Overweight is a problem of our time. When it is not possible to reduce it with the help of dietary nutrition and performing physical exercises, the specialist selects drug treatment. In this case, Reduxin or Reduxin analogues are often prescribed.
Material Content:
Composition (active substance) of drugs
In the presented preparation, two active components are included:
- Sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate - was originally present in antidepressants. Time passed and their effectiveness was refuted. Noticed that it suppresses appetite. From that period they began to use it in weight loss products. Activates brain beta-adrenergic receptors. This leads to happy excitement and dulling hunger.
- Microcrystalline cellulose - natural fiber, which is obtained from raw materials of plant origin. She has no energy value, but inside the stomach the component swells and a feeling of satiety appears, which prevents overeating. Coarse fibers normalize the work and cleanse the intestines.
Specialists prescribe Reduxin for obesity in excess of more than 20 kg. Patients who have a slight excess of body weight will benefit from moderate exercise and a proper diet.
Cheap analogues of Russian production
The substitute for this medication should be selected only after consultation with your doctor and nutritionist. Do not trust the recommendations of pharmacists. The drug for therapy for obesity is selected individually.
Cheap and effective means for losing weight in Russia:
Goldline plus - is made in capsule form. It speeds up the process of burning calories during sports, increases mental and physical capabilities, strengthens the overall muscle tone.
Sibutramine is an analogue of the drug Reduxin. It is produced in the form of tablets. It acts on the brain, creates a feeling of satiety.
Reduxin Met is an improved version with a similar composition. It is distinguished by the presence of metformin, which reduces sugar and burns fat. It is prescribed for patients with diabetes.
Turboslim - dietary supplement. It is produced in tablets, chewing sweets, capsules, granules, creams, teas, cocktails, syrups, bars. According to the manufacturer - it helps to improve digestion, a protective reaction of the body, the work of the nervous system.
All funds aimed at combating excess weight are dispensed from pharmacies only by prescription. But there are also OTC drugs - dietary supplements. The names of some are consonant with medications, they just do not give the desired effect during therapy. For example, dietary supplements Reduxin Light and Goldline Light. As part of the first, sibutramine is absent, the second contains an ineffective dosage of the main substance.
Budgetary Ukrainian and Belarusian substitutes
Analogs are cheaper than Ukrainian-made Reduxin.
Stifimol - is made in capsules. Garcinia Cambogia extract is the main active ingredient. Helps reduce appetite and cholesterol, proper glucose uptake.
Belarusian manufacturers also produce drugs aimed at losing weight:
Carnitine - activates the metabolism of fats and normalizes metabolic processes.
Diuretic collection - herbal composition. Effective in weight loss. It removes excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling, has a beneficial effect on metabolism. Contains lingonberry leaf, corn stigmas, birch buds, burdock roots, dill, hellebore, horsetail, bearberry.
Green coffee (dietary supplement with ginger) - used for weight loss. It is forbidden to take during gestation, with renal and hepatic dysfunction, hypertension.
Foreign analogues of tablets and capsules
In the list of budget substitutes of Reduxin of foreign production you can find:
Lindaksa (Czech Republic) - the drug has an anorexigenic effect, designed to enhance the feeling of satiety, burning fat, while increasing the activity of processes occurring in muscle tissues. It is made in capsule form.
Slimia (India) - capsules with sibutramine. Designed for weight loss.
Meridia (Germany) - regulates appetite, reduces the weight of the patient.
Zeliks (Poland) - struggling with overweight.
Waist (India) - Anorexigen, produced in capsules.
Brief instructions for the use of Reduxin
Reduxine does not exist in tablets, only its analogues. The medication is presented in capsules. One contains 10 or 15 mg of sibutramine. They differ in color: 10 mg - blue, 15 mg - blue.
The medication is indicated in the following conditions:
- alimentary type of obesity, if the body mass index is 27 kg / m2, in combination with diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia;
- Alimentary obesity with an index over 30 kg / m2.
When, after a month of taking the drug in the minimum dose, the patient's weight remained at the previous levels or decreased less than 5% of the initial indicator, it is recommended to increase the dosage to 15 mg.
The tool is taken in this way:
- once a day, 1 capsule on an empty stomach;
- swallow whole with plenty of water;
- course of therapy - 3 months;
- the total duration of treatment is 2 years.
You can use the medicine continuously for only three months. Then a month-long pause should be made, after which treatment should be resumed.
Inappropriate use is considered in the case when, after stopping the intake of Reduxine, the patient's mass began to increase again. With a similar result, the drug is no longer taken.
There are a number of contraindications in which it can not be used:
- anorexia, bulimia;
- sibutramine intolerance;
- alcohol, drug, drug addiction;
- renal and hepatic dystrophy;
- mental pathologies, neurosis, tics, depressive states;
- hypertension.
He is usually prescribed by a doctor for patients suffering from obesity, when other non-drug methods of weight loss are not effective.
Side effects are sometimes observed. Occur from the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.
Infrequently, skin reactions and general malaise occur. Rarely, patients complain of headaches, irritability, hunger. Upon termination of treatment, such ailments worsen.
When using, there are such unpleasant sensations:
- excessive sweating;
- decreased appetite;
- insomnia;
- dry mouth
- nausea;
- constipation;
- increased blood pressure;
- increased heart rate.
Undesirable symptoms appear at the beginning of therapy. Their severity decreases over time. In case of an overdose, an increase in side effects occurs.
The combination with alcohol is strictly prohibited, because they are antagonists that have the opposite effect.
Remember that medicines for weight loss should be prescribed by a specialist. You need to buy them at a pharmacy with a prescription. Self-medication can cause irreparable consequences.