Delicate anemones tremble with all the leaves, feeling a faint blow of the wind. For this, they got their second name - anemones. The variety of plant varieties allows you to choose an interesting design for the garden, as well as decorate problematic, shady flower beds.

Species and varieties

Anemones are herbaceous perennials from the Ranunculaceae family. They grow in the temperate latitudes of Europe and Asia and in the tundra. There are more than 150 species that are divided into 2 main groups - tuberous and rhizome.

Crowned anemones require special care, are thermophilic. Tubers need to be dug up before the onset of frost. The height of the stems is 20 - 40 cm, and the diameter of the flower is 7 - 8 cm. According to the structure of the corolla, such plants are divided into two groups: De Caen (with a simple corolla) and St. Bridget (semi-double flowers).


  • "Foker" - purple-blue semi-double flowers with a black center;
  • Sylphide is a raspberry anemone;
  • "Mount Everest" - snow-white flowers of increased terry with a light yellow center;
  • "Admiral" - mother-of-pearl-raspberry flowers;
  • "Lord Lieutenant" - bright blue flowers that look like terry asters.

Anemone is tender. This species has been awarded the Royal Horticultural Society AGM Prize. Its miniature flowers are up to 10 cm high. Corollas of various colors bloom in spring.


  • “Pink Star” - lavender flowers with a pink tint;
  • "Radar" is a purple variety;
  • "Sharmer" - dark pink flowers.

Hubei anemone is a plant whose stem height is from 50 to 120 cm. Flowers with a diameter of up to 7 cm bloom in August and bloom until the end of September.


  • “Krimhilda” - semi-double, purple-pink flowers;
  • “September Charm” - a tall stem reaching 1.2 m, the flowers are simple, soft pink;
  • Splendance is a red variety.

Dubravna. In nature, this species blooms in early spring, with white flowers with a diameter of about 3 cm. The height of the stem is about 30 cm. Propagated by seeds or division of the bush, unpretentious care.


  • "Alba Plina" - a white terry flower;
  • “Alenay” - a simple whisk is painted in a delicate, lilac-blue color;
  • "Robensiniana" - lilac flowers.

Hybrid anemones - a species created by breeders based on Japanese anemones.


  • "Honorin Jober" - snow-white flowers resemble daffodils;
  • “Queen Charlotte” - a semi-double hot pink variety;
  • “Rosenshale” - a stalk up to 80 cm high, large pink flowers look like daisies.

In addition, there are such varieties of anemone:

  • Japanese - a plant up to 40 cm high with dark green leaves. Flowers of different colors are collected in inflorescences.
  • Forest - a perennial species growing in a temperate climate, tolerates frosts well. The stem height is from 25 to 50 cm. The flowers are small, drooping, up to 5 cm in diameter, bloom in late May or early June.

Planting anemones on tubers seedlings

Sometimes nodules purchased at a store do not sprout anemones. There may be several reasons for this, one of which is improper soaking before planting. When dry, tubers look like hard, small stones.

The quality of seedlings also depends on the planting material - you can not save when buying. The price for it is different, and it depends not only on the manufacturer and the number of nodules. You need to look at their size - if the nodules are small, then the plants in the first year will not bloom.

Before planting, the anemone tubers need to be soaked so that they straighten, and it becomes clear where the top and bottom are.

Germination begins in mid-March, when daylight becomes longer. If you plant anemones on seedlings in February, they will stretch, grow weakened and bloom poorly.

To soak, tubers are often placed in a container and filled with water - this should not be done. For a long time, anemones cannot stand without air, they begin to suffocate and die.

You need to soak correctly:

  1. Take a napkin, moisten in a solution of fungicide or growth stimulant.
  2. Put it in a small plastic container.
  3. Place nodules on a napkin.
  4. Cover with a second damp cloth.
  5. Close the container with foil or lid.

After about 2 to 3 hours, the tubers will swell, straighten, and they can be planted in the ground.

Anemones are planted in pots with a diameter of 8 - 10 cm with drainage holes at the bottom. The soil should be light and fertile. The tuber is rotated with the supposed stem up and deepened into the moist soil to a depth of 2 cm. The landing containers are covered with a film or glass.

When the seedlings hatch, they are slightly sprinkled with earth (1 cm) and the film is removed.

Read also:grouse flowers

Growing Anemones from Seeds

One way to grow anemone is to sow seeds. They sprout with difficulty (about 25% of the total), so this method is not common.

Stratification within 2 months helps to increase germination.

Sowing technology is simple:

  1. Seeds are sown in a container with loose, fertile soil.
  2. Moisturize with Phytosporin water and cover with a film.
  3. When the seedlings hatch, they are lightly sprinkled on top of fertile soil and moistened.
  4. At the first sprouts, the film is removed, seedlings are placed in a warm and bright place, with an air temperature of 20 - 25 ° C.
  5. After the appearance of the first 2 true leaves, the sprouts dive into separate glasses.

Anemones are planted in a permanent place in the open ground when a warm air temperature is established. Of all the anemones, the most thermophilic are crowned. Plants grown from seeds will bloom only in the third year.

Landing anemones in the ground

Caring for different types of anemone differs slightly, and when planting in open ground there are a number of general conditions:

  1. Choose a shaded place with diffused dim lighting during the day. Anemones are shade-loving flowers.
  2. The soil is being prepared. It should be fertile and loose, well permeable to water.
  3. At the bottom of the landing hole do drainage. In this quality, use pebbles or brick chips. Sand is added to the soil to give a looser structure.

Before planting tuberous anemones, wood ash or dolomite flour is introduced into the ground - they do not like an acidic environment.

How to care for a plant in open ground

For anemone, constant soil moisture is important. These water-loving plants will not bloom if you forget about their watering. Moisture should not stagnate at the roots. After watering, the soil is loosened and weeds are removed by hand (so as not to damage the rhizome). You can mulch the area so that the moisture lasts longer in the ground.

Anemones are fertilized with complex dressings for flowers twice a month. In preparations intended for flowering plants, potassium and phosphorus predominate, and the nitrogen content is negligible. Most of all, anemones need to be fed during flowering.

In autumn, tuberous anemones are dug up, stems and leaves cut, and the tubers themselves are stored in a dark and dry place, placed in sand or peat.

Growing and caring at home

In the house, as a houseplant, most often crown anemones are grown. Fertile, loose soil is used for planting, and drainage is put at the bottom. They put a pot with a plant near the western or eastern window; anemones do not like bright light.

Further care consists in timely watering and fertilizing. In the summer you can take flower pots to the garden or to the loggia.

Pest and Disease Control

When buying seedlings in the market or in a nursery, you need to inspect it well so as not to bring diseased plants home. Proper agricultural technology and timely treatment with fungicides will help to avoid the development of fungal diseases.

The following pests can settle on anemones:

  1. Aphids. The leaves of infected plants become curly, covered with sticky droplets. For the fight using drugs: Actellik, Akarin, Decis, Spark, Biotin. If there are few insects, they are washed off with water.
  2. Leaf nematodes. Yellow spots with brown streaks appear on leaf blades. Sick plants destroy.
  3. Whiteflies Small insects about 3 mm long with white wings. They leave dried spots on the leaves, the plant turns yellow and dies. To kill insects, plants are sprayed with “Karbofos”, “Actara” and “Fufanon” or potassium soap preparations.
  4. Thrips. On the underside of the leaves you can see small yellowish-brown insects that feed on plant juice. Anemones turn yellow and dry. The appearance of thrips contributes to high air temperature and high humidity. To fight use insecticides: Fitoverm, Aktaru, Iskra, etc.

If the anemones are infected with viruses, their leaves change color, mosaic spots appear on them, growth stops. Sick plants destroy.

Anemones in the decoration of the garden

Anemones are the most popular plants for mixborders. They adorn the garden throughout the season, if you pick varieties with different flowering periods.


Flowers can be grown in a monoculture or used as background plants for summer flower beds and autumn flower beds, where they will be well combined with aconites, astilbe and asters.

Some species of anemone grow rapidly and look beautiful, forming natural thickets. A good background for them are bushes of barberry, mountain ash and maple. But you need to plant flowers from large bushes and trees in the distance so that there is no competition for food and sunlight.

Having planted various anemones on the flowerbed, you can get a beautiful background for summer flowers and plentiful flowering throughout the warm season.