American Eskimo Spitz is a small and surprisingly beautiful dog that is able to attract the attention of passers-by from the first minutes. The breed is endowed with a cheerful disposition and complaisant character, due to which it is suitable for maintenance in a house or apartment.
Material Content:
Breed description
The American Eskimo dog has an elongated body and a straight, broad back. The muzzle is somewhat similar to the fox. The head is proportional, the ears are erect, triangular. Eye color is usually black or dark brown. The nose protrudes in front of the jaw box, its lobe should be black, any other shade will indicate marriage.
Distinctive features:
- The coat is straight and thick.
- Color - white or cream, sometimes black spitz is found.
- Build - compact, paws are flat and strong.
- The tail is fluffy, rolled into a ring.
- The height of the dog does not exceed 30-50 centimeters, the maximum weight is 16 kg.
History of breed origin
Initially, the breed of dogs was bred for guard purposes, that is, the protection of people and their property. By its nature, the American Spitz is sensitive, but not aggressive. He is able to bark loudly at strangers who are approaching their possessions.
This breed of dog is a descendant of German Spitz. They entered the United States in 1913, and by the 40s reached the peak of their popularity. German immigrants brought Spitz to the United States, who in turn tried to find a better life there. It was there that the name "American" was fixed to the dogs. What caused the renaming is unknown, but the fact remains.
Spitz dogs could not become as popular as, for example, a German shepherd. Due to their small growth, they were more associated with pets. The American Eskimo Spitz became actively involved in circus acts, which added to his even greater fame. One of the dogs managed to walk the rope at a 40-meter height, thereby setting a new record at that time.
Most likely, this type of dog found wide distribution in America, and not in Europe due to the fact that Europeans did not particularly respect the white color, for them this color could indicate some kind of genetic abnormality. The Americans, on the contrary, showed particular interest in pets and did their best to increase their numbers.
The purpose and nature of the dog
Eski belong to non-aggressive rocks. With a light disposition, they are great even for keeping in an apartment. They get along well with the kids, are friendly. Due to neat behavior, they are sometimes compared with babysitters.
The mild nature allows them to quickly become attached to the owners, they do not tolerate prolonged separation, since they consider themselves full members of the family. When giving preference to a pet, do not forget that the eski bark loudly and at the same time have a fairly sonorous voice.
Criteria for choosing an American Eskimo Spitz puppy
In order not to miscalculate when buying a puppy of an American Eskimo Spitz, pay attention to the following criteria:
- The muzzle of the dog should resemble something like a fox, and at the same time have dark spots around the eyes and nose.
- Give preference to puppies with dark eyes. Blue eyes may indicate that the pet is prone to various diseases.
- The tail of the animal should keep the ring.
- Pay attention to the joints, they should be hidden and the legs strong.
- In the area of the muzzle and paws, the hair is usually a little shorter than on the chest.
- The puppy's color is white, cream is allowed.
Also look how actively the animal behaves, it should be cheerful and bark loudly. Clean eyes and shiny coat indicate his healthy condition.
Based on the foregoing, it can be noted with confidence that eski cannot be cheap. The price for a puppy varies between $ 450-1000.
Keeping and caring for a dog
The very name of the breed suggests that Spitzs are not afraid of severe frosts, but at the same time they are advised to keep them in a house or apartment, since the animal is attached to the family and being in the enclosure causes him longing.
Basic care rules:
- Regular brushing. It is recommended to carry out the procedures with a special brush twice a week. Shedding occurs twice a year, at which time it is necessary to comb out the wool daily. It is not necessary to cut this breed, it is allowed to cut the hair between the fingers.
- At least once every 3 months, fleas should be prevented to exclude the development of dermatitis.
- Due to dry and thin skin, bathing the dog is only if absolutely necessary.
- To avoid obesity, arrange regular walks and training with your dog.
- Eskis are prone to various diseases, so they should be regularly taken to a veterinarian for examination.
How to train and raise a dog
It is necessary to take measures to raise dogs immediately after the appearance of a puppy in your house. In order to train him with certain skills, it will take time, patience and perseverance. The American Spitz is quite easy to train, the owner should praise his pet in every possible way. Regular training and firmness on the part of the owner will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result. From a very young age, try to socialize the animal so that it does not grow aggressive.
Advantages and disadvantages of the breed
This breed of dog has a lot of advantages:
- Friendly to children, playfulness.
- The mind, thanks to which eski perfectly train.
- They have a beautiful compact appearance, suitable for keeping in an apartment.
- Fairly high cost.
- It requires constant thorough care, especially for wool.
- Loud barking that can cause disapproval from neighbors.
- A tendency to certain diseases, but with proper care all troubles can be avoided.
In the end, I must say that the American Eskimo Spitz is an excellent choice for a family home, especially one in which there are children. With basic rules of care and ease of training, he will become your real friend and protector.