Amiksin refers to antiviral drugs that are effective in combating various infections. This drug is effective against viral infection, influenza, hepatitis, chlamydia, herpes. Used to treat adults, children.

Forms of release, composition

Amiksin is a domestic product that is available only in tablet form. The active substance, tilorone, is used to synthesize natural interferon.

In addition to the active component, tablets include the following auxiliary ingredients:

  • cellulose;
  • calcium;
  • potato starch;
  • primellose.

Amiksin tablets are coated with an enteric coating, which allows the active substance to reach the small intestine unchanged without being exposed to aggression by digestive enzymes.

The shell consists of the following ingredients:

  • titanium;
  • polysorbate;
  • dye;
  • hypromellose.

Auxiliary components are not toxic, they are used for better digestibility of tilorone.

Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Amiksin after ingestion is absorbed into the digestive tract. Further, the active component is transferred through the circulatory system to organs and tissues. Due to the combination of tilorone and plasma, natural interferons are actively produced.

The synthesized interferon is produced by the intestine, then by the liver and blood cells.After penetration into the body, the maximum amount of active substances is observed after a couple of hours. This concentration is maintained throughout the day.

The active component also has a beneficial effect on bone marrow cells, humoral immunity, and stimulation of antibodies. Affects the synthesis of immunoglobulins. Against the background of the therapeutic course, a decrease in immunosuppression is observed.

Amiksin has a pronounced antiviral effect, which is caused by the synthesis of proteins in infected cells, as a result of which the vital processes of viruses slow down. The active substance of this drug actively affects different types of flu, has an antitumor effect. The medication is excreted from the body after 2 days with feces and urine.

Why is the drug prescribed?

Amiksin is prescribed for the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • respiratory diseases caused by viruses. The drug is recommended for colds, SARS;
  • flu. The medicine is prescribed not only for the treatment of a developed form of the disease, but also for prevention;
  • chlamydia, which affects the genitourinary system, pharynx;
  • pathologies that are caused by the herpes virus. The medication is used for chickenpox, stomatitis, fever, eczema, if infected with a herpes infection;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • pathologies caused by cytomegalovirus;
  • encephalomyelitis of a viral, allergic nature;
  • tuberculosis.

Amiksin is prescribed during periods of seasonal outbreaks of viral diseases, influenza.

Instructions for use Amiksin for children and adults

Amixinum for children contains 60 mg of the active substance. Before giving medicine to children, you should consult with your doctor how to take this drug. He is prescribed in pediatrics from the age of 7. For the treatment of colds and viral diseases, they are prescribed to drink once a day for 1 tablet. for 2 days. Then four tablets are taken once. in one day.

Adults should drink Amixin after eating with a regimen that is unique to each disease.

  • flu treatment - one table. daily 2 days. Next, take 4 tablets. in one day. For the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, one table is taken. in Week;
  • treatment of herpes is carried out by the above scheme;
  • acute hepatitis therapy is carried out by a standard regimen, but 10 tablets must be taken;
  • treatment of chronic hepatitis requires 1 tablet. two days a day. Next, 1 table. in one day. For the course, the patient must take 20 tablets;
  • chlamydia requires a standard course of 10 tablets;
  • tuberculosis is treated with Amiksin as part of complex therapy. The patient is prescribed two days to drink 250 mg, then every two days - 125 mg.

The duration of the treatment course is prescribed individually, based on the type of disease, age and condition of the patient. Therapy of bronchitis should begin with the onset of initial symptoms. If Amiksin was not prescribed for 3 days, then its use will not bring the expected result. This drug has proven effective against viral bronchitis only. The bacterial type of disease is treated with an antibiotic.

Note! Perhaps the appointment of Amiksin in conjunction with antibacterial drugs for the treatment of angina.

During pregnancy and lactation

Amiksin tablets are contraindicated in the period of gestation. Since its active substances penetrate the children's body through the placental barrier and can harm the fetus. Also, this drug is not indicated during lactation. If there is a need for taking Amiksin to nursing women, then the child in this period is better to feed with milk mixtures.

Can I drink alcohol while taking the drug

Amixin should not be combined with any alcoholic beverages. Since ethyl alcohol worsens the effectiveness of therapy with this drug.In addition, alcohol has a negative effect on the immune system, thereby not allowing to obtain the expected effect of the treatment course. The active components of Amixin, together with alcohol, have a large toxic load on the liver cells. Also, this combination negatively affects the nervous system, kidneys.

Drug interaction

Amiksin interacts well with other drugs. There were no obstacles to the simultaneous use of this drug with antibiotics, other antiviral medications. The active substance Amiksin reduces the negative effect on liver cells from taking antibacterial drugs. Also, no negative effect on attention was noticed, as a result of which the ability to drive a car is not lost.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

This drug is a relatively safe medication.

It has a small number of contraindications for use, which include:

  • children's age up to 7 years;
  • an allergic reaction to the active component;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation period.

Due to the fact that the active substance Amiksin does not accumulate in the organs and tissues of the body, this medicine has a small number of side effects.

Nevertheless, in individual cases, an undesirable reaction of the body may develop in the form of the following symptoms:

  • digestive disorders;
  • chills;
  • skin rash;
  • itching
  • redness of the skin.

If signs of Amixin intolerance appear, stop taking the medication, consult a doctor about replacing the drug with analogues. To date, no negative reaction from the body that has arisen on the basis of an overdose has been identified.

Amiksin's analogs

With intolerance to the active substance, Amixin analogues are selected.

The most popular substitutes include the following drugs:

  • Lavomax, which is effective against flu, herpes, SARS. After the treatment course, the effectiveness is maintained for another 3 months. The medicine is not indicated for use in childhood. It contains sucrose, and therefore the drug should be used with caution in case of fructose intolerance, patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • Valakciclovir, which is effective in relation to all types of herpes. Treatment with this antiviral agent can be carried out by intensive courses conducted per day. They allow you to quickly eliminate the virus at the initial stage of its manifestation. Treatment with the drug should be carried out while consuming a large amount of fluid;
  • Kagocel stimulates the synthesis of its own interferons. This medicine is well tolerated. The drug is approved for use upon reaching 3 years of age. To get the result, treatment should be started at the beginning of the disease, no later than 4 days from the onset of the first symptomatology. Not indicated for use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Cycloferon strengthens the immune system, helps to eliminate the inflammatory process, increase the body's resistance. Chronic fungal, bacterial pathologies are treated with injectable cycloferon. The medicine has been used since 4 years;
  • Remantadine is used for the treatment of influenza, helps to reduce the symptoms of intoxication, manifested by fever, chills, muscle pain, malaise, aching joints. This medicine is not indicated for drinking for a long time, as it can lead to an exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

Often choosing analogues, patients are interested in the question of which is better Ingavirin or Amiksin. This substitute is an expensive analogue, produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company in capsule form. Against the background of taking Ingavirin, a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiviral effect is noted.The active component is effective against adenovirus, influenza, parainfluenza.

Ingavirin has a more limited number of indications than Amixin. It is not used for the treatment of hepatitis, herpes, chlamydia. The first drug is used exclusively for diseases of the respiratory tract. It has the most convenient therapeutic regimen. Ingavirin is prescribed to drink one capsule per day for a week. The selection of Amiksin or Ingavirin is done only by a specialist.

Amiksin is a modern antiviral drug that has a wide range of uses.