"An inexpensive mucolytic drug that has proven effectiveness and affordability." This is how parents and pediatricians describe Ambroxol syrup. This drug is a savior for bouts of coughing.

Syrup Ambroxol: release form, composition

The drug in its composition is relatively safe for the child's body. Ambroxol hydrochloride is the main substance of the drug. 1 ml of medicinal syrup contains 3 mg of this substance.

Additional components of the syrup include (per 1 ml of syrup):

  • benzoic acid (has an antibacterial and expectorant effect) - 2 mg;
  • hydroxyethyl cellulose (emulsion stabilizer with emulsifying effect) - 1 mg;
  • sorbitol 75% (food supplement, sweetener) - 250 mg;
  • glycerol 85% (food supplement, stabilizer to provide a certain degree of viscosity of the substance) - 127 mg;
  • flavoring (raspberry) - 2.5 mg;
  • purified water.

Release form: syrup is released in bottles, the volume of which is 50, 100 ml. Packaging bottles - cardboard boxes. One box contains medicine, instructions and a measuring spoon for easy dose calculation. Also, the drug is available in tablet form. Types of medicine in ampoules with a solution for injection and in the form of a solution for inhalation have been released.

Pharmacological properties and indications for use

According to the groups of pharmacological preparations, Ambroxol belongs to mucolytic agents. In the group of mucolytic drugs, the drug is a mukokinetic - it fully improves the passage of mucous contents from the bronchi.

Pharmacological properties of drug syrup:

  1. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Antioxidant effect.
  3. Expectorant action.
  4. Mukokinetic effect (activates the synthesis of sputum with reduced viscosity and accelerates its movement from the respiratory tract).
  5. Restores the balance of sputum components.
  6. Increases the production of surfactant (a substance lining the surface of the lung alveoli).

Indications for the use of Ambroxol for children are respiratory diseases that provoke the formation of mucus of increased viscosity in the bronchi.

These include:

  1. Bronchiectatic disease is a process of suppuration in the altered bronchi. Most often, the lower lobes of the lungs are affected. Most often develops in childhood, against the background of another pathology (pneumonia, tuberculosis).
  2. Bronchial asthma (viscosity of sputum increases, its passage is difficult).
  3. Acute and chronic bronchitis caused by viral and bacterial infections.
  4. Obstructive pulmonary disease of a chronic type (provokes an inflammatory reaction of the lung tissue in response to stimuli, as a result of which hypersecretion of the mucous contents appears).
  5. Pneumonia.
  6. Tracheitis is an inflammatory process in the trachea.
  7. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic pathology in which a large amount of viscous sputum is produced.
  8. In the prenatal period, it is used to accelerate the maturation of surfactant, so that during premature birth, the baby can open the alveoli.
  9. For the prevention and treatment of distress syndrome of newborns (especially premature babies).

What cough should I take?

Many parents are interested in what cough syrup is taken from. Can I give it with any type of cough? Pediatricians categorically answer that Ambroxol syrup is prescribed only by a specialist with a dry cough.

With a dry cough, the drug dilutes viscous sputum and accelerates its excretion from the lungs. If you take this syrup with a wet cough, you can provoke complications associated with an increase in the amount of sputum.

At what age can children be given?

Syrup Ambroxol is allowed to be taken during intrauterine development in the form of injections, and during the newborn period - in the form of syrup. But up to two years you can not use the medicine yourself, only with the appointment of a doctor.

Syrup Ambroxol: instructions for use for children

Before therapy, you must read the instructions for use. Her study will protect against side effects and complications. If something is not clear to the parents from the instructions, they can always turn to the attending specialist for advice.

Dosage for children

In childhood, it is very important to observe a competent dosage of the drug. If therapeutic doses are neglected, then the therapeutic effect will not occur. In addition, complications of the disease may develop. The table shows the dosage of the medicine for children.

AgeTherapeutic doseHow many times a day to take
Up to 2 years2.5 ml syrup (½ scoop)2 times
From 2 to 5 years2.5 ml syrup (½ scoop)3 times
5 to 12 years old5 ml (1 scoop)2-3 times
Over 12 years old10 ml (2 scoops)The first 2 days - 3 times, after which - 2 times a day until the end of therapy.

Therapy features:

  1. In infancy, a specialist can prescribe 1/4 scoop of the drug. Such a dosage is associated with the prevention of pathologies or the mild course of the disease;
  2. If the child has kidney or liver failure, the dose is reduced;
  3. The recommended treatment period is 5 days. The decision to extend therapy is made by a specialist based on the patient’s health status.

How to take syrup: before or after a meal?

The drug solution is recommended to be taken after meals. This is the most effective absorption of substances in the digestive tract. No need to drink syrup.

Ambroxol for inhalation: instruction


  • secretolytic (produces sputum);
  • secretory motor (stimulates sputum discharge);
  • expectorant (accelerates the passage of mucous contents by coughing up mucus).

Instructions for use:

  1. Required: Ambroxol solution, sodium chloride 0.9% solution and a special device - a nebulizer.
  2. The solutions are heated to body temperature and mixed in a nebulizer.
  3. The patient sits in a comfortable position and the inhalation procedure begins. It should be carried out as soon as possible, since the increased temperature of the solution accelerates the volatility of the active substances.
  4. Inhalations should be slow but very deep. At the same time, you should straighten your shoulders.
  5. Do not take quick and sharp breaths. A strong cough may begin.

Features of carrying out:

  • throughout the procedure, the child should be silent and not move;
  • this will ensure maximum penetration of substances into the lung tissue;
  • after the session, you should avoid physical activity of any type. The best option is to lie down for 1-1.5 hours;
  • take food is not earlier than two hours after the procedure. Before it, you also should not eat 1-1.5 hours.

With such inhalation therapy, side effects may occur:

  1. A peculiar taste in the oral cavity.
  2. Irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
  3. The occurrence of attacks of severe coughing with sharp breaths.
  4. Dizziness, sometimes headaches.
  5. Nausea.
  6. Quite rarely - urticaria.

Proper storage conditions for syrup

According to the instructions, the medicine should be kept away from places where children can reach. Due to its sweet raspberry flavor, syrup becomes a treat, not a medicine. In case of detection of syrup and its use beyond measure, consult a specialist. Storage temperature - not higher than 25 ° С.

Shelf life of the drug is 3 years in unopened packaging. After opening the bottle, the medicine can not be stored for more than 6 months. After the expiration date, Ambroxol poses a threat to children's health.

Contraindications, side effects

Like any other pharmaceutical agent, Ambroxol cough syrup has contraindications:

  1. Fructose Intolerance.
  2. Individual sensitivity to one of the components of the drug.
  3. Pregnancy (1st trimester), period of breastfeeding.

When taking the drug, you should be careful of such patients:

  1. With severe renal and / or liver failure.
  2. With peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach.
  3. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
  4. Children under the age of two.
  5. In violation of bronchial motility.
  6. With an increase in the production of mucus associated with rare genetic pathologies.

The use of the drug during pregnancy is ambiguous. In the 1st trimester, it should not be taken orally. Subsequently, the specialist assesses the importance of such treatment. If it exceeds the possible risks, then Ambroxol is prescribed to the pregnant patient. When taking syrup during breastfeeding, you should give up breastfeeding for a while, because through the mother’s milk, the components of the drug enter the child’s body.

Possible side effects:

  1. From the side of immunity: rash, urticaria, sometimes - fever, rarely - anaphylactic shock.
  2. From the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
  3. From the nervous system: violation of the sensations of taste.
  4. On the part of the respiratory organs: dry mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Important! In rare cases, the development of Ambroxol observed the development of Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

It is a malignant type of erythema. Manifestations: fever, blisters on the skin and mucous membranes, after which bleeding erosion and gray-dark crusts appear. The work of all organs and systems is disrupted.Therefore, experts advise you to go to the hospital for any skin rashes after taking Ambroxol.

Drug interactions with other drugs

Do not take Ambroxol and antitussive agents. Such drugs suppress the cough reflex. Sputum is not excreted in sufficient volumes, it stagnates in the tissues. This can lead to dangerous consequences: the development of bronchial sputum, bronchiectasis. When exposed to certain antimicrobials (doxycycline, erythromycin), their penetration into the lumen of the bronchi increases.

Drug Analogs

In the absence of Ambroxol in the pharmacy, you can choose another drug. This should be done by a specialist.

Among analogues, medicines that are suitable for children are recognized as the best:

  • Lazolvan. The drug is available in the form of a syrup or solution. Syrup with fruit flavors, and the solution has a bitter taste.
  • Ambroxol Children's syrup. It has similar therapeutic effects with Ambroxol.
  • Flavamed. Affordable and inexpensive syrup.
  • Bronchoxol.
  • Ambrohexal.