An elegant and at the same time strong English Shepherd is a rare breed of dog, better known in the United States than in European countries. She came to the American continent together with the first English immigrants and as a breed was recognized by the UKC in 1927. The animal is worthy of attention, as it has excellent professional qualities and outstanding abilities.
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English Shepherd Dog Description
Outwardly, the English Shepherd (English shepherd) is similar to a Border Collie and an Australian Shepherd, but differs in its coat color and other characteristic features. She is a descendant of working farm dogs in England.
The body of the shepherd is a slightly elongated format, medium or large. Weight is usually 20-30 kg. It is folded extremely harmoniously, has the correct proportions. For the breed, the division into types with different lengths and structure of wool is recognized. Semi-long-haired shepherds can have straight or wavy hair with elongated hair on their ears, tail and limbs. The coat is easy to care for, but sheds much. Characteristic colors: black and white, black with a red tan, tricolor, sable with white.
Character, types and behavior
Dog English Shepherd is highly intelligent. She is very devoted to her master, gets along well with all family members and pets, likes to play with children. Capable of independent decision-making during the protection of the house and herds in the pasture, hardworking and hardy.
The dog cautiously meets strangers, he has a highly developed protective instinct.This is a companion dog that will show the best qualities of its character, if you provide it with sufficient physical and mental stress. Daily walks of at least 2 hours are required. If the dog moves a little and this is not enough for her, the pet will begin to destroy things in the house.
It is useful to engage in various sports with the shepherd - freestyle, agility. After active games and training, she becomes calm and good-natured, falls asleep in the evening, curled up and settled at the feet of the owner.
Breed standard and puppy selection
The English Shepherd is proportionally folded. The animal is distinguished by a proud head landing, energy and grace of movement, balanced temperament.
Description of the breed:
- the head is wedge-shaped, the muzzle tapers to the nose;
- brown eyes, are almond-shaped;
- small triangular ears set high, they hang on the sides of the head;
- the body is strong, muscular, the back is straight, the stomach is tightened;
- limbs are strong, well developed, of medium length;
- tail calm and lowered and slightly bent at the end;
- growth at the withers 46–58 cm.
Dogs are in good health, but there is a hereditary predisposition to drug intolerance. When buying a puppy, you must ask the owner for the results of medical tests that confirm that the animal is healthy.
The English Shepherd is a rare breed. Breeders who breed it do not exist in Russia. You can buy a puppy in one of the American nurseries.
Maintenance, care and feeding
It is better to keep the dog in a country house with a fenced yard, where she has the opportunity to run and walk freely. The shepherd is hardy, able to live outside in an aviary with a booth. It is not recommended to put it on a chain.
When kept in a city apartment, frequent walks and sports are required. On carpets and furniture one often has to see wool; intense molting takes place in spring and autumn. In order for the dog to have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance, it must be combed at least 2 times a week. The coat of the English Shepherd Dog is soft, so it rarely gets stuck in a tangle. For convenience, you can make a small haircut, leaving a sufficient length of the outer hair.
A shepherd is bathed no more than 1 time per month when the weather is warm. In winter, you can do without water procedures if the pet does not participate in exhibitions. Since puppyhood, the dog has been accustomed to hygiene - brushing your teeth, rubbing your ears with a special lotion, and cutting your claws.
To maintain good health you need a balanced, nutritious diet. When buying a puppy, you should clarify what kind of food he is used to, since it is not recommended to drastically change the diet. Most breeders choose a mixed type of food for their pets when high-quality dry food and natural products are given at different times. For example, in the morning dry food suitable for age is suitable, and in the evening it is advisable to give meat, boneless fish or dairy products.
The number of meals per day depends on the age of the animal:
- A 3-month-old baby is fed 4–5 times;
- 6 months - in 3 divided doses;
- one year old dog - twice a day.
After eating, the bowls are removed to accustom the animal to order. Water should always be freely available. Some owners complain about the pet’s tendency to overeat, so you need to not only monitor the quality, but also the amount of food eaten.
Dog's purpose
The presented breed, originating from northern England and Scotland, once came with the first settlers to reach American territories. Already in those days, farmers praised this universal breed and used dogs to protect their ranches and livestock.
On farmland, shepherds helped to destroy rodents. The shepherds entrusted them with the supervision of cattle and the protection of their property. Thanks to high intelligence, dogs could do any work without special training.To maintain and develop the best characteristics, breeders have always paid attention to developing obedience and training their pets.
Currently, English shepherds are used in the hunt for raccoon and squirrel. They participate in search and rescue operations, as they are distinguished by their excellent scent. For city dwellers who hold pets as companions, the best way to realize their unique abilities is to participate in sports competitions and exhibitions.
The English Shepherd Dog is a shepherd breed of dog with a large number of talents, a well-developed hunting and protective instinct. Dogs have the ability to control and protect herds of animals. The great good nature of this breed allows you to use it as a companion guide for blind people.
Education and training of the English shepherd
The dog requires special education, it initially had leadership inclinations from nature. The owner must have a strong will to subjugate the animal to himself, to teach obedience. If you do not deal with the English Shepherd, it can become uncontrollable and cause a lot of grief.
In addition to visiting the training site and walking on a leash, it is advisable to give the dog the opportunity to run freely in the clearing, somewhere between trees or in any open space. To do this, choose uninhabited places, urban residents go on a weekend to the forest outside the city. The main commands of the English Shepherd puppies are able to learn from 3 months. Training as a hunter, shepherd or search dog starts at 6 months of age. For encouragement give something tasty. When a pet is more inclined to play than it is, the favorite toy will be an incentive for obedience.
Today, the English Shepherd is a rare breed. She is better known in her homeland and in America. In Russia, you can often find Australian shepherds, which are similar to English, but have other ancestors.