Over the centuries, aloe has been recognized as one of the most beneficial to plant health. Correctly made preparations based on it are used in various fields of medicine. One of the most effective methods of using aloe is injections. Aloe vera extract in ampoules is widely used in cosmetology and gynecology.
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Useful properties of aloe in ampoules
The benefits of different parts of aloe have been proven in folk, and then in official medicine. The juice containing a large number of useful elements is recognized as the most effective component. Together with the pulp, it is used to improve the digestive tract, has an anti-inflammatory, healing and softening effect.
The benefits of aloe in ampoule form are:
- preserves all the properties of juice without loss in quality;
- medical functions do not lose for a long time with proper storage and transportation;
- high activity of useful microparticles;
- increased ability to regenerate affected areas.
In addition to the use in gynecology and cosmetology, aloe is used in ophthalmology, dermatology (to remove skin lesions), in rehabilitation after injuries of a different nature and operations.
Aloe Vera Ampoule Extract: Application
Aloe is a real vitamin cocktail that strengthens the immune system and resists many diseases. The extract in ampoules is used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. Leaf juice is easy to use.It preserves the beneficial properties of the plant, contains essential oils, organic acids and mineral salts. No wonder it is used in various fields.
In cosmetology for face and hair
Aloe itself has an excellent property - it easily and painlessly heals and disinfects wounds. Therefore, in cosmetology he quickly found application.
The anti-inflammatory qualities of the plant help cure acne. Aloe extract is an active substance in creams, lotions, tonics, face balms.
The extract can be used as an independent cosmetic product. It is enough to apply a few drops on a cotton pad and hold it on a face cleansed of cosmetics. The procedure is best done before bedtime - tired skin will instantly become softer, and with constant use, inflammation and peeling will disappear.
You can prepare healthy cosmetics based on aloe juice at home
Mix the ampoule of a wonderful remedy with a teaspoon of castor oil, add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of sour cream. Received apply on face. Lie down for 20 minutes, covering your eyes. It is best to carry out the procedure in a bath with aromatic oils. Wash off with cold water. With frequent use, facial wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin is nourished. An inexpensive product wins in the confrontation with long and tedious cosmetic procedures.
In the difficult fight against acne and acne, aloe in ampoules for the face will be a real salvation. Pour two tablespoons into egg white, the mixture is applied for 15-20 minutes. 2-3 applications per week will allow for a long time to forget about the problem.
Weakened hair is a lot of trouble. Paint, perm, improperly selected shampoo have a negative effect on the bulbs and tips. Aloe for hair will be a real good doctor. Just add the bottle to the bottle with shampoo or balm. A mask with aloe juice, lemon and vitamin E is perfect for hair restoration. Keep on clean hair for about 30 minutes.
A nourishing mask will help restore hairline. Aloe ampoule along with almond oil is applied to the tips 40 minutes before shampooing. The procedure is not recommended for oily hair.
It is interesting: almond
Aloe injections in gynecology
In the gynecological field, doctors advise healing juice as an absorbable and anti-inflammatory drug. The plant helps nullify scars. Tampons with the drug are prescribed as a prevention of adhesions, often developing in the postoperative period. Aloe injections help the resorption of ovarian cysts and strengthen the immune system, the weakening of which leads to pathologies and ailments.
The course of injections, coupled with antibiotics and other drugs, is prescribed for some inflammatory and infectious diseases:
- ureplasmosis;
- adnexitis;
- chlamydia
- colpitis;
- mycoplasmosis;
- cervical erosion.
The latter, with an advanced stage without treatment, leads to grave consequences - HPV, enlarged lymph nodes, and dysplasia.
During critical days and pregnancy, injections should be discarded.
With infertility and obstruction of the fallopian tubes, sometimes injections with aloe extract are prescribed. But in this case, consultation of other gynecologists and an in-depth examination of the treatment issue is necessary. One hundred percent help of the drug with the inability to conceive a child has not been proven, and some oncologists are of the opinion that aloe extract can lead to a malignant tumor. The main contraindication for aloe injections is cancer.
Aloe in ampoules - instructions for use
Before taking any medication, you need to consult a doctor.
pharmachologic effect
The pharmacology of aloe extract is classified as an adaptogenic effect. Excitation of appetite is noted and improves the secretion of the glands of the digestive system.The substances contained in aloe have an irritating effect on the receptors of the rectum, thus exerting a laxative effect.
A component of the juice, called emodin, deactivates viruses in the body, enveloping them. Aloe extract has a pronounced bactericidal effect.
It helps to get rid of:
- flu
- coccal flora;
- bowel infections;
- diphtheria;
- whooping cough.
Thanks to the polysaccharides contained, aloe vera simulates human immunity along with trace elements of selenium, copper, zinc.
Types of injections, dosage and course of treatment
The injections prescribed by the doctor are administered subcutaneously. Before starting therapy with injections of aloe juice, it is recommended to conduct a test input. During the sample, the extract is injected in a minimal dose into the forearm. In the absence of any negative effects, a full course is already assigned.
The dosage is determined by the doctor based on the area of application, the disease and its severity, as well as the age of the patient. But the dose cannot exceed 4 ml. The average course of treatment lasts from 30 to 50 days. Between two such courses should take 2 or 3 months.
In order to exclude any possible unpleasant consequences, the injections themselves are put directly in the medical institution, under the supervision of a specialist.
Side effects
Aloe does not have a lot of side effects. However, you should pay attention to some unpleasant symptoms that may occur during the course.
The most common negative manifestations when taking include:
- allergic reactions - redness, itching, rash;
- temporary increase in body temperature;
- digestive disorders, including upset and diarrhea;
- increase in pressure.
With prolonged use, the body may lose potassium, its level must be monitored. In addition, injections help strengthen the work of laxatives and drugs against arrhythmias and blood problems.
Drug interaction
With extreme caution, it is necessary to use aloe vera extract in ampoules along with cardiac glycosides and drugs for arrhythmia, since the latter will enhance their effect against the background of the plant. Simultaneous use with diuretics and licorice-based drugs can develop potassium deficiency in the body. As mentioned above, during the planned intake of laxatives, it is worth temporarily abandoning injections.
It is recommended to use aloe with caution with corticosteroids with caution. In any case, before starting injections, a doctor’s consultation is mandatory on the related use of medications.
Despite the fact that during long and thorough studies, no harm to aloe was found in injections at high doses, there is a certain list of diseases and conditions in which the use of this plant in this form is not recommended.
The most important and categorical contraindications are the presence of internal bleeding and tuberculosis. Having such ailments, you have to forget about using a healing plant.
Injections are highly discouraged and prohibited for infants under one year of age, nursing mothers and pregnant women. With special care, you need to use it for children, it is not recommended to do this without first consulting with your doctor.
Other contraindications are:
- the presence of heart or kidney failure in any form;
- arterial hypertension;
- hemorrhoids, cystitis, some other diseases of the pelvic area;
- acute diseases of the digestive system, including exacerbation of chronic forms.
Of course, liquid aloe should not be used by people who have hypersensitivity to the components of the plant or an allergic reaction.