A killing machine, formidable hunters, extremely dangerous animals - which American pit bull terriers have not been awarded the definition for the entire history of the emergence and improvement of the breed. Over the years, the nature of these dogs has undergone significant changes and now the American pit bull is an excellent family companion and a favorite of others, especially children. But have the fighting skills of this wonderful pet completely disappeared? And how to raise such dogs?

Description of the breed and characteristics

At first glance at the pit bull it becomes clear that the representatives of this breed are strong and hardy creatures.

These dogs have a strong grip due to powerful jaws, a massive neck smoothly passes into a wide chest. The muzzle of the pit bulls is slightly elongated, with small eyes. The dog’s look is always straight, open, and therefore gives the impression of a prickly one.

Build pit bulls powerful, strong, roundish legs. The coat is coarse and dense, without undercoat. The color of animals is diverse - in this regard, the standard has no restrictions. The growth of animals varies between 43-49 cm, weight - 20-30 kg.

Pit Bull Terrier Origin History

The ancestors of pit bull terriers first became famous in the 19th century in Great Britain, Ireland and Scotland. The breed was created as a result of experimental selection of bulldogs and terriers and was called bul-end terriers. They were created for bullying bulls.Breeders expected to get a creature that would tirelessly attack large animals until they were completely destroyed. In 1801, bullying was banned, and pit bull terriers were already used as participants in dog fights. Over time, fights were also banned officially, but their conduct continued underground. The main purpose of such events was to earn money on rates. For this, the pit bull terrier from a very tender age was brought up in the spirit of a ruthless gladiator. The dog, which won a large amount of money during the battle, had every chance of being further sold for an impressive amount. Nevertheless, after the prohibition of fighting in the media, the population was agitated for the complete destruction of these animals. The reason for this was the aggressive qualities of dogs. The press cited examples of pit bull attacks, backed up by horrific photographs and comments.

Gradually, European immigrants brought the breed to North America and the dogs firmly settled on the continent.

The British club of breeders recognized this breed in 1898, the American - in 1930. In America, 2 independent breeds were bred - the American pit bull terrier and the American Staffordshire terrier.

The purpose and nature of the dog

Over the decades, the character of the pit bull terrier breed has undergone significant changes. Modern dogs are friendly, balanced, endowed with intelligence and loyal to the owner. But representatives of this breed have not completely lost their hunting instincts. The latter are relevant in the process of hunting or protecting the life of the owners.

Pit Bull Terrier - a dog with a pronounced character, based on confidence, endurance and interest in the world. These dogs love children, faithfully serve the representatives of their family. Pit bulls are very dexterous, they love walking, they easily overcome obstacles. These dogs can be easily trained to execute multiple commands.

Criteria for choosing an American pit bull puppy

Before choosing a puppy of the American pit bull terrier, you should decide on the purpose of buying a dog - whether it will be a pet or winner of multiple shows.

To do this, it will be useful to learn about the existing classes of these dogs:

  1. Pat. This class includes pit bull terriers with a large pedigree. Such individuals are made participants in dog shows.
  2. Brid. Siblings of "star" parents who are winners of exhibitions. Their litter in the future is also suitable for various competitions.
  3. Show. This class has an impeccable pedigree. It is these individuals who most often come out as winners of exhibitions in the future. These babies are left for subsequent breeding, the price of them reaches a maximum mark.

Also, when choosing young pit bulls, you should pay attention to the breed standard, which includes the following subtleties:

  1. The head should be proportional, have an average size.
  2. The position of the paws and the posture of the animal must be impeccable.
  3. It is worth observing the joints of the pit - if the puppy is limping or differs in gait from its brethren, it is better to refuse to acquire such an individual.
  4. The front legs of the pit are stable and strong, the hind legs are elastic, strong.
  5. A healthy puppy is active, contactable and curious. Cowardly or overly aggressive puppies should not be considered as an option for purchase.

Tip. It is best to choose a pit bull in a good, proven nursery. Before buying, you should ask the pedigree of the puppies. If everything is in order with the documents, you can proceed to choosing the right puppy. This is often not easy to do, because small pit bulls are extremely cute and beautiful creatures, and therefore the potential owner often wants to take all the kids at once.

Maintenance and care

The American pit bull needs early socialization. In other words, the dog should be introduced to various places, people, smells from an early age.This approach ensures that the puppy grows into a balanced and trained animal.

The owner of a pit bull terrier should be prepared for intensive activities with a pet or walks (at least an hour), outdoor games or any other such pastime. These animals must be trained in obedience from a very young age and continued to teach obedience throughout his life.

The American pit bull dog can hardly stand the cold, because a long stay on the street does not suit them.


The diet of the pita should include at least 2-2.5 bowls of high-quality dry food per day. These volumes of food should be divided into 2 doses. However, a more specific number of feeds depends on the characteristics of the pet (level of activity, body structure, etc.).

In order to prevent obesity, the amount of food eaten should be dosed. The animal should be fed daily at the same time. The weight of the dog should be controlled - with palpation, the waist and ribs should be clearly visible (although the latter should not be visible with the armed eye!). Dog’s ribs under the fat layer indicate the need for a diet.

Since pitas do not have thick hair, they do not need regular combing.

Pay attention to the condition of the claws of the animal. Often they grind themselves, but if they go down below the fingertips, they should be cut off. Claws that are not cut in time can provoke a dog's limp.

Ears and eyes should also be inspected regularly - cleanliness and dryness should reign in these areas.

How to train and raise a dog

Pit bull education is an integral part of the interaction between the owner and the pet, without this aspect it is impossible to raise a balanced and obedient dog.

The aggressive legacy of the pit bulls, although it has remained in the distant past, but the elements of the militancy of these dogs can survive to this day. This is especially evident in relation to other dogs. Subject to timely socialization, this aggression is completely removable.

Pit bulls require special control during the period of maturity, when the animal tries to take a dominant role in the family. At this time, the relationship of the dog with the household may be complicated.

To eliminate possible difficulties, it is necessary to engage in the education of pit bull puppies from a very early age.

Kids should be able to:

  1. Understand the things explained by the owner.
  2. Behave calmly when left to your own devices.
  3. Perform simple commands.

In the process of raising pit, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of rigor and rigidity, but necessarily - justice.

Tip. Regardless of the nature of the dog, in public places the pet should always be kept on a leash. This will protect the remaining dogs from possible pit bull aggression.

Pros and cons of the breed

The indisputable advantages of this breed include the following factors:

  1. The animal does not require particularly careful care.
  2. Fast learner teams.
  3. Excellent "companionable" qualities of a dog.

At the same time, there are several disadvantages that spoil the picture of an ideal pet:

  1. Tendency to corpulence. Compounded by uncontrolled nutrition and lack of motor activity of pits.
  2. Pit bull training - a painstaking and time-consuming task.
  3. Animals are highly dependent on the owners - in their absence, they can change for the worse, becoming uncontrollable.

How much is an American pit bull

The average cost of an American pit bull terrier puppy is 15-25,000 rubles. An adult taking leading places at exhibitions will cost much more.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is a good choice for a large family who wants to find a faithful, smart and companionable pet. In the case of properly organized education, these dogs will not cause much trouble and will bring a lot of positive emotions to the household.