One of the digestive enzymes is amylase produced by the pancreas. She is involved in the digestion of food, the breakdown of carbohydrates, the absorption of glucose. If amylase is elevated in the blood, then this is an alarming signal, talking about the pathology in this organ.

What Amilase Enhancements Mean

An increase in amylase can be a permanent and temporary syndrome. In the latter case, this situation does not affect the human condition. If the rate is doubled or more, then this means that there are serious problems.

Often they are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pains in the right area in the abdomen, increasing after eating;
  • diarrhea
  • general malaise;
  • weakness.

Amylase increases as a result of the stress experienced by the pancreas. As a result, a large amount of the digestive enzyme is produced, which enters the circulatory system. Its movement along the duct is hampered due to obstacles arising from the inflammatory process of the pancreas. In addition, obstacles can occur as a result of trauma, tissue necrosis.

The causes of increased amylase in the blood can lie in the following conditions:

  • acute pancreatitis, which develops against the background of inflammation of the pancreas, its damage by enzymes. Excessive numbers of them enter the circulatory system, thereby creating a risk to the health and life of the patient. In this case, amylase increases by 8 times;
  • chronic pancreatitis in the form of a gradual organ disorder. In this situation, amylase rises by 3-5 times;
  • pancreatic oncology, which causes an increase in the enzyme by 4 times;
  • diabetes mellitus, which leads to a violation throughout the body, a failure of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • gallstone disease, which is characterized by the formation of calculi in the gallbladder;
  • peritonitis. Against the background of peritoneal inflammation, the pancreas suffers. Thus, the amount of amylase increases;
  • renal failure. Violation of the kidneys causes a delay in the digestive enzyme in the blood;
  • mumps, which is a disease of children. This disease is characterized by the inflammatory process of the salivary gland, which is involved in the secretion of the enzyme.

A temporary increase in amylase does not occur against the following conditions:

  • trauma to the abdomen;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • herpes
  • bowel obstruction;
  • postoperative condition.

Also, an improperly organized nutrition process, excessive alcohol consumption, and some medications affect the increase in amylase levels. Often, an analysis shows a greater amount of the enzyme as a result of taking diuretics, hormonal contraceptives.

Note! A possible increase in the level of the digestive enzyme as a result of stress, which affects the metabolism.

Causes of a high amount of an enzyme in the blood of a child, a man and a woman

Typically, men, women, and children have the same reasons why blood levels of amylase increase. However, it happens that this condition has certain gender and age characteristics.

Most often, this condition occurs in women against the background of the following reasons:

  • long intake of oral contraceptives;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • genital oncology;
  • taking medication;
  • abortion;
  • pathologies of the gallbladder;
  • frequent stress.

In men, an increase in the digestive enzyme usually results from the following factors:

  • injury to the abdomen;
  • peritonitis;
  • aneurysms;
  • prostate tumors;
  • eating disorders;
  • excessive drinking.

In children, this condition usually occurs as a result of inflammation of the salivary glands, peritoneum, bowel obstruction, and trauma to the abdomen. Often the analysis exceeds the norm against the background of a genetic predisposition.

Why elevated alpha amylase pancreatic

Pancreatic alpha amylase rises as a result of certain pathologies.

Usually, some diseases contribute to this condition:

  • pancreatitis
  • pancreatic cancer or metastasis to this organ;
  • obstruction of the pancreatic ducts;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • alcoholism.

Often, the norm rises as a result of the combination of blood proteins and a digestive enzyme. Amylase is not absorbed by the kidneys, accumulating in a large volume in the circulatory system.

When tests are prescribed

A blood test should be taken strictly on an empty stomach. To obtain an accurate result, the last meal should be at 7 pm. In the morning you can’t brush your teeth, drink water.

A biochemical blood test is prescribed in the following cases:

  • with the inflammatory process of the parotid gland, which occurs against a background of mumps, blockage of the glands;
  • with diabetes;
  • with acute pancreatitis;
  • with cystic fibrosis, which is a sign of gene mutation and a hereditary disease.

It is recommended that tests for acute abdominal pain indicate gastrointestinal diseases.

Treatment and normalization of the indicator

This condition needs a speedy correction, as this can not only harm the body, but also cause the patient to die. First of all, treatment for increased amylase begins with an explanation of the cause of this condition. Then it is eliminated with the appointment of medications, which are selected taking into account the disease, the age of the patient, his condition.

An increase in the digestive enzyme norm always occurs simultaneously with inflammation of the pancreas, for the removal of which antibiotic therapy of the penicillin or cephalosporin series is prescribed. It is possible to reduce the inflammatory process with the help of antifibrinolytic drugs. Their action is aimed at reducing blood circulation in the body, suppressing the production of enzymes.

After it was possible to normalize the condition, treatment is carried out with hormonal agents that fix the anti-inflammatory effect, reduce gastric secretion. To prevent the oncological process, antitumor therapy is prescribed.

Spasmolytic drugs will help to eliminate the pain. Antihistamines contribute to the removal of the inflammatory process. To eliminate swelling from the pancreas, diuretics are used.

Diet with elevated amylase

Correction of elevated amylase levels begins with the appointment of a diet that reduces the load on the pancreas. The patient's nutrition should completely exclude spicy, fried, smoked food, any pastries. It is necessary for this period to abandon strong tea, coffee, mineral drinks.

The diet should not be rich in fiber. It is important to reduce the intake of protein foods, carbohydrates. Otherwise, even greater amylase production will begin. You need to eat fractionally, up to 5 times a day. A properly selected diet allows you to speed up recovery, removes the burden from the digestive system.


If you do not start timely treatment, then the following consequences of increasing the amylase norm may develop:

  • pathological process of the gallbladder;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • anemia
  • weight loss;
  • dry skin;
  • increase fragility of nails and hair;
  • diabetes mellitus.

As a result of a malfunction of the pancreas, food is poorly digested, which leads to flatulence, pain in the stomach, and upset stool.

Timely diagnosis of high amylase and its correction can avoid unpleasant consequences and preserve the health of the digestive organs.