The child's body is extremely susceptible to various viral infections, especially respiratory diseases, which children are exposed to during the cold season. In this case, taking antibiotic drugs will be ineffective. One of the most effective drugs that can resist viruses and suppress their activity is Amixin.

The composition of the drug

The central active compound of the antiviral drug presented is tilorone. The maximum concentration of this substance for children is 60 mg. And also in the component composition the following compounds are present: potato starch, calcium stearate, magnesium carbonate, aerosil, tropeolin O, cellulose, primellose. The shell of the therapeutic agent is represented by dye, polysorbate, sykovite, hypromellose, polyethylene glycol and titanium dioxide.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

The main active compound is quickly absorbed in the digestive tract, and then penetrates with the blood plasma into the tissue and has a targeted effect. Due to the activity of the drug, interferon production is stimulated by directly affecting the intestinal epithelium, lymphocytes and granulocytes. The greatest effect is achieved already in the first day after taking the tablets, the concentration of the drug is noted in the liver, blood and intestines.It is worth noting that a feature of Amiksin is the ability to act on humoral immunity and stimulate the formation of antibodies.

In addition, due to this medicine, the pathogenic activity of most viruses is stopped, since the central compound inhibits the production of proteins in infected cells. And also there is an indirect increase in the immune defense of the patient's body, since the normal ratio of blood cells is restored. Tiloron contributes to the active accumulation of stem cells, effectively stops all manifestations of the inflammatory process, and also has radioprotective ability. Such a medication does not have antibacterial activity.

What is prescribed for children Amiksin

Due to the pronounced immunomodulating effect and antiviral activity, Amiksin is quite in demand in the treatment and prevention of viral infections in children.

It is advisable to take such a drug for therapeutic treatment:

  1. Influenza
  2. Herpetic viral disease.
  3. Tinea versicolor.
  4. SARS.
  5. Hepatitis, which was triggered by viruses.
  6. Infectious processes in the patient’s body, the provocateur of which was cytomegalovirus.
  7. Viral disease of the upper respiratory tract.
  8. Infectious disease caused by chlamydia.
  9. Encephalomyelitis of a viral or infectious-allergic nature.
  10. Tuberculosis.

Amiksin can be used as monotherapy or be part of a comprehensive treatment. The course and regimen are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, who studies the patient’s history and conducts a visual examination of the patient. Upon completion of the use of the drug, you should also consult a specialist.

Instructions for use and dosage

Before starting therapeutic treatment, a visit to the children's doctor will be required. The permissible dosage for patients older than 7 years is 60 mg.

The treatment regimen for babies is as follows:

  1. A single dose of the antiviral drug is a maximum of 60 mg.
  2. The presented remedy must be taken once a day.
  3. The tool is drunk immediately after a meal.
  4. The tablet should be swallowed without breaking, since a violation of the integrity will lead to a deterioration in its pharmacological properties.
  5. Therapeutic medication is used for two days in a row, then a daily break is taken and drunk one more time. That is, the drug must be used on the first, second and fourth days of therapy.
  6. The dosage of one course is 180 mg, which equals three doses of the drug.

This recommended treatment regimen is used to treat diseases that occur without any pathologies. In the event that the patient has complications from influenza or another viral disease, the prescribed dose is increased to four tablets. Another, additional, in severe disease is taken on the sixth day. However, the amount of the drug should not exceed 240 mg. When the severity of the symptoms of the disease is weakened, treatment should not be discontinued, since there is a high risk of relapse if therapy was not completed according to the instructions for use.

Drug interaction

Amiksin tablets for children are allowed to be combined with other drugs that have antiviral effects.

The medication does not enter with other means with drug interaction, therefore it is recommended to combine it with antibacterial agents. And it is also worth noting that the parallel administration of Amiksin with substances containing metronidazole can reduce the toxic effect of an antiviral agent on the liver.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

The main contraindication to the use of such a drug is an inadequate response of the immune system. The occurrence of allergic symptoms are associated with certain components in the composition of the substance.But there are also a number of other restrictions on the use of the medicine.

  1. The patient's age is less than seven years.
  2. Underweight in a child over six years old.
  3. Mental or physical retardation.
  4. The period of pregnancy and lactation.

During treatment with strictly prescribed dosages, as a rule, negative manifestations do not occur.

However, prolonged use of the drug or individual intolerance can cause the development of the following adverse reactions:

  • bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • urticaria, swelling, itching, and redness;
  • anaphylactic shock.

In case of any allergic manifestations, therapy with this agent should be stopped immediately. Clinical results and recorded cases of overdose of childhood Amiksin has not been established to date. However, a pronounced manifestation of negative reactions is not excluded with a significant excess of the established dosage. An overdose patient may need medical attention.

Antiviral drug analogues

Pharmaceutical companies produce a number of drugs that have similar indications for use and contain a similar active compound. Amixin can be replaced with the following medicines: Lavomax, Tiloron, Tiloram, Tilaxin, Ingavirin, Kagocel, Arbidol, Orvirem, Ergoferon. The presented synonymous drugs are capable of exhibiting antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity. To replace the prescribed remedy, it is recommended to consult a doctor.