The breed is famous for its sharp mind, stamina, courage and fidelity. But at the same time, American Akita is not recommended to be opened in a house where there are small children. What is the reason for such advice, are these dogs really complex, are they difficult to care for and educate - all the information in our article.

Description and characteristics of the breed

American (or Japanese) Akita is the preferred breed of dog for many families. Indeed, behind an unusual bright appearance hides a sharp mind, calmness and poise. Few dogs can boast such a set of positive characteristics.

People who want to have a devoted companion and reliable guard decide to get an Akita. Just keep in mind that dogs need increased physical activity, so if the owners live in an apartment, pets need to provide regular long walks and strong training. A permanently working family or elderly people will not be able to properly maintain akite.

Origin history

The Akita area in Japan is home to the ancient ancestors of modern dogs. The first in the genealogical chain is the Akita-nu breed - hunting dogs that were also used to protect the home (Matagi Akita).

At the end of the 19th century, during a period of high popularity of dog fights, breeders wanted to breed more powerful and hardy. Akita were crossed with shepherd dogs, husky dogs, St. Bernards and mastiffs, which had a detrimental effect on the classical breed.In 1914, the Japanese banned crossbreeding, and the reverse process began, with the goal of restoring the original features of the breed.

Dogs came to America during the Second World War. Cute dogs, like teddy bears, were so popular with soldiers that they took them home with them. From this moment begins the story of American Akita, also called the large Japanese dogs.

They differed in appearance from their Japanese relatives. Therefore, in 1972, American dog handlers officially identified a separate breed. Until 1992, there were some disagreements on this subject between the Japanese and American dog handlers associations.

2000 was the year of resolving all disputes. American Akita received the official FCI standard.

Life span

Dogs boast special stamina and strong immunity. The various infections that are often observed in other thoroughbred puppies are not inherent in this breed.

Akites tend to have:

  • inversion of the eyelids;
  • bloating;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • epilepsy
  • eye diseases;
  • infertility (very rare).

Plush dogs live on average 10-12 years. Duration largely depends on care and nutrition.

American Akita breed standard

Not all owners start a dog to show off its achievements at exhibitions. Many families are simply looking for a reliable companion and guard. But pet awards at exhibitions are another reason to be proud of him.

The American Akita dog, which will be admitted to the shows, must meet the criteria of the approved breed standard.

  • physique - large, strong. the weight of males is 66 - 71 kg, bitches - 32 - 45 kg;
  • male growth - 66 - 71 cm (proportion height: body length - 9:10), bitches - 61 - 66 cm (proportion 9:11);
  • body - slightly elongated in length, back straight, wide sternum, ribs curved, muscular neck, broad shoulders (the chest should equal ½ the height of the dog, the length of the nose bridge from the bend corresponds to the length from the forehead to the back of the head as two to three);
  • the head is in the form of a triangle (top view), between the eyes a hollow extending onto the forehead;
  • the nose is large, black;
  • teeth - with a scissor bite (and straight);
  • eyes - medium-sized, with black eyeliner, triangular, dark brown;
  • ears are erect, triangular, rounded at the end, slightly inclined forward;
  • tail - large, high set, can be thrown on the back;
  • limbs - straight, large, hind and front on the same line, and legs are assembled, small pads;
  • coat - thick, dense, stiff, slightly raised, undercoat softer length not more than 6 cm, depending on the area of ​​the body;
  • color - any shades, from fawn, dark red to spotty, a mask is allowed, undercoat is darker or lighter than the main color.

Puppy selection criteria

Like any other purebred dog, it is better to buy an Akita not from the hands of an ad, but in a specialized kennel. Experienced breeders properly contain pets, do not chase the number of puppies, valuing their reputation.

It is most advisable to purchase puppies who are already 2 months old. After all, by that time they already have the necessary vaccinations (which should be indicated in the veterinary passport), and they also went through the stigmatization procedure, having received a puppy card.

You should immediately determine the gender of the future pet. Girls grow up smaller, calmer and more faithful. In large boys, arrogance and stubbornness are more often manifested, it is more difficult to train them.

You can evaluate the character of American Akita puppies only from the words of the breeder, based on the genetics and characteristics of the parents' behavior. After all, the kids are all mobile, emotional and energetic.

If in the future the owner plans to exhibit his pet, then it is necessary to inspect the puppy's exterior for compliance with the breed standard. In addition, the baby should be healthy, well-groomed and not have an unpleasant odor.

The cost of representatives of this breed varies from 20 to 50 thousand rubles, even more. The price depends on the pedigree of the puppy and compliance with the standard.

Purpose and character of the dog

With proper upbringing and skillful training, a large Japanese dog faithfully serves the owners and can fulfill not only the role of a companion, but also protect the house and also be a guide for people with disabilities.

The dog has a strong endurance, and the combination with intelligence and observation makes him a reliable and loyal assistant to all family members. But still, Akita chooses for herself one main favorite, to which she becomes more attached. Most often, this is the head of the family - a man with a strong core, because this is the one who will be able to correctly and persistently raise a wayward dog.

Unlimited devotion is manifested in the constant accompaniment of the owner, the desire to curry favor with him, protecting him and the territory. At the same time, Akits are able to move away in time so as not to bother with their presence.

The dog is quite hostile to new people in the house, because he perceives them as attacks on the owner or property. But if the dog is properly trained, he will know how to behave, and will not show aggression.

Akit is not very friendly with other animals. If a dog can still put up with cats when they don’t bother him, then he will openly engage in battle with representatives of a kind if he falls into the same territory. Therefore, walking with a dog, it is necessary to wear a leash on it in order to suppress possible outbreaks of aggression.

The relationship with young children in dogs is also not very good. Akita can play with the child, but for a long time she will not be able to tug at the ears or tail. The patience of dogs is not iron, so they can painfully push away or even scratch. It is better to get such a dog in the house when the children can adequately relate to its upbringing and maintenance.

And a big Japanese dog cannot be alone for long. This reflects badly on her character; more pronounced stubbornness and disobedience are manifested. Therefore, if all family members spend the whole day outside the home, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​having an American Akita.

Maintenance, care and feeding

A dog can live both in an apartment and on the street. In the first case, it is necessary to provide the dog with regular long walks. For street maintenance, you need to build a spacious aviary, and if you let go for a walk around the yard, fence it with a high fence for the safety of neighbors.

The dog acclimatizes to different temperature conditions. Wool provides reliable protection against any frost. True, dogs are not very fond of heat.

Caring for a dog is not too complicated. You need to get used to all procedures from an early age, while American Akita puppies are small.

  1. To comb out hair once a week, when molting - every day, it is possible several times. Akita shedding very intensively, so in spring and autumn you need to carefully monitor the cleaning of fallen wool.
  2. Bathing a dog - every 3 to 4 months. If it gets very dirty - wipe it with a damp cloth.
  3. Brush your ears, teeth, and eyes as they get dirty.
  4. Regularly walk the dog every day for at least 2 hours.

It is necessary to feed the American Akita twice a day, puppies - 3 or 4 times. First, the baby must be given the food that he ate from the breeder. At six months, you can switch to other options.

You can buy ready-made foods of super-premium or premium class, saving time if you can not independently monitor the diet of the dog.

If the owner wants to feed with natural food, you need to start from such proportions:

  • meat - 50%;
  • cereal cereals - 20%;
  • fruits and vegetables - 20%;
  • fish - 5%
  • dairy products - 5%.

In winter, the protein content of dogs should be increased. Be sure to provide Akita with constant access to clean water for drinking.

Food should not be too hot. Optimal - room temperature.Feeding a dog before exercise or immediately after a walk is not worth it because of the tendency to twist the intestines.

Training an American Akita (a large Japanese dog)

Owners of dogs of this breed note some difficulties in conducting classes with pets. And most often it’s not about the fact that the Akites don’t understand what the owners demand from them, but on the contrary, they even really understand, but they want to do everything their own way.

  1. Japanese dogs are very intelligent and therefore question the teams. The owner needs to be especially persistent during the training, not to allow such behavior.
  2. Obedience can be achieved by firmness and perseverance. The dog must clearly understand that he is not the main one in the house, and obey the leader, that is, the owner.
  3. Motivation is an important element of training. It is necessary to praise the dog, give incentives for the learned teams, otherwise the dog will quickly get tired of completing the same tasks.
  4. Experts advise doing the classes not too long, besides you should not repeat the same command many times.

The “Place” command must be clearly learned by the pet, otherwise the dog will follow the owner everywhere in such a way, trying to protect him.

With proper upbringing, feeding and proper training, the American Akita will become a loyal friend to its owner, a companion and an excellent watchman.