conflicts, fights with other dogs and disobedience to the owner are possible.

Life span

Staffordshire Bull Terriers live for 12-14 years. They have no particular health problems. It is necessary to undergo an examination at a veterinary clinic once a year, and to be vaccinated on time.

The dog does not tolerate too cold and hot weather. At air temperatures from 0 to -5 ° C, you need to ensure that the animal does not sit still during a walk, constantly moving. In severe frost, classes on the training site should be postponed.

In hot weather, in summer, you can’t put a muzzle on a dog, he can cool his body temperature only through an open mouth. It is advisable to carry some drinking water and a bowl with you so that the dog can quench your thirst. In a closed car in the sunshine, the pet is in serious danger, he may die from overheating.

Dog's purpose

The security instinct of staffordshire bull terrier is poorly developed, so it makes no sense to require him to take such actions with regard to property or the yard. To people aggression is completely absent. This is a wonderful companion dog - loyal, bold, intelligent, active and cheerful. She gets along well with children and pets, which she is used to since childhood.

The original purpose of the staffbull is a fighting dog, fighting in the ring with his own kind. "Call of blood" is sometimes manifested in causeless aggression towards other dogs. Therefore, cynologists consider the breed difficult to maintain for inexperienced dog breeders. Beginners will definitely need the help of a trainer in raising a puppy.

Breed standard and puppy selection

A dog of small stature, powerful and strong, proportionately folded, with pronounced musculature. The character is courageous and fearless.

Description of the breed, standard requirements:

  • wide skull, well developed muscles of the cheekbones;
  • the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced;
  • short muzzle with a black nose;
  • eyes are round, small, dark, their color corresponds to coat color;
  • ears are slightly bent, like rose petals;
  • strong jaws, perfectly regular bite and large teeth;
  • the neck is short, powerful;
  • limbs are slender, the forelegs are widely spaced, the hind limbs are parallel to each other;
  • the back is even, the chest is deep and wide, muscular;
  • tail set low, tapering to tip, has an average length, does not happen to be bent into a ring.

The smooth wool of staffbulls without undercoat can have a different color: fawn, white, black, red, with a tiger tint, blue. White spots on the main background are acceptable; hepatic coloration is undesirable.

When choosing a staff you need to focus on the requirements of the standard and common sense. The puppy must be from the kennel, with documents, cost no less than the market price. And you should also pay attention to the behavior and appearance of the parents of the future pet, check the pedigree. The character is inherited. It is advisable not to take a hyperactive or cowardly puppy.

Maintenance, care and feeding

For a staffy, a city apartment and private property are equally suitable. You can keep the dog only at home, in the aviary in the winter it will freeze.

Feeding depends on the metabolism of each individual animal, but there are general rules that will help the owner choose the right diet and diet. Adult dogs are fed 1-2 times a day, puppies from 3 months to six months 4 times a day, from 6 months to a year - 3 times.Food is given after physical exertion and walking, so that the intestines do not turn over. The question of how to feed the dog depends on the capabilities and desire of the owner. The easiest option - ready-made dry and wet feed premium and super premium. When choosing a natural product, preference is given to protein foods: meat, fish, offal. About 20% of the daily menu is vegetables and cereals.

Staffbul is a short-haired breed that sheds 2 times a year. You need to be prepared for the periodic appearance of wool on furniture and carpets. If, during molting, the dog is combed out once a day by the furminator, the consequences of this period will be less. After each walk, the dog's feet are washed. They bathe once a month to eliminate the specific smell emanating from the coat.

It is advisable to walk at least 2 hours a day, twice - in the morning and in the evening. During this exercise, it is advisable to engage in games with physical activity. The collar and leash must be strong, as the dog is strong and can experience the strength of the ammunition put on. You can not let go for a walk with a child without an adult.

Staff bull terrier training and education

You need to deal with the animal from a very early age, as soon as it appears in the house. In nurseries, puppies of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier undergo primary socialization. Do not buy a puppy under 3 months old.

Once home to the permanent owner, the new tenant must immediately learn the rules of cohabitation. The dog has a very inquiring mind and a wonderful memory. Education should be consistent, prohibitions and limits allowed - constant. When the stuffie begins to obey and execute commands, he perceives the owner as a leader, the risk of conflicts is reduced to a minimum size.

Experienced dog handlers do not advise the staffbug to teach the security service. This can lead to increased levels of aggressiveness, indomitable anger, conflicts with other animals.

A person who understands that a pet must be manageable and obedient can go with him to a training ground. In a group with other dogs, the puppy will undergo an OKD course, and an experienced instructor will help in time to correct all the shortcomings and errors in the upbringing. You can choose another way - contact a specialist trainer and learn the necessary commands for an individual program.

Pros and cons of the breed

First, about the pros of the staff, as there are more than the minuses:

  • a good companion with the right education;
  • has a developed intellect, quickly assimilates teams;
  • active, cheerful, likes outdoor games;
  • fearless and devoted to the owner;
  • has good health and balanced psyche.

The minuses of the breed include periodic molting and complex character. The dog is active and strong, requires regular training, a lot of attention.

The English Staffordshire Terrier is a constant and tireless friend. He charges with optimism and does not allow to be bored, he gets along well with the world around him and is always ready to express his devoted love to the owner.